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  • von Patrick Grandjean
    21,00 €

  • von Sandy St. John
    21,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Stefan Klink
    19,99 €

    Werte Leser dieses Buches, sehr geschätzte Hunde & Tierschutz-Freunde! Herzlich willkommen in dieser etwas anderen Welt der Tierschutz & Auslands-Hunde. Willkommen in der Welt der Vergessenen. "Wege auf vier Pfoten" ist die Fortsetzung von unserer Buch-Reihe "Hund mit Streifen" und von dem Buch"Verlorene Hunde"! Dieses Buch erzählt zahlreiche neue Geschichten der Vergessenen (wie wir all diese einzigartigen und wundervollen Hunde aus Heimen, Tötungsstationen und dem Tierschutz nennen). Es erzählt deren Alltag, Abenteuer, Adoption und Vermittlung in ein neues Leben. Auch möchte dieses Buch darüber erzählen, wie es ist, einen Tierschutz- oder Auslands-Hund zu adoptieren und als treuen Begleiter an seiner Seite zu haben. Natürlich gibt es auch wieder wichtige Informationen rund um den Auslands-Hund, Hunde aus Heimen usw., sowie den Tierschutz selbst. Wahre Geschichten, realer Alltag, Erlebnisse, Abenteuer, die Übernahme und Adoption eines Auslands- oder Tierschutz-Hundes, oder der ganz normale Alltag der Vergessenen sollen in diesem Buch im Vordergrund stehen. Dies sind ihre wahren Geschichten und in all den Kapiteln und Zeilen möchten wir diesen Hunden eine ECHTE STIMME in dieser Welt geben. Dieses Buch erzählt nicht nur unsere selbst erlebten Geschichten, sondern all die zahlreichen Geschichten, Erlebnisse, Alltag und wahre Begebenheiten & Erfahrungen echter Hunde-Halter eines Tierschutz-Hundes, aus unserer direkten Mitte und unserem persönlichen Umfeld, dieser etwas anderen Tierschutz- und Hunde-Welt! Reale Geschichten, die das LEBEN schreibt. Ein ehrliches und vor allem ein ganz besonderes Buch, das ungeschönte und wahre Einblicke in eine ganz andere Hunde-Welt aufzeigt! Wenn es uns gemeinsam mit unseren etwas anderen Tierschutz- & Hunde-Büchern / Projekten gelingt, nur einen einzigen Hund zu retten, oder einem Hund eine reale Chance auf ein schönes Leben zu schenken, einem einzelnen Menschen ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zu zaubern, manch anderen Menschen zum Nachdenken animiert, das ein oder andere Tierschutz-Projekt oder auch eine Tierschutz-Aktion zu unterstützen, dann war es all die Zeilen, Geschichten und Mühen wert, dieses Buch zu veröffentlichen! Wir wünschen viele schöne und nachdenkliche Lese-Stunden... Liebe Grüße, Stefan Klink

  • von Frank Schmiehl
    24,50 €

    Auch im hektischen Treiben des modernen Lebens gibt es einen Ort der Gelassenheit und Zuneigung - an der Seite eines Hovawarts, einer Rasse von Hunden, die aufgrund ihrer einzigartigen Eigenschaften und ihres außergewöhnlichen Charakters einen festen Platz in unseren Herzen und Familien gefunden hat.Die Hovawarte sind majestätische Vierbeiner, gekennzeichnet durch ihr imposantes schwarz-braun-beiges Fell und ihre liebevollen, treuen Augen. Diese Rasse ist bekannt für ihre außerordentliche Intelligenz, Loyalität und Verspieltheit. Ihr ursprünglicher Verwendungszweck lag in der Arbeit auf Bauernhöfen und als Wachhunde in den deutschen und tschechischen Regionen. Heute sind Hovawarte nicht nur geschätzte Familienmitglieder, sondern auch verlässliche Begleiter in verschiedenen Lebenslagen.In diesem Buch werden Sie tief in die faszinierende Welt der Hovawarte eintauchen. Sie erfahren nicht nur alles über ihre spannende Geschichte, sondern auch über ihre charakteristischen Merkmale, die sie zu wundervollen Lebensgefährten machen. Hovawarte sind nicht nur treue Begleiter, sondern auch ausgezeichnete Familienhunde, die mit ihrem sanften Wesen und ihrem Schutzinstinkt für Ruhe und Sicherheit sorgen.Ob bei aufregenden Abenteuern in der Natur oder an ruhigen Abenden zu Hause, Hovawarte sind immer an Ihrer Seite, um Ihnen bedingungslose Liebe und Loyalität zu schenken.Dieses Buch richtet sich sowohl an Neueinsteiger in die Welt der Hunderassen als auch an diejenigen, die darüber nachdenken, einen Hund zum ersten Mal in ihr Leben zu bringen. Es bietet eine umfassende Darstellung, um festzustellen, ob der Hovawart der ideale Begleiter für Sie und Ihre Familie ist. Der Autor begleitet Sie auf einer Reise, die über 180 Seiten tief in die Welt der Hovawarte eintaucht und zahlreiche Themen behandelt, die besonders für angehende Hundebesitzer von Interesse sind.Begleiten Sie uns auf einer Entdeckungsreise in die Welt der Hovawarte und lassen Sie sich von ihrer noblen Erscheinung, ihrem beeindruckenden Aussehen und ihrer liebevollen Natur begeistern. Sobald Sie einen Hovawart kennenlernen und in Ihr Herz schließen, werden Sie verstehen, warum diese Rasse einen wahren Schatz darstellt.

