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  • 14% sparen
    von Shahla Yasmin
    31,00 €

    Le district de Gaya est situé à 84.4-85.5_E de longitude et 24.5-25.1_N de latitude. Dans les parties sud et est de ce district, on trouve un terrain rocheux composé de gneiss foliacés, une subdivision du système archéen. L'altération et la lixiviation des minéraux contenant du fluorure (F) qui se trouvent dans les joints, les fractures et les failles de ces roches dans un environnement alcalin conduisent à l'enrichissement du F dans les eaux souterraines. Trois cent trente-trois échantillons d'eau ont été analysés à partir des pompes manuelles de 84 villages des 24 blocs du district de Gaya, Bihar. Le niveau de F a été mesuré en utilisant l'électrode sélective d'ions fluorure Orion 9690 BNWP avec le compteur portable à balayage cybernétique PCD 650. Un tampon d'ajustement de la force ionique disponible dans le commerce, ISA I, a été ajouté aux échantillons avant l'estimation du fluorure. Le bloc de Bodh Gaya avec un niveau de F inférieur à 1 mg/L (moyenne = 0,59 ± 0,03 N = 11) a été considéré comme une zone de contrôle, tandis que les blocs d'Amas et de Bankebazaar étaient des zones endémiques en F, avec un niveau moyen de F de 2,36 ± 0,23 (N = 27). Les habitants de la zone endémique F souffrent de fluorose dentaire, squelettique et non squelettique.

  • 14% sparen
    von Shahla Yasmin
    31,00 €

    O distrito de Gaya está situado a 84,4-85,5_E de longitude e 24,5-25,1_N de latitude. Nas partes sul e leste deste distrito, encontra-se um terreno rochoso composto por gneiss foliado, uma subdivisão do sistema Arqueano. A meteorização e a lixiviação de minerais portadores de fluoreto (F) que se encontram nas juntas, fracturas e falhas destas rochas em ambiente alcalino conduzem ao enriquecimento de F nas águas subterrâneas. Foram analisadas 333 amostras de água das bombas manuais de 84 aldeias dos 24 blocos do distrito de Gaya, Bihar. O nível de F foi medido utilizando o elétrodo seletivo de iões de fluoreto Orion 9690 BNWP com o medidor portátil de varrimento cibernético PCD 650. Foi adicionado às amostras um tampão de ajuste da força iónica disponível no mercado, ou seja, ISA I, antes da estimativa do fluoreto. O bloco de Bodh Gaya com um nível de F inferior a 1 mg/L (média = 0,59 ± 0,03 N = 11) foi considerado como área de controlo, enquanto os blocos de Amas e Bankebazaar eram áreas endémicas de F, com um nível médio de F de 2,36 ± 0,23 (N = 27). Verificou-se que os residentes da área endémica de F sofriam de fluorose dentária, esquelética e não esquelética.

  • 14% sparen
    von Shahla Yasmin
    31,00 €

    El distrito de Gaya está situado a 84,4-85,5_E de longitud y 24,5-25,1_N de latitud. En las partes sur y este de este distrito se encuentra un terreno rocoso compuesto de gneis foliado, una subdivisión del sistema Arcaico. La meteorización y la lixiviación de los minerales portadores de flúor (F) que yacen en las juntas, fracturas y fallas de estas rocas en un entorno alcalino conducen al enriquecimiento de F en las aguas subterráneas. Se analizaron 333 muestras de agua de las bombas manuales de 84 pueblos de los 24 bloques del distrito de Gaya, Bihar. El nivel de F se midió utilizando el electrodo selectivo de iones fluoruro Orion 9690 BNWP con el medidor portátil PCD 650 cyber scan. Antes de la estimación del fluoruro, se añadió a las muestras un tampón comercial de ajuste de la fuerza iónica, el ISA I. El bloque de Bodh Gaya con un nivel de F inferior a 1 mg/L (media = 0,59 ± 0,03 N = 11) se consideró zona de control, mientras que los bloques de Amas y Bankebazaar eran zonas endémicas de F, con un nivel medio de F de 2,36 ± 0,23 (N = 27). Se observó que los residentes de la zona endémica de F padecían fluorosis dental, esquelética y no esquelética.

