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  • von Daniel J. Sanford
    21,00 €

    Do you love your cat and want to feed them in the best possible way? Do you want to learn how to choose and use the best food, water, and nutrients for your cat, based on their age, activity level, health condition, and taste, smell, and texture preferences? Do you want to know how to adjust your cat's feeding schedule and portion size, according to their weight and body condition, and according to the type and quality of the food they eat? Do you want to discover how to make feeding time a positive and rewarding experience for your cat, by providing them with physical and mental stimulation, such as toys, games, puzzles, or interactive feeders? Do you want to understand and respect your cat's individuality and personality, by not forcing or coercing your cat to eat something they don't like, or to eat in a way they don't want to? Do you want to deal with common feeding problems and behaviors, such as picky or fussy eating, food stealing or begging, or food guarding or aggression? Do you want to feed your cat according to their life stage, such as kitten, adult, senior, or pregnant or lactating? Do you want to feed your cat with special diets for health conditions, such as allergies, diabetes, kidney disease, or obesity? Do you want to feed your cat with love and care, by bonding with your cat, improving your communication, and enhancing your happiness?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you. This book is a comprehensive and practical guide on how to feed your cat in the best possible way, by following some guidelines, steps, and tips, that are based on scientific research, expert advice, and personal experience. This book will help you ensure that your cat is well-fed, well-hydrated, and well-nourished, and that your cat is healthy, happy, and content. This book will also help you enjoy the benefits of feeding your cat, such as strengthening your relationship, expressing your emotions, and sharing your life.This book is written by a cat lover, owner, and expert, who has years of knowledge and experience in feeding cats. He has gathered and compiled the most relevant and useful information, tips, and tricks on how to feed your cat, and has presented them in an easy-to-read and easy-to-follow format, that is suitable for beginners and advanced cat owners alike.This book is the ultimate resource for anyone who wants to feed their cat in the best possible way, and who wants to make feeding time a bonding experience. Whether you have a new kitten, an adult cat, a senior cat, or a pregnant or lactating cat, this book will help you feed your cat with love and care, and make your cat happy and content. Don't wait any longer, get this book today, and start feeding your cat in the best possible way. You and your cat will thank me later.

  • von Hannah Schöning Bb
    33,00 €

    Does your child love cute animals? Then this book is perfect for your child!Your little cutie will love this fun animal coloring book. This coloring book is perfect for kids who want to create the perfect world full of adorable and cute animals!Why you'll love this book:¿ Relaxing coloring pages: Each page will help your child relax and enjoy themselves, so all their responsibilities will fade away.¿ Beautiful illustrations: We've included 100 pictures so your kids can express their creativity and create masterpieces.¿ Great for ages 2 and up: Your child can color each page however they like, and there's no wrong way to color.¿ Large coloring book: this book has a large 8.5x11 format, so your child can fully express their creativity without running out of space.Do you know someone who loves animals? Make them smile by giving them this book as a wonderful birthday gift or just to make them happy.

  • von Anna Colorphil
    34,00 €

    50 Imágenes Encantadas con el Libro para Colorear Animales en Flores de Anna SchöningAnimals in Flowers Coloring Book ofrece una forma única de expresar tu creatividad y promover la relajación al mismo tiempo. Las páginas del libro contienen ilustraciones detalladas de Animales en flores esperando a que las colorees.Ideal para todos los nivelesTanto si eres un principiante como un artista avanzado, este libro para colorear es ideal para cualquiera a quien le gusten los animales en flor. Cada imagen ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada para que puedas utilizar los colores y las técnicas que desees y crear tu propia interpretación.Sin imprimir Cada imagen está colocada en su propia páginaUn gran regaloNuestros libros son estupendos regalos de cumpleaños para niñas, adolescentes, adultos o cualquier persona a la que le gusten los Animales.¡Haz tu pedido hoy mismo e inspírate con este Libro para colorear de Animales en flores único!

  • von Anna Colorphil
    34,00 €

    50 Enchanted Images with Animals in Flowers Coloring Book by Anna SchöningAnimals in Flowers Coloring Book offers a unique way to express your creativity and promote relaxation at the same time. The pages of the book contain detailed illustrations of Animals in Flowers waiting for you to color.Great for all skill levelsWhether you're a beginner or an advanced artist, this coloring book is ideal for anyone who loves Animals in Flowers. Each image has been carefully designed to allow you to use colors and techniques as you wish and create your own interpretation.No print through Each Image is placed on its own pageA great giftOur books make great birthday gifts for girls, teens, adults, or anyone who loves Animals.Order today and get inspired by this unique Animals in Flowers Coloring Book!

