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  • 15% sparen
    von Abhidzhit Bandiopadh'qj
    34,00 €

    Oplodotworenie - äto soedinenie muzhskoj i zhenskoj gamet. Jeto fundamental'nyj process wosproizwodstwa potomstwa u äukariot, razmnozhaüschihsq polowym putem, i obychno on proishodit w specificheskih dlq wida uslowiqh. Pomimo togo, chto ätot process ponqten studentam, izuchaüschim biologiü razwitiq, ego citologicheskie i molekulqrnye osnowy u razlichnyh grupp pozwonochnyh takzhe wazhny s äwolücionnoj tochki zreniq. Hotq w knige est' obschie ponqtiq, kasaüschiesq processa oplodotworeniq kak u bespozwonochnyh, tak i u pozwonochnyh, no wse temy w osnownom rassmatriwaütsq w pqti klassah pozwonochnyh. Süda wklücheny kak citologicheskie, tak i molekulqrnye sobytiq, poskol'ku obsuzhdenie s obeih tochek zreniq mozhet tol'ko uluchshit' nashe ponimanie takih sobytij w gruppah pozwonochnyh s wozrastaüschej slozhnost'ü. Jeta rabota byla sozdana, chtoby predstawit' nepredwzqtyj sintez sowremennyh wzglqdow na oplodotworenie dlq studentow starshih kursow ili nachinaüschih aspirantow, kotorym neobhodimo obschee ponimanie molekulqrnoj regulqcii ili kotorye planiruüt prodolzhit' issledowatel'skuü kar'eru w oblasti reproduktiwnoj biologii.

  • von Abhijit Bandyopadhyay
    39,90 €

    Befruchtung ist die Vereinigung von männlichen und weiblichen Keimzellen. Sie ist der grundlegende Prozess für die Reproduktion von Nachkommen bei sich sexuell fortpflanzenden Eukaryoten und findet normalerweise in einer artspezifischen Umgebung statt. Die zytologischen und molekularen Grundlagen dieses Vorgangs bei verschiedenen Wirbeltiergruppen sind nicht nur für Studenten der Entwicklungsbiologie von Bedeutung, sondern auch aus evolutionärer Sicht. Obwohl es einen Hauch eines allgemeinen Konzepts gibt, das den Befruchtungsprozess sowohl bei Wirbeltieren als auch bei Wirbeltieren anspricht, werden alle Themen hauptsächlich in fünf Klassen von Wirbeltieren diskutiert. Sowohl zytologische als auch molekulare Ereignisse werden hier behandelt, da die Erörterung aus beiden Perspektiven unser Verständnis solcher Ereignisse in Wirbeltiergruppen mit zunehmender Komplexität nur verbessern kann. Dieses Werk soll eine unvoreingenommene Synthese der modernen Ansichten über die Befruchtung für fortgeschrittene Studenten oder angehende Doktoranden darstellen, die ein allgemeines Verständnis der molekularen Regulierung benötigen oder eine Forschungslaufbahn in der Reproduktionsbiologie anstreben.

  • 14% sparen
    von Vesam Salama
    31,00 €

    Skorpiony - odni iz samyh drewnih zhiwotnyh, perezhiwshie okolo 400 mln let. Yad skorpionow soderzhit bol'shoe kolichestwo biologicheski aktiwnyh komponentow, kotorye imeüt bol'shoe znachenie dlq teoreticheskih i prikladnyh issledowanij. V Egipte byli obnaruzheny sleduüschie widy: Androctonus bicolor, A. australis, A. amoreuxi, A.crassicauda, Leiurus quinquestriatus, Buthacus arenicola, Orthochirus innesi, i Scorpio maurus palmatus. Proteomnyj analiz komponentow qda mozhet dat' cennyj otpechatok pal'ca, kotoryj mozhet byt' ispol'zowan kak poleznyj sprawochnyj instrument w taxonomii i kak dopolnitel'nyj metod k morfologii i powedencheskoj harakteristike dlq widowoj identifikacii i klassifikacii rodstwennyh osobej. Obschee soderzhanie belka bylo samym wysokim w qdah L. quinquestriatus, A. amoreuxi i A. australis. Egipetskij skorpion L. quinquestriatus obladaet antimikrobnym dejstwiem na nekotorye shtammy mikroorganizmow. LD50 qda ätogo zhe skorpiona sostawlqla 0,2 mkg/g massy tela dlq wzroslogo samca. Citotoxichnost' i apoptoz, a takzhe allergiü, wyzwannuü dejstwiem qda skorpiona, oceniwali putem izmereniq urownej IgE, LDH i CASP3 w syworotke krowi samcow myshej-al'binosow cherez 24 chasa posle IP-in#ekcii subletal'nyh doz.

