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Schwangerschaft & Elternschaft

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  • von Valerie Hill
    32,00 - 38,00 €

  • von Marieke Lohfeld
    9,99 €

    Dieses Buch beinhaltet die Montessori-Pädagogik detailliert erklärt für jeden, der diese Pädagogik zu Hause umsetzen möchte, für alle die, die verstehen möchten, was überhaupt dahintersteckt. Es soll Ihnen als Eltern zeigen, wie Sie Ihre Kinder unterstützen und ein anregendes Umfeld schaffen können. Zudem gehen wir auf die natürliche Entwicklung ein und darauf, wie wir diese begleiten können und wie wir die Gefühle der Kinder ernst nehmen sollten. Den angeborenen Entdeckerdrang der Kinder befriedigt man am besten mit einer geeigneten Lernumgebung. Diese gilt es, zu erschaffen. Ich möchte Ihnen in diesem Buch einige wertvolle Tipps geben, wie Sie Ihr Zuhause nach den Prinzipien von Montessori einrichten können.

  • von Lutz Spilker
    9,98 €

    Die Geschichte der Pornographie reicht weit in die Vergangenheit zurück und spiegelt dabei die kulturellen, sozialen und technologischen Entwicklungen der Gesellschaft wider. Bereits in antiken Zivilisationen wie der griechischen und römischen gab es Darstellungen erotischer Kunst, die sowohl in privaten Sammlungen als auch in öffentlichen Räumen zu finden waren. Diese Darstellungen waren oft in Form von Skulpturen, Wandmalereien und Vasenmalereien präsent.Im Mittelalter wurden in verschiedenen Kulturen erotische Darstellungen in Form von literarischen Werken, Illustrationen und Schnitzereien geschaffen. Dabei waren die Darstellungen nicht immer eindeutig pornographischer Natur, sondern oft in symbolischer oder allegorischer Form gehalten. Die Verfügbarkeit solcher Werke war jedoch stark eingeschränkt, da sie oft von der Kirche oder staatlichen Autoritäten zensiert wurden.Die Entwicklung des Buchdrucks im 15. Jahrhundert trug zur Verbreitung von pornographischen Inhalten bei. Mit der Möglichkeit, Texte und Illustrationen in größerer Stückzahl zu vervielfältigen, entstanden die ersten gedruckten pornographischen Werke. Diese waren jedoch immer noch stark zensiert und wurden oft im Untergrund vertrieben.Im 19. Jahrhundert, insbesondere während der industriellen Revolution, wurden technologische Fortschritte wie der Buchdruck in Massenproduktion und die Fotografie genutzt, um pornographische Inhalte in größerem Umfang zu verbreiten. Dabei entstanden auch die ersten Aktfotografien, die jedoch oft als künstlerische Darstellungen getarnt waren, um der Zensur zu entgehen.Mit der Erfindung des Kinos und später des Fernsehens im 20. Jahrhundert erlebte die Pornographie eine weitere Evolution. Pornografische Filme, bekannt als "Porno", wurden produziert und verbreitet. In den 1970er Jahren erlebte die Pornobranche mit dem Aufkommen von VHS und später DVD einen weiteren Aufschwung. Die Digitalisierung verstärkte diesen Trend, da Inhalte nun leicht über das Internet zugänglich gemacht werden konnten.Das Internet ermöglichte nicht nur die Verbreitung von pornographischen Inhalten, sondern auch die Entstehung von Amateur-Pornografie und die Interaktion zwischen Nutzern. Die Verfügbarkeit von pornographischem Material führte jedoch auch zu Diskussionen über die Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft, insbesondere auf Jugendliche, und über Themen wie Datenschutz und die Ausbeutung von Darstellern.In der heutigen Zeit gibt es weiterhin Debatten über die Auswirkungen der Pornographie auf die Gesellschaft. Einige argumentieren, dass der leicht zugängliche und oft hardcore-artige Inhalt negative Auswirkungen auf die Einstellungen und Beziehungen der Menschen haben könnte. Gleichzeitig verteidigen Befürworter die Meinungsfreiheit und betonen, dass Pornografie eine Form der sexuellen Ausdrucksfreiheit ist.Die fortschreitende Technologie hat zu neuen Entwicklungen geführt, darunter Virtual-Reality-Pornografie und interaktive Plattformen. Gleichzeitig werden Stimmen lauter, die die Branche für ihre Arbeitsbedingungen und die Behandlung von Darstellern kritisieren. Es bleibt abzuwarten, wie sich die Pornographie angesichts der gesellschaftlichen, technologischen und ethischen Veränderungen weiterentwickeln wird.Die Geschichte der Pornographie ist geprägt von kulturellen Normen, technologischem Fortschritt und gesellschaftlichen Debatten. Von antiken Darstellungen bis hin zur digitalen Ära hat die Pornographie eine bemerkenswerte Entwicklung durchlaufen. Ihre Auswirkungen auf Individuen und die Gesellschaft insgesamt sind vielschichtig und anhaltend. Während die Pornographie weiterhin Teil der menschlichen Kultur sein wird, bleibt sie auch Gegenstand kontinuierlicher Diskussionen über Ethik, Freiheit und soziale Auswirkungen.

