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  • von Tom Fletcher
    12,00 €

    Help defeat the Big Bad Wolf in this interactive tale from Tom Fletcher - an extended edition of the bestselling World Book Day story! LOOK! Who's that in your book?It's Monster, Dragon, Alien, and Witch.And... WOW! They have made you a book! A book inside your book! Shall we read it together?Explore this interactive adventure and help the friends as they try and get rid of the BIG BAD WOLF that has taken over their book! This engaging and playful story is a true celebration of reading, performing, and storytelling from bestselling children's author Tom Fletcher.Who's in Your Book?Interactive adventures for big imaginationsAlso in this series:There's a Monster in Your Book: makes reading interactive and funThere's a Dragon in Your Book: explores empathy and responsibilityThere's an Alien in Your Book: explores acceptance and inclusionThere's an Elf in Your Book: explores following instructions and good/bad behaviourThere's a Superhero in Your Book: explores the power of kindnessThere's a Witch in Your Book: makes tidying up funThere's a Unicorn in Your Book: explores soothing your worries through sharing themThere's a Bear in Your Book: makes the bedtime routine funThere's a Dinosaur in Your Book: explores inside and outside voices

  • von Christoph T. M. Krause
    14,90 - 24,90 €

  • von Murray
    23,00 €

    Zoe has a new friend, Zotti who is a lot of fun. He is a little different to your usual friend. Zotti is a robotic vacuum cleaner who can do amazing things and sleeps in the family's hallway cupboard. Discover what it is like to make an extraordinary friend!

  • von Latrice T Johnson
    24,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Robert M. Sonntag
    9,90 €

  • von Dewalt Du Plessis
    33,00 - 37,00 €

  • von Wolfgang Steinig
    14,80 €

    Auf einem kleinen Planeten, wo Koni glücklich lebte, wütet ein Drache, der alles zerstört. Koni flieht mit seinem Raumschiff und kommt nach langer Reise auf der Erde an. Aber wo soll er hier leben? Kann er in New York untertauchen, wo er Mara kennenlernt? Oder am Rande der Sahara? Oder auf Grönland? Oder am Amazonas? Nirgendwo ist er sicher. Schließlich heckt er mit Mara einen riskanten Plan aus.

  • von Alexandra Haden-Douglas
    17,00 €

    What if you had a secret you could never reveal? This is the story of four teenage girls who become unlikely friends as they navigate the challenges of growing into their powers. Each possesses a unique and extraordinary secret: a witch with erratic powers which grow stronger under the full moon, a siren who transforms into various birds, a demon goddess whose sneezes cause unpredictable weather, and a hemoglobin-intolerant vampire.As they journey through freshman year of high school they face the trials and tribulations which come with discovering and embracing their differences. Together they will battle the dark fairy world to save a friend in the magical city of New Orleans. Along the way, they encounter a collection of creatures, both magical and mortal, under the rising full moon.The Four is a tale of friendship, acceptance, and self-discovery, infused with the whimsy of Tim Burton and the magic found only in New Orleans. This is a story of finding the courage to be yourself and embrace your unique talents, no matter how different or unusual they may seem.

  • von Tori Kendrick
    19,00 €

    James is a 7 year old boy with many talents who enjoys playing on the playground with his favorite dinosaur, Hercules. James' parents are taking him to the playground today but he's nervous about being around the other kids. James has autism which can make making new friends more challenging for him. With the support of his parents will James be able to work through his fear so that he doesn't miss out on all the fun and maybe even make a new friend, or two?

  • von Mr. Ross Montgomery
    15,98 €

  • 10% sparen
    von Makiia Lucier
    18,00 €

    From acclaimed author Makiia Lucier, a dazzling, romantic fantasy inspired by Pacific Island mythology. In the old tales, it is written that the egg of a seadragon, dragonfruit, holds within it the power to undo a person's greatest sorrow. But as with all things that offer hope when hope had gone, the tale came with a warning.Every wish demands a price.Hanalei of Tamarind is the cherished daughter of an old island family. But when her father steals a seadragon egg meant for an ailing princess, she is forced into a life of exile. In the years that follow, Hanalei finds solace in studying the majestic seadragons that roam the Nominomi Sea. Until, one day, an encounter with a female dragon offers her what she desires most. A chance to return home, and to right a terrible wrong.Samahtitamahenele, Sam, is the last remaining prince of Tamarind. But he can never inherit the throne, for Tamarind is a matriarchal society. With his mother ill and his grandmother nearing the end of her reign. Sam is left with two choices: to marry, or to find a cure for the sickness that has plagued his mother for ten long years. When a childhood companion returns from exile, she brings with her something he has not felt in a very long time-hope.But Hanalei and Sam are not the only ones searching for the dragonfruit. And as they battle enemies both near and far, there is another danger they cannot escape...that of the dragonfruit itself.