  • von Tara Ziegler
    18,00 €

    Embrace the Majesty and Might of the Cane CorsoStep into the world of the enigmatic Cane Corso, where power meets poise, and loyalty intertwines with love. "Friend and Defender: Understanding the Cane Corso's Dual Nature" offers an unparalleled look into the life, legacy, and heart of one of the most majestic breeds known to humankind.Embark on a historical journey in Chapter 1, tracing the roots of this noble breed from ancient Roman times to the present day. Witness the evolution of the breed whose majestic aura and capability has survived the sands of time. Uncover the secrets behind the Cane Corso's protective instincts in Chapter 2. Read awe-inspiring anecdotes of loyalty and courage that have secured them a spot as trustworthy protectors and valued family members.Marvel at the Corso's physical prowess in Chapter 3 and cherish the affectionate disposition that lies within the heart of these guardians in Chapter 4. These muscular titans are not merely show-stoppers in strength but reservoirs of tenderness and warmth.Delve deeper into the breed's psyche with behavioral insights in Chapter 5, where temperament traits are vividly depicted, emphasizing the necessity for early socialization and understanding. Chapter 6 will guide you through the subtleties of effective communication, honing a bond with your Cane Corso that is built on mutual respect and understanding.Turn the page to practical training essentials in Chapter 7. Learn how to establish a respectful leadership with methods tailored for the intelligent Cane Corso. Chapter 8 illuminates health and wellness, with caregiving strategies to ensure a long and prosperous life. Navigate the intricacies of daily life from puppyhood to the golden years, including insights on ethical breeding practices and legal considerations in the later chapters.The journey concludes with a homage to the Cane Corso Legacy, underscoring the indelible imprint these noble beasts leave on the hearts of those who understand them. With every page, cement your bond and enhance your life with an eternal friend and an unwavering defender.Whether you are a seasoned owner, aspiring breeder, or simply an admirer, this book is an essential tome that will illuminate the dual nature of the remarkable Cane Corso. Discover the affectionate companion behind the formidable façade in "Friend and Defender: Understanding the Cane Corso's Dual Nature", and let the journey begin.

  • von Judith A. Barrett
    32,00 €

    Wren's fourth and final writing assignment: a haunted campground near a Florida beach.Wren and Rascal, her protective Labrador Retriever, arrive at a nearly abandoned, neglected campground. Wren discovers clues to a cold case in old letters. Are the new murders related?The ghostly pirate Captain warns Wren of danger; the killer plans Wren's untimely demise.How's it going with Justin, the Arizona town Marshal?"This relationship stuff is hard..." ~ Wren

  • von Tom Busch
    34,00 €

    50 Immagini carine con Capibara da colorareIl libro da colorare Capybara offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di Capibara che vi aspettano per essere colorate.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano i capibara. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente progettata per permettervi di usare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e creare la vostra interpretazione.Non c'è bisogno di stampare Ogni immagine è inserita in una pagina a sé stanteUn grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami i Capibara.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo libro da colorare sui Capibara!

  • von Tom Busch
    35,00 €

    50 Cute Images with Capybaras Coloring BookCapybara Coloring Book offers a unique way to express your creativity and promote relaxation at the same time. The pages of the book contain detailed illustrations of Capybaras waiting for you to color.Great for all skill levelsWhether you're a beginner or an advanced artist, this coloring book is ideal for anyone who loves Capybaras. Each image has been carefully designed to allow you to use colors and techniques as you wish and create your own interpretation.No print through Each Image is placed on its own pageA great giftOur books make great birthday gifts for girls, teens, adults, or anyone who loves Capybaras.Order today and get inspired by this unique Capybara Coloring Book!