  • von Lulu and Bell
    33,00 €

    Welcome to our Halloween-themed baby shower! This guest book is here to capture your presence and well-wishes as we celebrate this spook-tacular addition to our family. Feel free to leave your mark, whether it's a ghoul-fied message for the little one or some parenting advice that's scarier than any haunted house. Your words will be cherished just like a stash of Halloween candy, so grab a pen and let's make this memory as immortal as a vampire on All Hallows' Eve.

  • von Harry Bynum
    23,00 - 38,00 €

  • von Jackson G. Weah
    30,00 €

    Let God Write Your Story is a captivating story of a 'transformational Christian education model' at Bridge of Hope Girls' School in post war Liberia . . . a model which is transforming the social narratives of disadvantaged girls in the Central New Matadi community and its environs. It is a story of a family with deep passion that muscled courage to bring 'renewed hope' through Christian education to marginalized teenage girls. Let God Write Your Story also unravels deep rooted cultural assumptions faced by a girl-child. She grows up in cultures that don't value her worth and her willingness to aspire to her full potentials like her boy's counterpart. The term "girl-child" as used in this book simply refers to a female offspring under the age of 18. The expression implies that girls are different from boys or face special circumstances.

  • von Carolyn Conant van Blarcom
    24,00 €

    "The young woman who is looking forward to motherhood is very often torn by sharply conflicting emotions. Her eagerness to have a baby and her happy anticipations may be dimmed by fears and misgivings, by superstitious and erroneous beliefs born of an ignorance that is little less than pathetic. A little information about physiological functions and an explanation of some of the facts of motherhood prove to be very reassuring to the mystified, uninformed young woman.There is, too, the immeasurably important question of the expectant mother's personal hygiene-the general scheme of her living in such a way as to promote her own and her baby's welfare-concerning which the average young woman is almost wholly ignorant. But the busy doctor, who gives of himself, impartially, to a large number of patients, often finds it difficult to discuss with each one, in a leisurely, reassuring way, the facts that he would like to have her grasp, the misinformation he would like to dispel and the small but influential details of her daily life that he wishes her to consider. It is just such simple information and such details of personal hygiene that I have attempted to set forth in this little book, with the hope that it may help the expectant mother intelligently and confidently to do her part in making ready for the baby; and to spend the period of her expectancy in a happy frame of mind, free from haunting anxieties. And I have given some space to a description of the course of the baby's development in order that his mother might have an abiding sense of his reality and his need of her protecting care from the very moment of his origin.In no sense does this book replace the doctor's care, for it is merely a composite of the advice about simple, everyday little things which the majority of obstetricians give to the average, normal woman. I have stressed the fact that the first need of both mother and baby, from the beginning of pregnancy, is supervision by a physician and that such advice as these pages offer is of value only as it forms a part of his personal care."