  • von Selina Leone
    18,00 €

    Jeder Tag ist erfüllt von WUNDERN. Wenn wir uns darauf fokussieren, erkennen wir sie.In dieser Buch-Reise erliest du das WUNDER KATZE. Mit den kleinen und den großen Momenten im Leben, die uns zum Staunen bringen.Wir wollen Menschen auch zu ihren Wundern befragen und diese in Buch-Form weitergeben, um damit auf die bereichernden Seiten des Lebens aufmerksam zu machen.Wir legen dabei den Fokus auf das Schöne, das Positive, das WUNDERbare ... Auf das, was wir uns wünschen - für uns und für eine, für diese WUNDERvolle Erde, diese WELT voller WUNDER.Lasst uns aufzeigen, wir können etwas verändern, bewirken und energetisch ausrichten, um die Welt in ihrer ursprünglichen, WUNDERbaren Art und Weise erstrahlen zu lassen!Jeder kleinste Schritt zählt!

  • von Bo Odenthal
    25,00 €

    In diesem Buch findest du viele, kleine Geschichten und Tipps aus der Tierheilpraxis, die dir helfen mit deinem Hund eine entspannte und glückliche Beziehung zu leben.

  • von Ehsan Sheroy
    29,00 €

    "Perpetual Attentiveness: Creatures That Won't ever rest" is an investigation into the phenomenal existences of animals that oppose the major cadence of life - rest. In this charming excursion through the animals of the world collectively, the book dives into the confounding presence of species that have become amazing at ceaseless alertness, testing how we might interpret the regular request.The early on part sets the stage, introducing a tempting look into the oddity of animals that carry on with their whole lives without capitulating to the need of rest. It welcomes perusers to consider the meaning of this peculiarity and flashes an oddity that will be fulfilled all through the sections that follow.The subsequent section, named "The Restless Sea Inhabitants," lowers perusers into the profundities of the oceans and seas where marine life flourishes without the requirement for rest. From the wise echolocation of dolphins to the quiet guardianship of specific shark species, the privileged insights of the submerged world are revealed. This section not just investigates the transformations that empower these animals to stay watchful yet in addition analyzes the ramifications of restlessness in the tremendous, strange domain underneath the waves.Moving to the skies, the third part, "Avian Sleep deprived people: Birds in the Night Sky," takes off into the domain of padded ponders that explore the dimness with resolute alertness. Owls, with their quiet nighttime chases, and swifts, bosses of relentless movement, feature the assorted systems birds utilize to stay in unending movement. The section tests into the standards of conduct and developmental benefits that accompany an existence of interminable alertness among our avian partners.Section four, "Nighttime Vertebrates: Eyes Completely Open," moves the concentration to animals that slink and follow in the front of murkiness. From the echolocation abilities of bats to the subtle predation of felines, perusers are drenched in the realm of nighttime warm blooded creatures. This segment digs into the versatile restlessness of these animals, disentangling the complicated trap of step by step processes for surviving that permit them to flourish in the shadows.

