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  • von Doris Muliar
    18,00 €

    So bekommen Sie mit der richtigen Ernährung Ihre Divertikulitis ganz einfach in den Griff! Ernährungsexpertin Doris Muliar zeigt in diesem Kochbuch, wie Sie die entzündliche Darmerkrankung Divertikulitis erfolgreich bekämpfen und welche Lebensmittel in jeder der drei Phasen der Krankheit am besten geeignet sind. 120 Rezepte stellen die Ballaststoffe in den Fokus und lassen sich dank der leicht verständlichen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen ohne Weiteres zubereiten. Übersichtliche Wochenpläne erleichtern zusätzlich die Ernährungsumstellung. Mit leckeren Gerichten wie Linsen-Bolognese oder Kürbiskuchen müssen Sie auf nichts verzichten, sondern können Ihr Essen in vollen Zügen genießen. Für einen gesunden Darm und ein beschwerdefreies Leben!

  • von Christian Larsen
    27,99 €

    Gesund durch anatomisch richtige Bewegung! Verspannter Nacken, Hohlkreuz, schmerzende Knie, Hallux valgus: Was einmal mit falscher Haltung oder schlechter Angewohnheit begann, wird über die Jahre zum schmerzhaften Problem. Christian Larsen zeigt Ihnen die TOP-Übungen der Erfolgsmethode Spiraldynamik®. Mit diesen können Sie gezielt Fehlstellungen und Schmerzen entgegenwirken. Einfach indem Sie (wieder) lernen, sich anatomisch richtig zu bewegen. - Best-of Spiraldynamik®: Die 60 besten Übungen in einem Band. - Kiefer, Schulter, Hüfte und noch viel mehr - Übungen gezielt für Körperbereiche und Indikationen. - Ergänzend zur Physiotherapie: Üben im Alltag, egal ob beim Händeschütteln, Treppensteigen oder Autofahren. Erwiesen wirksame Selbsthilfe bei Bewegungsproblemen

  • von Dr. Anna Lembke
    13,00 €

  • von Gopal Norbert Klein
    19,99 €

    Bindungs- und Entwicklungstrauma endlich heilenFast jeder Mensch ist heute von Bindungs- und Entwicklungstrauma betroffen. Diese erschreckende Erkenntnis führte den bekannten Traumatherapeuten Gopal Norbert Klein zu einer einfachen, höchst wirksamen Heilmethode, dem »Ehrlichen Mitteilen«: Wir teilen anderen in einem sicheren Rahmen ungefiltert mit, was in uns wahrnehmbar ist.Warum ist Ehrliches Mitteilen so heilsam? Trauma entstand, weil wir als Kind im Kontakt mit den Eltern erlebten, nicht okay zu sein. Unser Nervensystem geriet in einen Alarmzustand, der bis heute anhält. Heilung geschieht nun, sobald wir den Kontakt mit anderen Menschen endlich als sicher erleben. Wenn wir die Erfahrung machen: Egal, was in mir ist, welche Gedanken, Gefühle, Empfindungen ich habe - ich darf so sein. Der Vagusnerv wird dann aktiviert, das Nervensystem harmonisiert. Wir fühlen uns entspannt und bereit für das Leben.Gopal Norbert Klein klärt auf und zeigt den Weg: Wie entstehen Bindungs- und Entwickllungstraumata? Was genau geschieht in einem traumatisierten Nervensystem? Welche Rolle spielt dabei der Vagus-Nerv? Wie genau funktioniert Ehrliches Mitteilen? Die Methode wird Schritt für Schritt genau erklärt. Auch das fortgeschrittene Ehrliche Mitteilen wird erläutert. Ein äußerst hilfreiches Buch zu einer der weitverbreitetsten Selbsthilfemethoden zur Traumaheilung - informativ, praxisnah, ermutigend.Mit einem Vorwort von GERALD HÜTHER

