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Schwangerschaft & Elternschaft

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  • von Ankita Kashyap
    22,00 €

    "The Blocked Milk Ducts Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Blocked Milk Ducts Management" is a comprehensive guide for mothers navigating the challenges of blocked milk ducts. Addressing not only the physical aspects but also the emotional impact, this book delves into breast anatomy, causes, and risk factors, offering a holistic perspective on medical and alternative approaches. Recognizing blocked milk ducts through symptoms like breast pain, lump formation, and changes in milk flow, readers gain insight into potential complications such as mastitis and their impact on breastfeeding relationships. The book presents both medical and holistic management options, including pain relief medications, herbal remedies, and stress reduction techniques. With customizable plans, self-help techniques, and real-life stories of triumph, it guides mothers through overcoming challenges, seeking support, and embracing the joy of breastfeeding. Beyond the immediate issue of blocked milk ducts, the book explores breastfeeding's broader benefits, postpartum wellness, bonding with the baby, mental health, weaning, and balancing breastfeeding with other aspects of life. This mastery bible is a supportive companion for mothers, providing empowerment, understanding, and a wealth of resources for a fulfilling breastfeeding journey.

  • von Guru Gaurav Arya
    16,00 €

    "Parenting FAQ: Your Comprehensive Parenting FAQ Guide" is an invaluable resource for parents, caregivers, and anyone involved in raising children. In a world where parenting advice can be overwhelming and contradictory, this book offers a clear and concise guide to common questions and concerns that parents face.The book is divided into easily navigable sections, each addressing a specific aspect of parenting. It begins by exploring the fundamentals of parenting, including the role of parents, the importance of communication, and building strong parent-child relationships.From there, "Parenting FAQ" delves into the various stages of child development, from infancy through adolescence. It provides evidence-based guidance on topics such as sleep training, feeding, discipline, and fostering emotional intelligence. The book also addresses the challenges that arise at different developmental stages, offering practical solutions and strategies.One of the unique features of this book is its emphasis on addressing frequently asked questions. It compiles common queries from parents and provides clear, research-backed answers, helping readers navigate the complexities of parenthood with confidence. Whether it's managing screen time, handling sibling rivalry, or dealing with picky eaters, "Parenting FAQ" offers practical advice and expert insights.

  • von Sandra Moore
    19,00 €

    Healthy Baby, Healthy Eating is a comprehensive guide to helping parents cope with the challenges of feeding their children. From breastfeeding to coping with picky eaters, this ebook offers practical solutions to a variety of toddler feeding problems.Contents:Introduction to healthy eating for children: Basics and importance of healthy eating from an early age.Infant diet and cognitive development: How diet affects a child's development in the first months of life.Healthy snacks for toddlers: Suggestions of tasty and healthy snacks adapted to toddlers.How to introduce a variety of flavors into your child's diet?: Strategies to expand toddlers' taste buds.Healthy eating for overweight children: Practical advice on diet for overweight children.The family's role in shaping healthy food choices: How to influence children's eating habits as a family.Remarkable features:Accurate nutritional guides: Detailed guidelines for children's diets in various situations.Practical advice for everyday life: Daily strategies for healthy eating adapted to your lifestyle.The impact of food on children's oral health: Information on maintaining a healthy dental system in toddlers.Diets for children with different calorie needs: Tailored nutrition plans for children with different energy needs.Unrivaled nutrition guides: Detailed and practical advice for children of all ages.Variety of topics: Covers everything from introducing solid food to dealing with fussy eaters.Specialist advice for children with allergies: Focus on healthy eating for children with food allergies.An unusual look at difficult issues: Valuable information about talking about healthy eating with children and organic nutrition.The ebook Healthy Child, Healthy Eating is not only a guide, but a comprehensive tool supporting parents in caring for the healthy eating of their children. Discover the secrets of proper nutrition for toddlers today!

