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  • von James Huntelar
    47,00 €

    Entrez dans un bois douillet où de joyeux écureuils se réunissent pour célébrer les fêtes de fin d'année grâce à notre "Livre de coloriage des écureuils de Noël". Dans ces pages, vous trouverez des illustrations fantaisistes d'écureuils décorant joyeusement un arbre de Noël avec des ornements en forme de glands. Ce livre de coloriage vous invite à vous joindre à leurs préparatifs festifs, parfaits pour tous les âges et pour tous ceux qui recherchent une évasion créative et réconfortante pendant Noël.- 50 dessins exclusifs pour votre exploration personnelle.- Feuilles à simple face pour vous permettre d'encadrer vos créations préférées et d'éviter qu'elles ne débordent.- Un grand format 8.5 x 11 pouces pour avoir l'espace parfait pour le coloriage.

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    33,00 €

    50 Images Mignonnes Avec Loutre Livre de Coloriage Par MandykfmLe livre de coloriage Otter offre un moyen unique d'exprimer sa créativité et de se détendre en même temps. Les pages du livre contiennent des illustrations détaillées de la loutre qui attendent que vous les coloriez.Idéal pour tous les niveaux de compétenceQue vous soyez débutant ou artiste confirmé, ce livre de coloriage est idéal pour tous ceux qui aiment la loutre. Chaque image a été soigneusement conçue pour vous permettre d'utiliser les couleurs et les techniques de votre choix et de créer votre propre interprétation.Pas d'impression à travers Chaque image est placée sur sa propre pageUn cadeau idéalNos livres sont d'excellents cadeaux d'anniversaire pour les filles, les adolescents, les adultes ou tous ceux qui aiment les animaux.Commandez dès aujourd'hui et laissez-vous inspirer par ce livre de coloriage unique sur la loutre!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Cute Images with Otter Coloring Book by MandyKfmOtter Coloring Book offers a unique way to express your creativity and promote relaxation at the same time. The pages of the book contain detailed illustrations of Otter waiting for you to color.Great for all skill levelsWhether you're a beginner or an advanced artist, this coloring book is ideal for anyone who loves Otter. Each image has been carefully designed to allow you to use colors and techniques as you wish and create your own interpretation.No print through Each Image is placed on its own pageA great giftOur books make great birthday gifts for girls, teens, adults, or anyone who loves Animals.Order today and get inspired by this unique Otter Coloring Book!

  • von Lisa Krza Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Imágenes lindas con Nutria Libro para colorear por Lisa KrzaNutria Marina Libro de Colorear ofrece una manera única de expresar su creatividad y promover la relajación al mismo tiempo. Las páginas del libro contienen ilustraciones detalladas de nutrias esperando a que las colorees.Ideal para todos los nivelesTanto si eres un principiante como un artista avanzado, este libro para colorear es ideal para cualquier persona a la que le guste la nutria. Cada imagen ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada para que puedas utilizar los colores y las técnicas que desees y crear tu propia interpretación.Sin impresión Cada imagen está colocada en su propia páginaUn gran regaloNuestros libros son un estupendo regalo de cumpleaños para niñas, adolescentes, adultos o cualquier persona a la que le gusten los animales.¡Haz tu pedido hoy mismo e inspírate con este Libro para colorear de Nutrias único!

  • von Lisa Krza Bb
    33,00 €

    50 Images Mignonnes Avec Loutre Livre de Coloriage Par Lisa KrzaLe livre de coloriage Otter offre un moyen unique d'exprimer sa créativité et de se détendre en même temps. Les pages du livre contiennent des illustrations détaillées de la loutre qui attendent que vous les coloriez.Idéal pour tous les niveaux de compétenceQue vous soyez débutant ou artiste confirmé, ce livre de coloriage est idéal pour tous ceux qui aiment la loutre. Chaque image a été soigneusement conçue pour vous permettre d'utiliser les couleurs et les techniques de votre choix et de créer votre propre interprétation.Pas d'impression à travers Chaque image est placée sur sa propre pageUn cadeau idéalNos livres sont d'excellents cadeaux d'anniversaire pour les filles, les adolescents, les adultes ou tous ceux qui aiment les animaux.Commandez dès aujourd'hui et laissez-vous inspirer par ce livre de coloriage unique sur la loutre!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    33,00 €

    50 immagini carine con il libro da colorare Otter da MandyKfmOtter Coloring Book offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di lontre che vi aspettano per essere colorate.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano la lontra. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente progettata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e di creare la vostra personale interpretazione.Non c'è bisogno di stampare Ogni immagine è inserita in una pagina a sé stanteUn grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami gli animali.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo esclusivo libro da colorare sulla lontra!