  • von Brigitte Hamann
    12,99 €

    Ist CDL eine mögliche Medizin der Zukunft? Warum es in Deutschland zu Unrecht verkannt wird! Forschungen haben ergeben: CDL ist wirksam im Kampf gegen Covid-19! Dass Chlordioxid aber auch weit über Corona hinaus höchst nützlich für die Gesundheit sein kann, zeigt Brigitte Hamann in ihrem Praxisbuch CDL . Erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über das verkannte Heilmittel und sein außerordentliches Potenzial, die Medizin der Zukunft mitzugestalten. Von Bill Gates unterdrückt, in Deutschland nicht anerkannt: Obwohl die Wirkung von CDL (Chlordioxid) seit Langem bekannt ist und durch Studien belegt wurde, ist es als Medikament in Deutschland nicht zugelassen. Es gibt allerdings Länder, in denen das durchaus der Fall ist. Auch in Afrika wurden zum Beispiel positive Ergebnisse mit CDL erzielt, doch die Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sowie die amerikanische Gesundheitsbehörde FDA weigern sich beharrlich, CDL weiter zu erforschen. Wo liegt das Problem? CDL ist preiswert, für jedermann zugänglich und nicht patentierbar - somit kann die Pharmaindustrie kein Geld damit verdienen. Dabei lohnen sich weitere Forschungen durchaus, wie Brigitte Hamann anhand von äußerst erfolgreichen Studien im Umgang mit Chlordioxid aufzeigt. Hocheffektiv und universell wirksam Dieses Buch klärt Sie umfassend über die vielseitigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und die erstaunliche Wirkung von CDL auf: CDL tötet Krankheitserreger auf einfache, aber höchst wirkungsvolle Weise: durch Oxidation. CDL oxidiert fast alle krankheitserregenden Mikroorganismen: Bakterien, Viren, Pilze und sogar Sporen.  CDL zerstört selbst multiresistente Krankenhauskeime wie MRSA. CDL oxidiert nur schädliche Bakterien, Viren, Pilze und Parasiten, deren pH-Wert unter 7 liegt.  Gesunde Zellen und nützliche Bakterien werden nicht angegriffen. CDL zerstört schädliche Biofilme, die im Körper großen Schaden anrichten. Oxidation ist eine natürliche Abwehrstrategie des Immunsystems. CDL leitet Schwermetalle und andere Giftstoffe aus. In Ungarn ist CDL als SOLUMIUM® ein zugelassenes Medikament. Aktuelle Studien belegen, dass CDL gegen SARS-CoV-2 wirksam ist. CDL löst Blutgerinnsel auf. CDL kann den programmierten Tod von Krebszellen (Apoptose) durch Mitochondrienaktivierung und Sauerstoffzufuhr auslösen. Brigitte Hamann gibt wertvolle Tipps zur Anwendung und belegt diese mit neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen .

  • von Lucy Jones
    12,00 €

    *A New Statesman and Daily Mail BOOK OF THE YEAR**Longlisted for the 2024 Women's Prize for Non-Fiction*'The best book I've ever read about motherhood' Jude Rogers, Observer'I kept scribbling in the margins: 'We need to know this stuff!'' Joanna Pocock, SpectatorA radical new examination of the transition into motherhood and how it affects the mind, brain and bodyDuring pregnancy, childbirth, and early motherhood, women undergo a far-reaching physiological, psychological and social metamorphosis.There is no other time in a human's life course that entails such dramatic change-other than adolescence. And yet this life-altering transition has been sorely neglected by science, medicine and philosophy. Its seismic effects go largely unrepresented across literature and the arts. Speaking about motherhood as anything other than a pastel-hued dream remains, for the most part, taboo.In this ground-breaking, deeply personal investigation, acclaimed journalist and author Lucy Jones brings to light the emerging concept of 'matrescence'. Drawing on new research across various fields - neuroscience and evolutionary biology; psychoanalysis and existential therapy; sociology, economics and ecology - Jones shows how the changes in the maternal mind, brain and body are far more profound, wild and enduring than we have been led to believe. She reveals the dangerous consequences of our neglect of the maternal experience and interrogates the patriarchal and capitalist systems that have created the untenable situation mothers face today.Here is an urgent examination of the modern institution of motherhood, which seeks to unshackle all parents from oppressive social norms. As it deepens our understanding of matrescence, it raises vital questions about motherhood and femininity; interdependence and individual identity; as well as about our relationships with each other and the living world.