  • von Anna Colorphil
    34,00 €

    50 Images Zen Avec le Livre De Coloriage Animals in Flowers d'Anna SchöningLe livre de coloriage Animaux en fleurs offre un moyen unique d'exprimer sa créativité et de se détendre en même temps. Les pages du livre contiennent des illustrations détaillées d'animaux en fleurs que vous pouvez colorier.Idéal pour tous les niveauxQue vous soyez débutant ou artiste confirmé, ce livre de coloriage est idéal pour tous ceux qui aiment les animaux en fleurs. Chaque image a été soigneusement conçue pour vous permettre d'utiliser les couleurs et les techniques de votre choix et de créer votre propre interprétation.Pas d'impression à travers Chaque image est placée sur sa propre pageUn beau cadeauNos livres sont d'excellents cadeaux d'anniversaire pour les filles, les adolescents, les adultes ou tous ceux qui aiment les animaux.Commandez dès aujourd'hui et laissez-vous inspirer par ce livre de coloriage unique sur les animaux et les fleurs!

  • von Anna Colorphil
    34,00 €

    50 immagini zen con il libro da colorare Animali nei fiori di Anna SchöningIl libro da colorare Animals in Flowers offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di Animali nei fiori che vi aspettano per essere colorate.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano gli Animali nei Fiori. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente studiata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e di creare la vostra personale interpretazione.Non c'è bisogno di stampare Ogni immagine è inserita in una pagina a sé stanteUn grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami gli animali.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo libro da colorare Animali nei fiori, unico nel suo genere!

  • von Maggie Raynor
    36,00 €

  • von Karolina Kardel
    20,99 €

    Vom Zauber der Balance - So verhelfen Sie Ihrem Pferd zu einem besseren Körpergefühl Viele Reiter sind im Training frustriert, weil sie mit ihrem Pferd nicht weiterkommen oder weil sich Probleme unterschiedlichster Art eingeschlichen haben. Ihre Pferde bewegen sich auf der Vorhand, können ihre Hinterhand nicht adäquat einsetzen, stolpern oder reagieren nicht so fein auf die Hilfengebung. Häufig fehlen diesen Pferden Balance und Stabilität. Hier kann Sensomotoriktraining helfen. Sensomotoriktraining besteht aus Übungen, die meist in einem konservativen Training nicht genutzt werden.Neue und veränderte Bewegungsabläufe setzen ungewohnte Reize, was zu mehr Balance und Stabilität und dadurch zu einer Verbesserung der Koordination, der Körperwahrnehmung und zu einer optimierten Bewegungsleistung des Pferdes führen kann. Ein "Out-of- the-Box"-Denken hilft Reitern dabei, bestimmte Probleme zu lösen, obwohl das Training sich nicht konkret mit diesen befasst. So können Frust, Unzufriedenheit und Stress verringert werden - beim Reiter, vor allem aber auch beim Pferd.Karolina Kardel zeigt, wie sich sensomotorische Übungen zur Verbesserung von Balance und Stabilität in das klassische Training integrieren lassen, um Körpergefühl, Koordination und Be¬wegungsqualität des Pferdes zu verbessern. Die Übungen sind dabei nach einem Drei-Schritte- System aufgebaut und lassen sich beliebig kombinieren. Sensomotorisches Pferdetraining kann bei Balance- und Taktproblemen, Vorhandlastigkeit, Schiefe, Stolpern und Schreckhaftigkeit helfen. Aus dem Inhalt . Was ist Sensomotoriktraining und wie kann mein Pferd davon profitieren?. Sensomotoriktraining zur Verbesserung von Balance und Stabilität. Sensorische Informationen als Bewegungsgrundlage. Das Nervensystem. Die Basissinne. Übergänge, Tritte verlängern, Hinterhand aktivieren: It's all about Koordination! Sensomotoriktraining in der Praxis