  • 14% sparen
    von Shahla Yasmin
    31,00 €

    Rajon Gaq raspolozhen na 84,4-85,5_ wostochnoj dolgoty i 24,5-25,1_ sewernoj shiroty. V üzhnoj i wostochnoj chastqh ätogo rajona wstrechaetsq skalistyj rel'ef, sostoqschij iz listowatogo gnejsa - podrazdeleniq arhejskoj sistemy. Vywetriwanie i wyschelachiwanie ftorsoderzhaschih (F) mineralow, zalegaüschih w shwah, treschinah i razlomah ätih porod w schelochnoj srede, priwodit k obogascheniü F w podzemnyh wodah. Trista tridcat' tri proby wody byli proanalizirowany iz ruchnyh nasosow 84 derewen' iz 24 kwartalow rajona Gaq, shtat Bihar. Urowen' F izmerqli s pomosch'ü ftorid-ionnogo selektiwnogo älektroda Orion 9690 BNWP s portatiwnym izmeritelem PCD 650 cyber scan. Pered opredeleniem urownq ftorida w obrazcy dobawlqli kommercheskij bufer dlq regulirowki ionnoj sily, t.e. ISA I. Blok Bodh Gaq s urownem F menee 1 mg/l (srednee znachenie = 0,59 ± 0,03 N = 11) rassmatriwalsq kak kontrol'nyj rajon, w to wremq kak bloki Amas i Bankebazar byli ändemichnymi rajonami, so srednim urownem F 2,36 ± 0,23 (N = 27). Zhiteli ändemichnyh po F rajonow stradali ot zubnogo, skeletnogo i nekostnomozgowogo flüoroza.

  • 14% sparen
    von Shahla Yasmin
    31,00 €

    Il distretto di Gaya si trova a 84,4-85,5_E di longitudine e 24,5-25,1_N di latitudine. Nelle zone meridionali e orientali di questo distretto si trovano terreni rocciosi composti da gneiss foliato, una suddivisione del sistema archeano. L'erosione e la lisciviazione dei minerali contenenti fluoro (F) che si trovano nei giunti, nelle fratture e nelle faglie di queste rocce in ambiente alcalino portano all'arricchimento di F nelle acque sotterranee. Trecentotrentatré campioni d'acqua sono stati analizzati dalle pompe manuali di 84 villaggi dei 24 isolati del distretto di Gaya, Bihar. Il livello di F è stato misurato utilizzando l'elettrodo selettivo di ioni fluoruro Orion 9690 BNWP con il misuratore portatile PCD 650 cyber scan. Prima della stima del fluoro, ai campioni è stato aggiunto il tampone di regolazione della forza ionica ISA I, disponibile in commercio. L'isolato di Bodh Gaya con un livello di F inferiore a 1 mg/L (media = 0,59 ± 0,03 N = 11) è stato considerato come area di controllo, mentre gli isolati di Amas e Bankebazaar erano aree endemiche di F, con un livello medio di F di 2,36 ± 0,23 (N = 27). I residenti dell'area endemica F sono risultati affetti da fluorosi dentale, scheletrica e non scheletrica.

  • von Shahla Yasmin
    35,90 €

    Der Bezirk Gaya befindet sich auf 84,4-85,5_E Länge und 24,5-25,1_N Breite. In den südlichen und östlichen Teilen dieses Distrikts findet man felsiges Terrain, das aus Blattgneis besteht, einer Unterabteilung des Archaischen Systems. Die Verwitterung und Auslaugung von fluoridhaltigen Mineralien, die sich in den Fugen, Brüchen und Verwerfungen dieser Gesteine befinden, führt unter alkalischen Bedingungen zur Anreicherung von F im Grundwasser. Dreihundertdreiunddreißig Wasserproben wurden aus den Handpumpen von 84 Dörfern der 24 Blöcke des Bezirks Gaya, Bihar, analysiert. Der F-Gehalt wurde mit der ionenselektiven Fluoridelektrode Orion 9690 BNWP und dem tragbaren Cyberscan-Messgerät PCD 650 gemessen. Vor der Fluoridbestimmung wurde den Proben ein handelsüblicher Puffer zur Einstellung der Ionenstärke, d.h. ISA I, zugesetzt. Der Block Bodh Gaya mit einem F-Gehalt von weniger als 1 mg/L (Mittelwert = 0,59 ± 0,03 N = 11) wurde als Kontrollgebiet betrachtet, während die Blöcke Amas und Bankebazaar endemische Gebiete mit einem mittleren F-Gehalt von 2,36 ± 0,23 (N = 27) waren. Bei den Bewohnern des F-Endemiegebiets wurde festgestellt, dass sie an Zahn-, Skelett- und Nicht-Skelett-Fluorose leiden.

