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Schwangerschaft & Elternschaft

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  • von Katharina Grossmann-Hensel
    16,00 €

    Kinder sehen die Welt anders - und zeigen allen, wie bunt sie ist: Ein vergnügtes Bilderbuch über einen besonderen Familienausflug! Juhu, ein Ausflug steht heute auf dem Programm! Während das Kind die Nase in den Wind und die Augen offen hält, halten die Erwachsenen stets ihre Handys parat. Denn wie soll man sonst wissen, wie das Wetter wird, wo man langgehen muss und so allerlei mehr ... Doch unterwegs gehen auch den Erwachsenen die Augen auf und es wird bunt, bunter, am buntesten! Mit Herz und viel Humor erzählt: Eine fantasievolle Geschichte über den Kinderblick auf die Welt und die wichtigen Dinge im Leben

  • von Julia Knörnschild
    15,00 €

    Julia Knörnschild ist zweifache Mutter, erfolgreiche Unternehmerin, Influencerin und Autorin. Im Sommer 2022 sind ihre Kinder noch sehr klein, als sie mit einer Erschöpfungsdepression in eine Tagesklinik geht. Nichts geht mehr. Es folgt die Diagnose Burnout, ADHS und Angststörung. Und die Erkenntnis: So kann es nicht weitergehen. Berührend und bei aller Tragik doch lustig klärt Julia Knörnschild in ihrem zweiten Buch über psychische Krankheiten auf. Sie gibt Einblicke in ihre Therapiestunden, in Gruppensitzungen und ihren Alltag als Mutter, die gerade nicht »funktioniert«. Selten wurde so persönlich über psychische Krankheiten und mentale Gesundheit gesprochen, wohl noch nie im Zusammenhang mit Mutterschaft. Ein absolutes Tabu, das es endlich zu brechen gilt, damit Mütter aller Orten endlich die Sichtbarkeit bekommen, die sie verdienen.

  • von Vivian Wrona (Autor) Vainzof
    18,00 €

    Quando se tem filhos em casa, os anos são vendaval e os dias rastejam longos e medíocres. Quando vejo, os dentes de leite já derramaram, não encontro a chupeta nem as fraldas, e ainda estou impaciente para terminarem o jantar... Amanhã de manhã já pode ter passado mais vinte ou sessenta anos. E eu estarei sentada no jardim, vendo vocês nascerem todos os dias. Vivian Wrona Vainzof nos convida neste livro a uma viagem ao mesmo tempo instigante, agradável e inteligente pelas paisagens do cotidiano familiar, seus desafios, dilemas, alegrias e emoções. Em tempos de falta de tempo, de automatismo e desumanização, Vivian nos propõe, por meio de narrativas curtas, porém assertivas, um mergulho no universo dos valores e do resgate do sentido de ser mãe/pai.

  • von Lulu and Bell
    32,00 €

    Capture the joy and love of this special season as we celebrate a little one on the way! Join us in making memories and leaving messages of warmth and wonder in our Christmas-themed baby shower guest book. Share your well wishes, holiday blessings, and heartwarming advice for the growing family. Let's create a keepsake filled with love and holiday cheer that will be treasured for years to come. 'Tis the season for new beginnings.This is a hardback book, with a gift log at the back of the book to record gifts received.

  • von Lulu and Bell
    32,00 €

  • von Corinna Dahlmann
    9,99 €

    Kinder sind die Zukunft und wir Erwachsenen sind dafür verantwortlich, dass sie gesund und behütet aufwachsen können. Denn eine glückliche Kindheit bietet Kindern und Jugendlichen die beste Voraussetzung zu einem selbstständigen, selbstbewussten, verantwortungsbewussten und autonomen Erwachsenen heranzuwachsen. Wenn ein Kind auf die Welt kommt, ist es noch vollkommen hilflos und braucht uns, um zu überleben. Es ist für einen solch kleinen Menschen unglaublich schwer, um nicht zu sagen unmöglich, sich in dieser großen Welt zurechtzufinden. Bereits vor der Geburt entwickeln Kinder eine Bindung zur Mutter und haben ein Urvertrauen in diese. Sie verlassen sich auf ihre Mutter, dass sie sie behütet und für sie sorgt. Dies ist in erster Linie die Hauptaufgabe der Eltern, doch nicht immer sind Eltern in der Lage oder gewillt, dieser Aufgabe nachzukommen. Um den Schutz von Kindern und Jugendlichen intensiver gewährleisten zu können, beschäftigen sich schon seit langer Zeit viele Fachkräfte und Institutionen mit den Themen des Kinderschutzes.