  • von Melanie Alvarado
    17,00 €

    Are You Ready to Unleash Your Cat's Hidden Genius?Have you ever wondered why your cat behaves the way it does, or why it seems impossible to train them effectively?Are you tired of dealing with litter box mishaps, incessant scratching, or other behavior problems that seem beyond your control?Have you ever felt that unique frustration of wanting to connect with your feline friend on a deeper level but not knowing where to start?In "Cat IQ Training", author Melanie Alvarado shares her journey from a perplexed cat owner to a renowned feline behavior expert. Drawing from her background in pedagogic studies, Melanie understands the common struggle of cat owners who yearn for a harmonious relationship with their furry companions. She's been there herself, and she knows what it's like to face behavior challenges that seem insurmountable.By going through "Cat IQ Training", you will:Unlock the Secret Language of Cats: Decode their behaviors and instincts to build a profound connection with your cat.Say Goodbye to Feline Frustrations: Tired of clawed furniture or litter box woes? Discover effective techniques to address and prevent these issues.Train Like a Pro: From basic commands to advanced tricks, master the art of cat training through positive reinforcement.Tailor Solutions for Behavior Problems: Explore proven strategies to tackle common cat behavior problems, from aggression to anxiety.Cat-Proof Your Home: Learn to create a safe and stimulating environment for your cat, ensuring their happiness and well-being.Read Inspiring Real-Life Success Stories: Be inspired by the stories of cat owners who transformed their cats from perplexing puzzlers to well-behaved companions.Strengthen the Human-Cat Bond: Build trust, communication, and a lifelong connection with your furry friend.Follow Guidance You Can Trust: Melanie's expertise and passion for cats shine through, offering you a reliable roadmap to feline brilliance.Ready to bid farewell to feline frustrations and welcome a world of understanding and brilliance with your cat? Melanie Alvarado's expert guidance is just a click away. Add "Cat IQ Training" to your library today and embark on a journey that will leave both you and your cat purring with delight.

  • von Jm Schultz
    34,00 €

    Kitty Ghost by JM Schultz is an amazing tale of perseverance and courage following the adventures of a small stray kitten who has dreams of finding a family of her own. Abandoned as a kitten, Kitty Ghost finds a way to survive in a seemingly uncaring world. Through bravery, great strength and intelligence she forges ahead in her quest to find a home. Her dreams mostly come at night, where from under her boardwalk lair, she pictures herself playing in the large beach homes of the many children she often sees in her everyday life. Her desire to be loved and cared for by her dream family finally comes to fruition when her curiosity gets the best of her, and she becomes trapped in the family shed. As she fades off to sleep she dreams of the day she can feel safe and secure with a loving family of her own. When awakening from her long slumber she finds that the shed she became trapped in is owned by a young family. While grown ups can not see her, she befriends the two children Sophie and Ryan and they form an unbreakable bond. Their beach life adventures begin with a trip to the beach. A day under the sun and swimming in the ocean waves is a fantastic way to start off her their new relationship. Although scared and inexperienced Kitty Ghost faces her fears and trusts her new family to protect and take care of her. Fun and laughter is on the docket as we follow Kitty Ghost on her first adventure with her new family.

  • von Dion Rosser
    28,00 €

    The ultimate guide to raising ducks for eggs, meat, and companionship!Have you ever thought of having a supply of fresh, organic eggs and meat in your backyard? Are you looking to bond with nature through the delightful kind of companionship that only ducks can offer? Are you curious about the secrets behind successful duck raising?Dive into the fascinating world of duck homesteading with this ultimate guide! This comprehensive guide offers an immersive journey into the art of raising ducks for multiple purposes, catering to both novices and experienced enthusiasts. Discover the joys of tending to these charming, feathered creatures while reaping the rewards of their eggs and flavorful meat.In this book, you will:Learn techniques for raising ducks, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro.Discover the ins and outs of selecting the right duck breeds for your specific goals.Gain valuable insights into creating a comfortable and efficient duck habitat.Understand what to feed ducks for optimal egg production and meat quality.Explore effective healthcare practices to ensure your flock's health.Harness the power of duck companionship and its positive impact on your well-being.Discover tips for incorporating ducks into your permaculture and sustainable living practices.Whether you're after delectable farm-to-table delights, a deeper connection with nature, or a fulfilling hobby, this guide holds all the answers. Don't miss out on the opportunity to unlock the secrets of successful duck raising.