  • von Rüdiger Vorwall
    24,50 €

    In einer Welt, die oft hektisch und stressig ist, gibt es einen treuen Begleiter, der uns stets mit einem eleganten Schwanzwedeln und einem tiefgründigen Blick begrüßt - den Weimaraner. Diese majestätischen Hunde, bekannt für ihre beeindruckende Größe, die schlanken, muskulösen Körper und die markanten, ausdrucksstarken Augen, haben sich einen festen Platz in den Herzen und Familien vieler Menschen gesichert.Weimaraner sind viel mehr als nur Haustiere. Sie sind verlässliche Freunde, treue Begleiter und bereichern unser Leben mit ihrer vielseitigen Persönlichkeit und ihrem dynamischen Temperament. In diesem Buch tauchen wir in die faszinierende Welt der Weimaraner ein, erkunden ihre Geschichte und lernen ihre einzigartigen Charakterzüge kennen.Von ihren Anfängen als königliche Jagdhunde in Deutschland bis hin zu ihrer heutigen Rolle als adlige Familienhunde, vielseitige Sportpartner und liebevolle Spielkameraden, beleuchten wir die unterschiedlichen Aspekte der Weimaraner. Wir gewähren Einblicke in die Welt der Weimaraner und verstehen, was es bedeutet, diese energiegeladene und charismatische Rasse zu hegen und zu pflegen.Dieses Buch richtet sich hauptsächlich an diejenigen, die neu in der Welt der Hunderassen sind, sowie an diejenigen, die erwägen, zum ersten Mal einen Hund in ihr Leben zu bringen. Es wird ausführlich dargelegt, ob der Weimaraner der richtige Gefährte für Sie ist. Auf fast 190 Seiten führt Sie der Autor tief in die Welt der Weimaraner ein und behandelt dabei zahlreiche Themen, die besonders für angehende Hundebesitzer von Bedeutung sind.Begleiten Sie uns auf eine Entdeckungsreise in die Welt der Weimaraner und lassen Sie sich von ihrem noblen Charme und ihrer beeindruckenden Erscheinung verzaubern. Sobald Sie einen Weimaraner kennen und lieben gelernt haben, werden Sie verstehen, warum diese Rasse ein wahrhaftiger Schatz ist.

  • von Herbert Sehner
    24,90 €

    Hundeexperte und Schäfermeister Herbert Sehner, erfahrener Praktiker und Autor von "Wie Hütehunde wirklich ticken", legt nun die zweite Publikation zum Thema vor. Er wirft einen unkonventionellen Blick auf Hütehunde, indem er ihre Veranlagung in den Fokus rückt. Von der Hütearbeit bis zu modernen Einsatzfeldern erforscht Sehner die vielfältigen Talente dieser Hunde und verdeut- licht, dass die erstaunlichen Leistungen dieser Tiere nicht nur auf angezüchteten Eigenschaften beruhen, sondern auf einer einzigartigen Verbindung zu ihren Menschen. In Fachkreisen hochgelobt und vielfach zitiert, entwickelt sich dieses Buch zum Leitfaden für die Haltung von Hütehunden - nicht nur bei Schäfern.

  • 16% sparen
    von Abel Hernández-Muñoz
    37,00 €

    Este libro constituye un panorama de nuestros murciélagos, para los niños, donde se detallan nombres comunes, nombres científicos, descripciones, alimentación, distribución y conservación. Está profusamente ilustrado con dibujos a todo color, así como mapas de distribución en Cuba. Las guías de campo constituyen una forma de popularización científica, ya clásica en la literatura mundial de las ciencias naturales, ideada para que los aficionados tengan los medios en la identificación rápida, en condiciones de campo, un grupo particular de animales, de un país o región determinados. Obviamente, se caracterizan por un apreciable predominio de las ilustraciones a expensas del texto. Obras de este tipo tienen una gran demanda entre la población. Su autor es especialista en el estudio y conservación de los murciélagos cubanos.