  • von Tom Busch
    34,00 €

    50 images mignonnes avec le livre de coloriage CapybarasLe livre de coloriage Capybara offre un moyen unique d'exprimer sa créativité et de se détendre en même temps. Les pages du livre contiennent des illustrations détaillées de Capybaras qui attendent que vous les coloriez.Idéal pour tous les niveauxQue vous soyez débutant ou artiste confirmé, ce livre de coloriage est idéal pour tous ceux qui aiment les capybaras. Chaque image a été soigneusement conçue pour vous permettre d'utiliser les couleurs et les techniques de votre choix et de créer votre propre interprétation.Pas d'impression à travers Chaque image est placée sur sa propre pageUn excellent cadeauNos livres sont d'excellents cadeaux d'anniversaire pour les filles, les adolescents, les adultes ou tous ceux qui aiment les Capybaras.Commandez dès aujourd'hui et laissez-vous inspirer par ce livre de coloriage unique sur le Capybara!

  • von Tom Busch
    34,00 €

    50 Imágenes bonitas con Libro para colorear de carpinchosCapybara Libro para colorear ofrece una manera única de expresar su creatividad y promover la relajación al mismo tiempo. Las páginas del libro contienen ilustraciones detalladas de carpinchos esperando a que los colorees.Ideal para todos los nivelesTanto si eres un principiante como un artista avanzado, este libro para colorear es ideal para cualquiera a quien le gusten los carpinchos. Cada imagen ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada para que puedas utilizar los colores y las técnicas que desees y crear tu propia interpretación.No se imprime Cada imagen está colocada en su propia páginaUn gran regaloNuestros libros son estupendos regalos de cumpleaños para niñas, adolescentes, adultos o cualquier persona a la que le gusten los Capibaras.¡Haz tu pedido hoy mismo e inspírate con este Libro para colorear de Capibaras único!

  • von Russell Caldwell
    30,00 €

    Acquiring this book will ensure optimal and appropriate care for your beloved companion. This book contains valuable guidance on Labrador retriever care, suitable for novice individuals. This guide will provide fundamental methods for teaching your Labrador retriever, establishing a conducive environment, providing optimal nutrition, facilitating socialization, engaging in regular exercise, and addressing frequently asked issues before acquiring your own Labrador retriever.Are you prepared to commence an exceptional expedition with your Boykin Spaniel? There is no need to search any longer! "Boykin Spaniels Dogs" offers an in-depth exploration of this cherished breed, presenting insightful perspectives and valuable guidance to enhance your bond with your canine companion to unprecedented levels.Knowledge about the essential qualities of an excellent dog trainer is crucial in dog training. Like how instructors are instructed to educate, a dog trainer must likewise acquire knowledge to train. You will develop the skill of achieving harmony with your canine companion, enabling him to respond to your teachings effectively. You will also discover certain aspects that significantly impact the tone you establish during your sessions and maintain consistency.Attain an optimal relationship with your canine companion with the practical training of your dog. Respect and communication are essential components of a successful and satisfying relationship. Through practical dog obedience training, your canine companion will clearly understand the desired behaviors and develop the ability to respond appropriately. To gain insight into your dog's behavior is to gain insight into your dog's expectations of you. Establishing a mutual comprehension, admiration, and effective exchange of ideas will cultivate an extraordinary connection that will endure indefinitely.

