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  • 15% sparen
    von Rukkiq Alam
    34,00 €

    "Ne bednost' ubiwaet wseh, a otsutstwie medicinskih uslug" Cel' napisaniq ätoj knigi - priwlech' wnimanie k odnoj iz samyh wazhnyh ugroz zdorow'ü. Pust' äto issledowanie podnimet woprosy nerawenstwa w obraschenii s othodami w bol'nicah Kwetty Beludzhistana w Pakistane. Ya hochu, chtoby Pakistan byl chistym i swobodnym ot boleznej gosudarstwom, a dlq ätogo neobhodimo udelit' pristal'noe wnimanie utilizacii bol'nichnyh othodow, chtoby my mogli predotwratit' razrushenie äkosistem Zemli, a takzhe podderzhiwat' wysokoe kachestwo zhizni na planete.

  • von Ruqqia Alam
    39,90 €

    "Nicht die Armut tötet alle, sondern der Mangel an Gesundheitsdiensten" - das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, eine der wichtigsten Bedrohungen für die Gesundheit aufzuzeigen. Möge diese Untersuchung Fragen der Ungerechtigkeit in der Abfallentsorgung in den Krankenhäusern von Quetta Baluchistan Pakistan aufwerfen. Ich möchte, dass Pakistan ein sauberer und krankheitsfreier Staat ist, und dafür muss der Abfallentsorgung in Krankenhäusern sofortige Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt werden, damit wir eine Schädigung der Ökosysteme der Erde verhindern und eine hohe Lebensqualität für den Planeten erhalten können.

  • 18% sparen
    von Catherine Hyde
    16,00 €

    Prize-winning poet and artist Catherine Hyde celebrates the magic of the night from dusk till dawn as she follows the owl's journey in a gorgeous gift book of full colour paintings.I turnto the old orchardwhere she hunts:a ghost glimmeringsweet heart of the moon.Swooping between trees,a beating clock of claw and feather,hush winged, in half lightAs we sleep, the forest comes to life. The owl swoops. Moths dance in the moonlight, fireflies mimic the stars, a stag grazes, badgers burrow, foxes prowl, ferns catch the dew.Resplendent, arresting artwork sit alongside an original poem. Prepare to be enchanted by the creatures of the night.

  • von Joshua Duclos
    56,00 - 142,00 €

    What if wilderness is bad for wildlife? This question motivates the philosophical investigation in Wilderness, Morality, and Value. Environmentalists aim to protect wilderness, and for good reasons, but wilderness entails unremittent, incalculable suffering for its non-human habitants. Given that it will become increasingly possible to augment nature in ways that ameliorates some of this suffering, the morality of wilderness preservation is itself in question. Joshua S. Duclos argues that the technological and ethical reality of the Anthropocene warrants a fundamental reassessment of the value of wilderness. After exposing the moral ambiguity of wilderness preservation, he explores the value of wilderness itself by engaging with anthropocentricism and nonanthropocentrism; sentientism, biocentrism, and ecocentrism; and instrumental value and intrinsic value. Duclos argues that the value of wilderness is a narrow form of anthropocentric intrinsic value, one with a religio-spiritual dimension. By integrating scholarship from bioethics on the norms of engineering human nature with debates in environmental ethics concerning the prospect of engineering non-human nature, Wilderness, Morality, and Value sets the stage for wilderness ethicsor wilderness faithin the Anthropocene.