  • von Dr Gabor Mate & Daniel Maté
    13,00 €

  • von Dr Gabor Mate
    15,00 €

  • von Gladys McGarey
    12,00 €

    DISCOVER THE SIX SECRETS TO HEALTH AND HAPPINESS AT ANY AGE FROM THE 102-YEAR-OLD WOMAN WHO KNOWS BETTER THAN ANYONE 'Astonishing. Truly one of the most inspirational women you'll ever meet' ELIZABETH DAY, How To Fail podcast 'You will love the stories, you will learn how to honour your health and your body, and in the end, you'll love life that much more' Dr Edith Eger, New York Times bestselling Author of The Choice and The Gift----Others talk about longevity.Dr Gladys is living it . . .Dr. Gladys McGarey - the mother of holistic medicine and a practicing doctor aged 102 - reveals the secrets of how to live to a great age filled with vitality, purpose and joy.In The Well-Lived Life, Dr Gladys shares the lessons she has learned in her hundred plus years of life, as well as the six secrets of true health and happiness. This counterintuitive approach is nothing to do with conserving energy - rather it's all about spending it, wildly.Sharing life-changing stories of miraculous healing from patients of all ages, Dr. Gladys will not only fundamentally change the way you think about a well-lived life - but also show you how to embrace it.---- 'I want everyone to pick up this book and read it' Deepak Chopra 'Incredibly insightful. Very special. Full of wisdom. I can't think of a single person that this book won't help' Dr Rangan Chatterjee 'If you want to know the secret to living a truly good life then I don't imagine there's anyone you'd be better off hearing from' Jane Garvey, Times Radio 'Amazing. This book is moving as well as being filled with practical wisdom. Beautifully written' Nadiya Hussain 'Dr. Gladys' extraordinary book will offer millions of readers the simple yet revolutionary secrets to discover true health and happiness at any age' Mark Hyman, New York Times bestselling author of Young Forever and The Pegan Diet 'Gladys McGarey inhabits the real world where body, brain, and spirit are inseparable, and her century of wisdom is infused with science, medicine and soul' Dr. Robert Waldinger, Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development and New York Times bestselling author of The Good Life 'Dr. Gladys is as illuminating as she is engaging. Her combination of medical knowledge and lived experience will be an empowering guide for legions' Sara Gottfried MD, New York Times bestselling author of Women, Food, and Hormones

  • von Hannah Ritchie
    17,00 €

    ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ****A FINANCIAL TIMES, GUARDIAN, WAITROSE WEEKEND BEST SUMMER READ**'A book for anyone who finds it difficult to believe in a better future' THE TIMESFeeling anxious, powerless, or confused about the future of our planet? This book will transform how you see our biggest environmental problems -- and how we can solve them.A STYLIST BEST NON-FICTION 2024 * A GUARDIAN BIGGEST FICTION AND NON-FICTION FOR 2024 * A WATERSTONES 'BOOK YOU NEED TO READ IN 2024' * A GUARDIAN 'FIVE GREAT READS' We are bombarded by doomsday headlines that tell us the soil won't be able to support crops, fish will vanish from our oceans, that we should reconsider having children.But in this bold, radically hopeful book, data scientist Hannah Ritchie argues that if we zoom out, a very different picture emerges. The data shows we've made so much progress on these problems, and so fast, that we could be on track to achieve true sustainability for the first time in history.Packed with the latest research, practical guidance and enlightening graphics, this book will make you rethink almost everything you've been told about the environment, from the virtues of eating locally and living in the countryside, to the evils of overpopulation, plastic straws and palm oil. It will give you the tools to understand what works, what doesn't and what we urgently need to focus on so we can leave a sustainable planet for future generations.These problems are big. But they are solvable. We are not doomed. We can build a better future for everyone. Let's turn that opportunity into reality.'Practical and truly essential' MARGARET ATWOOD * 'Does for the environment what Hans Rosling did for health' BILL GATES * 'Invigorating, inspiring, often surprising' DAVID WALLACE-WELLS * 'I find it hard to express how much I love this book' RUTGER BREGMAN * 'An unmissable myth-busting book to save our planet - read it' TIM SPECTOR

  • von Alain de Botton
    16,98 €

    The essential guide to mental health from the bestselling author of THE SCHOOL OF LIFE. De Botton follows the arc from mental crisis and collapse to convalescence and recovery. Written with kindness, knowledge and sympathy, it is both a practical guide and a source of consolation and companionship in what might be our most anguished moments.

  • von Dr. Lisa Mosconi
    17,00 €

    The bestselling author of The XX Brain shows women how to navigate menopause successfully and come out the other side with an even better brain.

  • von Tim Spector
    14,00 - 17,00 €

  • - Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma
    von Bessel Van der Kolk
    14,00 €

    The effects of trauma can be devastating for sufferers, their families and future generations. Here one of the world's experts on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for treatment, moving away from standard talking and drug therapies and towards an alternative approach that heals mind, brain and body.'Van der Kolk draws on thirty years of experience to argue powerfully that trauma is one of the West's most urgent public health issues ... Packed with science and human stories' New Scientist'Breathtaking in its scope and breadth, a seminal work by one of the preeminent pioneers in trauma research and treatment' Peter A. Levine, author of In An Unspoken Voice 'Dr. van der Kolk's masterpiece combines the boundless curiosity of the scientist, the erudition of the scholar, and the passion of the truth teller' Judith Herman, author of Trauma and Recovery