  • von Sophia Caleb
    32,00 €

    Le "Livre de Coloriage Adorables Chiens" donne vie à un monde de chiots câlins et de chiens charmants.C'est un voyage de coloriage fantaisiste, parfait pour les jeunes artistes qui aiment leurs amis à quatre pattes.Compagnons Canins Charmants :Parade de Chiots :Profitez de 35 illustrations uniques et magnifiques de chiens et de chiots, invitant votre enfant à donner vie à chacun avec sa propre palette créative.Calmement Coloré :Trouvez la sérénité dans des scènes originales et paisibles qui offrent des heures de plaisir à colorier et un havre de jeu tranquille.Un Plaisir Impeccable :Chaque chef-d'¿uvre du coloriage reste propre et lumineux, grâce à des pages individuelles qui empêchent toute transparence.Pour Tout le Monde :Les illustrations adorables conviennent parfaitement aux enfants et aux tout-petits de tous âges, genres et niveaux de coloriage.Il est temps de colorier votre chiot !Ne laissez pas vos crayons inutilisés, il est temps de remplir le "Livre de Coloriage Adorables Chiens" avec des couleurs vives et des queues joyeuses !Détails Techniques :De l'Espace pour S'amuser :Les pages au format grand offrent un vaste espace pour que les petites mains puissent colorier, garantissant que chaque détail adorable puisse être rempli facilement.Brillant et Protégé :Une couverture de haute qualité et brillante donne au livre une finition durable et attrayante, protégeant les ¿uvres d'art de votre enfant au fur et à mesure qu'il tourne les pages des chiots joueurs.Compagnon de Coloriage :Avec un total de 71 pages, dont 35 dédiées au coloriage, le plaisir dure aussi longtemps que les journées canines d'été les plus longues.Dessins Amicaux pour les Compétences :Conçu pour être accessible et agréable pour tous les niveaux de compétence en coloriage, c'est un incontournable pour tout jeune amateur de coloriage.Sautez dans le "Livre de Coloriage Adorables Chiens" dès aujourd'hui !

  • von Mariano Fitzpatrick
    30,00 €

    Are you excited to observe your dog's IQ attain higher levels? Please become part of the global community of dog lovers who have successfully turned their beloved pets into intelligent companions through cognitive training. Purchase "Canine Intellect Unveiled" immediately to access a realm where your dog's exceptional intelligence shines brightly. Maximize your dog's capabilities, strengthen your bond, and begin an amazing exploration into canine intelligence. Embark on the journey by clicking a single button-acquire your copy immediately!"Introducing a New Pet to Your Dog: Essential Tips for a Smooth Transition" provides essential information on establishing a happy relationship between your current canine friend and a new pet. This extensive manual delves into comprehending your canine companion's temperament, choosing a suitable companion animal, and establishing an atmosphere that fosters a harmonious introduction. By downloading "Train Your Dog Like a Pro: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide on How to Train a Dog," you will learn about effective techniques and proven methods for dog training. You will acquire comprehensive knowledge of dog training.The guide prioritizes positive reinforcement and training strategies while providing practical advice on progressive introductions, appropriate supervision, and managing behavioral difficulties. This resource offers guidance on overcoming common challenges and building a harmonious relationship between your beloved dog and a new addition to your pet family, ensuring a smooth transition and a joyous and balanced coexistence.

  • von Tom Busch
    39,00 €

    50 Immagini carine con i procioni da colorareIl libro da colorare dei procioni offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di procioni che vi aspettano per essere colorate.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano i procioni. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente progettata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche a vostro piacimento e creare la vostra personale interpretazione.Un grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami i procioni.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo libro da colorare sui procioni!

  • von Thy Nguyen
    27,00 €

    The Woodland Retreat Coloring Book is a fantastic way to unwind and de-stress after a long day. With its tranquil forest hideaways, whimsical creatures, and serene nature scenes, this coloring book is sure to transport you to a peaceful and magical world.Some of the amazing features of this coloring book include:Beautifully detailed forest scenes, complete with towering trees, babbling brooks, and cozy cabins nestled in the woods.Playful and imaginative creatures, ranging from mischievous fairies to friendly forest animals like deer and rabbits.Intricate designs that will challenge your coloring skills and help you develop your creativity.A wide variety of themes, from serene landscapes to fantastical dreamscapes, that will keep you engaged and entertained for hours on end.High-quality paper that is perfect for coloring with pencils, markers, or pens.Whether you're looking for a fun way to relax and unwind, or you just love the natural beauty of the forest, the Woodland Retreat Coloring Book is the perfect choice. So why not pick up a copy today and start exploring the magical world of the forest?