  • von Laura Cassiday
    30,00 - 60,00 €

    The Hardcover edition is printed in Full Color!Certified cat behavior consultant Laura Cassiday used her extensive experience working at the Maryland SPCA to help her write the definitive guidebook for anyone who has recently adopted (or is considering adopting) a new cat. Using input and interviews from over 40 shelter and rescue organization experts, this book covers every topic and question a new cat owner will need to know to successfully integrate their new cat into their home and life.Topics covered include:Choosing the correct cat for your home and lifestyleWhat to do if you've found a stray cat or kittensBecoming a cat foster parentBringing your new cat home: supplies, safe spaces, and introductionsCat nutritionGrooming and sheddingCat health careTroubleshooting problemsLitter Boxes IssuesDestructive ScratchingBiting and AggressionFear and AnxietyNuisance Behaviors (Counter Surfing, Excessive Meowing, and More)Carrier TrainingGiving MedicationPlaytime and enrichmentSenior Cat careSo you've decided to adopt a cat. Easy, right? You just go to the closest shelter, pick out the cute, fluffy orange one, and live happily ever after.Although this is exactly what goes through the minds of many would-be cat adopters, picking out your new best friend can be a little more complicated. I mean, if you get a kitten, you're looking at a 15-20 year commitment. I once had one of my cats live to be 27! And what happens if they don't like your other pets? Or your kids? Even worse, what if they stop using their litter box? And how often do cats even need to go to the vet, anyway? Even for impulsive people like myself, you have to at least put a little bit of thought into it.That's where this book comes in. It's a comprehensive guide to all things cat adoption. If you don't know where to start, this is a good place. If you've just brought your new kitty home and have questions, we'll cover that too. Even if you've already had a cat for a while, you're guaranteed to learn something new. So grab your catnip and feather wand, and let's get started!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 images mignonnes avec le livre de coloriage des chevaux par MandyKfmLe livre de coloriage sur les chevaux est un moyen unique d'exprimer votre créativité et de vous détendre en même temps. Les pages du livre contiennent des illustrations détaillées de chevaux que vous pouvez colorier.Idéal pour tous les niveaux de compétenceQue vous soyez débutant ou artiste confirmé, ce livre de coloriage est idéal pour tous ceux qui aiment les chevaux. Chaque image a été soigneusement conçue pour vous permettre d'utiliser les couleurs et les techniques à votre guise et de créer votre propre interprétation.Pas d'impression à travers Chaque image est placée sur sa propre pageUn cadeau idéalNos livres font d'excellents cadeaux d'anniversaire pour les filles, les adolescents, les adultes ou tous ceux qui aiment les animaux.Commandez dès aujourd'hui et laissez-vous inspirer par ce livre de coloriage unique sur les chevaux!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 images mignonnes de livres à colorier avec des ours par MandyKfmLe livre de coloriage des ours offre un moyen unique d'exprimer sa créativité et de se détendre en même temps. Les pages du livre contiennent des illustrations détaillées d'ours qui attendent que vous les coloriez.Idéal pour tous les niveauxQue vous soyez débutant ou artiste confirmé, ce livre de coloriage est idéal pour tous ceux qui aiment les ours. Chaque image a été soigneusement conçue pour vous permettre d'utiliser les couleurs et les techniques de votre choix et de créer votre propre interprétation.Pas d'impression à travers Chaque image est placée sur sa propre pageUn cadeau idéalNos livres sont d'excellents cadeaux d'anniversaire pour les filles, les adolescents, les adultes ou tous ceux qui aiment les animaux.Commandez dès aujourd'hui et laissez-vous inspirer par ce livre de coloriage unique sur les ours!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Cute Images with Bears Coloring Book by MandyKfmBears Coloring Book offers a unique way to express your creativity and promote relaxation at the same time. The pages of the book contain detailed illustrations of Bears waiting for you to color.Great for all skill levelsWhether you're a beginner or an advanced artist, this coloring book is ideal for anyone who loves Bears. Each image has been carefully designed to allow you to use colors and techniques as you wish and create your own interpretation.No print through Each Image is placed on its own pageA great giftOur books make great birthday gifts for girls, teens, adults, or anyone who loves Animals.Order today and get inspired by this unique Bears Coloring Book!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 immagini carine con orsi da colorare di MandyKfmIl libro da colorare con gli orsi offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di orsi da colorare.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano gli orsi. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente progettata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e creare la vostra interpretazione.Non c'è bisogno di stampare Ogni immagine è inserita in una pagina a sé stanteUn grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami gli animali.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo libro da colorare sugli orsi, unico nel suo genere!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    33,00 €