  • von Manuela Zaitz
    18,99 €

    Hunde begleiten ihre Menschen durch den Alltag und entwickeln enge Bindungen zu ihnen. Nähe und eine vertraute Person an ihrer Seite sind wichtige Faktoren für ihr Wohlbefinden. Mit vorübergehenden Trennungen gelassen umzu¬gehen müssen sie erst lernen. Dabei ist ein vorbeugendes Training immer der bessere Weg, als abzuwarten, bis ein Trennungsproblem offensichtlich wird. Viele Hunde leiden still unter der Abwesenheit ihres Menschen, weil ihnen die Strategien für ein entspanntes Alleinsein fehlen. Nicht erst wenn der alleingelassene Hund jault, bellt oder Dinge zerstört, ist es höchste Zeit zu handeln!Es gibt mehr Hunde mit Trennungsproblemen, als man denkt. Dieses Buch hilft dabei, das Verhalten des Hundes einzuschätzen und ihn systematisch darauf vorzubereiten, entspannt allein zu sein. Mit kleinschrittigen Trainings¬einheiten kann man dazu beitragen, dass es ihm zu Hause auch ohne seine geliebten Menschen gut geht. Aus dem Inhalt . Trennungsstress hat viele Gesichter. Bindung und Trennung. Hilfreiche Technik und wie man sie verwendet. Entspannung und Management. Bestandsaufnahme. Trainingsschritte. Troubleshooting

  • von Val Saints
    45,00 - 60,00 €

  • von Lea Schöning Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Imágenes Encantadas con el Libro para Colorear Animales en Flores de Anna SchöningAnimals in Flowers Coloring Book ofrece una forma única de expresar tu creatividad y promover la relajación al mismo tiempo. Las páginas del libro contienen ilustraciones detalladas de Animales en flores esperando a que las colorees.Ideal para todos los nivelesTanto si eres un principiante como un artista avanzado, este libro para colorear es ideal para cualquiera a quien le gusten los animales en flor. Cada imagen ha sido cuidadosamente diseñada para que puedas utilizar los colores y las técnicas que desees y crear tu propia interpretación.Sin imprimir Cada imagen está colocada en su propia páginaUn gran regaloNuestros libros son estupendos regalos de cumpleaños para niñas, adolescentes, adultos o cualquier persona a la que le gusten los Animales.¡Haz tu pedido hoy mismo e inspírate con este Libro para colorear de Animales en flores único!

  • von Regina Peay
    24,00 €

    Dive into a world of irresistible charm with our 'Puppies Coloring Book', a heartwarming collection crafted for adults and teens alike. Bursting with 48 endearing coloring pages, each illustration captures the playful innocence and boundless energy of adorable puppies.Whether you're a seasoned colorist seeking a meditative escape or a teen looking for a delightful creative outlet, this coloring book offers the perfect blend of intricacy and accessibility. From fluffy bundles of joy to mischievous antics, every page invites you to infuse vibrant hues and bring these lovable pups to life. Enjoy!

  • von Lea Schöning Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Enchanted Images with Animals in Flowers Coloring Book by Lea SchöningAnimals in Flowers Coloring Book offers a unique way to express your creativity and promote relaxation at the same time. The pages of the book contain detailed illustrations of Animals in Flowers waiting for you to color.Great for all skill levelsWhether you're a beginner or an advanced artist, this coloring book is ideal for anyone who loves Animals in Flowers. Each image has been carefully designed to allow you to use colors and techniques as you wish and create your own interpretation.No print through Each Image is placed on its own pageA great giftOur books make great birthday gifts for girls, teens, adults, or anyone who loves Animals.Order today and get inspired by this unique Animals in Flowers Coloring Book!

  • von Lea Schöning Bb
    34,00 €

    50 immagini zen con il libro da colorare Animali nei fiori di Anna SchöningIl libro da colorare Animals in Flowers offre un modo unico per esprimere la propria creatività e allo stesso tempo favorire il relax. Le pagine del libro contengono illustrazioni dettagliate di Animali nei fiori che vi aspettano per essere colorate.Ottimo per tutti i livelli di abilitàChe siate principianti o artisti avanzati, questo libro da colorare è ideale per tutti coloro che amano gli Animali nei Fiori. Ogni immagine è stata accuratamente studiata per permettervi di utilizzare i colori e le tecniche che desiderate e di creare la vostra personale interpretazione.Non c'è bisogno di stampare Ogni immagine è inserita in una pagina a sé stanteUn grande regaloI nostri libri sono ottimi regali di compleanno per ragazze, adolescenti, adulti o chiunque ami gli animali.Ordinate oggi stesso e lasciatevi ispirare da questo libro da colorare Animali nei fiori, unico nel suo genere!

