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    20,00 €

    From revered nature writer Brenda Peterson and told through striking and vibrant mixed-media collages by Caldecott Medalist Ed Young, Catastrophe by the Sea is a poignant story of redemption through empathy and compassion found in the most surprising places, and also provides a rich understanding of small creatures that live in a dangerous tidal zone.A lost cat roams the tide pools, pawing relentlessly at the small creatures that live there. One day an anemone confronts him and asks why he is alone and befriends him. In partnership with the Seattle Aquarium, Catastrophe by the Sea delivers a powerful message of finding understanding and friendship, and at the same time educates on the varied wildlife brimming in tide pools. "For several years, the Seattle Aquarium has studied the role of empathy in promoting conservation. Empathy is the ability to perceive, understand and care about the experiences or perspectives of another person or animal. We most often feel empathy for other people, but we can also feel empathy for animals. This led us to the idea of a children's book. Animals are regular protagonists in children's books, but these characters are primarily vertebrates and often charismatic mammals. Could we create a book that would allow kids and their caregivers to empathize with strange and exotic marine animals, like sea anemones or barnacles? We hope this book strikes a chord with audiences and fosters empathy for animals less like us." --Jim Wharton, director of conservation engagement and learning at the Seattle Aquarium

  • 10% sparen
    von Erica Berry
    13,00 - 17,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    - Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention
    von Heinz Mehlhorn
    101,00 €

    This textbook provides an up-to-date overview of the most important parasites in humans and their potential vectors. For each parasite, the book offers a concise summary including its distribution, epidemiology, life cycle, morphology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prophylaxis and therapeutic measures. Numerous tables, diagrams and over 200 colorful illustrations highlight the main aspects of parasitic infestations and present suitable control measures. 60 questions help to test readers' theoretical knowledge of the field. In short, the book is highly recommended for anyone looking to delve into the field of human parasitology. It is intended for students of biology and human medicine, medical doctors, pharmacists and laboratory staff alike. Furthermore, persons who plan to visit or live longer in endemic regions will find essential information on necessary preventive and control measurements.

  • von Carly Winter
    23,00 €

    A dead chef is bad for business... and so is being accused of murder.When restaurant owner, Sally Turner, finds her chef murdered, she realizes she's in deep trouble... especially when she was the last one to see the victim alive and they'd been arguing when she left him. She turns to Gina for help in finding the real killer.As Gina assists Deputy Trevor Hutchison exploration into the chef's past, they find a cast of unsavory characters, lies and danger. Amidst the investigation, an unexpected guest - a rambunctious golden retriever named Zeus - lands on Gina's doorstep. Juggling the search for a murderer and managing the mischievous canine tests Gina's patience, leading to conflict with those around her. With her talking dog, Daisy, at her side, will Gina be able to find the destructive Zeus a suitable home and navigate the investigation without becoming a victim herself?