  • von Gabor Maté
    17,00 €

    The Myth of Normal is a captivating book by the renowned author, Gabor Mate. Published by Random House UK Ltd in 2022, this book falls under the genre of self-help and psychology. Mate, through his profound understanding of human nature and empathy, delves into the concept of 'normal'. He challenges the societal norms and questions the definition of normality that is often imposed upon us. This book is not just a read, but a journey that encourages you to explore and understand your own definition of normal, free from societal constraints. The Myth of Normal is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand themselves and the world around them better. Published by Random House UK Ltd, this book is a testament to Mate's insightful writing and thought-provoking ideas.

  • von Anthony William
    47,00 €

  • - Stop pleasing, start living
    von Glennon Doyle
    16,00 €

    From the beloved New York Times bestselling author, speaker and activist Glennon Doyle.*****For many years, Glennon Doyle denied her discontent. At first, Glennon assumed these words came to her from on high but soon she realised they had come to her from within.

  • - The debut book from Florence Given
    von Florence Given
    9,59 - 17,00 €

    'The Beauty Myth' for the Instagram generation.

  • - Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More
    von Arin Murphy-Hiscock
    13,98 €


  • von Anthony William
    47,00 €

    Discover why millions rely on the #1 New York Times best-selling Medical Medium for health answers they canâEUR(TM)t find anywhere else. The second of two essential books on the brain offers customizable protocols, new recipes, heavy metal detox guidelines, cleanses, and cutting-edge information to protect yourself from 300+ symptoms and disorders.

  • von Jessie Inchauspé
    21,00 €

  • - Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA
    von Richard Rudd
    33,00 €

    The book begins by introducing the reader to a fantastic possibility - that humanity may be on the verge of a major shift in consciousness rooted in a new understanding of how our DNA operates - namely that it is programmed directly by the way we think and feel. This is a highly ambitious and sophisticated system for shaping one's destiny. Based around 64 archetypes, it resembles the I Ching in its vast scope and profound importance, and in the resonant character of its symbolism. The author shows how there are two ways to approach the Gene Keys - the analogue (holistic) way and the digital (detailed) way. It is the combining of both analogue and digital that results in contemplation - the primary pathway into the Gene Keys. Since our beliefs shape our genes, when we change our beliefs, we change the chemistry of our body. The Gene Keys are an inner language whose central purpose is to transform our core beliefs about ourselves, thus raising our lives onto a new level of awareness. The book works alongside state-of-the-art online profiling software.This software will provide instantaneous free profiles known as 'Hologenetic Profiles', which uses astrological data (time, date and place of birth) to generate a unique sequence of Gene Keys that relate to many aspects of your life, including the underlying genetic patterns governing your relationships, your finances, your health and your life purpose. As the reader contemplates the 64 Gene Keys over time and applies their insights in his or her own life, so one's belief system will begin to change and our DNA will actually start to transform the way we think and feel.

  • - Discover the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease
    von Gene Stone & Michael Greger MD
    13,68 €

    The International Bestseller'Dr Michael Greger reveals the foods that will help you live longer' Daily Mail'This book may help those who are susceptible to illnesses that can be prevented with proper nutrition' His Holiness the Dalai LamaWhy rely on drugs and surgery to cure you of life-threatening disease when the right decisions can prevent you from falling ill to begin with?How Not To Die gives effective, scientifically-proven nutritional advice to prevent our biggest killers - including heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes - and reveals the astounding health benefits that simple dietary choices can provide. Based on the latest scientific research, the internationally bestselling How Not To Die examines each of the most common diseases to reveal what, how and why different foods affect us, and how increasing our consumption of certain foods and avoiding others can dramatically reduce our risk of falling sick and even reverse the effects of disease. It also shares Dr Greger's 'Daily Dozen' - the twelve foods we should all eat every day to stay in the best of health.With emphasis on individual family health history and acknowledging that everyone needs something different, Dr Michael Greger offers practical dietary advice to help you live longer, healthier lives.

  • - the bestselling guide to the new science that will transform your sex life
    von Dr Emily Nagoski
    18,00 €

    Come as You Are is a captivating book by Dr Emily Nagoski. Published in 2015 by Scribe Publications, this book is a must-read for those interested in exploring the intricacies of human sexuality. Dr Nagoski, a renowned expert in the field, delves deep into the science of sex, breaking down complex concepts into understandable narratives. The book is an enlightening journey that challenges societal norms and encourages self-acceptance. Come as You Are is not just a book, it's an invitation to a better understanding of oneself. Published by Scribe Publications, it's a testament to their commitment to enlightening readers with quality content. This book is written in English.