  • von Mandykfm Bb
    33,00 €

    50 Imágenes lindas con Nutria Libro para colorear por MandyKfmNutria Libro de Colorear ofrece una manera única de expresar su creatividad y promover la relajación al mismo tiempo. Las páginas del libro contienen ilustraciones detalladas de nutrias esperando a que las colorees.Ideal para todos los nivelesTanto si eres un principiante como un artista avanzado, este libro para colorear es ideal para cualquier persona a la que le guste la nutria. Cada imagen ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada para que puedas utilizar los colores y las técnicas que desees y crear tu propia interpretación.Sin impresión Cada imagen está colocada en su propia páginaUn gran regaloNuestros libros son un estupendo regalo de cumpleaños para niñas, adolescentes, adultos o cualquier persona a la que le gusten los animales.¡Haz tu pedido hoy mismo e inspírate con este Libro para colorear de Nutrias único!

  • von Lisa Krza Bb
    33,00 €

    50 Cute Images with Otter Coloring Book by Lisa KrzaOtter Coloring Book offers a unique way to express your creativity and promote relaxation at the same time. The pages of the book contain detailed illustrations of Otter waiting for you to color.Great for all skill levelsWhether you're a beginner or an advanced artist, this coloring book is ideal for anyone who loves Otter. Each image has been carefully designed to allow you to use colors and techniques as you wish and create your own interpretation.No print through Each Image is placed on its own pageA great giftOur books make great birthday gifts for girls, teens, adults, or anyone who loves Animals.Order today and get inspired by this unique Otter Coloring Book!

  • von Caroline J. Blackmore
    27,00 €

    Embarquez pour un voyage de coloriage dans des mondes miniatures magiques !"Le Livre de Coloriage La Vie dans un Pot" est une évasion enchantée dans un monde de fantaisie et d'imagination. Chacune des 35 scènes de bocaux uniques et whimsiques est une fenêtre sur un monde magique, attendant d'être animée de vos couleurs. Ce livre est bien plus qu'une expérience de coloriage ; c'est un voyage dans un royaume de détente, où chaque bocal raconte une histoire et chaque couleur ajoute un chapitre.Pourquoi Vous Allez Adorer ce Livre :Des Mondes Whimsiques dans un Pot :Explorez 35 bocaux magnifiquement détaillés et des scènes magiques, chacun offrant un défi de coloriage unique et enchanteur.Apaisez Votre Esprit :Immergez-vous dans des dessins apaisants qui offrent un refuge parfait pour la relaxation et la pleine conscience.Un Support de Coloriage de Qualité :Profitez du coloriage sans vous soucier des saignements, chaque page étant soigneusement imprimée séparément.Des Motifs Enchantés :De grands dessins avec des motifs complexes offrent une expérience de coloriage gratifiante et artistique.Prêt à Découvrir la Magie à l'Intérieur de Chaque Bocal ?Découvrez les merveilles cachées dans le "Livre de Coloriage La Vie dans un Pot". Commençons à colorier !Détails Techniques :Un Toile Spacieuse pour la Créativité :Les pages au grand format sont idéalement dimensionnées pour un coloriage détaillé, vous permettant de vous plonger pleinement dans chaque bocal magique.Élégamment Relié :Doté d'une couverture de haute qualité et brillante, ce livre associe durabilité et esthétique élégante, parfait pour votre voyage de coloriage.Un Trésor d'Imagination :Avec un total de 71 pages, dont 35 pages de coloriage exclusives, le livre offre une gamme diversifiée de scènes captivantes à explorer et à colorier.Un Cadeau Idéal pour les Amoureux de la Fantaisie :Que ce soit pour un ami, un membre de la famille ou vous-même, ce livre de coloriage constitue un merv