  • von Teresa Mulhern
    100,00 - 137,00 €

  • von Verlag Cadmos
    14,40 €

    Stress und Unsicherheit sorgen leider im Leben vieler Hunde und deren Menschen für Einschränkungen. Vielleicht geben unsere Artikel an der einen oder anderen Stelle genau den richtigen Impuls, um eine positive Veränderung anzustoßen!Schwerpunktthema: STRESS UND UNSICHERHEITDAGMARS KOLUMNE. Stress gehört zum Leben (DAGMAR SPILLNER)STRESS & UNSICHERHEIT. Let's talk about Stress. Was er alles im Körper unserer Hunde in Gang setzt (SABINE ZEMLA). Stressanzeichen? (CHRISTIANE JACOBS). Unsicherheiten und Stress ganzheitlich angehen (ROLF C. FRANCK). Veränderungen anstoßen (MADELEINE FRANCK). Entspannung statt Stress: Was der Mensch tun kann (Blick ins Buch "Entspannungstraining für Hunde") (KARIN PETRA FREILING). Stressvermeidung bei Hunden im therapeutischen Einsatz (CORDULA VON MANSTEIN)HUND & GESUNDHEIT. Schmerzen und Verhalten Teil 2: Verhaltenssymptome im Training (KATRIEN LISMONT) . Ein anrüchiges Thema: Koprophagie (PETRA BALAI). Pfotenpflege im WinterTRAINING & BESCHÄFTIGUNG. Praxistraining für Schmuddelwetter (MANUELA ZAITZ). Schnüffelspiele für indoor - mehr als nur Beschäftigung (DR. KATRIN VOIGT). Winter-Workout mit Cavaletti (STEFFI RUMPF)HUND & MENSCH. Bitte nicht nachmachen! Wie TV-Sendungen Gewalt am Hund gesellschaftsfähig machen (KIRSTEN BERGER). Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen einer TV-Produktion (KIRSTEN BERGER IM INTERVIEW MIT KATHARINA MARIOTH)ZUBEHÖR & TRENDS. Warme Füße bei schlechtem Wetter? (MADELEINE FRANCK, ROLF C. FRANCK, NICOLE RÖDER, STEFFI RUMPF, MANUELA ZAITZ)

  • von Thy Nguyen
    25,00 €

    If your child loves animals, then a panther coloring book is a great way to provide them with both entertainment and relaxation. Not only do coloring books help to improve fine motor skills, but they can also reduce stress and anxiety levels in children. Here are some benefits of using a panther coloring book for your child:Improves hand-eye coordinationEnhances creativity and imaginationEncourages color recognition and development of artistic skillsReduces stress and anxiety levels in childrenProvides a fun and engaging activity for childrenThe panther coloring book for kids is not only a great way to improve your child's artistic skills, but it is also a wonderful way to introduce them to the jungle animals. It features different panther designs that are sure to keep your child entertained for hours. The coloring book also includes pages of other jungle animals such as monkeys, tigers, and lions.In addition, the panther coloring book is a perfect gift for kids who love animals. It is an affordable and thoughtful gift that can keep your child entertained for hours, while also providing them with a fun and relaxing activity. The coloring book is suitable for kids of all ages and skill levels, making it a great addition to any child's collection.Overall, the panther coloring book is a great way to help your child relax and unwind while also improving their artistic skills. It is a fun and engaging activity that your child is sure to love, and it is a perfect way to introduce them to the world of jungle animals.

  • von James Huntelar
    47,00 €

    Vi presentiamo l'assolutamente adorabile e zampettante "Libro da colorare di cani carini per bambini I!".