  • von Enzo Dellucci
    24,00 €

    Ti trovi alle prese con un cucciolo vivace che non risponde ai comandi o con un cane adulto che sembra fare solo ciò che vuole? Ti senti frustrato nel tentativo di instaurare una comunicazione efficace con il tuo amico a quattro zampe? Non sei solo. L'addestramento cani può essere una sfida, ma il segreto è capire come pensa il tuo cane, imparare a comunicare efficacemente con lui e applicare tecniche di addestramento basate su metodi positivi. Ecco dove interviene "Addestramento Cani: Il Manuale Definitivo per Educare il Tuo Fedele Compagno con Esercizi, Comandi e un Approccio Positivo per Creare una Connessione Profonda e Armoniosa con il Tuo Cane". Questo manuale è la chiave per trasformare l'addestramento del tuo cane in un'esperienza gratificante per entrambi. Nel dettaglio, il libro sarà così articolato:Introduzione all'Addestramento Positivo del CaneConoscere il tuo Cane: Razze e Comportamenti per Formulare un Piano di Addestramento EfficaceComprendere il Comportamento e la Psicologia del Tuo CaneTecniche e Strumenti Fondamentali per l'AddestramentoAddestramento ai Comandi Base: Seduto, Terra, RestaSocializzazione del Cane e Interazione SocialeAddestramento Avanzato: Comandi Complessi e Risoluzione dei ProblemiCreare un Legame Profondo: Empatia, Comunicazione Non Verbale e Reciproco RispettoMantenimento e Miglioramento delle Abilità Addestrative nel Corso del Tempo Questo libro, che mette al centro un approccio positivo e costruttivo, ti guiderà passo dopo passo attraverso le tecniche di addestramento più efficaci. Ti insegnerà a capire la psicologia del tuo cane, a instaurare con lui un legame profondo basato sull'empatia e il rispetto reciproco e a mantenere e migliorare nel tempo le abilità addestrative. Ti fornirà inoltre strumenti pratici per affrontare le sfide più comuni dell'addestramento e per migliorare la socializzazione del tuo cane. Non importa se il tuo cane è un cucciolo irrequieto o un adulto testardo, con "Addestramento Cani: Il Manuale Definitivo per Educare il Tuo Fedele Compagno con Esercizi, Comandi e un Approccio Positivo per Creare una Connessione Profonda e Armoniosa con il Tuo Cane" avrai tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per trasformare l'addestramento in un percorso di crescita e scoperta reciproca. Non perdere l'opportunità di migliorare la tua connessione con il tuo amico a quattro zampe e di trasformare la tua convivenza in un'esperienza armoniosa e gratificante.

  • von Jonathan Downes
    40,00 €

    The Centre for Fortean Zoology (CFZ) is a professional and scientific organisation dedicated to cryptozoology: The study of unknown animals and allied disciplines. Since 1992, we have carried out extensive research into mystery animals and animal mysteries around the globe. We produce a weekly WebTV show called On The Track (OTT), which covers Cryptozoology, Natural History and Green Issues, all mixed with a little light (and often peculiar) comedy. We also operate our own publishing house, producing both magazines and books on subjects that would otherwise not see the light of dayThe Centre For Fortean Zoology Yearbook is a collection of papers and essays too long and detailed for publication in the CFZ Journal Animals & Men. With contributions from both well-known researchers, and relative newcomers to the field, the Yearbook provides a forum where new theories can be expounded, and work on little-known cryptids discussed.

  • 12% sparen
    von Sharon L. Gursky
    71,00 - 72,00 €

    The basic goal of the volume is to compile the most up to date research on the effect of ecotourism on Indonesia's primates. The tremendous diversity of primates in Indonesia, in conjunction with the conservation issues facing the primates of this region, have created a crisis whereby many of Indonesia's primates are threatened with extinction. Conservationists have developed the concept of "e;sustainable ecotourism"e; to fund conservation activities.  National parks agencies worldwide receive as much as 84% of their funding from ecotourism.  While ecotourism funds the majority of conservation activities, there have been very few studies that explore the effects of ecotourism on the habitat and species that they are designed to protect.  It is the burgeoning use of "e;ecotourism"e; throughout Indonesia that has created a need for this volume where the successes and pitfalls at various sites can be identified and compared. 

  • von Walter Porter Manton
    24,00 €

    Taxidermy without a Teacher Comprising a Complete Manual of Instruction for Preparing and Preserving Birds, Animals and Fishes, a classical and rare book that has been considered essential throughout human history, so that this work is never forgotten, we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • von Lucy´s Schwarze Malbücher
    12,99 €

  • von Lucy´s Schwarze Malbücher
    12,99 €

    Ausmalbuch für Erwachsene schwarz/weiß- Black Midnight- Animals Band 11.Perfekt für Stressabbau und zur Entspannung. Das neu erschaffene Kunstwerk kann als Bild im Rahmen jedes Zimmer verschönern. Tipp: Mit leuchtenden und grellen Farben arbeiten.Eckdaten: - 64 Seiten, 17x22cm- Grau Schattierungen für einen noch schöneren 3D Look- Einzigartig & individuell- Wunderschöne Motive die einfach Spaß machen- Weniger Durchscheinen durch einseitig bedruckte Ausmalseiten- Neutrale Rückseiten- Einzelne Seiten einfach heraustrennen und z.B. in einem Bilderrahmen aufhängen- Perfekte Geschenkidee