  • von Jenny Ireland
    12,00 €

    The new novel by Carnegie Medal nominated author Jenny Ireland. Perfect for fans of Emily Henry and Jennifer Niven. Now she wasn¿t Molly Cassidy, St Anne¿s pain-in-the-hole princess. She was nine-year-old Molly who was my best friend in the whole world. Nobody had put her in the recovery position. All these people and they¿d just left her like that . . . I held her hand until the ambulance came.Finbar and Molly live next door to each other. When they were children, they spent hours and hours together. They were best friends. Until they weren't. Now 18, Fin and Molly move in very different circles. Molly is popular, pretty, dating the most handsome boy in the whole school. Fin has one friend and he's pretty sure he hates his dad and his little sister. At a party one night, though, they're pulled together in a way neither of them expects and then follows a year that will see them experiencing life-changing challenges, friendships, love and everything in between.Praise for Jenny Ireland:'Everything a YA contemporary novel should be: full of warmth, growth, and romance . . . beautifully relatable and a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy' - Paper Lanterns'Romance with substance' - Irish Times

  • von Jenny Emver
    15,00 €

    Mein Name ist Jil Evans. Ich bin im letzten Jahr der Highschool und meine größten Probleme sollten die Collegeauswahl und Jungs sein. Stattdessen bin ich einem Rätsel auf der Spur, welches meine Schwester betrifft. Es wird behauptet, sie sei weggelaufen. Aber ich weiß es besser. Ich bin mir sicher, dass etwas passiert ist. Manche sagen, ich hätte etwas mit ihrem Verschwinden zu tun. Andere vermuten, dass ihr Exfreund Travis dahintersteckt. Gemeinsam stoßen wir auf Lakes Geheimnis, welches wunderschön ist und zugleich dramatische Folgen hat ...

  • von Bubi Volkmann
    12,99 €

    Herzklopfen und Vorurteile: Wird Micha seine Angebetete doch noch ansprechenWas, wenn man mit 14 Jahren schon glaubt, die Liebe seines Lebens gefunden zu haben? Doch wie spricht man sie an, wenn man von klein auf von der eigenen Mutter gelernt hat, dass Mädchen Wesen aus einer fremden Welt sind, die Jungs nur mit Krankheiten infizieren und außerdem stinken?Genau das ist Michas Dilemma. Seine Mutter hat ganze Arbeit geleistet, ihm diese absurden Ängste einzutrichtern, und jetzt traut er sich kaum, einem Mädchen auch nur näherzukommen. Aber wird es Micha dennoch gelingen, seine Angebetete anzusprechen und seine Ängste zu überwinden?Diese herzerwärmende Geschichte zeigt den schwierigen Weg eines Jungen, der gegen seine tief verwurzelten Vorurteile kämpft und herausfindet, was es wirklich bedeutet, sich zu verlieben.

  • von Josefine S. Kidding
    14,00 €

    Gefühlsausbrüche in Dauerschleife, schlechte Noten in der Schule, Krisenstimmung zuhause - und obendrauf auch noch der Neue aus den USA, den alle vergöttern! Kaum ein Monat vergeht und alles dreht sich nur noch um Jasper und seine Baseball AG. Die 14-jährige Elly ist megagenervt.So genervt, dass sie nicht nur ständig mit dem Ami Stress hat, sondern sich auch mit ihren Freunden zerstreitet. Erst als bei einem Fest Not am Mann ist, kann sie endlich Punkte auf ihrem Karma-Konto sammeln und stellt fest: Jasper ist gar nicht so übel. Aber je mehr sich die beiden annähern, desto eifersüchtiger werden ihre Freunde. Wie es scheint, kann Elly es niemandem recht machen.