  • von James Howard Kunstler
    28,00 €

    This is not a sob story. It's a story about the difficulties of growing into manhood and my own particular struggle with disabling anxiety that came along with it, and how I managed to find my way. That was more than fifty years ago. American life was more comfortable and comprehensible than it is now as we face the discords of what I call the long emergency. I still had a hard time. I observe that boys today are up against a whole lot more in their quest to become fully functional adult men.

  • von CPM LM RN-BSN MariMikel Potter
    37,00 €

    Imagine a birth that is safe, comfortable, and empowering. You are in control of your body and your birth experience. You are surrounded by your loved ones, who shower you with support. You are relaxed and confident, knowing that you are giving birth in a place that feels safe and familiar. You are prepared emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually for your baby's impending arrival.This is the kind of birth that every woman deserves. And this is the kind of birth that you can have with The Book of Birth.A leader in her field, MariMikel Potter, LM, CPM, RN-BSN is a legendary midwife with 50 years of experience helping well over 3,000 women with their pregnancies and births, and she knows what it takes to have a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy and birth. She has spent decades refining her Sevenfold Approach, and she shares her complete methodology with you in this book, including the seven keys to achieving your ideal, perfect birth at every stage.Nourishment: Learn how to fully nourish yourself and your baby, including a list of recommended supplements, a meal planning tool, and recipes.Hydration: Learn MariMikel's recommendations for hydration and recipes to help you avoid the boredom of plain water. Movement: Get MariMikel's guidance on when and how to exercise-and when not to-for every stage of conception and pregnancy.Emotional/Spiritual: Gain the tools you need to address your emotions surrounding pregnancy, birth, and parenting. Learn exercises to help you access the spiritual side of pregnancy and birth.Knowledge: This book covers every aspect of what is going on in your body throughout your pregnancy from anatomy and physiology to handling the common discomforts and complications of pregnancy, recommendations for how to build a natural medicine chest, and then what to do with it when you are pregnant and ill, how to choose the right provider for you, what to expect over the duration of your pregnancy and birth regardless of where you choose to have it, home births natural childbirth, freestanding birth center births, hospital births, handling the sensations of labor, stages and phases of the labor process, and so much more.Rest: You will learn strategies to help you achieve adequate rest in pregnancy, including sleep hygiene, positioning for comfort, and setting boundaries for yourself and others. Joy: The joy you experience in pregnancy is shared with your baby. It is so easy to be bombarded with negativity. In this book, MariMikel shares strategies for you to amplify your joy quotient at every stage of your conception, pregnancy, and birth.With more than 500 pages of helpful information, guidance, resources, tools, exercises, and effective remedies, The Book of Birth is a comprehensive guide to a holistic pregnancy and birth, providing you with the information and tools you need to have a safe, healthy, and empowering pregnancy and birth experience. Whether you are planning a home birth, a hospital birth, or a birth center birth, this book is the perfect companion for you. It will help you to have a safe, healthy, and empowering birth.

  • von Nina Grimm
    19,99 €

    Die meisten kennen ihn: den Traum von Familie. Doch wenn er wahrgeworden ist, entpuppt er sich für viele Elternpaare als Albtraum. Plötzlich streitet man sich über Dinge wie eine gerechte Aufgabenverteilung, unterschiedliche Vorstellungen in Sachen Erziehung, ungleiche Bedürfnisse, wenn es um Themen wie Freiheit und Zweisamkeit, Sex und Zärtlichkeit geht. Das hat die Familienpsychologin und Paartherapeutin Nina Grimm am eigenen Leib erfahren: Sie und ihr Partner lebten zwischen der Geburt ihrer beiden gemeinsamen Kinder ein Jahr getrennt. In ihrem Buch zeigt sie die 10 größten Fehler auf, die sie und ihr Mann auf dem Weg zur Trennung hingelegt haben. Authentisch und humorvoll beschreibt sie, wie sie und ihr Mann die Kurve gekriegt haben und heute eine glückliche Liebesbeziehung führen. Untermauert mit vielen Beispielen aus ihrer Paarberatung zeigt Nina, wie wir mit psychotherapeutischen Hacks diesen Fehlern vorbeugen können. Oder wie wir sie durchbrechen, falls wir schon mittendrin stecken. Ein Begleitbuch, um die anspruchsvollen Jahre als Elternpaar zu überleben, Konflikte konstruktiv zu lösen und eine langfristig liebevolle Beziehung zu leben.