  • von Caroline J. Blackmore
    27,00 €

    "Embárcate en un Viaje de Coloreo hacia Mágicos Mundos en Miniatura."Libro para Colorear "Vida en un Frasco" es una escapada encantadora a un mundo de fantasía e imaginación. Cada una de las 35 escenas de frascos únicas y caprichosamente elaboradas es una ventana hacia un mundo mágico, esperando ser cobrado vida con tus colores. Este libro es más que una experiencia de coloreo; es un viaje hacia un reino de relajación, donde cada frasco cuenta una historia y cada color agrega un capítulo.Por qué te encantará este libro:Mundos Caprichosos en un Frasco:Explora 35 frascos caprichosamente detallados y escenas mágicas, cada uno ofreciendo un desafío de coloreo único y encantador.Calma tu Mente:Sumérgete en diseños que alivian el estrés y proporcionan un refugio perfecto para la relajación y la atención plena.Lienzo de Coloreo de Calidad:Disfruta del coloreo sin preocupaciones de traspaso de tinta, ya que cada página está cuidadosamente impresa por separado.Patrones de Encanto:Dibujos grandes con patrones intrincados ofrecen una experiencia de coloreo satisfactoria y artística.¿Listo para Descubrir la Magia Dentro de Cada Frasco?Descubre las maravillas ocultas en el "Libro para Colorear "Vida en un Frasco". ¡Empecemos a colorear!Detalles Técnicos:Un Lienzo Espacioso para la Creatividad:Las páginas de gran formato están idealmente dimensionadas para el coloreo detallado, lo que te permite sumergirte por completo en cada frasco mágico.Elegante Encuadernación:Con una cubierta de alta calidad y brillante, este libro combina durabilidad con un aspecto atractivo y elegante, perfecto para tu viaje de coloreo.Un Tesoro de Imaginación:Con un total de 71 páginas, que incluyen 35 páginas de colorear exclusivas, el libro ofrece una variedad diversa de escenas cautivadoras para explorar y colorear.Un Regalo Ideal para Amantes de la Fantasía:Ya sea para un amigo, un familiar o para ti mismo, este libro para colorear es un maravilloso regalo que invita

  • von Caroline J. Blackmore
    29,00 €

    Intraprendi un Viaggio di Colorazione nei Magici Mondi in Miniatura!"Il Libro da Colorare 'La Vita in un Barattolo'" è una fuga incantevole in un mondo di fantasia e immaginazione. Ciascuna delle 35 scene in barattolo uniche e splendidamente realizzate è una finestra su un mondo magico, pronto ad essere portato alla vita con i tuoi colori. Questo libro va oltre l'esperienza di colorazione; è un viaggio in un regno di relax, dove ogni barattolo racconta una storia e ogni colore aggiunge un capitolo.Perché Amerai Questo Libro:Mondi Fantasiosi in un Barattolo:Esplora 35 barattoli magicamente dettagliati e scene incantevoli, ciascuno offrendo una sfida unica e affascinante per la colorazione.Soothe Your Mind:Immergiti in design che alleviano lo stress, offrendo un rifugio perfetto per il relax e la mindfulness.Tela di Colorazione di Qualità:Goditi la colorazione senza preoccuparti della sbavatura, con ogni pagina stampata accuratamente separatamente.Pattern dell'Incanto:Disegni ampi con pattern intricati offrono un'esperienza di colorazione appagante e artistica.Pronto a Scoprire la Magia in Ciascun Barattolo?Scopri le meraviglie nascoste nel "Libro da Colorare 'La Vita in un Barattolo'". Iniziamo a colorare!Dettagli Tecnici:Una Tela Spaziosa per la Creatività:Le pagine in formato grande sono ideali per una colorazione dettagliata, permettendoti di immergerti completamente in ciascun barattolo magico.Eleganza Rilegata:Con una copertina lucida di alta qualità, questo libro unisce durabilità con un aspetto elegante e attraente, perfetto per il tuo viaggio di colorazione.Un Tesoro d'Immaginazione:Con un totale di 71 pagine, comprese 35 pagine da colorare esclusive, il libro offre una vasta gamma di scene affascinanti da esplorare e colorare.Un Regalo Ideale per gli Amanti della Fantasia:Che sia per un amico, un membro della famiglia o per te stesso, questo libro da colorare è un meraviglioso regalo, invitando i destinatari in un mondo di c