  • von Laura Bormann
    9,99 €

    Seit der geheimnisvolle Junge mit den edelsteingrünen Augen im Harzer Feinkostladen ihrer Mutter aufgetaucht ist, schwebt Jules auf Wolke sieben. Um ihn zu beeindrucken, lügt sie bis sich die Balken des Fachwerkhauses biegen. Kann sie ihre Lüge, Harzer Wanderkaiserin zu sein, aufrechterhalten? Als auch noch die Hobbyhexe Bianca in das Haus gegenüber einzieht, und Jules Liebeszauber-Nachhilfe anbietet, geht alles drunter und drüber. Die Harzer Hexenclique ist eine hexisch-freche Buchreihe für junge Mädchen ab 12 Jahren. Verzaubert, witzig und authentisch erzählt, dreht sich bei der Hexenclique alles um die erste große Liebe, Eifersucht, das anstrengende Schulleben und ums Erwachsenwerden. Natürlich nicht ohne die nötige Portion Magie vermischt mit Chaos.

  • von Special Art Stories
    20,00 €

    ¡Hola chicos y chicas!El mundo es un lugar muy especial porque tú estás en él. Incluso, cuando las cosas parecen difíciles, ¿sabes que aún puedes lograr tus objetivos? Especialmente si trabajan juntos. El trabajo en equipo y las amistades ayudan a hacer del mundo un lugar mejor.Cuando se trabaja en conjunto, se pueden lograr muchas cosas. Tener a alguien a tu lado también te ayudará a sentirte apoyado, querido y animado en los buenos momentos, e incluso, en los no tan buenos.Nunca olvides que el mundo te dará la oportunidad de mostrar todas tus habilidades. Encuentra lo que te hace único y profundiza para descubrir nuevas partes de ti mismo que nunca pensaste que existían. Puedes conseguir muchas cosas si crees en tus propias capacidades.Habrá momentos en los que pienses que no es posible alcanzar tu sueño, pero con la actitud correcta, el apoyo y la ayuda de tus amigos, puedes superar cualquier obstáculo. Las historias de este libro han sido creadas solo para ti. Te ayudarán a encontrar la inspiración en los pequeños y grandes momentos. Los protagonistas son niños y niñas que se enfrentan a sus problemas cotidianos y siempre encuentran soluciones. Afrontan los retos incluso cuando están tristes o asustados y demuestran que, si lo intentan, pueden alcanzar todas sus metas.Lo que encontrarás en este libro:10 historias inspiradoras para niños y niñas sobre "autoestima, valor, fuerza interior y amor propio".Un estilo de escritura sencillo y atractivo, adecuado tanto para la lectura compartida como para la independienteLa identificación con los personajes, que siempre se combinan con temas de la vida real de los niñosBellas imágenes para acompañar la lectura y estimular la imaginaciónMoral y mensajes de la vida con reflexiones y participación en la narraciónA los niños y niñas les encanta este libro porque les ayuda a:Desarrollar la confianza en sí mismos y en sus capacidadesSuperar la timidez y la ansiedadAfrontar mejor las situaciones difícilesSuperar los miedos y ser valientesNunca rendirse y no desanimarse por los pequeños fracasosCreer en sus sueñosComprender la importancia de las relaciones con los padres y los amigosSé curioso y sigue tus pasiones2 Regalos para ti que puedes descargar del sitio web de Special Art:Diario de los sueños de los niños (PDF)Frases motivadoras para colorear para niños (PDF)Haz clic en "comprar ahora" ayuda a un niño o niña a no dejar de soñar y creer en sí mismos. (Una idea de regalo perfecta)

  • von Eden Phillpotts
    18,00 €

    "A Deal with the Devil" is a novel written by Eden Phillpotts, first published in 1913. The story is set in the Devon countryside and follows the life of a young farmer named William Satchell. William is in love with a beautiful young woman named Ruth, but she is engaged to a wealthy landowner named Harry Hawkridge. Desperate to win Ruth's love, William makes a deal with the devil, promising to sell his soul in exchange for the death of Harry Hawkridge. The devil agrees to the deal and Harry is killed in a mysterious accident. However, William soon realizes the terrible consequences of his actions, as he begins to experience strange and frightening supernatural events. He becomes haunted by the devil and his minions and is tormented by guilt over the murder of Harry. As the story unfolds, William must confront the devil and face the consequences of his actions. The novel is a gripping tale of horror and redemption and explores themes of love, desire, and the supernatural. Eden Phillpotts was a prolific British author, playwright, and poet, known for his works of fiction set in the West Country of England. His novels and plays often explored themes of rural life, the supernatural, and the dark side of human nature. "A Deal with the Devil" is one of his most famous works and remains a classic of British horror fiction.