  • von Val Shushkewich
    31,00 €

    Discover how the science of ornithology developed by looking at the lives of 20 famous ornithologists. Entire books have been written about many of these intriguing people. The book is approximately 390 pages.The book has four parts:- Early Explorers (Georg Wilhelm Steller, William Bartram, Meriwether Lewis, Sir John Richardson);- Early Ornithology (James Graham Cooper, Joel Asaph Allen, Elliott Ladd Coues, William Dutcher, William Brewster);- Transition to Modern Ornithology (Frank Michler Chapman, Witmer Stone, Arthur Cleveland Bent, William Leon Dawson, Louis Agassiz Fuertes);- Modern Ornithology (Rudolph Martin Anderson, Arthur Augustus Allen, Alexander Wetmore, Ludlow Griscom, Terence Michael Shortt, Ernst Walter Mayr).

  • 19% sparen
    von Prashant V
    71,00 €

    The book "Zoological Data Analysis: Statistical Techniques and Interpretation" provides a concise guide to effectively analyze and interpret data in the field of zoology. It focuses on statistical methods tailored to zoological research, aiding researchers in making sound conclusions from their data. The book covers a range of techniques and approaches, equipping readers with the skills to handle complex data sets and draw meaningful insights. With practical examples and clear explanations, it serves as an essential resource for both novice and experienced zoologists seeking to enhance their data analysis skills and draw accurate conclusions from their studies.

  • 16% sparen
    von Mark Cheruiyot Bett
    37,00 €

    Activity time budgets is an important aspect in the daily survival of any animal. Habitat suitability of an organism is based on their activities. The blue monkey though listed as Least Concern by IUCN is facing detrimental threats in their forested habitats, therefore understanding its diurnal activities will aid in fostering conservation efforts of its habitat. In North Nandi Forest the blue monkeys spent a significant portion of their time feeding especially on canopy leaves and fruits with less time spent on the glade foraging on arthropods. Human activities such as illegal logging for fuel wood and fencing poles were widely seen as a threat to daily activity patterns of the monkey.

  • von Herbert Walter
    24,50 €

    In einer Welt voller Hektik und Stress gibt es einen treuen Gefährten, der uns stets mit wedelndem Schwanz und liebevollem Blick empfängt - den Beagle. Diese charmanten Hunde, bekannt für ihre mittlere Größe, die schlanken Körper und die ausdrucksvollen Gesichter, haben sich einen besonderen Platz in den Herzen und Familien vieler Menschen erobert.Beagle sind weit mehr als nur Haustiere. Sie sind vertrauensvolle Freunde, treue Weggefährten und bringen mit ihrer vielseitigen Persönlichkeit und dem lebhaften Wesen Freude in unser Leben. In diesem Buch tauchen wir in die bezaubernde Welt der Beagle ein, entdecken ihre Geschichte und lernen ihre einzigartigen Charaktereigenschaften kennen.Von ihren Ursprüngen in England bis hin zu ihrer heutigen Rolle als Familienhunde, Jagdbegleiter und liebevolle Spielgefährten, erkunden wir die vielfältigen Facetten der Beagle. Wir gewinnen Einblicke in die Welt der Beagle-Zucht und erfahren, was es bedeutet, diese lebendige und liebenswerte Rasse zu pflegen und zu schätzen.Dieses Buch richtet sich mit umfangreichen Informationen hauptsächlich an Menschen, die neu in der Welt der Hunderassen sind, und an diejenigen, die erwägen, zum ersten Mal einen Hund in ihr Zuhause zu holen. Es wird gründlich erläutert, ob der Beagle der passende Gefährte für Sie ist. Auf fast 190 Seiten führt Sie der Autor tief in die Welt der Beagle ein und behandelt dabei zahlreiche Themen, die insbesondere für angehende Hundebesitzer von Interesse sind.Begleiten Sie uns auf eine Entdeckungsreise in die Welt der Beagle und lassen Sie sich von ihrem einzigartigen Charme verzaubern. Sobald Sie einen Beagle kennen und lieben gelernt haben, werden Sie verstehen, warum diese Rasse ein wahrer Schatz ist.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    25,00 €