  • von Daniel Böcking
    12,00 €

    Der BILD-Redakteur und erfolgreiche Autor Daniel Böcking beschreibt in seinem neuen Buch auf humorvolle und unterhaltsame Art die Gespräche mit seinen Kindern über Glauben, Gott und die Welt.Wenn Daniel Böcking Zeit mit seinen Kindern verbringt, geht es immer wieder um den Glauben an Gott. Das Gebet vor dem Essen und vor dem Schlafengehen ist ebenso Routine wie der sonntägliche Besuch im Gottesdienst. Dabei kommt es immer wieder zu spannenden Gesprächen, wenn die Kinder nach "Adam und Edelheim" fragen und darüber nachdenken: "Warum tut Jesus Christoph nichts gegen das Leid?".Daniel Böcking bemüht sich um passende Antworten. Kindgerecht, sympathisch, manchmal ungeplant lustig, aber immer ehrlich. Ein echtes Lesevergnügen mit vielen ungewöhnlichen Impulsen, nicht nur für Eltern, die mit ihren Kindern über Glauben reden wollen.

  • von Dantse Dantse
    19,99 €

    Das Buch "Die Suche nach deutschen Weltstars: Der unbequeme Blick hinter die Kulissen des deutschen Jugend-Fußballs" von Dantse Dantse ist ein kritischer und tiefgründiger Einblick in die Strukturen, die den deutschen Jugendfußball prägen. In dieser umfassenden Untersuchung entlarvt der Autor die vielfältigen Probleme und Hindernisse, die junge Talente auf ihrem Weg an die Spitze des Weltfußballs behindern. Dantse Dantse legt offen, wie das Zusammenspiel aus einem rigiden System, einer überholten Mentalität, problematischen Trainingsmethoden und dem Einfluss der Eltern dazu führt, dass viele potenziell weltklasse Spieler nicht die Entwicklung nehmen, die ihnen möglich wäre. Kernthemen des Buches:Systembedingte Hindernisse: Dantse analysiert, wie das straffe und oft unflexible deutsche Fußballsystem junge Talente eher ausbremst als fördert. Er kritisiert, dass die Strukturen nicht ausreichend Raum für individuelle Entwicklung und Kreativität lassen, was essenziell für das Erreichen der Weltspitze ist. Problematische Mentalität: Der Autor beleuchtet, wie eine veraltete Mentalität innerhalb des deutschen Fußballs Innovation und Fortschritt hemmt. Besonders im Fokus stehen die Themen Multikulturalität und die Integration von Spielern mit Migrationshintergrund, die nicht ausreichend berücksichtigt werden. Die Rolle der Trainer: Dantse stellt dar, wie Trainer durch ihre Methoden und Herangehensweisen oft mehr schaden als nutzen. Dabei werden Themen wie übermäßiger Druck, fehlende individuelle Förderung und teilweise auch unethisches Verhalten thematisiert. Einfluss der Eltern: Das Buch geht auch auf die Rolle der Eltern ein, deren Erwartungen und Druck zusätzliche Barrieren für die jungen Spieler darstellen können. Schockierende Geheimnisse: Der Autor scheut sich nicht, dunkle Aspekte wie Korruption, Vetternwirtschaft, den Missbrauch von "Vitamin B", Rassismus sowie Probleme mit Sex, Alkohol und Drogen im Jugendfußball anzusprechen. Diese Faktoren tragen zu einem Umfeld bei, das die Entwicklung von Talenten nicht nur nicht unterstützt, sondern aktiv behindert. Die andere Wahrheit: Dantse präsentiert Einblicke und Perspektiven, die oft im Verborgenen bleiben. Er zeigt auf, wie diese versteckten Mechanismen eine Kultur schaffen, die weit entfernt ist von den idealisierten Vorstellungen eines fairen und förderlichen Sports. Das Buch geht weit über eine einfache Kritik hinaus und bietet einen ungeschönten Einblick in die Realität des deutschen Jugendfußballs. Dantse Dantse fordert einen grundlegenden Wandel in Denkweisen, Strukturen und Herangehensweisen, um eine Umgebung zu schaffen, die wahre Talente erkennen, fördern und entwickeln kann. "Die Suche nach deutschen Weltstars" ist damit nicht nur eine schonungslose Analyse, sondern auch ein Aufruf zum Handeln - für ein besseres, gerechteres und erfolgreicheres System im deutschen Fußball.