  • von Ehsan Sheroy
    31,00 €

    Territory discontinuity represents a grave danger to the glorious Malayan tiger, an animal groups indispensable to the rich biodiversity of Southeast Asia. This peculiarity, driven generally by human exercises, includes the fragmenting of enormous, bordering living spaces into more modest, disconnected pieces. The repercussions for Malayan tiger populaces are significant and disturbing.The Malayan tiger, Panthera tigris jacksoni, is exceptionally subject to extensive, undisturbed woodlands for its endurance. Notwithstanding, wild deforestation, farming extension, and framework improvement have prompted the fracture of these significant natural surroundings. As an outcome, the accessible living space for Malayan tigers has essentially reduced, limiting their capacity to meander and track down reasonable mates.The separation coming about because of living space discontinuity represents an immediate danger to the hereditary variety of Malayan tiger populaces. At the point when tigers are bound to more modest pockets of environment, they face an expanded gamble of inbreeding, which can prompt hereditary irregularities and diminished regenerative wellness. This hereditary bottleneck not just debilitates the general wellbeing of the populace yet additionally hampers its capacity to adjust to changing ecological circumstances.Also, the divided scene strengthens human-natural life clashes. As tigers are constrained into nearer closeness to human settlements, episodes of domesticated animals predation and assaults on people raise. In counter, tigers frequently succumb to poaching or are killed for the sake of human wellbeing. This endless loop further imperils the all around diminishing Malayan tiger populace.Tending to the effect of natural surroundings fracture on Malayan tiger populaces requires a multi-layered approach. Protection endeavors should zero in on safeguarding and reestablishing touching living spaces, executing compelling area use arranging, and drawing in nearby networks in manageable concurrence with these wonderful animals. Without dire and deliberate activity, the notorious Malayan tiger might confront an irreversible decay, leaving a void in the biological systems it once flourished in.

  • von Rafeal Mechlore
    30,00 €

    "Homarus Gammarus: The European Lobster in Atlantic Waters" offers a thorough investigation of the charming universe of Homarus gammarus, revealing insight into this notable shellfish species inside the huge region of the Atlantic Waters. The book dives into the scientific classification, science, and life pattern of the European Lobster, giving perusers a nuanced comprehension of its one of a kind qualities.Perusers set out on an excursion through the different living spaces that the European Lobster calls home, acquiring bits of knowledge into its dissemination, ecological inclinations, and the variables forming its geological reach inside Atlantic Waters. The natural subtleties of the species are unwound, including its taking care of propensities, dietary inclinations, and cooperations with different parts of the marine biological system.The verifiable setting of European Lobster fisheries becomes the overwhelming focus, following the direction of human connections with this significant asset. The book inspects the monetary meaning of Homarus gammarus, offering a basic investigation of supportable fisheries the board rehearses significant for the protection of lobster populaces.Despite advancing natural difficulties, the book tends to the preservation status of European Lobster populaces, introducing an inside and out investigation of the dangers they experience and exhibiting fruitful protection drives. Environmental change arises as a crucial subject, explaining its effects on Atlantic Waters and the versatile methodologies utilized by the European Lobster to explore evolving conditions.The techniques utilized in concentrating on the species are demystified, giving perusers an in the background take a gander at the examination strategies and mechanical headways driving lobster research. The book finishes up with a forward-looking viewpoint on the capability of European Lobster hydroponics, gauging its benefits, difficulties, and commitments to manageable practices."Homarus Gammarus: The European Lobster in Atlantic Waters" fills in as a significant asset for researchers, moderates, and devotees the same, offering a rich embroidery of information that not just extends how we might interpret this charming species yet additionally highlights the significance of dependable stewardship in protecting its future in the powerful domain of Atlantic Waters.

  • - Selecting, Feeding, Training, Exercising, Socializing, and Loving Your New Vizsla
    von Tarah Schwartz
    42,00 - 66,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von Luis Abdala-Roberts
    149,00 €

    Theory and early empirical work posed that herbivore pressure should be lower on islands than on the mainland owing to lower herbivore abundance and diversity in insular systems. Consequently, plant taxa found on islands are expected to be less protected or even to have lost their defences completely. While early observational studies supported the prediction of lower herbivory and plant defences on islands, recent island-mainland comparisons have yielded mixed results, with some studies finding no differences between islands and mainlands or, surprisingly, higher herbivory and plant defences on islands. In this book, the authors aim to re-assess current theory and initiate a new generation of work on insularity effects on plant-herbivore interactions. This book aims to fill the research gaps by integrating the research that has been done to date and by compiling and summarising new research on insularity effects on plant-herbivore interactions. It provides a critical examinationof the patterns in light of classical theory and identifies potential mechanisms or underlying processes. It also aims to raise new questions that will form the basis for a revised and more robust research programme.