  • von Jane Mckeogh
    36,00 €

    The Elementals are who I call 'The Little People'. They are only visible to a few. Let them take you into their chat room of Astrology classes in outer space. You can learn about amazing mythology and planetary details. Open your minds to fantasy and facts while exploring the planets. Discover your astrology characteristics. Packed with interesting space and astrology information. All intwined in a magical story of the little people as they fly to their spaceship on mythological stallions around the cosmos. Depicting the elementals' escapades in twelve creative chapters. Incorporated in a tale from the author's knowledge and imagination.

  • von Eline Snel
    14,00 - 15,00 €

    Endlich Spaß beim Meditieren!Kinder und Erwachsene sind gestresst von den Anforderungen des Alltags. Die Folge sind Konzentrationsstörungen und Einschlafprobleme - ein Gedankenkarussell, das sich pausenlos dreht. Eline Snel hat eine wirkungsvolle Methode entwickelt, inspiriert von der Achtsamkeitsmeditation nach Jon Kabat-Zinn: Kinder können lernen loszulassen und aus sich heraus Kraft schöpfen. Spielerisch leicht und originell zeigt Eline Snel Atemübungen, Phantasiereisen und Achtsamkeitsmomente für alle Lebenslagen. Mithilfe des Froschs und einer Übungs-CD mit Meditationen können Eltern und Kinder wieder innere Ruhe finden.Die Übungen eignen sich für Kinder ab 5 CD, Spieldauer ca. 63 min. Der Weltbestseller mit über 1 Million verkaufter Bücher!

  • von Luke Mensah Akrosuma
    19,00 €

    Parenting is a process that evolves from child birth through to child upbringing. In other words, parenting involves mothering and fathering a child. In addition, parenting also captures warding another person usually, a younger one by an elderly. Parenting is a determinant of the child's perception of the world s/he finds himself/herself.The parenting process that involves two main actors; the parent and the ward.These two actors have their onus in the parenting process. The parent is required to establish an environment needed to catalyze the growth of the child. The latter must be willing and ready to go through the process of being warded. Thus, for a successful parenting process, there must be in existence a congenial relation between the two parties.Many a time, this prerequisite atmosphere is non-existent between the aforementioned parties owing to the style adopted by parents. These disconnects result to gaps in the developmental process.The impact and repercussion of this disconnect coupled with the antidote is discussed in this book.

  • von Lulu and Bell
    33,00 €

    Welcome to our Halloween-themed baby shower! This guest book is here to capture your presence and well-wishes as we celebrate this spook-tacular addition to our family. Feel free to leave your mark, whether it's a ghoul-fied message for the little one or some parenting advice that's scarier than any haunted house. Your words will be cherished just like a stash of Halloween candy, so grab a pen and let's make this memory as immortal as a vampire on All Hallows' Eve.This book is a hardback book, with 70 pages, blank pages to leave messages and well -wishes and a gift log section to record gifts.