  • von Joss Reed
    29,00 - 36,00 €

  • von Joss Reed
    28,00 - 35,00 €

  • von Désirée Ratay
    19,99 €

    Keine Pille der Welt kann Kindern ein starkes Fundament für ein gesundes und glückliches Leben geben. Kindergesundheit ist so viel mehr als Medizin, deshalb werden die Weichen für ein ganzheitlich gesundes Leben nicht in der Kinderarztpraxis, sondern zu Hause gelegt.  Was brauchen Kinder von ihren Eltern, um gesundheitserhaltende biologische Systeme, einen gesunden Körper und eine gesundheitsfördernde Gehirnarchitektur zu entwickeln? Ganzheitliche Kindergesundheit hat viele Facetten und Eltern geben ihr Bestes, um gesunde Rahmenbedingungen für ihr Kind zu schaffen. Aber was ist, wenn sie ihren Fokus während dieser Mission auf Themen richten, die zweifellos wichtig (wie z.B. der Umgang mit Infekten), aber vielleicht nicht am  wichtigsten  sind?  Kinder brauchen Eltern und Experten, die ihre ganzheitliche Natur verstehen, denn nur dann können sie Kindern das geben, was sie  wirklich  brauchen, um ein gesundes und glückliches Leben führen zu können. Kinder, die auf körperlicher, psychischer und seelischer Ebene das bekommen, was sie brauchen, können ihr genetisch veranlagtes gesundheitliches Potenzial optimal entfalten. Sie entwickeln ein anderes körperliches und psychisches Gesundheitsfundament als solche, deren Bedürfnisse ungesehen oder missachtet werden. In ihrem ersten Buch zeigt die Kinderärztin Désirée Ratay, wie wichtig das Familienleben und die Verbundenheit innerhalb der Familie für die Gesundheit - die psychische wie die körperliche - ihres Kindes sind. Wissenschaftlich fundiert, liebevoll aufbereitet und mit vielen praktischen Tipps hilft dieses Buch beim Verständnis kindlicher - und auch elterlicher - Nöte, Schmerzen und Bedürfnisse und zeigt, wie es gelingt, die Gesundheit nachhaltig zu stärken. Désirée's Vision ist es, ein ganzheitliches Verständnis von Kindergesundheit zu vermitteln. Ihr Wissen aus Kindermedizin, Neurowissenschaften und Psychologie kombiniert sie zu einem einzigartigen Ganzen und teilt es seit Jahren erfolgreich als "Dr. Mami" im Netz.