  • von Lea Schöning Bb
    34,00 €

    50 Images Zen Avec le Livre De Coloriage Animals in Flowers d'Anna SchöningLe livre de coloriage Animaux en fleurs offre un moyen unique d'exprimer sa créativité et de se détendre en même temps. Les pages du livre contiennent des illustrations détaillées d'animaux en fleurs que vous pouvez colorier.Idéal pour tous les niveauxQue vous soyez débutant ou artiste confirmé, ce livre de coloriage est idéal pour tous ceux qui aiment les animaux en fleurs. Chaque image a été soigneusement conçue pour vous permettre d'utiliser les couleurs et les techniques de votre choix et de créer votre propre interprétation.Pas d'impression à travers Chaque image est placée sur sa propre pageUn beau cadeauNos livres sont d'excellents cadeaux d'anniversaire pour les filles, les adolescents, les adultes ou tous ceux qui aiment les animaux.Commandez dès aujourd'hui et laissez-vous inspirer par ce livre de coloriage unique sur les animaux et les fleurs!

  • von Clifford H. Pope
    26,00 €

    Amphibians and Reptiles of the Chicago Area, first published in 1947, is the classic work on the snakes, frogs, salamanders, turtles, and other "herps" of the Chicago region. Illustrated throughout with detailed drawings and organized into the major groups (Amphibians: Salamanders and Frogs; Reptiles: Lizards, Snakes, and Turtles), each species found in the region is described, with extensive information on its life-history, habitat requirements, and food preferences. Author Clifford Pope (1899-1974) was a prominent American herpetologist who was curator of the Amphibian and Reptile Division of the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.

  • von M. Govindarajan
    79,90 €

    "Basic Concepts of Epidemiology" ist ein prägnanter und informativer Leitfaden, der eine verständliche Einführung in die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Epidemiologie bietet. Dieses klar und präzise geschriebene Buch soll die Wissenschaft der Epidemiologie entmystifizieren und sie einem breiten Publikum zugänglich machen, von Studenten bis hin zu Angehörigen der Gesundheitsberufe und allen, die sich für die Verbreitung und die Auswirkungen von Krankheiten interessieren. Das Buch behandelt die wichtigsten Konzepte, Begriffe und Methoden der Epidemiologie und bietet dem Leser eine solide Grundlage, um zu verstehen, wie Krankheiten und gesundheitsbezogene Ereignisse untersucht und analysiert werden. Im gesamten Buch wird die Anwendung epidemiologischer Prinzipien anhand von praktischen Beispielen und Fallstudien aus der Praxis veranschaulicht. Die Leser lernen, wie Epidemiologen Krankheitsausbrüche untersuchen, Risikofaktoren analysieren und zur Entscheidungsfindung im Bereich der öffentlichen Gesundheit beitragen. Das Buch befasst sich auch mit neuen Trends in der Epidemiologie und ihrer Rolle bei der Bewältigung globaler gesundheitlicher Herausforderungen. Egal, ob Sie Anfänger oder Profi sind, dieses Buch wird Sie mit dem Wissen ausstatten, das Sie brauchen, um sich in der Welt der Epidemiologie sicher und einsichtig zu bewegen.

  • 19% sparen
    von M. Gowindaraqn
    65,00 €

    "Osnownye koncepcii äpidemiologii" - äto kratkoe i informatiwnoe rukowodstwo, kotoroe obespechiwaet dostupnoe wwedenie w fundamental'nye principy äpidemiologii. Jeta kniga, napisannaq s qsnost'ü i tochnost'ü, prizwana raz#qsnit' nauku äpidemiologiü i sdelat' ee dostupnoj dlq shirokoj auditorii - ot studentow do medicinskih rabotnikow i wseh, kto zainteresowan w ponimanii rasprostraneniq i wliqniq boleznej. Kniga ohwatywaet klüchewye ponqtiq, terminologiü i metody, ispol'zuemye w äpidemiologii, predlagaq chitatelqm prochnuü osnowu dlq ponimaniq togo, kak izuchaütsq i analiziruütsq zabolewaniq i sobytiq, swqzannye so zdorow'em. Na protqzhenii wsej knigi ispol'zuütsq prakticheskie primery i real'nye sluchai iz praktiki, chtoby proillüstrirowat' primenenie äpidemiologicheskih principow. Chitateli uznaüt, kak äpidemiologi rassleduüt wspyshki zabolewanij, analiziruüt faktory riska i sposobstwuüt prinqtiü reshenij w oblasti obschestwennogo zdrawoohraneniq. V knige takzhe rassmatriwaütsq nowye tendencii w äpidemiologii i ee rol' w reshenii global'nyh problem zdrawoohraneniq. Nezawisimo ot togo, nowichok wy ili professional, äta kniga dast wam znaniq, neobhodimye dlq togo, chtoby uwerenno i pronicatel'no orientirowat'sq w mire äpidemiologii.