  • 18% sparen
    von Nikesh Kotadiya
    57,00 €

    La présente tentative a été entreprise pour mettre en place une tendance pionnière de surveillance de la variation saisonnière du plancton et des propriétés physico-chimiques d'étangs d'eau douce sélectionnés, afin d'ouvrir la voie à de futures études sur ce sujet. L'étude détaillée est réalisée dans le district d'Ahmedabad. La qualité de l'eau est un facteur primordial dans la productivité de l'écosystème et le phytoplancton joue un rôle important dans la stabilisation de l'ensemble de l'écosystème de l'étang et dans la minimisation des fluctuations de la qualité de l'eau. Une population adéquate de phytoplancton enrichit les systèmes en oxygène grâce à la photosynthèse pendant les heures de lumière du jour et réduit les niveaux de dioxyde de carbone, d'ammoniac, de nitrite, de sulfure d'hydrogène, de méthane, etc. Une efflorescence phytoplanctonique saine peut réduire les substances toxiques, car le phytoplancton peut consommer de l'ammoniac, de l'azote et fixer les métaux lourds. Elle peut empêcher le développement d'algues filamenteuses. Elle diminue la perte de température en hiver et stabilise la température de l'eau.

  • 18% sparen
    von Nikesh Kotadiya
    57,00 €

    A presente tentativa foi empreendida para estabelecer uma tendência pioneira de monitorização da variação sazonal do plâncton e das propriedades físico-químicas de lagoas de água doce seleccionadas, a fim de abrir caminho a futuros estudos sobre este tema. O estudo pormenorizado é efectuado no distrito de Ahmedabad. A qualidade da água é um fator primordial na produtividade do ecossistema e o fitoplâncton desempenha um papel significativo na estabilização de todo o ecossistema do lago e na minimização das flutuações da qualidade da água. Uma população adequada de fitoplâncton enriquece os sistemas com oxigénio através da fotossíntese durante as horas de luz do dia e reduz os níveis de dióxido de carbono, amoníaco, nitrito, sulfureto de hidrogénio, metano, etc. Um florescimento saudável de fitoplâncton pode reduzir as substâncias tóxicas, uma vez que o fitoplâncton pode consumir amoníaco, nitrogénio e ligar metais pesados. Pode impedir o desenvolvimento de algas filamentosas. Diminui a perda de temperatura no inverno e estabiliza a temperatura da água.

  • 18% sparen
    von Nikesh Kotadiya
    57,00 €

    Il presente tentativo è stato intrapreso per stabilire una tendenza pionieristica di monitoraggio della variazione stagionale del plancton e delle proprietà fisico-chimiche di stagni d'acqua dolce selezionati, al fine di aprire le porte a futuri studi su questo tratto di territorio. Lo studio dettagliato è stato condotto nel distretto di Ahmedabad. La qualità dell'acqua è un fattore fondamentale per la produttività dell'ecosistema e il fitoplancton svolge un ruolo significativo nello stabilizzare l'intero ecosistema dello stagno e nel minimizzare le fluttuazioni della qualità dell'acqua. Una popolazione adeguata di fitoplancton arricchisce i sistemi di ossigeno attraverso la fotosintesi durante le ore di luce diurna e abbassa i livelli di anidride carbonica, ammoniaca, nitriti, idrogeno solforato, metano ecc. Una fioritura sana di fitoplancton può ridurre le sostanze tossiche, poiché il fitoplancton può consumare ammoniaca, azoto e legare i metalli pesanti. Può prevenire lo sviluppo di alghe filamentose. Riduce la perdita di temperatura in inverno e stabilizza la temperatura dell'acqua.

  • 18% sparen
    von Nikesh Kotadiya
    57,00 €

    El presente intento se llevó a cabo para establecer una tendencia pionera de seguimiento de la variación estacional en el plancton y las propiedades físico-químicas de estanques de agua dulce seleccionados para establecer las aperturas del futuro estudio sobre este tracto en este tema. El estudio detallado se realiza en el distrito de Ahmedabad. La calidad del agua es un factor primordial en la productividad del ecosistema y el fitoplancton desempeña un papel importante en la estabilización de todo el ecosistema del estanque y en la minimización de las fluctuaciones de la calidad del agua. Una población adecuada de fitoplancton enriquece los sistemas con oxígeno mediante la fotosíntesis durante las horas de luz diurna y reduce los niveles de dióxido de carbono, amoníaco, nitrito, sulfuro de hidrógeno, metano, etc. Una floración saludable de fitoplancton puede reducir las sustancias tóxicas, ya que el fitoplancton puede consumir amoníaco, nitrógeno y metales pesados. Puede prevenir el desarrollo de algas filamentosas. Disminuye la pérdida de temperatura en invierno y estabiliza la temperatura del agua.