  • von Frederic A. Woll
    25,00 €

    Technique of Eye Dissections, a classical and rare book that has been considered essential throughout human history, so that this work is never forgotten, we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • von Tim Shine
    41,00 €

    Intraprendi un sincero viaggio di comprensione e connessione con "Dalle Preoccupazioni alle Scodinzolate"Una guida per allevare il tuo cane ansioso. Incontra Prince, il saggio ed empatico compagno canino, mentre ci svela il mondo dell'ansia canina, dai segnali e reazioni fino al profondo impatto sul nostro benessere emotivo. Questa guida completa è una risorsa preziosa per tutti i proprietari di cani, esperti o nuovi, poiché offre soluzioni pratiche e riconosciute per alleviare l'ansia e creare un ambiente sicuro e amorevole per il tuo amico peloso. Ciò che distingue "Dalle Preoccupazioni alle Scodinzolate" è la sua ampia esplorazione di 40 razze canine popolari. Pagine specifiche dedicate a ciascuna razza forniscono approfondimenti completi sulle loro caratteristiche uniche, requisiti di esercizio, esigenze di toelettatura e potenziali predisposizioni all'ansia. Sia che tu stia pensando di portare a casa un nuovo membro peloso della famiglia o semplicemente di cercare di capire meglio il tuo attuale compagno, questi dettagli specifici della razza saranno il tuo amico di fiducia. Oltre alle informazioni specifiche sulla razza, il libro presenta 10 tabelle super utili che forniscono una vasta gamma di informazioni comparative a portata di mano. Queste tabelle non solo consentono agli attuali proprietari di cani di comprendere meglio e aiutare i loro cani, ma rappresentano anche una risorsa preziosa per i nuovi proprietari che imparano a scegliere il compagno di cane perfetto per il loro stile di vita. Per rendere l'esperienza di lettura ancora più piacevole e coinvolgente, "Dalle Preoccupazioni alle Scodinzolate" è progettato con centinaia di immagini in stile cartone animato e foto reali correlate. Queste deliziose immagini danno vita alla narrativa di Prince, rendendo piacevole girare ogni pagina. Lo stile delizioso e il design degli interni dell'autore ti fanno sentire come se il tuo cane stesse conversando da cuore a cuore con te. Mentre leggi le sue pagine, proverai la sensazione unica del tuo amico peloso che condivide i suoi pensieri e sentimenti, offrendo soluzioni pratiche e comprovate per alleviare le sue preoccupazioni e favorire un ambiente sicuro e amorevole. È uno straordinario viaggio di comprensione e connessione, che rafforza il legame tra te e il tuo amato compagno canino. L'impatto di "Dalle Preoccupazioni alle Scodinzolate" va ben oltre le sue pagine. Tradotto in altre sette lingue; Spagnolo, francese, tedesco, olandese, italiano, giapponese e persino cinese. Questa sensazione globale ha diffuso il messaggio di empatia e amore incondizionato agli amanti dei cani di tutto il mondo. Quindi, non aspettare oltre e assicurati oggi stesso la tua copia di "Dalle Preoccupazioni alle Scodinzolate" per liberare il potere della conoscenza. Diventando un proprietario di cani empatico e competente, creerai una vita più felice e senza ansia per te, la tua famiglia e il tuo familiare peloso. Con Prince come guida, intraprendi un viaggio di trasformazione per rafforzare il tuo legame e rendere ogni scodinzolio una testimonianza del potere dell'amore e della connessione. È senza dubbio una guida indispensabile per gli amanti dei cani. Ascolta Prince quando ti dice "LEGGIMI!"