  • von Anthony William
    47,00 €

    The first of two essential books about our most complex organ--the brain--dives deep into why people all over the world are suffering with mental health and brain-related symptoms and conditions. In this book, find answers to 100+ symptoms, diseases, and disorders. With the advanced state of brain research today, it's easy to think that we're arming ourselves with knowledge about how best to care for our precious minds and brains. Are we? Or is the prevalence of Alzheimer's, dementia, ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, addiction, strokes, seizures, brain fog, fatigue, and more a sign that even with the headlines about mindfulness, neuroscience, and hacking the brain, we're still all too vulnerable? Burnout, deficiencies, panic attacks, vagus nerve problems, mental health struggles, neurological symptoms, and beyond -- as you search for lasting relief, it's easy to become lost and blame yourself, wondering what you did wrong. Answer: you're not the problem. ...Brain Saver offers a way forward with specialized healing techniques. In addition to fresh perspective on how to nourish your brain and reduce your exposure to everyday toxins and contaminants, you'll find cleanse protocols, heavy metal detox guidelines, and recipes for all-new Medical Medium Brain Shots Therapy--quick hits of medicinals in liquid form, designed to bring instant relief when the brain is under particular stress. And when you want even more healing options, you can turn to Medical Medium Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes to take the essential information this book provides to a higher level"--Provided by publisher.

  • - How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life & Those You Love
    von Peter H. Diamandis & Tony Robbins
    17,00 €

    Transform your life or the life of someone you love with LIFE FORCE - the newest breakthroughs in health technology to help maximize your energy and strength, prevent disease, and extend your health span - from Tony Robbins, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Money: Master the Game

  • von Alisa Vitti
    17,00 €

    How women can improve their productivity, happiness, and physical well-being by keeping their natural cycles in mind and working with them (rather than ignoring them).In the Flo teaches women how to use their 28-day cycle to optimize their life by letting their internal clock and natural rhythms guide time management, diet, fitness, etc. (This is so simple and yet under-utilized it is shocking. It makes perfect sense when you think about it: You have different energy levels at different times of the month, different libido levels, etc. so why not use foresight to plan projects for when you are at your most effective, and understand when you need more emotional connection with others?)There are specific tips on what to eat and how to exercise depending on what phase you are in-and it works. Women are getting promotions, losing weight, and in one case thus far, literally clearing their endometriosis by using the cycle syncing method.

  • - Harness Your Hormones and Get Your Cycle Working For You
    von Maisie Hill
    16,00 €

    Period Power is a groundbreaking work by Maisie Hill, published in 2019. This book, belonging to the self-help genre, is an empowering guide to understanding the menstrual cycle. Hill, with her deep knowledge and expertise, brings to light the importance of menstrual health and how it impacts women's lives. The book is published by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, a renowned name in the publishing world. Period Power is a must-read for every woman who wants to harness her hormonal cycle and get the most out of her life. The book is written in English.

  • - Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease
    von Anthony William
    42,00 €

    Medical Medium Liver Rescue is a remarkable book penned by the acclaimed author, Anthony William. Published in 2018, this book delves into the fascinating world of medical science, specifically focusing on the liver. Anthony William, also known as the Medical Medium, brings his unique perspective and profound insights into understanding the critical role of the liver in our overall health. The genre of this book is an intriguing blend of health, wellness, and medical science. William's comprehensive knowledge and lucid writing style make this book a must-read for those interested in understanding their health better. The book was published by Hay House Inc, a well-known publishing house renowned for its publications in the field of self-help and wellness. This book is written in English, making it accessible to a wide range of readers. Medical Medium Liver Rescue is more than just a book; it's a guide to understanding your liver and a roadmap to better health.

  • - Psychology and the Chakra System As a Path to the Self
    von Anodea Judith
    18,00 €

    Eastern Body, Western Mind is a captivating book by renowned author Anodea Judith. Published by Celestial Arts in 2004, this book is a must-read for those interested in exploring the intersection of Eastern spirituality and Western psychology. Anodea Judith, with her profound understanding of both Eastern and Western philosophies, provides an in-depth analysis of the human psyche. The book is a beautiful blend of ancient wisdom and modern psychology, making it an insightful read for people of all backgrounds. Eastern Body, Western Mind is not just a book, but a journey that takes you through the mysteries of your own mind and spirit. Published by Celestial Arts, this book is a testament to Anodea Judith's mastery in bridging the gap between two different philosophical worlds.

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