    If you're looking for a fun and educational activity for your child, look no further than the Pigeon Coloring Book! This coloring book is specifically designed to introduce children to the beauty and diversity of the pigeon species, while also providing a fun and easy way to practice their coloring skills.Here are some key features of the Pigeon Coloring Book:Beautiful pigeon illustrations: This coloring book features a variety of beautiful pigeon illustrations, from the common city pigeon to more unique and exotic species.Easy to color: The illustrations are designed with young children in mind and are easy to color, with bold lines and simple shapes.Educational: In addition to providing a fun coloring activity, the Pigeon Coloring Book also includes educational information about pigeons, such as their habitat, diet, and behavior.Suitable for all ages: While this coloring book is designed for children, it can be enjoyed by pigeon lovers of all ages!Overall, the Pigeon Coloring Book is a great way to encourage your child's creativity and curiosity about the natural world. So why not pick up a copy today and start coloring!

  • von Thy Nguyen
    26,00 €

    If you're looking for a fun and educational activity for your child, consider getting them a dolphin coloring book! Not only will they enjoy coloring in the adorable illustrations of these intelligent marine mammals, but they'll also learn about the different species of dolphins and their habitats.Here are some reasons why a dolphin coloring book makes a great gift for children:Educational: Coloring books are a great way to teach children about different subjects. With a dolphin coloring book, they can learn about the different species of dolphins, their physical characteristics, and their behaviors.Fun and engaging: Kids love to color, and a dolphin coloring book provides a fun and engaging activity that can keep them occupied for hours.Develops fine motor skills: Coloring helps to develop fine motor skills, which are important for tasks like writing, drawing, and using scissors.Encourages creativity: Coloring allows children to express their creativity and imagination, as they can choose different colors and designs for each dolphin illustration.Stress relief: Coloring has been shown to help reduce stress and anxiety in both children and adults. It's a great way to relax and unwind after a busy day.Overall, a dolphin coloring book is a great gift for children of all ages. Not only is it a fun activity, but it also provides educational benefits and helps to develop important skills. So why not give your child the gift of dolphins today?

  • von Thy Nguyen
    29,00 €

    If you're looking for a fun and relaxing activity, coloring books are a great choice. Not only do they provide a creative outlet, they can also be a great stress-reliever. And if you're a fan of foxes, the Fox Coloring Book is definitely worth checking out.Here are some reasons why the Fox Coloring Book is a great choice for anyone who loves foxes:Variety of Foxes: The book features a diverse collection of fox species, including the adorable Fennec Fox, the majestic Arctic Fox, and the fiery Red Fox. With so many different foxes to choose from, you're sure to find a page that you love.Great for All Ages: Whether you're a child or an adult, coloring books are a great way to unwind and unleash your creativity. The Fox Coloring Book is suitable for all ages, making it a great choice for families to enjoy together.Perfect for Gifts: If you're looking for a unique and thoughtful gift, the Fox Coloring Book is a great choice. It's perfect for fox enthusiasts, animal lovers, or anyone who could use a little stress relief.High-Quality Pages: The pages in the Fox Coloring Book are made from high-quality paper, so you can use your favorite coloring tools without worrying about bleed-through. Plus, the pages are perforated, making it easy to tear them out and display your finished artwork.Overall, the Fox Coloring Book is a great choice for anyone who loves foxes or coloring books. With its variety of fox species, suitability for all ages, and high-quality pages, it's sure to provide hours of fun and relaxation.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    25,00 €

    A coloring book can be a wonderful way to relax and unwind during the summer season. As you flip through the pages, you'll be transported to beautiful ocean vistas, sunny beaches, and other summer scenes that will inspire your creativity. Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider picking up a summer coloring book:Coloring has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind. As you focus on filling in each detail, you'll be able to let go of any worries or stressors that might be weighing you down.Summer coloring books often feature intricate designs that can be satisfying to complete. You'll have a sense of accomplishment as you finish each page, and you'll be left with a beautiful piece of art that you can display or share with others.Coloring can be a great way to exercise your creativity. You'll be able to experiment with different color combinations and shading techniques, and you might be surprised at the beautiful results you can achieve.A summer coloring book can be a great way to pass the time on a long car ride, plane trip, or lazy afternoon at the beach. You'll be able to keep your mind engaged while enjoying the summer scenery around you.So why not pick up a summer coloring book today and see where your creativity takes you? Whether you decide to stick with traditional colors or experiment with bold hues, you're sure to have a relaxing and enjoyable time.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    27,00 €