  • von A. K. Bowen
    45,00 €

    The Complete Guide to Guinea Pig Care and OwnershipWhether you're a guinea pig owner or just dreaming of having one, this book is a total game-changer. Honestly, it's like a guinea pig whisperer's bible. From picking the perfect guinea pig to creating a dream home and bonding tips and tricks, this book is a must-read for every guinea pig owner!Covering the most important topics every new owner NEEDS TO KNOW:Expert Tips for Guinea Pig Selection -Learn to choose the perfect guinea pig, considering breeds and the environment from which they come. Whether from a breeder, pet store, or shelter, find your ideal furry companion and ensure a lasting bond.Crafting the Perfect Guinea Pig Home - Imagine creating the coziest and most welcoming home for your adorable companions. This guide has you covered with valuable insights on cage setup, bedding, and stylish accessories. Maintain a clean and cozy environment to keep your furry friend happy and healthy.Nutrition and Diet Advice -Discover the secrets of their unique eating habits and provide a nutritious diet for their well-being. Avoid harmful foods and explore DIY treats to add excitement to their daily meals.Handling and Bonding - Foster a strong bond with your guinea pig through play, proper handling, and affectionate interactions. Learn how to interpret their body language and emotions, ensuring a strong bond and a lifetime of happiness.It's time to be the best guinea pig parent ever! "The Complete Guide to Guinea Pig Care and Ownership" will also equip you with grooming tips, essential health care knowledge, and advice on socialization and bonded pairs. Get ready to unlock the secrets to creating a lifetime of love, laughter, and joy with your new guinea pig!

  • von W. J. Holland
    39,00 €

    Taxidermy and Zoological Collecting A Complete Handbook for the Amateur Taxidermist, Collector, Osteologist, Museum-Builder, Sportsman, and Traveller, a classical and rare book that has been considered essential throughout human history, so that this work is never forgotten, we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • von Leon Luther Pray
    25,00 €

    Taxidermy, a classical and rare book that has been considered essential throughout human history, so that this work is never forgotten, we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • von Suanne Lewis
    16,00 €

    Do you ever feel like life is moving too fast, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and struggling to cope with the changes it brings? Perhaps you've tried all sorts of self-help books and strategies, but nothing seems to stick. Well, I'm here to tell you about a book that just might change everything. Introducing "BAXTER TALES: Personally Transformed by A Basset Hound Who Taught Me About Coping with Change," now available on Amazon. "BAXTER TALES" will help you: - Embrace change and uncertainty with grace and confidence- Cultivate resilience in the face of adversity- Strengthen your relationships and connections with others- Find joy and meaning in the small moments of everyday life Whether you're a dog lover, a self-help enthusiast, or just someone looking for a little inspiration and guidance, "BAXTER TALES" has something for you. The author's honest and vulnerable writing style will make you feel like you're sitting down for coffee with a trusted friend, and Baxter's adorable antics will leave you smiling and uplifted. So what are you waiting for? Order your copy of "BAXTER TALES" today. You won't regret it - we promise.

  • 19% sparen
    von Sachi Devi Pureti
    65,00 €

    Un élément fondamental de la révolution verte a été le développement et l'application de pesticides pour lutter contre une grande variété de parasites insectivores et herbivores qui, autrement, réduiraient la quantité et la qualité des produits alimentaires. L'utilisation des pesticides coïncide avec "l'ère chimique" qui a transformé la société depuis les années 1950. Dans les régions où la monoculture intensive est pratiquée, les pesticides sont utilisés comme méthode standard de lutte contre les parasites. Malheureusement, avec les mérites de la chimie, les pesticides ont aussi, au contraire, certains inconvénients qui sont si délétères qu'ils menacent aujourd'hui la survie à long terme des principaux écosystèmes en perturbant les relations prédateur-proie et en réduisant la biodiversité. En outre, les pesticides peuvent présenter des risques importants pour la santé humaine.