  • von Caroline J. Blackmore
    27,00 €

    Embark on a Coloring Journey into Magical Miniature Worlds!"Life in a Jar Coloring Book" is an enchanting escape into a world of fantasy and imagination. Each of the 35 unique and whimsically crafted jar scenes is a window into a magical world, waiting to be brought to life with your colors. This book is more than a coloring experience; it's a journey into a realm of relaxation, where each jar tells a story and every color adds a chapter.Why You'll Love This Book:Whimsical Worlds in a Jar:Explore 35 beautifully detailed whimsical jars and magical scenes, each offering a unique and enchanting coloring challenge.Soothe Your Mind:Immerse yourself in stress-relieving designs that provide a perfect retreat for relaxation and mindfulness.Quality Coloring Canvas:Enjoy coloring without worries of bleed-through, with each page thoughtfully printed separately.Patterns of Enchantment:Large drawings with intricate patterns provide a fulfilling and artistic coloring experience.Ready to Discover the Magic Inside Each Jar?Uncover the wonders hidden in the "Life in a Jar Coloring Book". Let's start coloring!Technical Details:A Spacious Canvas for Creativity:The large-format pages are ideally sized for detailed coloring, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in each magical jar.Elegantly Bound:Boasting a high-quality glossy cover, this book combines durability with a sleek, attractive look, perfect for your coloring journey.A Treasury of Imagination:With 71 total pages, including 35 exclusive coloring pages, the book offers a diverse array of captivating scenes to explore and color.An Ideal Gift for Fantasy Lovers:Whether for a friend, family member, or yourself, this coloring book makes a wonderful gift, inviting recipients into a world of magical creativity.Step into the Enchanted World of "Life in a Jar Coloring Book" Today!Ideal for anyone who loves the magic of fantasy and the tranquility of coloring, this book offers an artistic escape in

  • von Thy Nguyen
    27,00 €

    If you're looking for a fun and relaxing activity, why not try coloring? And what better subject to color than one of the most adorable dog breeds out there - the beagle! Here are some reasons why the Beagle Coloring Book might be the perfect coloring book for you or your child:Cute and stylish illustrations: The beagles in this coloring book are drawn in a fun and whimsical style that's sure to bring a smile to your face. Whether you prefer classic beagle markings or more unique designs, there's a variety of illustrations to choose from.Easy to color: The designs in this coloring book are simple enough for children to enjoy, but also detailed enough for older kids and adults to appreciate. You won't need to spend hours on a single page - instead, you can finish a whole design in a single sitting.Relaxing and stress-relieving: Coloring has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind and can be a great way to de-stress after a long day. Whether you're coloring alone or with a group of friends, the Beagle Coloring Book is sure to help you unwind.Perfect for beagle lovers: If you or someone you know is a fan of beagles, this coloring book is a must-have! Not only is it a fun activity, but it's also a great way to celebrate one of the most beloved dog breeds in the world.Overall, the Beagle Coloring Book is a fun and easy way to enjoy the art of coloring while also celebrating the adorable beagle breed. So why not pick up a copy today and start coloring?

  • von Lisa Krza Bb
    33,00 €

    50 immagini carine con il libro da colorare Otter da Lisa KrzaOtter Coloring Book offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di lontre che vi aspettano per essere colorate.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano la lontra. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente progettata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e di creare la vostra personale interpretazione.Non c'è bisogno di stampare Ogni immagine è inserita in una pagina a sé stanteUn grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami gli animali.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo esclusivo libro da colorare sulla lontra!

  • von Natascha Bernhardt
    15,99 €

    Gibt es Situationen, in denen du deinen Hund und seine Reaktionen nicht verstehst? Hast du das Gefühl, dass dein Hund dich mit manchen Verhaltensweisen herausfordern will oder es zu Missverständnissen kommt? Wünschst du dir eine intensivere Bindung mit deinem Hund, weißt aber nicht genau, wie du das schaffst?Um eine intensive Bindung mit einem Hund einzugehen, gehört mehr dazu als herkömmliches Hundetraining. Nämlich ein tiefes Verständnis für das Lebewesen Hund, mit all seinen Eigenarten, Charaktereigenschaften, seinen Stärken und Schwächen. Genau hier setzt dieser Ratgeber an. Mein Herzenswunsch ist es, dir einen praktischen Wegweiser an die Hand zu geben, der dich dabei unterstützt:¿ Missverständnisse in euer Kommunikation zu erkennen und zu vermeiden.¿ deine eigene Körpersprache gezielt einzusetzen, um das Verhalten deines Hundes positiv zu beeinflussen.¿ schwierige Situationen selbstbewusst mit deinem Hund gemeinsam zu meistern. ¿ die Wünsche und Bedürfnisse deines Hundes anhand seiner Körpersprache klarer zu erkennen.Bist du bereit, mit deinem Hund zu einem harmonischem Mensch-Hund-Team zusammenzuwachsen? Dann bestelle dir jetzt dein Exemplar nach Hause.