  • 11% sparen
    von Lauren Moretto
    76,00 - 103,00 €

  • von Olivia K.
    32,00 €

    "Clownfish in Gaming: From Virtual Seas to Perky Pixels" welcomes perusers on a dazzling excursion through the convergence of sea life science and the gaming business. This exceptional investigation digs into the starting points of gaming and its advancement, attracting equals to the entrancing universe of clownfish in both normal and virtual conditions.Starting with a clever gander at the historical backdrop of computer games, the book discloses the development of virtual domains and their profound association with the marvels of marine life. The account then turns to this present reality domain of clownfish, investigating their science, conduct, and the coral reefs they call home. This makes way for the virtual excursion, where these famous fish rise above from the profundities of genuine seas to the pixels of virtual universes."Nemo's Heritage" unfurls as the book analyzes the portrayal of clownfish in gaming, both as playable characters and essential parts of narrating. The development of gaming advances becomes the overwhelming focus, with an emphasis on the progressions in illustrations and movement that carry remarkable authenticity to virtual clownfish conduct, encouraging player commitment and submersion.Past simple diversion, the story takes an intriguing turn by tending to the capability of gaming as an instrument for protection and schooling. Perusers find how virtual marine conditions can raise natural mindfulness and add to certifiable protection endeavors, fashioning a startling extension between the gaming business and sea life science.Notwithstanding, the book doesn't avoid the difficulties and discussions encompassing the depiction of marine life in games, provoking an investigation of moral worries and the sensitive harmony among amusement and obligation. The account grows its extension, wandering into the portrayal of other marine species in gaming and thinking about future prospects and developments.Basically, "Clownfish in Gaming" fills in as a thorough manual for the captivating conversion of science and gaming, uncovering the potential for coordinated effort between sea life researcher and game designers. This work not just commends the effect of clownfish in gaming yet additionally lights a more extensive discussion about the significant associations between virtual universes and the many-sided magnificence of our normal seas.

  • 10% sparen
    von Pierluigi Gambetti
    213,00 €

  • von Baolong Bao
    130,00 - 131,00 €

  • von Tracie McKinney
    53,00 €

  • von Uwe Steenken
    24,00 €

    Der Bienenmann ist einer der den Bienen genau, sehr genau über die Schulter schaut. Er ist einer der sich über viele Jahre mit den Bienen beschäftigt hat. Er vergleicht das Bienenvolk mit der menschlichen Gesellschaft und stellt dabei fest, dass es viele Gemeinsamkeiten und viele Fragen gibt. Ist das Bienenvolk eine Monarchie oder eine Diktatur? Was haben die Bienen mit Caius Julius Cäsar, mit Alexander dem Großen, mit Napoleon, mit Hitler, mit Stalin und mit all den anderen kopfkranken Größen dieser Welt zu tun? Die Bienen und das Römische Reich. Dort waren sie eine biologische Waffe. Was war da los? Warum begehen die Bienen einen klassischen Brudermord und werden zu Königsmördern? Wie schaffen sie es, sich vom einfachen Bodenpersonal zum erfolgreichen Flugkapitän hoch zu arbeiten und wie bekommen sie ihren Pilotenschein?Wie nutzen sie die Farben und die Düfte dieser Welt und wie geht das mit dem Honig?Einen Winter mit Eis und Schnee, mit Frost und Temperaturen bis minus 25 Grad überstehen sie ohne, dass sie erfrieren.Was geschieht mit ihnen im Sommer bei Regen, bei Hagelschlag, bei Blitz und Donner? Ja, was machen diese kleinen Erdenbürger in ihrer Welt? Dienen sie uns, halten sie uns am Leben? Sicher ginge es auch ohne sie, ja, nur wie lange?