    50 Immagini carine con Cavalli da colorare di MandyKfmLibro sui Cavalli offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di cavalli da colorare.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano i cavalli. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente studiata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e creare la vostra interpretazione.Non c'è bisogno di stampare Ogni immagine è inserita in una pagina a sé stanteUn grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami gli animali.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo libro da colorare sui cavalli!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Immagini carine con Cavalli da colorare di MandyKfmLibro sui Cavalli offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di cavalli da colorare.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano i cavalli. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente studiata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e creare la vostra interpretazione.Non c'è bisogno di stampare Ogni immagine è inserita in una pagina a sé stanteUn grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami gli animali.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo libro da colorare sui cavalli!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Cute Images with Horses Coloring Book by MandyKfmHorses Coloring Book offers a unique way to express your creativity and promote relaxation at the same time. The pages of the book contain detailed illustrations of Horses waiting for you to color.Great for all skill levelsWhether you're a beginner or an advanced artist, this coloring book is ideal for anyone who loves Horses. Each image has been carefully designed to allow you to use colors and techniques as you wish and create your own interpretation.No print through Each Image is placed on its own pageA great giftOur books make great birthday gifts for girls, teens, adults, or anyone who loves Animals.Order today and get inspired by this unique Horses Coloring Book!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 images mignonnes avec le livre de coloriage des chevaux par MandyKfmLe livre de coloriage sur les chevaux est un moyen unique d'exprimer votre créativité et de vous détendre en même temps. Les pages du livre contiennent des illustrations détaillées de chevaux que vous pouvez colorier.Idéal pour tous les niveaux de compétenceQue vous soyez débutant ou artiste confirmé, ce livre de coloriage est idéal pour tous ceux qui aiment les chevaux. Chaque image a été soigneusement conçue pour vous permettre d'utiliser les couleurs et les techniques à votre guise et de créer votre propre interprétation.Pas d'impression à travers Chaque image est placée sur sa propre pageUn cadeau idéalNos livres font d'excellents cadeaux d'anniversaire pour les filles, les adolescents, les adultes ou tous ceux qui aiment les animaux.Commandez dès aujourd'hui et laissez-vous inspirer par ce livre de coloriage unique sur les chevaux!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    33,00 €

    50 Immagini carine con Cavalli da colorare di MandyKfmLibro sui Cavalli offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di cavalli da colorare.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano i cavalli. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente studiata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e creare la vostra interpretazione.Non c'è bisogno di stampare Ogni immagine è inserita in una pagina a sé stanteUn grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami gli animali.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo libro da colorare sui cavalli!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    33,00 €

    50 Imágenes bonitas de Caballos para colorear by MandyKfmCaballos libro da colorare ofrece una forma única de expresar su creatividad y promover la relajación al mismo tiempo. Las páginas del libro contienen ilustraciones detalladas de caballos para colorear.Ideal para todos los nivelesTanto si eres un principiante como un artista avanzado, este libro para colorear es ideal para cualquier persona a la que le gusten los caballos. Cada imagen ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada para que puedas utilizar los colores y las técnicas que desees y crear tu propia interpretación.Sin impresión Cada imagen está colocada en su propia páginaUn gran regaloNuestros libros son un estupendo regalo de cumpleaños para niñas, adolescentes, adultos o cualquier persona a la que le gusten los Animales.¡Haz tu pedido hoy mismo e inspírate con este Libro para colorear de Caballos único!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Imágenes Bonitas con Osos Libro para Colorear by MandyKfmOso Libro de Colorear ofrece una forma única de expresar tu creatividad y promover la relajación al mismo tiempo. Las páginas del libro contienen ilustraciones detalladas de Osos esperando a que los colorees.Ideal para todos los nivelesTanto si eres un principiante como un artista avanzado, este libro para colorear es ideal para cualquiera a quien le gusten los osos. Cada imagen ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada para que puedas utilizar los colores y las técnicas que desees y crear tu propia interpretación.Sin impresión Cada imagen está colocada en su propia páginaUn gran regaloNuestros libros son estupendos regalos de cumpleaños para niñas, adolescentes, adultos o cualquier persona a la que le gusten los Animales.¡Haz tu pedido hoy y déjate inspirar por este Libro para Colorear de Osos único!