  • von Nils van Duivendijk
    107,00 €

    A groundbreaking two-volume illustrated reference book covering all of Europe's birds Would you like to be able to identify any bird species in Europe, in all plumages, in every season? ID Handbook of European Birds is the resource for you. This identification handbook blends incisive descriptions with stunning high-resolution photos to provide the most comprehensive, in-depth coverage of European birds available. Never before has so much current information been brought together in one place and presented so clearly and completely. This monumental two-volume work is destined to become a standard reference to Europe's birds.Covers 733 species known to occur in EuropeFeatures more than 5,500 spectacular color photosDetailed species accounts describe key identification features, molting, age, and genderThe high-quality photos depict the characteristics most essential for identificationInnovatively designed for easy, at-a-glance referenceAn ideal resource for anyone who wants to enhance their experience in the fieldA must for bird watchers everywhere, from beginners to seasoned birders

  • 21% sparen
    von DK
    30,00 €

    Delve into the fascinating world of birds through astonishing photography and clear explanations, in this absorbing global guideBirds are dinosaurs, with a history going back millions of years. Our fascination with them runs deep in history and our close association is reflected in creation stories, myths, legends, songs, and children's stories.This book explores both the natural history of birds and that deep cultural connection. From their evolution and anatomy to their behaviour and diversity, spanning tiny dunnocks hiding in bushes to ostriches strong enough to knock out a lion. Articles cover a group, such as hawks, finches, swans, or birds of paradise, moving the focus away from a predictable species-by-species account and allowing for truly global coverage. Discover the bold nature of European Robins and why they are associated with Christmas; the mythical Phoenix, which rises from the ashes; and learn about eagles, from their hunting prowess to the myriad stories and symbolism associated with them. Packed with information, and beautiful photography and illustrations, The Bird Book is a must-have for nature enthusiasts.

  • von Dana Wagtail
    28,00 €

    A Gourmet Guide to Doggy DiningIndulge your furry friend with a feast fit for four-legged royalty!Over 150 wholesome Recipes for Every Stage of Your Dog's Life Embark on a culinary journey that transcends the ordinary and transforms mealtime into a celebration of health and happiness for your beloved canine companion. "Gourmet Pup" is not just a cookbook; it's a testament to the profound bond between humans and their four-legged friends, offering a delectable array of nutritious recipes crafted with love and care.Dive into a world where every meal is a blend of flavour and nutrition, specially tailored for each stage of your dog's life. From the playful puppy years to the golden moments of their senior days, this cookbook is your guide to providing optimal nutrition at every turn.Nourishing Wisdom for Every Stage Puppy Palate PleasersThe journey begins with adorable puppy paw prints as we introduce a series of mouth-watering recipes designed to cater to the unique nutritional needs of your growing fur ball. From essential nutrients for bone development to boosting their immune system, these recipes are a delightful blend of flavour and functionality. Prime Time EatsAs your dog matures into adulthood, so do their taste buds and dietary requirements. "Gourmet Pup" seamlessly transitions into recipes tailored for the prime years of your dog's life. Packed with proteins, vitamins, and minerals, these meals ensure your furry friend stays active, healthy, and full of life. Golden Gourmet DelightsSenior dogs deserve nothing but the best, and this cookbook delivers a collection of recipes that cater to the changing needs of your ageing companion. From joint health to maintaining a healthy weight, these dishes are crafted to make their golden years truly golden.Treats from the HeartBeyond the daily meals, this cookbook ventures into the realm of delectable homemade treats that will have your dog eagerly wagging its tail in anticipation. Discover simple yet delightful recipes for biscuits, chewy treats, and frozen delights - all made with wholesome ingredients that prioritise your dog's well-being. Why "Gourmet Pup"?Nutritional Expertise: Each recipe combines taste and nutrition, ensuring your dog gets the best of both worlds.Simple Ingredients, Big Impact: No need for complicated grocery lists! The recipes feature easy-to-find, affordable ingredients that make home cooking for your dog a joy rather than a chore.Tailored for Life: Whether you're welcoming a new puppy into your home or cherishing the senior years of your loyal companion, this cookbook is a comprehensive guide to canine nutrition at every life stage.Love in Every Bite: Every recipe is infused with the love and care you have for your dog. It's more than just food; it's a gesture of love that strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend.Unleash the Chef in You"Gourmet Pup" isn't just a cookbook; it's an invitation to become the chef your dog deserves. Through these pages, you'll discover the joy of preparing meals that will nourish and delight your dog's senses.Say goodbye to generic, mass-produced dog food and embrace the joy of cooking for your pet.Embark on a culinary adventure with "Gourmet Pup" that will leave your dog's tail wagging with joy and satisfaction because every bark deserves a bite of happiness!