  • von Athénaïs Michelet
    18,00 €

    Wenn Katzen sprechen ko¿nnten, was wu¿rden sie uns sagen? Wahrscheinlich wu¿rden sie trotzdem schweigen, um das Geheimnis ihrer Grandesse auf keinen Fall zu lu¿ften. Es bleibt also nur die Kunst der genauen Beobachtung, um sich diesen eigensinnigen und faszinierenden Wesen zu nähern. Athe¿nai¿s Michelet, die Frau des beru¿hmten Historikers und Schriftstellers Jules Michelet, beherrschte diese mit Bravour. Seit fru¿hester Kindheit - nicht weniger als 17 Katzen lebten im Haus ihres Vaters - hat sie Zizi, Blanchette, Miss Emma und Co. beim Schlummern und Jagen, beim Stolzieren und Toben zugeschaut. Ihr Buch ist eine leidenschaftliche und scharfsinnige Forschungsreise in den unergru¿ndlichen Kosmos der Katzen. Und es macht deutlich: Nur in einem Haushalt mit Katzen lässt sich wirklich lernen, wie man den Herausforderungen des Lebens begegnet, jederzeit die Ruhe bewahrt und wo sich das Glu¿ck verbirgt.

  • von Ann-Rebecka Madsen
    19,90 €

    Einst bewegten Pferde Maschinen, heute bewegen Maschinen die Pferde. Damit änderte sich auch der Zugang zum Pferd. Man bekommt ihn nicht von klein auf in die Wiege gelegt. Heutzutage muss man sich den Kontakt zum Pferd erarbeiten und aktiv auf die Pferdeszene zugehen. Sonst bleibt man ihr fremd.In diesem Buch werde ich den Lesern fundiertes Pferdewissen näherbringen. Für alle, die sich Gedanken machen, für echte Pferdemenschen und die, die es werden wollen.

  • 19% sparen
    von Sachi Devi Pureti
    65,00 €

    Um contributo fundamental para a revolução verde foi o desenvolvimento e a aplicação de pesticidas para o controlo de uma grande variedade de pragas insectívoras e herbívoras que, de outra forma, diminuiriam a quantidade e a qualidade dos produtos alimentares. A utilização de pesticidas coincide com a "era química" que tem vindo a transformar a sociedade desde a década de 1950. Nas zonas onde se pratica a monocultura intensiva, os pesticidas são utilizados como método normal de controlo das pragas. Infelizmente, com os méritos da química, os pesticidas têm também, pelo contrário, alguns deméritos que são tão deletérios que ameaçam atualmente a sobrevivência a longo prazo dos principais ecossistemas através da perturbação das relações predador-presa e da perda de biodiversidade. Além disso, os pesticidas podem representar riscos significativos para a saúde humana.

  • 19% sparen
    von Sachi Devi Pureti
    65,00 €

    Un contributo fondamentale alla rivoluzione verde è stato lo sviluppo e l'applicazione di pesticidi per il controllo di un'ampia varietà di parassiti insettivori ed erbivori che altrimenti ridurrebbero la quantità e la qualità dei prodotti alimentari. L'uso dei pesticidi coincide con l'"era chimica" che ha trasformato la società a partire dagli anni Cinquanta. Nelle aree in cui si pratica la monocoltura intensiva, i pesticidi sono utilizzati come metodo standard per il controllo dei parassiti. Purtroppo, con i meriti della chimica, i pesticidi hanno anche alcuni demeriti, così deleteri da minacciare la sopravvivenza a lungo termine dei principali ecosistemi, attraverso l'interruzione delle relazioni predatore-preda e la perdita di biodiversità. Inoltre, i pesticidi possono rappresentare un rischio significativo per la salute umana.