  • von Nikesh Kotadiya
    69,90 €

    Der vorliegende Versuch wurde unternommen, um einen bahnbrechenden Trend zur Überwachung der jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen des Planktons und der physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften ausgewählter Süßwasserteiche einzurichten, um die Anfänge einer zukünftigen Studie zu diesem Thema zu schaffen. Die detaillierte Studie dazu wird im Bezirk Ahmedabad durchgeführt. Die Wasserqualität ist ein entscheidender Faktor für die Produktivität des Ökosystems, und das Phytoplankton spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Stabilisierung des gesamten Teichökosystems und bei der Minimierung der Schwankungen der Wasserqualität. Eine geeignete Phytoplanktonpopulation reichert die Systeme durch Photosynthese während der Tageslichtstunden mit Sauerstoff an und senkt den Gehalt an Kohlendioxid, Ammoniak, Nitrit, Schwefelwasserstoff, Methan usw. Eine gesunde Phytoplanktonblüte kann toxische Stoffe reduzieren, da das Phytoplankton Ammoniak und Stickstoff verbrauchen und Schwermetalle binden kann. Sie kann die Entwicklung von Fadenalgen verhindern. Sie verringert den Temperaturverlust im Winter und stabilisiert die Wassertemperatur.

  • 18% sparen
    von Nikesh Kotadiq
    57,00 €

    Nastoqschaq popytka byla predprinqta dlq togo, chtoby ustanowit' nowatorskuü tendenciü monitoringa sezonnyh izmenenij planktona i fiziko-himicheskih swojstw wybrannyh presnowodnyh prudow, chtoby zalozhit' osnowu dlq buduschih issledowanij po ätoj teme. Detal'noe issledowanie prowoditsq w rajone Ahmedabada. Kachestwo wody qwlqetsq perwostepennym faktorom produktiwnosti äkosistemy, a fitoplankton igraet wazhnuü rol' w stabilizacii wsej äkosistemy pruda i minimizacii kolebanij kachestwa wody. Sootwetstwuüschaq populqciq fitoplanktona obogaschaet sistemy kislorodom za schet fotosinteza w swetloe wremq sutok i snizhaet urowen' uglekislogo gaza, ammiaka, nitritow, serowodoroda, metana i t.d. Zdorowoe cwetenie fitoplanktona mozhet umen'shit' kolichestwo toxichnyh weschestw, poskol'ku fitoplankton mozhet potreblqt' ammiak, azot i swqzywat' tqzhelye metally. On mozhet predotwratit' razwitie nitchatyh wodoroslej. On umen'shaet poterü temperatury zimoj i stabiliziruet temperaturu wody.

  • von John Barns
    11,95 €

    Hatten Tiere die besseren Seelen? Sie waren freundlich zu mir, wenn ich gut mit ihnen umging. Und das tat ich immer.Nun hatten wir also ein Rehkitz zuhause. Es war noch zu klein, um selbst zu fressen. Hätten wir es jetzt schon wieder ausgesetzt, wäre es verhungert. Bald kam es zutraulich auf uns zu, um seine Flasche Milch zu leeren ... John Barns verbringt seine Kindheit und Jugend auf dem elterlichen Bauernhof inmitten ländlicher Idylle. Aufgrund eines körperlichen Gebrechens jedoch muss er Hohn, Spott und Gewalt ertragen.Umso mehr wendet er sich den Tieren zu. Ob mit Hunden oder Katzen, Schwalben oder Pferden, mit jedem von ihnen verstand er sich gut. Ein Bussard wurde sogar sein bester Freund und beschützte ihn. In diesem Buch erzählt er ihre Geschichten. Ein einfühlsames Buch über unsere tierischen Gefährten und auch außergewöhnliche Begegnungen mit besonderen Tieren.