  • von Cate Conte
    25,00 €

    "It's promising to be a picture-purrfect Christmas at New England's favorite cat cafâe ... but instead of jolly old St. Nick, residents are being visited by murder."--Page 4 of cover.

  • von Sanyub S
    29,00 €

    "Sumatran Tigers: Guardians of the Rainforest" provides a captivating exploration into the world of one of the rarest and most critically endangered tiger subspecies. This immersive narrative unveils the vital role that Sumatran tigers play as guardians of the delicate rainforest ecosystems they call home.At the heart of this description is the recognition of the Sumatran tiger as a symbolic guardian, standing as a keystone species that shapes the health and balance of the rainforests. As apex predators, these majestic felines regulate prey populations, ensuring the ecological harmony of their habitats.The narrative delves into the unique features and behaviors that distinguish Sumatran tigers, emphasizing their adaptability to the dense and lush rainforest environments of Sumatra. Their distinctive characteristics, including a darker coat and narrower stripes, showcase the evolutionary adaptations that make them both elusive and breathtakingly beautiful.The guardianship role of Sumatran tigers extends beyond ecological balance. The narrative explores the intricate relationship between these magnificent creatures and the indigenous communities coexisting with them. It highlights the cultural significance of the tiger in local folklore and emphasizes the importance of fostering harmonious relationships between humans and wildlife for the mutual benefit of both.Conservation efforts take center stage, shedding light on initiatives aimed at preserving the dwindling population of Sumatran tigers. The narrative discusses the challenges posed by habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflicts, while also showcasing the dedicated work of conservation organizations and local communities striving to ensure the survival of these guardians of the rainforest.Through vivid descriptions and poignant storytelling, "Sumatran Tigers: Guardians of the Rainforest" invites readers into the lush, biodiverse landscapes of Sumatra, where the fate of these iconic tigers is intertwined with the preservation of one of the Earth's most valuable ecosystems. The narrative serves as a call to action, urging global collaboration to secure the future of these majestic creatures and the invaluable rainforests they tirelessly protect.

  • von Tetsuo Kuwamura
    148,00 - 149,00 €

    This book provides a comprehensive review of hermaphroditism in fishes. It focuses on the behavioral ecology of functional hermaphroditism in fishes and discusses its evolution.Approximately 99% of all vertebrate species consist of separate-sex individuals (gonochorists), i.e., pure males and pure females. The other 1% of vertebrate species are hermaphroditic, and almost all of them are fishes. Among hermaphroditic fishes, four major types of hermaphroditism are known: simultaneous (or synchronous) hermaphroditism, protandry (male-to-female sex change), protogyny (female-to-male sex change), and bidirectional sex change (or reversed sex change in protogynous species).The book examines the occurrence of hermaphroditism in relation to phylogeny and mating systems. It also reviews the hypotheses for the evolution of hermaphroditism, and the size-advantage model, which is the main theory for the evolution of sex change, tested in relation to the mating system. The appendix in the last chapter provides an annotated list of hermaphroditic fish species (ca. 500 spp.).

  • von Shintaro Funahashi
    131,00 - 132,00 €

    The prefrontal cortex is known to play important roles for performing a variety of higher cognitive functions. Among regions of the prefrontal cortex, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays the most important roles for these functions. This book focuses on functions of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, summarizes research results obtained mainly by non-human primate studies, and describes neural mechanisms of executive functions that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex participates. First, to understand the feature of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and how its function has been understood, anatomical and functional features of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and historical overview of prefrontal functions are described. To understand functions of the prefrontal cortex and neural mechanisms of executive functions, working memory is an important concept and sustained activation during the memory period of working memory tasks is known as a neural mechanism of working memory. Therefore, this book describes features of sustained memory-related activity based on neurophysiological results obtained in the prefrontal cortex and how memory-related activity contributes to executive functions including control of attention, inhibitory control, task management, and planning. And further, this book describes how the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex contributes to neural mechanisms for sensory and motor processing, memory control in multi-task performance, decision-making, metacognition, and top-down control. Thus, this book provides important information regarding neural mechanisms of dorsolateral prefrontal functions to neuroscientists and helps to plan further investigation to understand prefrontal functions in primates and human subjects.