  • von Phyllis A. A. Still
    28,00 €

    2023 Literary Titan Five Star Award Winner Palisades of the Heart, book four in the Dangerous Loyalties series inspired by Daughters of the American Revolution Patriot Mary Shirley McGuire. "A curse on your first-born son if you return." Loud Hawk's warning haunts Mary Shirley as she and her family arrive at Cooks Fort in Western Virginia in August 1776. She desires a fresh start and courtship with William McGuire. William dreams of raising fast horses in Kentucky with Mary by his side. But palisades of fear protect her heart and while he's risking his life on a dangerous mission, another man offers Mary a safe, comfortable life. When a vengeful shaman's lie endangers her and all she loves, Mary's warrior spirit awakens. Fear no longer has her heart captive, but the one she loves holds it forever.

  • von Brittany Duncan
    25,00 €

    Thrilled with excitement he exclaimed, "Yippee yippee yeah!"Once you get to know him, you'll realize that our dear friend Zweebo isalways thrilled and excited. Especially when freshly baked desserts arearound. Even more so when he can share sweets with his best friend inthe whole entire world: a teeny, tiny spider named LaWanda. How doesa fly become best friends with a spider? By planting seeds.Join us on the journey of discovering love, purpose, andadventure in the most magical place: Darla's garden. Just look for therainbow in the clouds - you'll find it.

  • von Cori Cooper
    23,00 €

    Pyper Lewis has all the answers to all the questions, just ask anyone. She knows exactly how to make this the most amazing senior year of all time for herself, and her friends. There's only one problem. It has four ugly letters and causes her very worst memories.PromWhen her efforts to cancel the prom backfire, Pyper has to face all the things she's been dodging for an entire year. With the help of her friends and family, Pyper begins to realize she doesn't have all the answers after all-and maybe that's okay.

  • von Marie Lu
    12,00 €

  • von Rose Lihou
    11,00 €

    Bea and her mum are moving in with her grandparents, which will mean a new school, new friends, and big changes for Bea. . .All Bea can remember about Granny and Grandad's house is their big, beautiful garden with its colourful flowers and secret hide-and-seek spots, but when Bea and her mum arrive, the garden has grown sad and neglected.The wild garden feels like the perfect place for Bea to hide away from all the changes in her life, but when she hears a strange noise in the long grass, she can't quite believe what she finds. . .FOUR TINY DOGS, NO BIGGER THAN MICE!Follow the adventures of Bea and the tiny dogs as they become friends and work together to save the garden!

  • von Rachel Greenlaw
    12,00 - 20,00 €

  • von Jamiyl Samuels
    26,00 €

    It's the first day at a new school for Amani and he is a bundle of nerves. Not only is he meeting a new principal, new teacher, and new friends, he must deal with JITTERS and FEAR following him around everywhere he goes. Will Amani summon up the strength to conquer these ghastly emotions, or will they overcome him? T.A.S.K. Heroes series presents the story of a boy who is faced with the challenge of adapting to a new environment and finding the courage to deal with his feelings head-on. This is a tale about CHANGE and how it affects the mind of an amazing boy.

  • von Axelle Dufaut
    16,00 €

    Gwendoline s'ennuie dans sa vie, l'université ne l'emballe pas et elle peine à sociabiliser. Même lorsqu'il s'agit de ce charmant jeune homme à la bibliothèque sur lequel elle a craqué. Un soir, elle fait le voeu de voir sa vie changer.Et c'est chose faite, le lendemain matin, elle se réveille sous le nom de Gwendoline Trawlley. Personnage inédit du roman qu'elle adore lire : Un prince à tout prix.Si d'abord elle s'amuse de la situation, les choses changent bien vite quand son arrivée en modifie le cours des évènements. La voilà maintenant en proie à des tentatives de meurtre et à une course pour l'amour.Ses prétendants : un docteur, un mystérieux inconnu, un chevalier ou pourquoi pas le prince lui-même ?Après tout, c'est un roman d'amour !