    If you're looking for a fun and relaxing activity for your child, consider getting them an elephant coloring book. Not only will it provide stress relief and relaxation, but it will also help improve their motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Here are some benefits of coloring for kids:Improves focus and concentrationEnhances creativity and imaginationDevelops fine motor skills and hand-eye coordinationEncourages self-expression and confidenceElephants are fascinating animals that capture the attention of both children and adults. Coloring elephant designs can be a great way for kids to learn about these gentle giants and appreciate their beauty. Some of the designs in the coloring book may even feature interesting facts about elephants, providing a fun learning experience for your child.Another great thing about elephant coloring books is that they come in a variety of designs and styles, so you're sure to find one that your child will love. From realistic to cartoonish, there's something for everyone. You can even find coloring books that feature other animals or nature scenes, providing even more options for your child's coloring adventures.In conclusion, getting an elephant coloring book for your child can provide numerous benefits, from improving their focus and creativity to providing a fun learning experience. So why not add a little color and relaxation to your child's day with a beautiful elephant coloring book?

  • von Thy Nguyen
    25,00 €

    Are you a fan of jungle animals? Do you love the sleek and powerful panther? Then this coloring book is perfect for you! With beautiful illustrations of panthers in their natural habitat, this book is sure to delight both adults and kids.Here are some key features of the Panther Coloring Book:Perfect for all ages: Whether you're a child or an adult, this coloring book is great for anyone who loves panthers and wants to express their creativity.High-quality illustrations: The illustrations in this book are of the highest quality, with intricate details that capture the beauty and power of these amazing creatures.Educational value: Not only is coloring a fun and relaxing activity, but it can also be educational. As you color each page, you'll learn more about the panther's natural habitat, behavior, and unique characteristics.Stress-relieving: Coloring has been shown to be a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. So if you're feeling overwhelmed, why not take a break and spend some time coloring in this beautiful book?Perfect gift: Whether you're looking for a gift for a child or an adult, the Panther Coloring Book is a great choice. It's perfect for birthdays, holidays, or just as a special treat for someone you love.So why wait? Order your copy of the Panther Coloring Book today and start exploring the world of these amazing animals!

  • von Thy Nguyen
    24,00 €

    If you're looking for a fun and engaging activity for your kids, a rabbit coloring book might be just the thing! Here are some reasons why a rabbit coloring book could be a great choice for your little ones:Rabbits are a cute and friendly animal that many kids love. Coloring pictures of rabbits can be a fun way to introduce them to these animals and learn more about them.Coloring is a great way to develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. It can also help improve focus and concentration, which can be beneficial for kids who struggle with these skills.Easter is a popular holiday that many families celebrate. A rabbit coloring book with Easter-themed pages can be a great way to get kids excited for the holiday and teach them about its traditions.Coloring can be a relaxing and therapeutic activity for both kids and adults. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, and promote mindfulness and creativity.So if you're looking for a fun and educational activity for your kids, consider getting them a rabbit coloring book with Easter-themed pages. It's a great way to keep them entertained and engaged while also promoting their development and learning.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    23,00 €

    If you're a fan of donkeys, then you'll love this coloring book! Not only is it a great way to relax and unwind, but it's also a fun way to explore your creativity while celebrating these lovable animals. Here are some reasons why you should consider getting this coloring book:Whether you prefer realistic illustrations or more whimsical designs, you're sure to find something that catches your eye.Coloring is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. When you're focused on coloring, you're able to tune out the noise of the world and focus on something calming and enjoyable. Plus, the repetitive motion of coloring can be meditative and soothing.This coloring book is perfect for people of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, you'll find that these coloring pages are accessible and easy to work with. Plus, you can use whatever coloring tools you like - colored pencils, markers, crayons, or even watercolors!Donkeys are such sweet and charming animals, and coloring them can be a great way to connect with them in a new way. Plus, as you color, you may find yourself learning more about these animals and their unique personalities and traits.Finally, this coloring book makes a great gift for the donkey lover in your life. Whether it's a birthday present, a holiday gift, or just a way to say "I love you," this coloring book is sure to bring a smile to their face. So why not order your copy today and start coloring your way to relaxation and joy?