  • 19% sparen
    von Sachi Devi Pureti
    65,00 €

    Una contribución fundamental a la revolución verde ha sido el desarrollo y la aplicación de plaguicidas para el control de una amplia variedad de plagas insectívoras y herbívoras que, de otro modo, mermarían la cantidad y calidad de los productos alimentarios. El uso de pesticidas coincide con la "era química" que ha transformado la sociedad desde la década de 1950. En las zonas donde se practica el monocultivo intensivo, los plaguicidas se utilizan como método estándar para el control de plagas. Desgraciadamente, con los méritos de la química, los pesticidas tienen también, por el contrario, algunos deméritos que son tan nocivos que ahora amenazan la supervivencia a largo plazo de los principales ecosistemas por la alteración de las relaciones depredador-presa y la pérdida de biodiversidad. Además, los plaguicidas pueden suponer importantes riesgos para la salud humana.

  • von Sachi Devi Pureti
    79,90 €

    Ein wesentlicher Beitrag zur grünen Revolution war die Entwicklung und Anwendung von Pestiziden zur Bekämpfung einer Vielzahl von insekten- und pflanzenfressenden Schädlingen, die andernfalls die Quantität und Qualität von Lebensmitteln beeinträchtigen würden. Der Einsatz von Pestiziden fällt mit dem "chemischen Zeitalter" zusammen, das die Gesellschaft seit den 1950er Jahren verändert hat. In den Gebieten, in denen intensive Monokulturen betrieben werden, werden Pestizide als Standardmethode zur Schädlingsbekämpfung eingesetzt. Leider haben Pestizide neben den Vorzügen der Chemie auch einige Nachteile, die so schädlich sind, dass sie heute das langfristige Überleben wichtiger Ökosysteme durch die Störung der Räuber-Beute-Beziehungen und den Verlust der biologischen Vielfalt bedrohen. Darüber hinaus können Pestizide eine erhebliche Gefahr für die menschliche Gesundheit darstellen.

  • 13% sparen
    von Sachi Dewi Pureti
    31,00 €

    Odnim iz osnownyh faktorow "zelenoj rewolücii" stala razrabotka i primenenie pesticidow dlq bor'by s shirokim spektrom nasekomoqdnyh i rastitel'noqdnyh wreditelej, kotorye w protiwnom sluchae snizhali by kolichestwo i kachestwo produktow pitaniq. Primenenie pesticidow sowpadaet s "himicheskim wekom", kotoryj transformirowal obschestwo s 1950-h godow. V rajonah, gde wedetsq intensiwnoe monokul'turnoe zemledelie, pesticidy ispol'zuütsq kak standartnyj metod bor'by s wreditelqmi. K sozhaleniü, pri wseh dostoinstwah himii pesticidy, naprotiw, obladaüt i nekotorymi nedostatkami, kotorye nastol'ko pagubny, chto w nastoqschee wremq ugrozhaüt dolgosrochnomu wyzhiwaniü osnownyh äkosistem iz-za narusheniq wzaimootnoshenij hischnik-zhertwa i poteri bioraznoobraziq. Krome togo, pesticidy mogut predstawlqt' znachitel'nuü opasnost' dlq zdorow'q cheloweka.