  • 19% sparen
    von M. Govindarajan
    65,00 €

    "Conceitos Básicos de Epidemiologia" é um guia conciso e informativo que fornece uma introdução acessível aos princípios fundamentais da epidemiologia. Escrito com clareza e precisão, este livro foi concebido para desmistificar a ciência da epidemiologia e torná-la acessível a um vasto público, desde estudantes a profissionais de saúde e qualquer pessoa interessada em compreender a propagação e o impacto das doenças. O livro abrange os principais conceitos, terminologia e métodos utilizados em epidemiologia, oferecendo aos leitores uma base sólida para compreender como as doenças e os eventos relacionados com a saúde são estudados e analisados. Ao longo do livro, são utilizados exemplos práticos e estudos de casos do mundo real para ilustrar a aplicação dos princípios epidemiológicos. Os leitores aprenderão como os epidemiologistas investigam surtos, analisam factores de risco e contribuem para a tomada de decisões em matéria de saúde pública. O livro também explora as tendências emergentes na epidemiologia e o seu papel na abordagem dos desafios da saúde global. Quer seja um novato ou um profissional, este livro dar-lhe-á os conhecimentos necessários para navegar no mundo da epidemiologia com confiança e perspicácia.

  • 19% sparen
    von M. Govindarajan
    65,00 €

    "Conceptos básicos de epidemiología" es una guía concisa e informativa que ofrece una introducción accesible a los principios fundamentales de la epidemiología. Escrito con claridad y precisión, este libro está diseñado para desmitificar la ciencia de la epidemiología y hacerla accesible a un público amplio, desde estudiantes a profesionales sanitarios y cualquier persona interesada en comprender la propagación y el impacto de las enfermedades. El libro abarca los conceptos clave, la terminología y los métodos utilizados en epidemiología, ofreciendo a los lectores una base sólida para comprender cómo se estudian y analizan las enfermedades y los acontecimientos relacionados con la salud. A lo largo del libro se utilizan ejemplos prácticos y estudios de casos reales para ilustrar la aplicación de los principios epidemiológicos. Los lectores aprenderán cómo los epidemiólogos investigan los brotes, analizan los factores de riesgo y contribuyen a la toma de decisiones en salud pública. El libro también explora las tendencias emergentes en epidemiología y su papel a la hora de abordar los retos sanitarios mundiales. Tanto si es un principiante como un profesional, este libro le proporcionará los conocimientos necesarios para navegar por el mundo de la epidemiología con confianza y perspicacia.

  • 19% sparen
    von M. Govindarajan
    65,00 €

    "Concetti di base di epidemiologia" è una guida concisa e informativa che fornisce un'introduzione accessibile ai principi fondamentali dell'epidemiologia. Scritto con chiarezza e precisione, questo libro è stato progettato per demistificare la scienza dell'epidemiologia e renderla accessibile a un ampio pubblico, dagli studenti ai professionisti della sanità e a chiunque sia interessato a comprendere la diffusione e l'impatto delle malattie. Il libro tratta i concetti chiave, la terminologia e i metodi utilizzati in epidemiologia, offrendo ai lettori una solida base per comprendere come vengono studiate e analizzate le malattie e gli eventi legati alla salute. Nel corso del libro vengono utilizzati esempi pratici e casi di studio reali per illustrare l'applicazione dei principi epidemiologici. I lettori impareranno come gli epidemiologi indagano sulle epidemie, analizzano i fattori di rischio e contribuiscono al processo decisionale in materia di salute pubblica. Il libro esplora anche le tendenze emergenti dell'epidemiologia e il suo ruolo nell'affrontare le sfide della salute globale. Che siate principianti o professionisti, questo libro vi fornirà le conoscenze necessarie per navigare nel mondo dell'epidemiologia con sicurezza e consapevolezza.