  • von Solomon Raj
    33,00 €

    "Paws and Symbols: The Social Effect of Well known Felines" is a charming investigation into the permanent imprint left by cat mates on our shared mindset. This enchanting task digs into the universe of famous felines, both genuine and fictitious, whose impact stretches out a long ways past the bounds of their feathery paws. From old developments to contemporary mainstream society, felines have held a unique spot in the hearts of people, frequently representing secret, freedom, and appeal. "Paws and Symbols" ably explores through history, uncovering the assorted jobs these perplexing animals have played in forming social stories. Whether adored as holy creatures in old Egypt or celebrated as artistic dreams underway of well known scholars, felines have consistently woven themselves into the texture of human imagination. The display exhibits the ageless charm of amazing felines, for example, the grand Bastet, the adored cat goddess of antiquated Egypt, and the naughty Cheshire Feline from Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Undertakings in Wonderland." It investigates how these famous cats have risen above their unique settings to become persevering through images in workmanship, writing, and fables. The social effect of well known felines isn't restricted to folklore and writing alone. The ascent of the web has introduced another time of feline VIP, with cat powerhouses becoming the overwhelming focus via online entertainment stages. "Paws and Symbols" recognizes the contemporary peculiarity of web well known felines, whose eccentric jokes and naturally attractive appeal have gathered large number of devotees, hardening their position in the advanced pantheon. This presentation welcomes guests to consider the significant associations among people and their catlike mates, perceiving the widespread allure of these charming animals. "Paws and Symbols" praises the variety of feline legend as well as features the getting through force of felines to enrapture our minds and leave a permanent paw print on the material of human culture.

  • 14% sparen
    von Ramesh Singh Yadav
    31,00 €

    Le livre intitulé "Légendes de l'entomologie indienne" est un ouvrage purement scientifique sur l'entomologie qui présente les progrès de l'entomologie agricole en Inde depuis la période védique jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Le livre contient des informations sur les légendes et leurs photographies, ainsi que sur le développement institutionnel à différentes époques. Le matériel fourni dans le livre est compétitif et théorique, les deux objectifs de l'ARS. Le matériel est utile pour les étudiants en entomologie/zoologie et les lecteurs de science. Au total, le livre est bien plus bénéfique pour tous les amateurs d'entomologie et de zoologie. J'espère qu'il sera apprécié par les lecteurs.

  • 14% sparen
    von Ramesh Singh Yadav
    31,00 €

    El libro titulado "Leyendas de la Entomología India" es un material puramente científico de Entomología que contiene el progreso de la Entomología Agrícola en la India desde el período védico hasta ahora. El libro incorpora información sobre las leyendas y sus fotografías, así como sobre el desarrollo institucional en diferentes épocas. Los materiales proporcionados en el libro son competitivos y teóricos, ambos propósitos de ARS.The material es útil para los estudiantes de Entomología / Zoología y lectores de la ciencia. En total, el libro es mucho más beneficioso para todos los amantes de la Entomología y Zoología. Espero que sea apreciado por los lectores.

  • 14% sparen
    von Ramesh Singh Yadav
    31,00 €

    Il libro intitolato "Leggende dell'Entomologia indiana" è un materiale puramente scientifico di Entomologia che contiene i progressi dell'Entomologia agricola in India dal periodo vedico a oggi. Il libro contiene informazioni sulle leggende e sulle loro fotografie, nonché sullo sviluppo istituzionale nei diversi periodi. Il materiale fornito nel libro è competitivo e teorico, entrambi gli scopi dell'ARS. Il materiale è utile per gli studenti di Entomologia/ Zoologia e per i lettori di scienze. In totale, il libro è molto più utile per tutti gli appassionati di Entomologia e Zoologia. Spero che i lettori lo apprezzino.

  • von Ramesh Singh Yadav
    35,90 €

    Das Buch mit dem Titel "Legends of Indian Entomology" ist ein rein wissenschaftliches Material der Entomologie, das den Fortschritt der landwirtschaftlichen Entomologie in Indien von der vedischen Zeit bis heute darstellt. Das Buch enthält Informationen über die Legenden und ihre Fotografien sowie über die institutionelle Entwicklung in den verschiedenen Zeitabschnitten. Die im Buch enthaltenen Materialien sind sowohl wettbewerbsorientiert als auch theoretisch, beides Ziele von ARS. Das Material ist nützlich für Studenten der Entomologie/Zoologie und Leser der Wissenschaft. Insgesamt ist das Buch für alle Liebhaber der Entomologie und Zoologie von großem Nutzen. Ich hoffe, es wird von den Lesern geschätzt werden.