  • von Herbert Renz-Polster
    22,00 €

    Die gute AutoritätViele Eltern wollen ihre Kinder liebevoll und zugewandt erziehen, doch die Konflikte im Alltag bringen sie immer wieder an ihr Limit. Und schon sind die alten Fragen wieder da: Wie viel Grenzen brauchen Kinder? Sollte ich nicht konsequenter sein? Wie kann ich erziehen, ohne zu verletzen?Der renommierte Erziehungsexperte und Kinderarzt Herbert Renz-Polster beschreibt in diesem umfassenden Kompass, wie Kinder ihre Stärken entwickeln und wie eine Erziehung gelingt, die Mitbestimmung und elterliche Führung verbindet.Ein wegweisendes Buch, das gerade jetzt Orientierung gibt, wo viele Eltern an den hier dargestellten Hotspots verzweifeln: der Medienproblematik, der oft wackeligen Kooperation in der Familie und der Frage nach den Grenzen. Für eine Erziehung, die Familien stärkt, weil sie Kindern beides schenkt: Wurzeln und Flügel.

  • von Marcel Schönefeld
    12,99 - 19,99 €

  • von Bonnie Lippincott
    23,00 €

    Entry Level Mom is a book I wrote specifically about my transformation into motherhood. It is a motherhood memoir of sorts. The goal is to uplift, encourage and connect with mothers through honesty, positivity, and vulnerability. ¿¿Becoming a mother was an acutely confronting transition and transformation for me. I emerged as a mother slowly and cautiously; I was so disoriented that I found myself earnestly writing out my experiences to orient myself. I would reread my words and use them as a guide, and in doing so, I felt less lost, more found. As time went on, I devoted myself to chronicling my experience, and I wrote this. This book is my own personal, heartfelt take on the experience of becoming a mother.In this book, I share my genuine and vulnerable tales with the promise of honesty, vulnerability, and positivity. I've often heard the advice that you should write the book you need to read; that's exactly why I took seven whole years to write this book. I wrote down lessons, hilarious moments, triumphs, and failures. I wrote down what I thought I had figured out, only to edit and or delete a month later. Then, I sorted the stories by color, flavor and topic, and stitched them together like a patchwork quilt. Becoming a mother is a monumental shift in every woman's life, yet the resources I could find on how to navigate this transformation are frankly scarce. As I journeyed into motherhood, I found an abundance of material on pregnancy and raising strong kids, but I found little to no dialogue on the enormous shift a woman goes through herself. I know (and honor) that everyone's journey is unique, beautiful, and challenging in its own way. But how can we support each other if we're not willing to share our honest truths? That's why I'm sharing my own truth in this book. I'll be sharing my experiences, my feelings, my lessons, my perspective, that all led to growth. My hope is that my words will resonate and uplift.

  • von Poppy O'Neill
    15,00 €

    A worry-busting guide to help 7+-year-oldsEncourage your child to listen to their feelings, practise positive thinking and overcome their fears with this sensitive and supportive book. Bursting with activities, handy tips and simple exercises, Shrink Your Worries is the self-care companion every stress-prone child needs.

  • von Shanley Simpson
    31,00 €

    "100 Foods Before One" is an indispensable resource for parents embarking on the exciting journey of introducing their little one to the world of solid foods. This comprehensive journaling guide offers a treasure trove of information and practical tools to navigate the intricacies of a baby's culinary exploration.With a focus on 100 diverse foods, this book provides insightful guidance on introducing a wide range of flavors and textures to your baby's diet. Whether you're following traditional purées, exploring baby-led weaning, or addressing food allergies, this guide ensures you have all the information you need at your fingertips.Inside, you'll find:Food ProfilesAllergy AwarenessTracking ToolsRecipes and TipsA guide and comparison of Baby-Led Weaning and purées."100 Foods before One Year" empowers parents to make informed choices about their baby's diet while fostering a positive relationship with food from the very beginning. Whether you're a first-time parent or looking for fresh insights, this journaling guide is a trusted companion on the exciting road to healthy eating for your little one.