  • von Rhona Berens
    22,00 €

    Having a baby can be wondrous, yet when a baby arrives: Couples fight more and relationship satisfaction plummets.Filled with straightforward, accessible guidance and 40+ easy to use tools to shift from conflict to connection, Fight Right for Your Baby helps you buck this trend. Why do new parents fight more? Because there is so much more to fight about: hundreds of new tasks to manage and divvy up, less money, time, sleep, and energy for intimacy, and even conflicting approaches to parenting your baby. Why learn to Fight Right when you barely have time for anything else? Because Fighting Wrong-your negative, unskilled, and unproductive conflict patterns-not only affects you and your spouse, but it can also stress your new baby and impact their developmental health. Your baby needs-really needs-parents who respect each other, collaborate well, and know how to get through conflict constructively. Parents need that, too.

  • von Michael B. Gilbert
    31,00 - 54,00 €

    Surviving Adolescence follows the roller coaster ride parents with teenagers experience, covering topics such as preparing for adolescence, the reality of confronting puberty, the family unit, bullying, burgeoning sexual issues, communicating effectively, and how to help teens tackle a new social environment, including cyberspace.

  • von Maryam Munir
    36,00 €

  • von Jenny Ng
    24,00 €

  • von Lucette Ambre
    22,00 €

    NAME BOOK : trouvez le prénom parfait pour votre enfant grâce à cette collection originale, avec des anecdotes et la signification cachée de chaque prénom. Comment allez-vous appeler votre enfant ?Lui donnerez-vous le nom de ses grands-parents ou avez-vous toujours eu une autre idée en tête ?Peut-être un nom célèbre ou un nom peu répandu ? Et si c'est une "fille", comment l'appellerez-vous ? Trouver un prénom pour son enfant peut devenir un véritable défi pour les parents.Certains préfèrent les prénoms étrangers, d'autres sont attachés à la tradition anglaise, d'autres encore ont toujours rêvé d'un prénom particulier mais, hélas, leur partenaire n'est pas d'accord ! Vous êtes sûrement passé par là, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, ce n'est pas de votre faute, c'est même tout à fait normal. Pensez aussi que ... Certains disent que le véritable caractère d'un enfant se cache dans son nom ...D'autres encore y voient le symbole du lien indéfectible qui unit l'enfant à ses parents ...D'autres encore reprennent le dicton romain "Nomen Omen" : dans le nom de chacun se cache son destin ... Quoi qu'il en soit, si vous cherchez le prénom idéal pour votre enfant, c'est que vous souhaitez faire un choix sûr, sans risquer d'avoir des regrets à l'avenir !Pourquoi tout faire soi-même ? Dans cette collection originale, vous trouverez bien plus de suggestions que vous ne l'auriez imaginé, en découvrant les curiosités et les origines de chaque option.Qu'il s'agisse de prénoms italiens, étrangers, communs ou tout à fait uniques, vous trouverez le choix idéal pour réunir toute la famille. Après tout, le nom de votre enfant sera le premier grand cadeau que vous, en tant que parents, lui offrirez pour la vie. Ne prenez pas le risque de vous tromper de cadeau, vous ne pouvez pas vous le permettre cette fois-ci. Faites défiler vers le haut et commencez à parcourir la collection complète de prénoms dès maintenant :avant demain, vous aurez peut-être découvert le prénom de votre bébé !

  • von Mina Irfan
    16,00 - 19,00 €

  • von Bill Rodebaugh
    16,00 €

    Bill Rodebaugh is a lifelong resident of Philadelphia, PA. A retired insurance executive, a church leader, deacon, Sunday School teacher and a Rescue Mission Director. A graduate of Central High school in Philadelphia Bloomfield College and Seminary. Prior to enlisting in the U.S. Army he did graduate work at Temple University. Bill lives with Edit, his wife of 56 years. They have 2 children (one deceased) and ten grandchildren.