  • 13% sparen
    von Ilias Giannenas
    204,00 €

    This book offers a comprehensive collection of cutting-edge research on feed additives for a sustainable animal production, including insects and aquaculture. In five clearly structured sections, the sources of feed additives, details on their biochemistry, feed security as well as specific applications for individual farm animal species, livestock health and product characteristics (meat, milk and eggs) find attention. International expert authors provide a full description on the use of aromatic plants, extracts and essential oils as feed additives alone or in combination with functional feeds of different categories.Readers will explore the potential of feed additives to tackle environmental issues. Practical examples include the use of local feedstuffs in combination with herbal additives and enzymes. Emphasis is placed on the consequences of using local feed sources versus imported feedstuffs on global warming potential, primary energy use, nutrient excretion and the feedadditive influence on lessening the pollution from animal operations. The results presented will support realization of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 12 which stands for Responsible Consumption and Production worldwide.The use of novel and different feed additives can be an important tool to enhance sustainability, support productivity, and match increased food demands around the globe. Animal production depends on feed efficiency to sustain growth and profitability. Along these lines, the present volume is an essential reading for all future-oriented veterinarians, animal nutritionists, agricultural scientists, and moreover the feed, food and plant industry.

  • von Louis Wagner
    47,00 €

  • von Gavin Grant
    18,00 €

    This training guide is a truly unique and informative book which is full of reliable and time tested information - written for the admirers and owners of this wonderful breed. Easy-to-read and in-depth in its nature - you will thoroughly enjoy your experience with this training guide. A wealth of reliable methods and procedures, alongside detailed advice for current or soon-to-be-owners is contained within. Contributed to by a series of specialist dog trainers, this book is certainly a must have addition to your collection.

  • von Louis Wagner
    47,00 €

  • von Louis Wagner
    46,00 - 47,00 €

  • von Albrecht von Peinen
    18,99 €

    Ernst Arendt war von seiner frühen Jugend schon vogelkundlich begeistert und aktiv.Schon als Schüler im Gymnasium machte er die vom Biologielehrer organisierten ornithologischen Exkursionen mit.Seine Vorbilder waren der schwedische Vogelforscher Bengt Berg und der bekannte deutsche Tierfilmer und Zoologe Eugen Schuhmacher.Noch bevor er seine Ausbildung zum Präparator abgeschlossen hatte, machte er schon mit 18 Jahren seinen 1. Film über die Moschusochsen im Dovrefjell in Norwegen.Bekannt wurde er durch die Filmreihe ¿Tiere vor der Kamerä, die er zusammen mit dem Filmer Hans Schweiger über das Bayerische Fernsehen 42 Jahre lang ausstrahlen ließ.Die Qualität dieser Filme wurde mit diversen Preisen ausgezeichnet.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    25,00 €

    If your child loves sea creatures and coloring, the Creative Haven Fanciful Sea Life Coloring Book is the perfect activity book for them. This coloring book is designed specifically for kids aged 4-10 and features amazing ocean animals to color. Here are some of the features of this fun coloring book:The coloring book has over 30 pages of unique and beautiful illustrations of ocean animals, including seahorses, dolphins, whales, and more.The illustrations are designed to be challenging but not too difficult for kids in the 4-10 age range. This means that your child can enjoy coloring for hours without getting frustrated.The pages are printed on one side only, which means that your child can use markers or pens without worrying about the colors bleeding through to the other side.The paper quality is excellent, which means that the finished coloring pages can be easily removed and displayed without tearing or wrinkling.The book is small and lightweight, which makes it easy to carry around, whether you're going on a road trip or just to a local park.This coloring book is a great way to introduce your child to the wonders of the ocean and its inhabitants. It's also a fun way to teach your child about different colors and how they can be combined to create beautiful effects.Overall, the Creative Haven Fanciful Sea Life Coloring Book is a fantastic activity book for kids who love sea creatures and coloring. It's a great way to keep your child entertained and engaged while also promoting creativity and learning.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    26,00 €

    If you're looking for a fun and educational activity to keep your little ones entertained, an animal coloring book is a great choice. Not only will it provide hours of creative fun, but it can also help improve their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.The Cute Happy Farm Animals Coloring Book is a wonderful option for kids ages 4 and up. With adorable illustrations of cows, pigs, chickens, and more, your child will love coloring in these cute farm animals.Some of the benefits of using this coloring book include:Encourages creativity and self-expressionHelps improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordinationTeaches children about different types of farm animalsProvides a fun and relaxing activity for kids and parents to do togetherCan be used to teach colors and color recognitionSo if you're looking for a fun and educational activity for your child, consider picking up the Cute Happy Farm Animals Coloring Book. It's sure to provide hours of entertainment and learning for your little one.

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