  • von Claus Koch
    22,00 €

    Freiheit oder die Suche nach Identität und SinnWenn junge Menschen von ihrer Kindheit endgültig Abschied nehmen müssen, beginnt für sie eine neue Zeitrechnung. Wichtige Leitplanken wie Elternhaus und Schule fallen weg, und plötzlich stehen bislang unbekannte Entwicklungsaufgaben an, die weitreichende Folgen für das ganze Leben haben.Aus bindungstheoretischer Sicht beschreibt der Autor das Erwachsenwerden als eigenständige Entwicklungsphase, in der sich alles noch einmal radikal verändert. Die 'Odysseusjahre', wie Claus Koch sie nennt, sind gekennzeichnet von einer Suche nach Autonomie, begleitet von Identitätskrisen, in denen sich erneut frühkindlich erworbene Bindungsmuster zeigen. Koch beschreibt das Leben und die Gefühle junger Erwachsener von heute. Da ist ein Freiheitsversprechen, das gelebt werden will und gleichzeitig Angst machen kann. Und er zeigt, wie Eltern und andere Bezugspersonen sie in dieser Zeit unterstützen können.

  • von Alexis Faere
    53,00 €

    Whether you are a grandma, have a grandma, or miss your grandma, Whispers of Love offers unique daily prayers just for you.With Alexis Faere's whimsical approach to prayer, Whispers of Love invites readers of all ages to connect with this essential, timeless relationship and gently express their deepest emotions. Within the pages of this heartwarming treasury of simple and wonder-filled prayers, Alexis Faere offers readers an avenue for helping grandmothers feel seen, accepted, and appreciated.Whispers of Love reminds us to cherish these relationships and special moments which are often overlooked in today's busy world. It offers new layers of understanding, solace, and reflection with each reading.

  • von E. C. Perich
    21,00 €

    "Life isn't about finding yourself; it's about creating yourself" - George Bernard Shaw.If you would like to create your best self, Young Adult Life Hacks is your complete, trusted, handbook for adulthood made easy!Do you struggle making decisions or are you often unhappy with the decisions you make? Young Adult Life Hacks will guide you through the steps to easily make decisions which will benefit you and your unique life.Is your mind working for you or against you? Do you go through the process of setting goals only to give up on them after a few days or weeks? Young Adult Life Hacks reveals the methods you can use to develop the mental strength and self-discipline to succeed.Are you anxious or feeling as if you're falling behind because you haven't decided on a career? Young Adult Life Hacks delivers a step-by-step process you can use to shape your future on your terms. And it's so much more!Packed with ingenious, practical, and effective life management skills on:¿ social media-life balance¿ relationships¿ independent living¿ controlling your finances¿ health, wellness, and time management¿ basic first aid¿ car careWhether you're starting high school, college or just graduated, Young Adult Life Hacks will be your go-to guide for years to come. You only become an adult once.Enjoy this transformation and embrace adulthood today!

  • von Stephen G. Lindsey
    26,00 - 37,00 €

  • von Shrikant Chorghade
    21,00 €


  • von Eric Johnson
    60,00 €

    Discover the captivating story within the pages of "My Father's Story: The Murder of the Best Man I've Ever Known" by Eric Johnson. The story unfolds when Eric delves into the life and tragic death of his father, Bill Johnson, who was brutally murdered by his ex-girlfriend in his own home, taking not only his life but also that of his beloved dog.In Eric's account of the story, you will witness firsthand how profoundly an act of violence can change lives forever. Eric entangles his readers in a captivating journey toward truth and justice with surreal court hearings, fit for a horror movie, that puts his dad's ex-girlfriend's mental health at the epicenter of her defense. As you flip through the pages, you'll be enthralled by each distressing twist and turn. Embark on this inside look into loss, heartache, and a brutal quest for truth that lies within "My Father's Story: The Murder of the Best Man I've Ever Known."

  • von Walter the Educator
    21,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Calvin G Williams
    18,00 €

    Are you a modern man looking to navigate the challenges of fatherhood and marriage without compromising your true self?Look no further! "I Am, King Of My Castle" is here to guide you on a transformative journey, equipping you with the essential tools to become the husband and father you aspire to be.In today's world, the dynamics of relationships and family structures have evolved significantly, with a decline in married couples and a rise in single-parent households. It's time for men to step up and embrace their roles within their families without losing their sense of self.At 56 years of age, author Mr. Calvin G. Williams has encountered numerous experiences that allow him to have personal insight on most of what's been comprised in this eye-opening guide to manhood. He has endured the impact of divorce as a child, the challenges of a fatherless boyhood, and lived in poverty as a young man.The author has been a mentor of young boys in middle schools and young men in the prison system. This expertise helps him provide a wealth of practical advice, theories, wisdom, and methods to accomplish the ultimate seat for any man upon the throne as King of His Castle.Mr Williams sheds light on the current state of masculinity and its impact on family life. This groundbreaking book empowers men to break free from societal norms that hinder personal growth, while still maintaining healthy, non-toxic behavior.Through carefully curated insights and practical advice, you will discover how to navigate your role as a husband and father without feeling overwhelmed. Embrace your masculine instincts and discover the true value you bring to your family beyond just financial support.