  • von Rosina Cobbina
    30,00 €

    Harvesting Hope: Alternative Livelihoods for Ghanaian FisherfolkDiscover the profound journey of Ghanaian fishers facing the challenges of a declining fishery in "Harvesting Hope: Alternative Livelihoods for Ghanaian Fisherfolk." This compelling study delves into the intricate dynamics of effort controls, exploring the delicate balance between preserving the marine ecosystem and safeguarding the livelihoods of those dependent on the fishery.Unveiling the Complex WebThe Tension of Effort ControlsWillingness to Exit: A Critical ExaminationTema's Dilemma: Urbanization vs. TraditionUrbanized Realities in GhanaGenerations in Fishing: A Familial BondCrafting Solutions: Proposals and RecommendationsNavigating the Path Forward

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    33,00 €

    50 Cute Images with Fantasy Coloring Book by MandyKfmFantasy Coloring Book offers a unique way to express your creativity and promote relaxation at the same time. The pages of the book contain detailed illustrations of Fantasy waiting for you to color.Great for all skill levelsWhether you're a beginner or an advanced artist, this coloring book is ideal for anyone who loves Fantasy. Each image has been carefully designed to allow you to use colors and techniques as you wish and create your own interpretation.No print through Each Image is placed on its own pageA great giftOur books make great birthday gifts for girls, teens, adults, or anyone who loves Animals.Order today and get inspired by this unique Fantasy Coloring Book!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Cute Images with Horses Coloring Book by MandyKfmHorses Coloring Book offers a unique way to express your creativity and promote relaxation at the same time. The pages of the book contain detailed illustrations of Horses waiting for you to color.Great for all skill levelsWhether you're a beginner or an advanced artist, this coloring book is ideal for anyone who loves Horses. Each image has been carefully designed to allow you to use colors and techniques as you wish and create your own interpretation.No print through Each Image is placed on its own pageA great giftOur books make great birthday gifts for girls, teens, adults, or anyone who loves Animals.Order today and get inspired by this unique Horses Coloring Book!

  • von Ferris Hersey
    21,00 €

    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo las hormigas pueden trabajar en equipo para construir estructuras asombrosas? ¿O por qué los flamencos tienen ese llamativo color rosa? Entonces sigue leyendo..."Tenemos más que aprender de los animales, que los animales de nosotros." - Anónimo Seguramente estás leyendo esto porque te fascinan las historias extraordinarias del reino animal y deseas conocer mucho más. Para ello, seguramente tendrías que consultar decenas de libros pero aunque parece un reto imposible hacer un resumen, hemos traído a ti decenas de datos que pueden fascinarte y llevarte a conocer mejor el mundo que nos rodea. Desde el intrigante ornitorrinco hasta el molesto mosquito, pasando por increíbles "dragones" hasta seres diminutos. No importa la edad que tengas. Es muy probable que muchos de los datos que encontrarás en este libro te sorprenderán.En este libro, descubrirás: Las estrategias de supervivencia más increíbles. Los secretos de los sonidos y señales de los animales. Conoce los misterios de los océanos y ríos. Descubre a los mejores arquitectos del reino animal. Hechos que desearían tu imaginación. Y mucho más...¡Prepárate para un viaje inolvidable a través de los datos curiosos más sorprendentes del reino animal! ¡No esperes más y desplaza hacia arriba para añadir al carrito de compra!