  • von Leigh Calvez
    20,00 €

    Eine fesselnde Erkundung des Lebens der Wale im Pazifischen OzeanLeigh Calvez erforscht als Wissenschaftlerin seit vielen Jahren das Leben der Wale. Hier erzählt sie mitreißend und sehr persönlich die Geschichten dieser Giganten der Tiefsee, darunter familiäre Orcas, weit wandernde Buckelwale oder uralte, tief tauchende Blauwale, die größten Tiere des Planeten. Wir begleiten die Wale auf ihren geheimnisvollen Routen, ergründen ihre Gewohnheiten und Geräusche und kommen ihnen dabei sehr nahe. Die Autorin berichtet sie von ihren Forschungsreisen und den Schlüssen, die sie hieraus ziehen konnte. Ein Buch, das uns staunen und das Leben der Wale verstehen lässt und so unsere Verbundenheit mit der Natur vertieft.Eine spannende Verbindung von wissenschaftlicher Wal-Forschung mit einer sehr persönlichen ErzählebeneDas Natur-Sachbuch bietet allen Leser:innen einen interessanten, wissenschaftlich fundierten und gleichzeitig leicht verständlichen Einblick in das Leben und Verhalten von sechs Walarten, darunter Orcas, Buckelwale, Pottwale, Blauwale und Grauwalen, aber auch unbekanntere, wie der Blainville-Schnabelwal oder der Kleine Schwertwal. Wir verfolgen das Leben dieser Tiere und begleiten sie auf ihren geheimen Routen durch die Ozeane. Dabei lernen wir ihre Gewohnheiten kennen, ihre Geräusche und Gesänge, ihre Bewegungsmuster an der Meeresoberfläche und die Besonderheiten, die sie voneinander unterscheiden. Wissenschaftlich fundiert und gleichzeitig verständlich erfahren Leser:innen viel Neues zu den Meeresgiganten und ihrer Lebenswelt der Ozeane. Die persönlichen Erzählungen der Autorin lockern die wissenschaftlichen Informationen auf und machen den Inhalt zugänglich und emotional. Ihre Faszination für diese atemberaubenden Tiere ist auf jeder Seite spürbar.Leigh Calvez hat ein Buch geschrieben für alle, die sich für die großen Meeressäugetiere interessieren, die Faszination für sie verstehen sowie Näheres über die Kommunikation und das Verhalten von Walen erfahren wollen.

  • von Craig P. Burrows
    38,00 €

    Spektakuläre Fotografien lassen uns erstmals die Natur mit den Augen der Bienen sehenBienen nehmen Farben anders wahr als Menschen. Sie können kein Rot sehen, dafür aber ultraviolettes Licht, und sie werden von floralen Reizen angelockt, die dem menschlichen Auge verborgen bleiben. In diesem Naturbildband zeigt uns Craig P. Burrows in über 140 faszinierenden Fotografien, die mit UVIVF Technik (Ultraviolet induced visible fluorescence) aufgenommen wurden, erstmalig die Sicht der Biene auf die Natur und lässt eine bisher verborgene Welt sichtbar werden. Zudem beleuchtet Burrows gemeinsam mit weltweit führenden Bienenexperten auf verständliche und zugängliche Art und Weise alle wissenschaftlichen Fakten und neueste Erkenntnisse der Bienenforschung. Ein einmaliger Einblick in die magische Welt der Honigbienen.Alles Wissenswerte rund um die Biene und ihre komplexe Beziehung zu Natur und MenschFast ein Jahrzehnt hat Fotograf Craig P. Burrows damit verbracht, die Flora im ultravioletten Spektrum fotografisch zu dokumentieren. Das Bienenbuch enthält zudem Begleittexte und Interviews mit über 40 der weltweit führenden Bienenexperten, die die Rolle der Biene im komplexen Ökosystem der Erde beleuchten und ihre entscheidende Bedeutung für die Zukunft allen Lebens auf der Erde. Außerdem bekommen wir Einblick in die Geschichte der menschlichen Beziehung zu den Bienen und die Vorteile ihrer Produkte für die menschliche Gesundheit und unser Wohlbefinden. Die wissenschaftlich neuesten Daten der Bienenforschung werden von anschaulichen Illustrationen und Infografiken begleitet. Der renommierte deutsche Bienenforscher Prof. Jürgen Tautz hat das Vorwort geschrieben.Die einzigartige Fotografie und die aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zur Honigbiene machen dieses Buch zu einem besonderen Naturbildband, der einen neuen Blick auf die Welt der Biene eröffnet und uns die Beziehung zwischen Biene und uns Menschen neu verstehen lässt.