  • von Sophia Lindenberg
    18,90 €

  • von Lorena Kibitz
    14,95 €

    Autogenes Training für Kinder: Mit kindgerechten Autosuggestionsübungen im Alltag zu mehr Entspannung, Ausgeglichenheit und SelbstbewusstseinSie können sich nicht konzentrieren, haben scheinbar grundlos Bauchschmerzen und abends im Bett finden sie keine Ruhe: Typische Stresssymptome schon bei den Kleinsten sind heutzutage leider keine Seltenheit mehr, denn Druck, Erwartungen und ein voller Terminplan sind oft bereits im Kindergarten an der Tagesordnung. Die psychischen und körperlichen Folgen können verheerend sein - doch zum Glück gibt es dagegen so effektive wie einfache Hilfe: Nämlich in Form von Autogenem Training für Kinder, das Sie mit diesem Buch ab sofort ganz unkompliziert in Ihren gemeinsamen Alltag integrieren können!Wärme in den Armen spüren, ganz schwere Beine bekommen, den Herzschlag senken - auf diese Art Einfluss auf den Körper und seine Empfindung zu nehmen, ist dank Autosuggestion möglich und gerade Kinder, die bereitwillig auch noch an das Unmögliche glauben, können solche Übungen problemlos in die Tat umsetzen. Deshalb profitieren sie ganz besonders von Autogenem Training sowie der Progressiven Muskelentspannung und sorgen so für zahlreiche positive Effekte wie innere Ruhe, gesteigertes Selbstvertrauen, entspannte Muskulatur, bessere Konzentrationsfähigkeit, emotionale Stabilisierung oder die Linderung psychosomatischer Beschwerden. Sie und Ihr Kind sind nicht so der spirituelle Typ? Keine Sorge, Autogenes Training hat mit Spiritualität viel weniger zu tun als mit faktenbasierter Wissenschaft und dank der genauen und kinderleicht zu befolgenden Anleitungen können auch Unerfahrene sofort mit den Übungen beginnen. Von der Herzübung über die Sonnengeflechtsübung bis hin zu geführten Traumreisen finden Sie hier mühelos innere Ruhe für jede Situation und kompakt-verständliche Information zu Wirkweise, neuronalen Grundlagen und Durchführung machen Sie in kürzester Zeit zum Entspannungs-Experten. Und dank der enthaltenen Audiodateien können Sie die Geschichten einfach sofort abspielen und vorlesen lassen!Grundkurs Gehirn: Entdecken Sie die wichtigsten Basics und Fakten rund um Autosuggestion, Sympathikus & Co. und finden Sie heraus, wie und auf welcher Ebene die Techniken wirken.So wird's gemacht: Genaue Erläuterungen zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie die Übungen optimal durchführen und geben Tipps für einen gelungenen Einstieg Ihres Kindes.Vielfältige Übungen: Ob Schwere-und Ruhe-Übung, Atemübung, Stirnkühleübung oder das Zurückkommen - entdecken Sie gemeinsam mit Ihrem Kind Ihre Lieblingsvarianten.Fantastische Traumreisen: "Mein eigener Sandstrand", "Frei wie der Wind" oder "Mit all meiner Kraft" entführen Ihr Kind mit jeweiligem Schwerpunkt auf Atem, Wärme oder Herzschlag in entspannende Fantasiewelten.Mit diesem Buch halten Sie einen kraftvollen Gegenpol zum Alltagsstress in der Hand und können Ihrem Kind jederzeit die notwendige Ruhe und Geborgenheit schenken. Ob als Familienritual, zur Einschlafhilfe oder für gezielte Entspannung zwischendurch - mit den sorgfältig erstellten Meditationen und kostenlosen Audio-Dateien nehmen Sie ganz einfach das Tempo aus dem Alltag.

  • von Bree Moore
    28,00 €

    Every pregnant woman has voices telling her what to expect, but not many of those voices are supportive when a woman desires to give birth at home.A woman's birth story, and her baby's birth story, are heavily influenced by the voices that surround her. These voices insist that the only thing that matters is a healthy baby, but the truth is that birth has far more to offer than the bare minimum.Childbirth can be an enlightened, powerful, joy and peace-filled experience, and the first step to getting there is receiving the knowledge and confidence to follow personal intuition.Bree Moore, birth keeper and mother to six, has compiled this expansive collection of season-themed unassisted birth stories to inspire and empower women navigating the realm of radical home birth.By reading these stories, the seeds of hope and vision for your pregnancy and birth will be planted and grow into a fruit that you can pick with joy and confidence.Birth is a unique sort of magic, and that magic can be found in abundance when women free themselves in birth.Readers of "Birth Becomes Hers" also by Bree Moore, Heather Baker's "Home Birth On Your Own Terms", and Ina May's "Spiritual Midwifery" will love these mother-led birth stories.Click "Buy Now" today to start reading this empowering book on pregnancy and childbirth!