  • von Well-Being Publishing
    18,00 €

    Discover the Joy of Ageless Bonds: Find Your Ideal Four-Legged FriendWelcome to a heartwarming journey where the simple act of choosing a dog transforms into the discovery of unconditional love and unwavering companionship in your golden years. "Companion Paws: Selecting the Perfect Dog for Elderly Companionship" is not just a guide, but a gateway to forging indelible bonds that rejuvenate souls and sprinkle joy across the twilight of life.Embarking on the Journey to Companionship begins with unraveling the essence of the age-old human-canine bond, exploring how dogs uniquely enhance the quality of life emotionally, physically, and socially. The following chapters delve into the heart of Elderly Considerations, providing thoughtful insights into selecting a furry companion that aligns with your lifestyle and physical capabilities, ensuring that your new friend is as comfortable with you as you are with them.Struggling with Breed Selection? Discover the nuances between small and large breeds, the considerations for allergy-prone individuals, and how different canine personalities and energy levels can harmoniously match your own pace of life. This guide demystifies the Adopt or Shop? conundrum, laying out the merits of rescue dogs and guiding you to reputable breeders with your best interests at heart.Prepare to welcome your newest family member with our comprehensive chapters on creating a safe home environment, understanding health care essentials, and tailoring nutrition and exercise to your dog's needs. Moreover, our practical advice on Training and Behavior will pave the way for a peaceful cohabitation.From facing Mobility Challenges together to relishing the Golden Years, and navigating the world of Community and Support, every page of this book embraces the intricate aspects of aging with a canine companion. With detailed breed profiles and exhaustive checklists, you'll be equipped to make informed decisions and cherish every precious moment alongside your four-legged companion. Welcome to a life of enriched companionship - your perfect dog awaits.

  • von Melamarco
    33,00 €

    Dive into the world of canine culinary delights with "Homemade dog food recipe books for Meals, Treats and Cakes", your ultimate guide to crafting delicious, healthy, and fast meals for your four-legged friends. This comprehensive dog treat recipe book boasts a whopping 75 recipes, divided into 25 recipes for everyday dog meals, 25 recipes for scrumptious dog biscuits, and 25 special occasion cake recipes to celebrate those extra special moments with your pooch. Every recipe caters to the different stages of your dog's life, from playful puppies to wise seniors, ensuring that your furry companion gets the right nutrition at every stage of life.Here's what makes this dog food recipe book a must-have in every pet owner's kitchen:Tailored Nutrition: Find recipes with detailed quantities for puppies, adult dogs, and seniors, carefully balanced to meet their changing dietary needs.Universal Measurements: Easy-to-follow instructions and measurements in both the USC and the metric system make cooking a breeze.Quick and Healthy: Recipes that are not only easy to whip up but also packed with nutrients, catering to every type of eater.Moreover, "Homemade dog food recipe books for Meals, Treats and Cakes" is the perfect gift for any dog owner. It's more than just a recipe book for dog treats; it's a journey into the heart of healthy, homemade canine cuisine. Gift this book and prepare to make someone the favorite chef of their dog!