  • von Steven E. Yates
    17,00 €

  • von Ahoy Publications
    22,00 - 30,00 €

  • von Ahoy Publications
    25,00 - 34,00 €

  • von Ahoy Publications
    26,00 - 35,00 €

  • von Ahoy Publications
    23,00 - 32,00 €

  • von Marilena Arcuri
    22,00 €

    Il momento è giunto, l'entusiasmante viaggio della genitorialità sta per iniziare e la scelta del nome perfetto per il tuo bambino o bambina sembra un'impresa ardua. Il nome che sceglierai risuonerà per tutta la vita del tuo piccolo, rappresentando non solo la sua identità, ma anche le tue speranze e aspirazioni per lui o lei. Non temere, "Il Grande Libro dei Nomi" è qui per guidarti in questa meravigliosa avventura. Questa guida completa ed esauriente è il risultato di una ricerca approfondita ed è progettata per rispondere a tutte le tue domande e ad aiutarti a fare una scelta informata. Dal momento che un nome può riflettere tanto l'identità culturale quanto quella personale, il nostro libro offre una panoramica dettagliata dei nomi, dalle origini storiche e culturali, ai significati profondi, alle curiosità più affascinanti. Ecco cosa troverai in questa guida:Un'analisi completa delle considerazioni pratiche nella scelta del nome, come l'adattabilità, la facilità di pronuncia e di ortografia.Un panorama completo dei nomi, dai più diffusi ai più unici, con dettagli su come adattare i nomi di tendenza e rendere un nome classico moderno.Una rassegna di nomi provenienti da diverse culture e ambienti, nonché ispirati al mondo naturale, al cinema, alla letteratura, allo sport e alla musica.Consigli pratici per la scelta del nome, comprese le considerazioni sul significato del nome, la risonanza familiare, la facilità di pronuncia e di ortografia, e l'adattabilità futura.Ogni nome è un universo di significati, una storia da raccontare, una personalità in divenire. Scopri il potere dei nomi e trova la chiave per decifrare il nome perfetto per il tuo bambino o bambina con "Il Grande Libro dei Nomi". Non lasciare che questa opportunità scivoli via come sabbia tra le dita.Inizia il viaggio personale e affascinante alla scoperta del nome perfetto!

  • von D'Nisha Kidwell
    52,00 €

    Calling all new moms and moms-to-be! How would you like to have a real instruction manual for parenting at your fingertips? Well, you are in luck! This book offers many tips and resources to help navigate you through the first decade of motherhood. Yes, ten years of life! It helps you plan for your baby's arrival, learn how to keep them safe and healthy, plan their birthday party, and so much more! Understand that being a mother goes beyond fertility, so it doesn't matter if you give birth, adopt, or conceive through surrogacy. The common factor of motherhood is performing a maternal role. With that said, every mother can use some help and support. Let this guide be a part of your village necessary for raising your child. A good mom does the best she can. A great mom seeks ways to be greater!

  • von Melissa Goldberg Mintz
    28,00 €

    Wenn ein Kind nach einem belastenden Erlebnis ein verändertes Verhalten zeigt, fragen Eltern sich, ob das noch im Bereich des Normalen liegt oder ob es Zeichen einer Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung sein könnte. Was braucht das Kind jetzt, um sich wieder sicher zu fühlen?Die erfahrene Psychotherapeutin Melissa Goldberg Mintz erläutert, wie Kinder, je nach Lebensalter, auf belastende Erfahrungen reagieren und wie individuell unterschiedlich solche Reaktionen sein können. Sie gibt Eltern hilfreiche Tools an die Hand und beschreibt, wie sie ihrem Kind in Triggersituationen beistehen können. Ihr Fazit: Auch wenn das, was Eltern selbst tun können, irgendwann an Grenzen stößt und professionelle Hilfe nötig wird, ist nichts so wichtig im Genesungsprozess wie liebevolle elterliche Unterstützung.