  • von Sara Bustillo de Castro
    26,00 €

    Why do the French have children earlier with lower postnatal depression rates? Why are some employers able to retain working parents while others are not? Where Parents Thrive explores what France and other countries (such as the Nordics) are doing well to allow parents to thrive at home and at work, it reviews cultures and policies across the world, and it proposes tools that governments, companies, and individuals can implement to stay afloat. Where Parents Thrive also analyzes the consequences when these support systems are not in place. You will read about Bhavna, an American and Indian living in London, whose husband only took two weeks of paternity leave even though he was entitled to six months. About Gaby, a Peruvian living in Adelaide, Australia, who got diagnosed with post natal depression more than a year after giving birth. About Marion, a Parisian in a dual career couple who manages to juggle it all thanks to her wonderful husband and despite childcare unreliability.Taking you through the pieces of the puzzle that need to fall in place for working parents to thrive (i.e. childcare, parental leave, open mindedness, agility, etc.) and for employers to retain them, this book provides a framework for couples that still haven't decided where they want to settle and for organizations that are seeing the parents in their leadership track walk away.For fans of Emily Oster's Expecting Better and Erin Meyer's The Culture Map.

  • von Sarah Mullinax
    45,00 €

    As an expectant or new mom, are you eager to celebrate the uniqueness of motherhood, establish your standards with unshakeable confidence, and feel fully equipped for your journey from pregnancy onwards? You're in the right place. Through our engaging interactive prompts, practical worksheets, and efficient tips, you'll be empowered to: Embrace your authentic self within motherhood Identify and embody your family values with unwavering confidence Share responsibilities equitably with your partner Identify common mental health challenges and overcome them"The Confident Postpartum" is more than just a guide; it's your companion towards a thriving motherhood experience. Approach the postpartum period with newfound confidence and resilience, knowing you're fully equipped to navigate this unique journey successfully.

  • - Helping Your Kids Succeed in School
    von Kristen J. Amundson
    37,00 - 55,00 €

    This book provides answers to parents everyday questions regarding school.

  • von Ursula Häberli-Nef
    12,00 €

    Dass viele Kinder und Jugendliche heutzutage rein psychisch nicht mit bestimmten Situationen umgehen können, wird immer deutlicher, doch nie war dies so klar wie zu den aktuellen Krisenzeiten. Dabei unternehmen Eltern und Erzieher doch so viel, um ihnen das Leben zu erleichtern und sie vor »der bösen Welt da draußen« zu schützen. - Und genau das ist der Fehler!In unserem Bestreben, die Kinder zu behüten, nehmen wir ihnen die Möglichkeit, mit Belastungen und Verantwortungen umzugehen. Die Folge: Sie fühlen sich in schwierigen Situationen überfordert und kapseln sich ab, bekommen es nicht selten mit Angststörungen zu tun und können nicht loslassen, was ihnen Sicherheit gibt. Solche Probleme spiegeln sich dann später auch im Erwachsenenalter, beispielsweise im Job, wider.Es ist Zeit, dass die Kinder wieder an ihr Selbstvertrauen und ihre Belastbarkeit zurückgeführt werden. Dies kann mit dem richtigen Maß an Liebe und Disziplin erreicht werden, indem man sie mehr in das »Leben der Großen« integriert und sie so die Welt um sich herum besser erfahren lässt. Viele nützliche Tipps und Anregungen helfen dabei, den Nachwuchs fit fürs Leben und damit auch fit für die Zukunft zu machen.

  • von Kimm Reid
    34,00 €

    "I Love You More Than" is a heartwarming picture book perfect for parents and grandparents to read to their little ones. With vibrant colors and charming illustrations, this book is sure to capture the attention of toddlers and keep them engaged throughout the story.This delightful book is filled with expressions of love from a parent/grandparent to their child, highlighting the depth of their affection and how much they cherish their little one. Each page features a new comparison, such as "I love you more than the sun loves to shine" or "I love you more than the bees love to buzz." These sweet comparisons will bring a smile to your child's face and warm their little hearts.With its simple yet engaging narrative and delightful illustrations, "I Love You More Than" is the perfect addition to any family's library. Whether you're looking for a bedtime story or just a way to bond with your child, this book will leave you both feeling loved and cherished. So pick up a copy today and share the love with your little one!"