  • von My Pets
    15,90 €

    Das große Hundespiele-Buch: 130 unterhaltsame Spiele, mit denen Sie Ihrem Vierbeiner ganz einfach optimale Beschäftigung, Förderung und Unterhaltung bieten - Inkl. genauer Anleitung und Spielaufbau sowie Tipps für Abwechslung beim täglichen Spaziergang Immer nur Stöckchenwerfen ist Ihrem Liebling zu langweilig? Stattdessen lebt er seine Kreativität an Ihren Pantoffeln aus oder tobt im Haus herum? Deshalb suchen Sie nach einer Möglichkeit, sein Potenzial sinnvoll und mit Spaßgarantie auszuschöpfen? Dann sind Sie mit diesem quirlig-fröhlichen Spielebuch definitiv auf der richtigen Seite! Denn egal, ob Geschicklichkeit, sportliche Aktivität oder schnüffelnde Detektivarbeit, die vielfältigen Ideen fordern Ihren Hund in jeder Hinsicht spielerisch heraus. Kaninchen jagen, Postboten verscheuchen oder hingebungsvoll die Lieblingsschuhe zernagen - Hunde zeigen oft deutlich, wenn sie unterbeschäftigt sind. Aber auch, wenn Ihr bester Freund noch gute Manieren an den Tag legt: Optimale Auslastung ist von größter Wichtigkeit für sein Wohlergehen. Die geschickten und intelligenten Tiere benötigen vielfältige Herausforderungen und die fantasievollen Spiele in diesem Buch bieten die perfekte Mischung aus Förderung, Spannung und grenzenlosem Spaß zu zweit. Mit einfachen Spielen für jede Fellnase steigen Sie unkompliziert ein ins Vergnügen und wecken die Lust an der gemeinsamen Beschäftigung. Schritt für Schritt können Sie dann Ihren Horizont erweitern und Ihren besten Freund mit zahlreichen Aufgaben aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen herausfordern. Lassen Sie beim Geruchs-Memory die Schnüffelnase zum Einsatz kommen, bringen Sie mit dem Kipp-Fallrohr die grauen Zellen auf Hochtouren oder setzen Sie beim Hindernis-Parcours auf vollen sportlichen Einsatz - hier wird jede Fähigkeit gezielt geschult. Zudem machen kompakt-nützliche Informationen und genaue Anleitungen die Durchführung zum Kinderspiel und Sie in kürzester Zeit zum Hunde-Animateur! Spielerischer Einstieg: Mit unkomplizierten Spielen wie "Suchen im Teppich", "Futter-Socke" oder "Spielzeug auf Reisen" führen Sie Ihren Vierbeiner zwanglos und unkompliziert an sein neues Hobby heran. Spürnasen & Hirnakrobaten: Beim "Kegeln mit Bechern" oder "Theaterspiel im Karton" ist Schnüffelkunst gefragt und in "Memory für Meister" oder "Farben zuordnen" stellt Ihr Hund seine Intelligenz unter Beweis. Volle Konzentration: Kreative Ideen wie "Blumenroller verschieben", "Russische Puppe" oder "Leckerli-Wippe" fördern gezielt Geschicklichkeit und Konzentrationsfähigkeit der klugen Fellnasen. Sportliche Herausforderung: Bei "Hindernis-Springen für Anfänger", "Balanceakt" oder "Gemeinsames Seilspringen" kann Ihr Hund sich so richtig auspowern und zusammen mit Ihnen aktiv werden. Dank der tollen Spielideen für jede Situation ist ein für alle Mal Schluss mit Langeweile im Hundeleben und Ihr Liebling kann sein volles Potenzial entfalten. Mit praxiserprobten Gassi-Hacks verwandeln Sie zudem künftig jeden Spaziergang im Handumdrehen in ein spannendes Abenteuer und sorgen mühelos für noch mehr Spaß im Alltag. Sie und Ihr Hund erhalten mit diesem Buch: spannende Spiele & tolle Unterhaltung gezieltes Training einzelner Fähigkeiten Einblick in unterschiedliche Hundebedürfnisse jede Menge Spielideen für jedes Niveau einzigartige Erlebnis-Momente starke Mensch-Hund-Bindung durch gemeinsame Aktivität Sichern Sie sich jetzt diese abwechslungsreich-unkomplizierte Spielesammlung und bringen Sie ab sofort ein ganz neues Maß an Spiel, Spaß und Spannung in den Hundealltag!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    33,00 €