  • von Noelle Pierre Verrier
    79,00 €

    Ce livre sur la moufette n'a pas été écrit pour faciliter les adoptions mais bien pour réfréner les envies souvent démesurées de nombreux adoptants.Se poser les bonnes questions, réfléchir à l'action en cour, éviter de suivre un effet de mode ou de mignonnerie, là est le but de ce livre.Non ce n'est pas cool d'avoir une petite moufette à la maison.Non ce n'est pas facile d'avoir une petite moufette à la maison.Et non encore ce n'est pas pour 5 ou 6 ans mais vous allez signer pour minimum 8 à 9 ans voir jusqu'à 10 à 12 ans.Non, si vous en avez marre, elle ne survivra pas dans la nature ne sachant ni se nourrir correctement, ni estimer les dangers du quotidien.Si j'arrive à faire réfléchir même qu'une seule personne, je vais considérer que j'ai fait un bon travail et que je ne l'ai pas fait pour rien. Dans le cas contraire, j'ai tellement appris que j'en sors plus riche de connaissances.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    28,00 €

    As you flip through the pages of the Woodland Escape Coloring Book, you will find yourself transported to a serene and peaceful world of nature. The intricate designs of flowers, squirrels, foxes, bears, butterflies, and other woodland creatures offer a unique and engaging coloring experience for adults and children alike.Here are some of the features of this amazing coloring book:Stunning illustrations: The beautiful illustrations in this coloring book are sure to captivate your imagination and inspire your creativity. Each design is intricately crafted to provide hours of coloring fun.Wide range of designs: From delicate flowers to majestic bears, this coloring book offers a diverse range of designs for you to color. You can choose to color a peaceful scene with squirrels playing in the woods or a vibrant butterfly garden.High-quality paper: The pages of this coloring book are made of high-quality paper, which ensures that your colors stay vibrant and don't bleed through the page. This also means that you can use a variety of coloring mediums, such as colored pencils, markers, or watercolors.Stress-relieving: Coloring is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. It has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve focus and concentration. This coloring book is the perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and find some peace and tranquility.Perfect gift: The Woodland Escape Coloring Book makes a great gift for anyone who loves nature and coloring. Whether it's for a birthday, holiday, or just because, this coloring book is sure to bring a smile to anyone's face.So why wait? Grab your colored pencils and start exploring the magical world of the Woodland Escape Coloring Book today!

  • von Val Saints
    60,00 - 70,00 €

  • von Thy Nguyen
    29,00 €

    If you are looking for a fun and creative way to unwind after a long day, or just want to explore your artistic side, the Handbags in Flowers Coloring Book for Girls is a great place to start. This coloring book is specifically designed for women and teens, and features a variety of beautiful handbags adorned with intricate floral designs.Here are some reasons why this coloring book is a must-have for anyone looking to de-stress and relax:Coloring is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. It allows you to focus your mind on a particular task, which can help to quiet any racing thoughts or worries.The floral designs in this coloring book are both intricate and beautiful, providing a sense of calm and tranquility as you color.Coloring can be a great way to tap into your creativity and improve your mood. As you color, you may find yourself feeling more relaxed, energized, and inspired.This coloring book is also a great way to unwind and disconnect from technology. Instead of scrolling through social media or watching TV, you can spend some time coloring and enjoying the simple pleasure of creating something with your own hands.So if you're looking for a fun and relaxing way to unwind, be sure to check out the Handbags in Flowers Coloring Book for Girls. It's a great way to tap into your creative side and enjoy some much-needed relaxation.

  • von Luna B. Helle
    32,00 €

    Bienvenue dans un monde radieux de beauté complexe, où chaque couleur que vous choisissez transforme des lignes simples en votre propre chef-d'¿uvre. Découvrez 35 motifs de vitraux finement conçus pour stimuler votre imagination et dissiper le stress.Avantages du livre¿ Divers et captivants : 35 motifs de vitraux uniques offrent une variété de choix pour alimenter votre imagination.¿ Pages sans saignement : Chaque page de coloriage est imprimée sur une feuille séparée, garantissant que les couleurs restent fidèles et vibrantes.¿ Travail professionnel : Chaque page est conçue et illustrée par des professionnels, ajoutant une touche d'excellence à votre expérience de coloriage.¿ Détente, Revitalisation, Recharge : Évadez-vous pendant des heures de thérapie artistique et de détente qui élèvent à la fois votre esprit et votre moral.Donnez vie au kaléidoscope de vos rêves. Cliquez sur 'Ajouter au panier' maintenant.Détails techniques¿ Format spacieux : Le format 8,5 x 11 pouces offre un espace généreux pour le coloriage complexe.¿ Qualité exquise : Une couverture brillante de haute qualité protège votre travail et améliore votre expérience de coloriage.¿ Divertissement durable : Avec un total de 37 pages, dont 35 pages de coloriage, plongez profondément dans un monde de réalisation artistique.¿ Conception universelle : Le livre s'adresse à tous les niveaux de compétence, invitant les débutants et les coloristes expérimentés.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    24,00 €