  • von Matthew Schenck
    25,00 €

    "Heartfelt Connections for Single Parents" is a compassionate and insightful guide that empowers single parents to navigate the often challenging landscape of dating while raising children. This book goes beyond the superficial advice found in typical dating guides and delves into the unique experiences of single parents, offering practical strategies and heartfelt wisdom to foster genuine connections.In Chapter 1, the author sets the tone with a warm and welcoming Introduction, laying the foundation for the journey ahead. Chapter 2, "Embracing Single Parenthood," addresses the core of single parenting, encouraging readers to embrace their role with pride and resilience.As the narrative unfolds, Chapter 3, "Single Parent Dating Landscape," provides an honest exploration of the dating scene for single parents, preparing them for the unique challenges and opportunities they may encounter. Chapter 4, "Rediscovering as a Single Parent," guides readers through the process of self-discovery, emphasizing the importance of personal growth amidst the demands of parenthood."Confidence in Single Parent Dating" (Chapter 5) becomes a pivotal chapter, offering practical tips and emotional support to boost confidence in navigating the dating world. Chapter 6, "Nurturing with Kids in Mind," seamlessly integrates parenting and dating advice, highlighting the delicate balance required to nurture both aspects of life.Chapter 7, "Connecting with Other Single Parents," provides valuable insights into building a support network, fostering connections with like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges of single parenting. Chapters 8 and 9 delve into specific strategies tailored for single moms and single dads, respectively, acknowledging the distinct experiences each gender may face.The guide takes a poignant turn in Chapter 10, "Introducing Partner to Children," exploring the delicate process of blending families and ensuring a smooth transition for both parents and children. Chapter 11, "Overcoming Challenges in Single Parent Relationships," offers practical advice on addressing common hurdles that may arise in the pursuit of lasting connections."Sustaining Love Amidst Parenthood" (Chapter 12) delves into maintaining a strong relationship amidst the chaos of parenting. Chapter 13, "Impact of Social Media on Single Parent Dating," explores the role of technology in modern relationships, offering insights into navigating the digital realm.The book concludes with Chapter 14, "Single Parent Dating Success Stories," sharing inspiring tales of triumph over adversity. Finally, in Chapter 15, the author wraps up the journey with a heartfelt Conclusion, leaving readers with a sense of empowerment, resilience, and the tools to forge meaningful connections in the world of single parent dating. "Heartfelt Connections for Single Parents" is more than a guide; it's a companion for single parents seeking love and connection on their unique journey.

  • von Milton Thomas
    28,00 €

    "The Importance of a Mother and Father in a Child's Life" by acclaimed author Milton Thomas III is a compelling and insightful exploration of the profound impact that both parents have on the development and well-being of a child. Drawing from personal experiences, research, and heartfelt anecdotes, this book delves into the invaluable roles that mothers and fathers play in shaping a child's life.In this thought-provoking work, Milton Thomas III highlights the unique contributions that mothers and fathers bring to parenting, emphasizing the complementary nature of their roles. He delves into the different parenting styles, communication approaches, and strengths that each parent possesses, and how they work together to create a nurturing and balanced environment for their children.Through heartfelt storytelling and practical wisdom, Milton Thomas III examines the significance of parental love, guidance, and involvement in a child's emotional, intellectual, and social development. He explores how mothers and fathers contribute to building a child's resilience, self-esteem, and sense of belonging, as well as fostering their creativity, empathy, and life skills."The Importance of a Mother and Father in a Child's Life" goes beyond the traditional understanding of gender roles in parenting and encourages readers to embrace the unique qualities and contributions of both parents. Milton Thomas III offers practical insights and guidance on effective co-parenting, communication, and creating a loving and supportive family environment that positively shapes a child's future.Whether you are a parent, caregiver, educator, or simply interested in the dynamics of family and child development, this book will provide you with valuable insights and inspiration. Milton Thomas III's powerful narrative, informed by both personal and professional expertise, offers a compelling case for the vital roles that mothers and fathers play in nurturing and guiding the next generation."The Importance of a Mother and Father in a Child's Life" is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the immeasurable impact parents have on their children's lives. It will empower and inspire parents to embrace their roles with love, intentionality, and appreciation for the unique contributions they make in shaping their children's futures.