    50 immagini carine con il libro da colorare Animali carini di MandyKfmAnimali Carini Libro da Colorare offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di animali carini che vi aspettano per essere colorate.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano gli animali carini. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente progettata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e di creare la vostra personale interpretazione.Non si stampano Ogni immagine è inserita in una pagina a sé stanteUn grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami gli animali.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo esclusivo libro da colorare sugli animali!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Imágenes Bonitas con Osos Libro para Colorear by MandyKfmBear Coloring Book ofrece una forma única de expresar tu creatividad y promover la relajación al mismo tiempo. Las páginas del libro contienen ilustraciones detalladas de Osos esperando a que los colorees.Ideal para todos los nivelesTanto si eres un principiante como un artista avanzado, este libro para colorear es ideal para cualquiera a quien le gusten los osos. Cada imagen ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada para que puedas utilizar los colores y las técnicas que desees y crear tu propia interpretación.Sin impresión Cada imagen está colocada en su propia páginaUn gran regaloNuestros libros son estupendos regalos de cumpleaños para niñas, adolescentes, adultos o cualquier persona a la que le gusten los Animales.¡Haz tu pedido hoy y déjate inspirar por este Libro para Colorear de Osos único!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Cute Images with Animals Coloring Book by MandyKfmAnimal Coloring Book offers a unique way to express your creativity and promote relaxation at the same time. The pages of the book contain detailed illustrations of Animals waiting for you to color.Great for all skill levelsWhether you're a beginner or an advanced artist, this coloring book is ideal for anyone who loves Animals. Each image has been carefully designed to allow you to use colors and techniques as you wish and create your own interpretation.No print through Each Image is placed on its own pageA great giftOur books make great birthday gifts for girls, teens, adults, or anyone who loves Animals.Order today and get inspired by this unique Animals Coloring Book!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 immagini carine con animali da colorare di MandyKfmAnimali da colorare offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di animali da colorare.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano gli animali. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente studiata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e di creare la vostra personale interpretazione.Non c'è bisogno di stampare Ogni immagine è inserita in una pagina a sé stanteUn grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami gli animali.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo esclusivo libro da colorare sugli animali!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Imágenes lindas con Libro para colorear de animales lindos por MandyKfmAnimales Bonitos libro para colorear ofrece una manera única de expresar tu creatividad y promover la relajación al mismo tiempo. Las páginas del libro contienen ilustraciones detalladas de simpáticos animales para colorear.Ideal para todos los nivelesTanto si eres un principiante como un artista avanzado, este libro para colorear es ideal para cualquiera a quien le gusten los animales bonitos. Cada imagen ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada para que puedas utilizar los colores y las técnicas que desees y crear tu propia interpretación.Sin impresión Cada imagen está colocada en su propia páginaUn gran regaloNuestros libros son estupendos regalos de cumpleaños para niñas, adolescentes, adultos o cualquier persona a la que le gusten los Animales.¡Haz tu pedido hoy mismo y déjate inspirar por este Libro para colorear de Animales lindos único!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Cute Images with Cute Animals Coloring Book by MandyKfmCute Animals Coloring Book offers a unique way to express your creativity and promote relaxation at the same time. The pages of the book contain detailed illustrations of Cute Animals waiting for you to color.Great for all skill levelsWhether you're a beginner or an advanced artist, this coloring book is ideal for anyone who loves Cute Animals. Each image has been carefully designed to allow you to use colors and techniques as you wish and create your own interpretation.No print through Each Image is placed on its own pageA great giftOur books make great birthday gifts for girls, teens, adults, or anyone who loves Animals.Order today and get inspired by this unique Cute Animals Coloring Book!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 immagini carine con orsi da colorare di MandyKfmIl libro da colorare con gli orsi offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di orsi da colorare.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano gli orsi. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente progettata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e creare la vostra interpretazione.Non c'è bisogno di stampare Ogni immagine è inserita in una pagina a sé stanteUn grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami gli animali.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo libro da colorare sugli orsi, unico nel suo genere!

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