  • 19% sparen
    von M. Govindarajan
    65,00 €

    "Concepts de base de l'épidémiologie" est un guide concis et informatif qui fournit une introduction accessible aux principes fondamentaux de l'épidémiologie. Rédigé avec clarté et précision, ce livre est conçu pour démystifier la science de l'épidémiologie et la rendre accessible à un large public, des étudiants aux professionnels de la santé et à toute personne intéressée par la compréhension de la propagation et de l'impact des maladies. Le livre couvre les concepts clés, la terminologie et les méthodes utilisées en épidémiologie, offrant aux lecteurs une base solide pour comprendre comment les maladies et les événements liés à la santé sont étudiés et analysés. Tout au long de l'ouvrage, des exemples pratiques et des études de cas réels sont utilisés pour illustrer l'application des principes épidémiologiques. Les lecteurs apprendront comment les épidémiologistes enquêtent sur les épidémies, analysent les facteurs de risque et contribuent à la prise de décision en matière de santé publique. Le livre explore également les tendances émergentes de l'épidémiologie et son rôle dans la résolution des problèmes de santé mondiale. Que vous soyez novice ou professionnel, ce livre vous apportera les connaissances nécessaires pour naviguer dans le monde de l'épidémiologie avec confiance et perspicacité.

  • von Kate Stout
    38,00 €

  • von Ehsan Sheroy
    29,00 €

    In the charming domain of biodiversity, birds arise as enthralling avian ministers, wearing Eco-Wings that convey the heaviness of environmental equilibrium, social importance, and monetary commitments. These padded overseers assume an instrumental part in supporting the complex embroidered artwork of life on The planet, adding to the strength and usefulness of different biological systems. At the core of their biological ability lies the balletic dance of fertilization. Enhanced in energetic plumage and joined by melodic tunes, birds take part in an imperative help, moving dust between blossoms as they scavenge for nectar. This sensitive communication guarantees the propagation of heap plant species, cultivating the development of leafy foods that support both natural life and environments. Eco-Wings stretch out past botanical commitment to the domains of bug guideline, where insectivorous birds grandstand their ability as normal nuisance regulators. Swallows, songbirds, and flycatchers perform ethereal gymnastics, keeping a sensitive harmony among hunter and prey. Their presence forestalls the uncontrolled multiplication of unsafe bugs, defending yields and biological systems the same. The wings of birds additionally convey social importance that rises above ages and lines. Worshipped as images of opportunity, insight, and life span, birds advance the embroidered artwork of human societies around the world. From the notable falcon typifying opportunity to the agile crane representing life span in East Asian customs, these social associations develop the natural worth of birds in our shared awareness. Financial commitments take off also, as birds contribute straightforwardly to horticulture through regular bug control. By relieving the requirement for compound pesticides, they improve crop yields and advance maintainable cultivating rehearses. In addition, the expanding field of birdwatching the travel industry exhibits the monetary worth of avian biodiversity, drawing in devotees to areas overflowing with assorted birdlife and making income streams for neighborhood networks. In the account of Eco-Wings, birds rise above their actual structure, becoming messengers of natural agreement, social extravagance, and manageable flourishing. As stewards of these noteworthy creatures, our common obligation lies in shielding the natural surroundings, relieving environmental change, and encouraging moral protection rehearses that permit these Eco-Wings to take off, guaranteeing an ensemble of biodiversity for a long time into the future.

  • von Sam Loray
    26,00 €

    "Toucan Tango: The Vibrant World of Toucans" invites you on a kaleidoscopic journey into the enchanting realm of these charismatic avian wonders. Bursting with radiant plumage and distinctive, oversized bills, this captivating collection celebrates the vivacity and charm of toucans in their natural habitats. Each page unfolds a visual symphony, capturing the playful spirit and dynamic hues that define these tropical birds.Expertly curated by renowned wildlife photographers, "Toucan Tango" showcases the exquisite beauty of toucans as they navigate lush rainforests, their colorful plumage gleaming in the dappled sunlight. The iconic bills, with their vibrant patterns and hues, become a focal point, highlighting the unique adaptations that make these birds both visually stunning and ecologically significant.The narrative accompanying each photograph delves into the fascinating lives of toucans, exploring their feeding habits, social dynamics, and the vital role they play in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems. From acrobatic displays of flight to communal interactions, the book captures the essence of toucans as both individual personalities and integral components of the intricate tapestry of biodiversity."Toucan Tango" is more than a visual feast-it is a celebration of the biodiversity of tropical landscapes and a poignant reminder of the need for conservation efforts to protect these extraordinary creatures and their habitats. Whether you're a seasoned bird enthusiast, an admirer of vibrant nature photography, or someone seeking a window into the wonders of the rainforest, this book promises to transport you to a world where toucans dance to the rhythm of life in a dazzling display of color and vitality.