  • von Gwen Cooper
    29,00 €

    2 BOOKS IN 1! Both PAWSOME! books in a single collector's edition!PAWSOME! Head Bonks, Raspy Tongues & 101 Reasons Why Cats Make Us So, So HappyNewspapers may be full of doom-and-gloom headlines, but the lucky people who live with cats have something to be happy about each and every day! Cats make the very best companions for hundreds of reasons, including:Cats are nature's comediansCats shower you with surprise giftsCats never abandon you during the tough timesCats help you make the bedDat ass (cat butts are the BEST!)Cats make us better humansYOU are PAWSOME! 75 Reasons Why Your Cats Love You, and Why Loving Them Back Makes You a Better HumanCat-moms and cat-dads are some of the greatest human beings around! And nobody knows this better than your very own cats, who think you're absolutely purrfect for dozens of reasons, including:You open doors for your cat (and close them...and open them...and...)You don't make your cat feel weird about being weirdYou always put food in the bowlYou spoil your cats rottenYou love your cats just the way they areA humorous and heartwarming love letter to the cats and the people who love them, The PAWSOME! Collection by Gwen Cooper--New York Times bestselling author of Homer's Odyssey and My Life in a Cat House--is the purrfect indulgence for you, or for the cat enthusiast in your life!

  • von Tim Shine
    41,00 €

    Embark on a heartfelt journey of understanding and connection with 'From Worries to Wags'A Guide to Nurturing Your Anxious Dog. Meet Prince, the wise and empathetic canine companion, as he reveals the world of dog anxiety, from signs and reactions to the profound impacts on our emotional well-being. This comprehensive guidebook is a valuable resource for all dog owners, whether experienced or new, as it offers practical and recognized solutions to alleviate anxiety and build a secure, loving environment for your furry friend. What sets 'From Worries to Wags' apart is its broad exploration of 40 popular dog breeds. Specific pages dedicated to each breed provide comprehensive insights into their unique characteristics, exercise requirements, grooming needs, and potential predispositions to anxiety. Whether you are considering bringing home a new furry family member or simply looking to understand your current companion better, these breed-specific details will be your trusted chum. In addition to breed-specific information, the book features 10 super helpful tables that provide a wealth of comparison information at your fingertips. These tables not only empower current dog owners to understand better and help their dogs but also serve as a valuable resource for new owners learning how to choose the perfect dog mate for their lifestyle. To make the reading experience even more enjoyable and engaging, 'From Worries to Wags' is designed with hundreds of related cartoonish images and real photos. These delightful visuals bring Prince's narrative to life, making it a joy to turn each page. The author's delightful style and interior design make you feel like your dog is having a heart-to-heart conversation with you. As you read through its pages, you'll experience the unique sensation of your furry friend sharing their thoughts and feelings, offering practical and proven solutions to ease their worries and foster a secure, loving environment. It's an extraordinary journey of understanding and connection, strengthening the bond between you and your beloved canine companion. The impact of 'From Worries to Wags' reaches far beyond its pages. Translated into several languages, i.e., Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, and even Chinese. This global sensation has spread the message of empathy and unconditional love to dog lovers worldwide. Moreover, this book reduces dog owner stress and costly vet or experts' visits, it also empowers you with adept guidelines and comprehensive insights to provide the best care for your dog at home. Understanding your dog's needs is the foundation of a harmonious relationship, leading to a more joyful and fulfilling companionship. So, don't wait any longer and secure your copy of 'From Worries to Wags' today to unleash the power of knowledge. By becoming an empathetic and knowledgeable dog owner, you will create a happier, anxiety-free life for yourself, your family, and your furry family member. With Prince as your guide, embark on a transformative journey to strengthen your bond and make each wag a testament to the power of love and connection. It's with no doubt A Must-Have Guidebook for Dog Lovers. Listen to Prince when he tells you "READ ME"!

  • von David D. Horowitz
    29,00 €

    "Cats lick, nuzzle, play, slink, hunt, purr, and yowl, and millions of people are fascinated by them. Among those millions are the poets who contributed work to this anthology. No matter what their gender, orientation, ethnic background, or political and religious views, these poets share a fascination with cats-and despite sometimes bewildering or frustrating us humans, felines provide us pleasure, love, and purpose. So, bless cats. Hooray for cats! And thank you to this anthology's poets for describing and celebrating them in so many different, engaging ways."-David D. Horowitz, Editor, Seattle, 2023

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