  • von Katherine Staggs
    23,00 €

    Unlock Your Toddler's Full Potential with Montessori Principles - Your Essential Guide to Cultivate Independence, Curiosity, and Holistic Growth!Are you ready to empower your toddler with lifelong skills for success? Want to create a nurturing environment where your little one thrives and explores the world with confidence? Discover the transformative power of Montessori education with "MONTESSORI TODDLER," an internationally acclaimed and comprehensive guide crafted to help parents unlock their child's full potential. From fostering independence to nurturing curiosity, this practical book provides the tools and insights needed to create an enriching environment for your little one's holistic development. Inside the book, you'll find: Step-by-step guidance on understanding and implementing the Montessori philosophy, tailored specifically for toddlers. Practical tips for setting up a Montessori-inspired environment at home, complete with carefully selected materials. Strategies to encourage independence and self-help skills, empowering your child to become capable and confident. Techniques to stimulate curiosity and cultivate a love for learning through engaging and age-appropriate activities. Insights into promoting language development, enhancing motor skills, and fostering social-emotional growth.Embark on a journey that will shape your toddler's future, filled with memorable moments of growth, exploration, and self-discovery. With "MONTESSORI TODDLER" as your trusted companion, you'll gain the confidence to support your child's development in a holistic and empowering way. Take the first step towards unlocking your toddler's potential.

  • von Paola De Luca
    25,00 €

    Ti senti sopraffatto dal dovere di nutrire il tuo bambino in modo sano ed equilibrato, cercando allo stesso tempo di promuovere la sua autonomia? Sei stanco dei pasti stressanti e delle lotte di potere a tavola? L'autosvezzamento può essere la soluzione che stai cercando, e "Autosvezzamento: Un Manuale Completo e Pratico su come Nutrire il Tuo Bambino in modo Sano e Spontaneo" è la guida perfetta per intraprendere questo percorso. Questo manuale fornisce un'analisi dettagliata dell'autosvezzamento, un approccio nutrizionale rivoluzionario che consente al tuo bambino di guidare il proprio processo di svezzamento. Ti guiderà attraverso la transizione, affrontando le tue preoccupazioni e rispondendo a tutte le tue domande, dal rischio di asfissia alla scelta dei cibi adatti. Con "Autosvezzamento: Un Manuale Completo e Pratico su come Nutrire il Tuo Bambino in modo Sano e Spontaneo" scoprirai:Il significato dell'autosvezzamento e i suoi benefici chiave Come preparare la transizione verso l'autosvezzamento Come selezionare cibi sicuri e nutrienti per il tuo bambinoCome gestire le paure comuni, come l'asfissia Consigli pratici per creare un ambiente di apprendimento ottimale L'importanza di rispettare i ritmi e le preferenze del tuo bambinoCome l'autosvezzamento può supportare la crescita e lo sviluppo del tuo bambino Come affrontare le sfide, come il rifiuto del cibo e i periodi di stalloCome coinvolgere tutta la famiglia nel processo di autosvezzamento Testimonianze e studi di caso sull'autosvezzamento Questo libro trasformerà i pasti da un momento stressante a un'esperienza di apprendimento e scoperta per il tuo bambino. Imparerai come guidare delicatamente il tuo bambino verso una dieta varia e bilanciata, rispettando il suo ritmo e le sue preferenze. Non solo, sarai in grado di coinvolgere tutti i membri della famiglia in questo percorso, trasformando i pasti in un momento di unione e condivisione. Se sei pronto a liberarti dallo stress dei pasti e a promuovere l'autonomia e la salute del tuo bambino, "Autosvezzamento: Un Manuale Completo e Pratico su come Nutrire il Tuo Bambino in modo Sano e Spontaneo" è la guida che stai cercando.

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