    If you're looking for a fun and educational activity for your kids, consider getting them an under the sea coloring book! Not only will they have a blast coloring in all the sea scenes, sea life, and sea creatures, but they'll also learn a lot about the ocean and its inhabitants.Here are some benefits of using an under the sea coloring book for kids:Improves hand-eye coordination: Coloring requires kids to coordinate their eyes and hands, which can improve their motor skills and hand-eye coordination.Enhances creativity: Coloring allows kids to explore their creativity and imagination as they choose colors and design their own underwater scenes.Boosts focus and concentration: Coloring can be a calming activity that helps kids focus and concentrate on a specific task.Increases knowledge: An under the sea coloring book can teach kids about different sea creatures and their habitats, as well as the importance of ocean conservation.Provides relaxation: Coloring can be a relaxing activity that helps kids destress and unwind.Overall, an under the sea coloring book is a great investment for parents who want to provide their kids with a fun and educational activity that promotes creativity, focus, and learning.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    24,00 €

    The Whimsical Lovebirds Adventure Coloring Book is the perfect gift for any adult, especially women who are looking for a fun way to relax and de-stress. This coloring book is filled with beautiful Valentine's Day themed pages that will transport you to a magical place filled with love and whimsy.Here are some of the features of the Whimsical Lovebirds Adventure Coloring Book:Beautifully designed pages with intricate details that will keep you engaged for hoursHigh-quality paper that is perfect for coloring with markers, colored pencils, or watercolorsValentine's Day themed pages featuring lovebirds, hearts, flowers, and other romantic motifsA great way to relax and reduce stress while also honing your artistic skillsPerfect for gifting to friends, family, or yourselfWhether you're an experienced colorist or just starting out, the Whimsical Lovebirds Adventure Coloring Book is sure to provide hours of fun and relaxation. So grab your favorite coloring tools and get ready to dive into a world of love and whimsy.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    23,00 €

    Tea in the garden is a beloved tradition for many people. It is a time to relax, unwind and enjoy the beauty of nature. The Tea in the Garden Coloring Book for Women is a perfect way to capture that feeling and bring it with you wherever you go. Here are some reasons to consider this coloring book:Tranquility: Coloring is a relaxing activity that can help reduce stress and anxiety. The peaceful scenes in this coloring book are sure to help you find your inner calm.Tea Lovers: If you love tea, this coloring book is perfect for you. It features beautiful illustrations of teapots, teacups, and other tea-related items. You can even color in your favorite tea blends!Nature: The garden scenes in this coloring book are full of beautiful flowers, trees, and other natural elements. You will feel like you are strolling through a real garden as you color in the pages.Creativity: Coloring is a great way to express your creativity. With this coloring book, you can experiment with different color combinations and create your own unique works of art.Gift: The Tea in the Garden Coloring Book for Women makes a great gift for any tea lover or nature enthusiast in your life. It is a thoughtful and unique present that they are sure to appreciate.Overall, the Tea in the Garden Coloring Book for Women is a wonderful way to experience the tranquility of tea in the garden. Whether you are an experienced colorist or just starting out, this coloring book is sure to provide hours of relaxation and enjoyment.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    26,00 €

    If you're a fan of cowgirls, horses, and the excitement of the western adventure, then you're in for a treat with the Cowgirls Coloring Book. Here are a few things you can expect from this fun and whimsical coloring book:A wide variety of cowgirls in different settings and poses, from riding horses on the open range to working on the farm.Beautifully detailed illustrations that capture the spirit of the western adventure, with plenty of opportunities to add your own personal touch with color.Horses of all shapes and sizes, from majestic stallions to cute and cuddly ponies.Hours of entertainment and relaxation as you immerse yourself in the world of cowgirls and the western lifestyle.Whether you're a seasoned coloring enthusiast or just looking for a fun way to unwind and express your creativity, the Cowgirls Coloring Book is sure to delight. So grab your favorite coloring supplies and get ready to saddle up for a wild ride!

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