  • von Patricia Zurita Ona
    39,00 €

    It's tough raising a teenager, but it's especially difficult when a teen has trouble regulating their emotions and lashes out. This groundbreaking book gives parents the tools they need to stop unwittingly reinforcing their teen's bad behavior, reduce family conflicts, and get teens on track with the things that really matter.

  • von Pamela Darby
    23,00 €

    NAMES BOOK: Find the perfect name for your child/children with this original collection, with trivia and hidden meaning behind each name.What will you name your child? Will you name him/her after the grandparents, or have you always had a different idea in mind?Maybe a famous name, or one that is uncommon? And if it will be a "she," what will you name her? Finding your child's name can turn into a wonderful challenge for mom and dad. There are some people who prefer foreign names, others are tied to the English tradition, and still others have always dreamed of a particular one but, alas, their partner doesn't agree much! Surely you've been there too, but don't worry, it is NOT YOUR FAULT, in fact ... it is completely normal.Also consider that ...Some say that a child's true character is hidden in the name ...Still others consider it a symbol of the unbreakable bond with one's parents.... Others repeat the Roman saying "Nomen Omen": in everyone's name is hidden his or her destiny ...No matter what your thoughts are, if you are looking for the ideal name for your child/children it means that you would like to make a safe choice, without risking future regrets! Why do it all yourself? Within this original collection you will find many more suggestions than you had imagined, discovering the curiosities and origin of each option.Italian, foreign, widespread or completely unique names, you will find the perfect choice capable of getting the whole family to agree. After all, your child's name will be the first major gift you, as parents, will give him or her for life. Don't risk giving the wrong gift, you can't afford it this time. Scroll up and start browsing the full collection of names now:Before tomorrow you may have discovered your baby's name!

  • von Thomas Socha
    42,95 - 111,95 €

  • von Martin Hirte
    21,00 €

  • von C. P. Kumar
    19,00 €

    "Challenges and Solutions for Adult Children" is a comprehensive guidebook that navigates the intricate terrain of adulthood with a focus on the unique challenges faced by today's adult children. Starting with the crucial journey of self-discovery and identity formation, this book delves into the multifaceted aspects of adulthood, offering insightful solutions to common hurdles. From bridging the generation gap in communication to fostering mental well-being and financial independence, each chapter provides valuable strategies and guidance. Readers will find expert advice on career choices, lifelong learning, and work-life balance, along with insights into the complexities of relationships, marriage, and housing. The book also addresses critical issues such as healthcare, addiction, and legal responsibilities, all while considering the influence of cultural norms and technology on modern adulthood. "Challenges and Solutions for Adult Children" is an indispensable resource for those navigating the complexities of being an adult child in today's world.

  • von Isaura Rosana
    22,00 €

    LIBRO DE NOMBRES: encuentre el nombre perfecto para su hijo gracias a esta original colección, con curiosidades y el significado oculto detrás de cada nombre. ¿Cómo vas a llamar a tu hijo?¿Le pondrás el nombre de los abuelos o siempre has tenido otra idea en mente?¿Quizá un nombre famoso, o uno que no sea muy común? Y si será "ella", ¿cómo la llamarás? Encontrar un nombre para su hijo puede convertirse en un maravilloso reto para papá y mamá.Hay quienes prefieren nombres extranjeros, otros se aferran a la tradición inglesa, otros siempre han soñado con uno en concreto pero, por desgracia, ¡su pareja no está de acuerdo! Seguro que a ti también te ha pasado, pero no te preocupes, NO ES TU CULPA, de hecho... es completamente normal.Considera también que...Algunos dicen que el verdadero carácter de un niño se esconde en el nombre ...Otros lo ven como un símbolo del vínculo inquebrantable con los padres ... Otros repiten el dicho romano "Nomen Omen": en el nombre de cada uno se esconde su destino ...Piense lo que piense, si está buscando el nombre ideal para su hijo, significa que le gustaría hacer una elección segura, ¡sin arriesgarse a futuros arrepentimientos! ¿Por qué hacerlo todo usted mismo?En esta original colección encontrarás muchas más sugerencias de las que habías imaginado, descubriendo las curiosidades y los orígenes de cada opción.Ya sean nombres italianos, extranjeros, comunes o completamente únicos, encontrará la opción perfecta para unir a toda la familia.Al fin y al cabo, el nombre de su hijo será el primer gran regalo que ustedes, como padres, le harán para toda la vida. No te arriesgues a hacer un regalo equivocado, esta vez no te lo puedes permitir. Desplázate hacia arriba y empieza a navegar ahora por la colección completa de nombres:¡antes de mañana puede que hayas descubierto el nombre de tu bebé!

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