  • von Olivia K.
    28,00 €

    Past the Home: Disentangling the Insider facts of Bird Discussions" is a charming investigation into the perplexing and strange universe of avian correspondence. Wrote by prestigious ornithologist Dr. Amanda Quick, this momentous work takes perusers on an interesting excursion through the secret domain of bird discussions, uncovering the intricacy and meaning of these trades. Dr. Quick's broad exploration and sharp perceptions expose the surprising variety of specialized techniques utilized by birds across various species and conditions. From pleasant tunes that reverberation through lavish woodlands to complicated calls that pass on nuanced messages, "Past the Home" dives into the rich embroidery of avian language, displaying how birds impart for purposes going from mate fascination with regional safeguard. The book acquaints perusers with the most recent progressions in innovation that have empowered researchers to translate the complex codes implanted in bird vocalizations. Dr. Quick capably makes an interpretation of these discoveries into available language, permitting both bird fans and relaxed perusers the same to see the value in the profundity of avian correspondence. One of the features of "Past the Home" is the investigation of the social elements inside bird networks. The creator reveals insight into the intricate customs and cooperative endeavors that portray bird social orders, offering a one of a kind viewpoint on the interconnected existences of these padded animals. As perusers leave on this scholarly excursion, they will acquire a newly discovered appreciation for the knowledge and refinement of birds, testing assumptions about the straightforwardness of their correspondence. "Past the Home" not just fills in as a far reaching manual for figuring out bird discussions yet in addition rouses a more profound association with the normal world. In its pages, "Past the Home" winds around together logical bits of knowledge, enamoring tales, and striking depictions, making a show-stopper that rises above the limits of customary nature composing. Dr. Amanda Quick's enthusiasm for birds and her obligation to disentangling the privileged insights of their discussions make this book an essential asset for anybody inquisitive about the miracles of avian correspondence.

  • von Brian Stanton
    21,00 €

    The 'Colours of the Mind' system paints a CLEAR picture of your dog's perspective of the world - this insight will really help you influence and train your dog, whether you have a puppy or an older dog living at home.Developing excellent communication skills is a key feature of this positive approach to training and behaviour. Using this visual system, you will be able to teach the six Essential Commands (Sit, Wait, Stay, Come, Nicely and Close) and some Valuable Commands (Watch, Down, Leave, This Way, and Stand), which are described in detail and there are some easy-to-follow instructional videos online too. LoveK9: Colours of the Mind also includes a section on how to really enjoy life with your dog and a key section on problems you may encounter with your dog like: Pulling on Lead; Jumping Up or Lunging; Separation Anxiety; Getting Very Excited in the Car; Fireworks, Storms and Loud Noises and offers some very interesting and effective solutions.Brian's mission is to help you get the BEST out of your relationship with your family dog and vice versa and is very keen for all family members to adopt the 'Colours of the Mind' system, so your trainee gets consistent signals from all. This positive approach will definitely foster friendship, mutual understanding and respect. This is a training guide your dog would choose.

  • von Linda Deane
    38,00 €

    In this legacy edition of his story, some of Rodney's friends pay tribute to their own Rainbow Bridge cats while New Zealand's most famous cat tells the epic tale of his adventures. Rodney shares the purrls of wisdom he gleaned along the way as he journeyed to find his human soulmate before taking up his role as the "Chief Meeter and Greeter" at the Rainbow Bridge."It is mid-June in a small agricultural town in central New Zealand. Winter is making its presence known with short days and long, cold nights. I am going for a car ride which ends abruptly when I am pushed out into the cold, dark wilderness. The car drives off quickly, spinning its tyres, and leaves me behind. I am all alone. My name is Rodney, and this is my story."

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