  • 14% sparen
    von Ramesh Singh Yadaw
    31,00 €

    Kniga pod nazwaniem "Legendy indijskoj äntomologii" predstawlqet soboj chisto nauchnyj material po äntomologii, soderzhaschij informaciü o razwitii sel'skohozqjstwennoj äntomologii w Indii s wedicheskogo perioda do nashih dnej. Kniga soderzhit informaciü o legendah i ih fotografiqh, a takzhe ob institucional'nom razwitii w razlichnye periody wremeni. Materialy, predstawlennye w knige, nosqt sorewnowatel'nyj i teoreticheskij harakter, oba prednaznacheny dlq ARS. Material polezen dlq studentow äntomologii / zoologii i chitatelej nauki. V celom, kniga gorazdo poleznee dlq wseh lübitelej äntomologii i zoologii. Nadeüs', ona budet po dostoinstwu ocenena chitatelqmi.

  • 14% sparen
    von Ramesh Singh Yadav
    31,00 €

    O livro intitulado "Legends of Indian Entomology" (Lendas da Entomologia Indiana) é um material puramente científico de Entomologia que contém o progresso da Entomologia Agrícola na Índia desde o período védico até à atualidade. O livro contém informações sobre as lendas e as suas fotografias, bem como sobre o desenvolvimento institucional durante diferentes períodos de tempo. Os materiais fornecidos no livro são competitivos e teóricos, ambos objectivos da ARS. O material é útil para estudantes de Entomologia/ Zoologia e leitores de ciência. No total, o livro é muito mais benéfico para todos os amantes da Entomologia e Zoologia. Espero que seja apreciado pelos leitores.

  • von Jens Lackert
    24,50 €

    Sind Sie bereit, die vielseitige Welt des Labradoodles zu erkunden, einer charmanten Mischung aus Labrador Retriever und Pudel, die für ihre Intelligenz und ihr freundliches Wesen bekannt ist? Traumrasse: Labradoodle ist eine leidenschaftliche und umfassende Würdigung dieser bemerkenswerten Rasse.In unserem Ratgeber nehmen wir Sie mit auf eine informative Reise durch die Geschichte und Herkunft des Labradoodles. Entdecken Sie mehr über die Entwicklung dieser Hybridrasse und die einzigartigen Eigenschaften, die den Labradoodle so besonders machen. Wir geben Ihnen Einblicke, wie es ist, einen Labradoodle-Welpen zu adoptieren und wie Sie seine Ausbildung und Erziehung effektiv gestalten können, wobei Techniken wie das Klickertraining eine Schlüsselrolle spielen, um effektiv mit Ihrem vierbeinigen Freund zu kommunizieren.Wir widmen uns der wichtigen Frage, wie das Zusammenleben von Kindern und Hunden funktionieren kann, und bieten Ihnen wertvolle Tipps für eine nahtlose Integration des Hundes in Ihr Familienleben. Sie erfahren, wie eine angemessene und gesunde Ernährung für einen Labradoodle aussieht, wie Sie die Pflege Ihres Hundes optimal gestalten und welche spezifischen gesundheitlichen Herausforderungen bei dieser Rasse auftreten können.Begleiten Sie uns auf dieser spannenden Entdeckungsreise und erfahren Sie alles über den Labradoodle, eine Rasse, die nicht nur durch ihr ansprechendes Äußeres, sondern auch durch ihre liebevolle und intelligente Natur besticht.Egal, ob Sie bereits das Glück haben, einen Labradoodle Ihr Eigen zu nennen, oder ob Sie erwägen, einen solchen liebenswerten Gefährten in Ihr Zuhause zu holen, unser Ratgeber bietet Ihnen eine Schatzkiste voller nützlicher Informationen und Einblicke, die Ihr Zusammenleben mit diesem besonderen Vierbeiner bereichern werden.Ein Labradoodle ist weit mehr als nur ein Haustier - er ist ein vierbeiniges Abenteuer voller Lebensfreude, ein charmanter Weggefährte, der Ihren Alltag aufhellt und jeden Tag zu einem einzigartigen Erlebnis macht. Erwarten Sie aufregende Tipps zur Gestaltung der Freizeit mit Ihrem Hund und erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihren Labradoodle in Ihre Urlaubspläne einbeziehen können.Mit Traumrasse: Labradoodle halten Sie nicht nur einen einfachen Ratgeber in den Händen. Es ist eine Hommage an eine Rasse, die durch ihre einzigartige Mischung aus Intelligenz, Charme und Herzlichkeit besticht. Lassen Sie sich von der Welt des Labradoodles verzaubern und entdecken Sie, wie bereichernd

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