  • von Thy Nguyen
    24,00 €

    Are you a fan of bears or looking for a fun and relaxing activity? Look no further than the Bear Coloring Book! This coloring book is perfect for both kids and adults who enjoy the beauty and majesty of these incredible creatures. With intricate illustrations and detailed designs, this coloring book is sure to provide hours of entertainment and stress relief.Here are some reasons why the Bear Coloring Book is a great gift idea:It provides a fun and creative outlet for people of all ages.Coloring has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, making it a perfect activity for anyone looking to unwind.The beautiful illustrations of bears in their natural habitats are not only fun to color, but also educational.The Bear Coloring Book is a unique and thoughtful gift that is sure to be appreciated by any bear lover.So why not grab a set of colored pencils or markers and start coloring your way through the Bear Coloring Book today? Whether you're looking for a fun activity to do with your kids or a way to relax and unwind after a long day, this coloring book is the perfect choice.

  • von Thy Nguyen
    27,00 €

    If you are an ostrich lover or just someone who enjoys coloring, then the Ostrich Coloring Book is the perfect activity for you. This book is filled with unique ostrich designs that are sure to provide hours of coloring fun.Here are some features that make this coloring book amazing:A wide variety of ostrich designs to choose from, including realistic depictions of ostriches in their natural habitat and whimsical illustrations of ostriches in funny situations.The designs are printed on high-quality paper, which makes it easy to color with pencils, markers, or even watercolors.The book is the perfect size for taking with you on the go, so you can color whenever and wherever you want.Each design is printed on a single page, which means you don't have to worry about your colors bleeding through to the next page.The designs are suitable for all ages, making it a great activity for the whole family to enjoy.So if you are looking for a fun and relaxing activity that will bring out your creative side, then look no further than the Ostrich Coloring Book. Grab your favorite coloring tools and start bringing these amazing ostrich designs to life today!

  • von Thy Nguyen
    25,00 €

    Bears are fascinating creatures, and it's no wonder kids love coloring them. Not only are they great to look at, but they also have a rich cultural significance. With this coloring book, children can explore the world of bears while also honing their artistic skills. Here are some things to keep in mind while using this coloring book:The book contains 28 different bear coloring pages, each with a unique design. This provides a great opportunity for children to experiment with different colors and patterns.The book is designed for children of all ages, so the complexity of the designs varies. Younger children may prefer simpler designs, while older children may enjoy more detailed ones.Encourage children to experiment with different coloring tools, such as crayons, colored pencils, and markers. Each tool has its own unique properties and can create different effects.Coloring is a great way for children to develop their fine motor skills. Encourage them to color within the lines, but don't worry too much if they go outside the lines. The most important thing is that they are having fun and expressing themselves creatively.Finally, don't forget to display your child's finished artwork! This will boost their confidence and show them that their efforts are appreciated. You can even create a gallery wall or scrapbook to showcase their masterpieces.Overall, this bear coloring book is a great way for children to explore their creativity while also learning about these amazing creatures. Who knows, it may even inspire them to become bear enthusiasts or artists in the future!

  • von Thy Nguyen
    29,00 €

    Foxes are fascinating creatures that are often associated with intelligence and cunning. They are also known for their beautiful coats, which come in a variety of colors and patterns. If you're looking for a fun and creative way to explore the world of foxes, then the Realm of Foxes Coloring Book is perfect for you! Here are some reasons why:The coloring book is specifically designed for kids, so the designs are simple and easy to color.However, the designs are still intricate enough to provide a satisfying coloring experience for adults.The cute fox designs are sure to capture the imaginations of children and adults alike.Coloring is a great way to reduce stress and unwind after a long day.It's also a great way to improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.The Realm of Foxes Coloring Book is a great gift idea for any fox lover, young or old.The book is made with high-quality paper, so you can use markers or other coloring materials without worrying about bleed-through.The designs are printed on one side of the paper only, so you can easily tear out your finished creations and display them.Overall, the Realm of Foxes Coloring Book is a fun, creative, and relaxing way to explore the world of foxes and express your creativity.

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