  • von Jennifer Lynn Barnes
    12,00 €

    Cold cases get hot in this unputdownable mystery from Jennifer Lynn Barnes, no.1 New York Times bestselling author of The Inheritance Games series. Perfect for fans of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. Cassie Hobbes has a gift for profiling people. Her talent has landed her a spot in an elite FBI programme. After barely escaping a confrontation with an unbalanced killer obsessed with her mother's murder, Cassie hopes she and the rest of the team can stick to solving cold cases from a distance.But when victims of a brutal new serial killer start turning up, the Naturals are pulled into an active case that strikes too close to home: the killer is a perfect copycat of one of their incarcerated fathers - a man he'd do anything to forget. Forced deeper into a murderer's psyche than ever before, will the Naturals be able to outsmart his brutal mind games before he twists them into his web for good?Born smart. Born tough. Born FBI.'The Naturals is Criminal Minds for the YA world, and I loved every page' - Ally Carter, New York Times bestselling author

  • von Alicia J. Chumney
    29,00 €

    LizzyFocused on getting as many scholarships as possible, running and academics are the bulk of Elizabeth "Lizzy" Barnes' life. When Liam becomes her newest teammate and classmate, she begins to wonder if there is more to life than her pursuit of a debt-free college experience. LiamWhen William "Liam" Davis' parents are killed in a car accident, he's sent across the state to live with his overbearing Aunt Catherine Delgado.Starting over during his Senior year of high school was not something he ever expected to happen and he finds himself in uncertain territory as he struggles to adapt to the changes happening in his life. Meeting Elizabeth Barnes happened to be an added bonus. As they grow closer, Aunt Catherine gives Liam an ultimatum that disrupts their friendship: Liam and his sister can get the therapy they need if he stops being friends with 'that Barnes girl.' Can they overcome the obstacles in front of them or will graduation be the end of their time together? First Impressions is the first book set in a modernized and loose adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. This story follows Liam, Lizzy, and their friends and family through their Senior Year of high school. The complete trilogy follows Liam and Lizzy through high school and college, through the trials they experience during six years of their lives.

  • von Justyna Bednarek
    16,00 €

    Selbst wenn man so klein ist wie eine Socke, kann man die allergrößten Abenteuer erleben! Die himbeerrote Socke fliegt als Astronautin ins Weltall, wo sie einen Planeten entdeckt, auf dem dreiohrige Außerirdische leben. Die einfallsreiche blaue Socke hilft einer berühmten Autorin beim Bücherschreiben, während die rosa Blümchensocke zur liebsten Spielgefährtin eines traurigen Hundes wird. Und dann gibt es da noch die gelbe Socke, die eine Karriere als Käsemacherin einschlägt, die weiße Socke, die einen Job als Gespenst annimmt, und viele, viele mehr. Band 2 der Socken-Reihe

  • von Katja Ludwig
    14,00 €

    Normalität ist doch nur eine graue Schnittmenge ohne Geschmack »Ich heiße Lilou Rosinke, bin 12 Jahre alt und wirke auf den ersten Blick ziemlich gewöhnlich. Dabei bin ich das gar nicht. Die Sache ist, dass meine fünf Sinne vermischt sind. Eine Art Mischimaschi - wie eine gemischte Tüte Süßigkeiten. Manche Wörter, Buchstaben und Zahlen oder Stimmungen haben für mich eine bestimmte Farbe, einen bestimmten Geruch oder Geschmack. Ich selbst fühle mich preußischblau mit einem Hauch von Lakritze.« >Mischimaschi< in ihrem Kopf peinlich, darum weiß außer ihrer Mutter niemand davon. Doch als der grummelige Großvater bei ihnen einzieht und Lilou sich für ihre Mama auf die Suche nach einem Mann macht, der nach Mohnkuchen duftet, beginnt ein buntes Abenteuer im Großstadtdschungel. Und Lilou erkennt, dass sie auch nach außen zeigen kann, wie sie innerlich ist.

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