  • von Charlene Stratton
    19,00 €

    She Has A Right by Charlene Stratton:This is the journey of a child born to an unwed woman in 1948 and the pain the unwed woman had to bear, the judgment and the name-calling. This is about the simple wisdom of my great grandfather Reinhart who was born three years after the civil war in 1868 and his gentle love, salvation, and lack of judgment. The journey continues through the Great Depression, acknowledging the community's ability to share with each other whatever they had. In 1948 I came into the picture and this book chronicles the love of the people who came into my life, helped raise me, and the gifts and love given by them all.So many are in my wreath of love-some for a day, some for a few years, and some for life. But they all are with me in my heart every day. The journey I have taken was possible due to the people who have loved me and helped shape me-they taught me that I had value. I am forever grateful for the miracles and divine intervention in my life. SHE HAS A RIGHT to not be punished and to be free of pain. It takes two to make a baby, and one pays the price.

  • von Ary Jr. S.
    16,00 €

    A maternidade é uma das experiências mais profundas e transformadoras que uma mulher pode vivenciar em sua vida. É uma trajetória repleta de emoções, desafios e incertezas, mas também é a fonte de um amor incondicional e uma conexão única entre mãe e filho.

  • - 5 Keys to Building Trust, Restoring Connection, & Strengthening Relationships
    von Michelle Deering
    24,00 €

    Wishing you had less tension in your relationship with your daughter? Desiring a closer relationship with your daughter? Longing for your mom to just "get" you? In "What Mothers Never Tell Their Daughters", Dr. Michelle Deering supportively guides you through the 5 Keys that will give you a clearer picture of what your mom or daughter may not be able to express. As the daughter of an immigrant single mom, Michelle experienced the effects of having a mother who spent the majority of her time working hard to survive and make ends meet. Expectations were many but unspoken. Family dynamics were volatile and tenuous but not discussed. Broken relationships were prevalent in Michelle's life, but she was determined to earn her doctorate in counseling psychology and become a licensed clinical psychologist. In this book, Michelle elegantly brings together her experiences as a daughter, mother of twin daughters, and psychologist as she looks into the mirror of her life and reflects on the struggles she has experienced as well as the difficulties that her clients have overcome. She meets her readers as if at a café table, candidly sharing those reflections with insightful clarity that sheds light on their personal situations. "What Mothers Never Tell Their Daughters" gives you sage strategies and practical tools to help you navigate and improve your mother-daughter relationship.

  • von E. Danielle Butler
    20,00 €

  • von Lester Wertheimer
    30,00 €

    More to Life is a series of entertaining and personal observations on a wide range of subjects. As a legacy to benefit grandchildren, individual essays are derived from a lifetime of personal experience from which others may also benefit.The essay on Religion, for example, begins before anyone believed there was a supernatural deity who exists today for nearly everyone. The previous thousands of years that lacked such an individual is rarely considered. Other essays deal with personal issues like Marriage, Happiness, and Aging. There seems no greater interest for grandchildren than the wise examples that comes with a grandparent's advancing years.More to Life discusses several important subjects that are likely to change your attitude, such as Trust, Risk, and simply Getting Along with others. The essay on Movies should interest those who have enjoyed movies for several years, but have no knowledge of its history. Readers may also enjoy the essays on Money, Wealth, and Luck, which often affects us all.Readers may not care about Politics, but they certainly care about Pain, which is frequently the result of deficient politicians. Essays on Beauty, Color, and Personality affects many of us to one extreme or another. Readers should now turn to the opening page and enjoy what follows.

  • - A Practical Guide to Managing Your Baby
    von Simone Boswell
    24,00 €

    For over twenty years, Simone Boswell has helped countless mums all over the world with practical advice about caring for their babies. In this easy to read book, you will find tips and suggestions to help you achieve that CALM BABY, so that you can be a CONFIDENT MUM. From newborns, through to the first birthday, read about feeding your baby, putting your baby to sleep, and playing with your baby. Simone draws on her experience caring for her own six babies, as well as helping hundreds of mothers over the years. This experience is built on a foundation of wisdom collected from mothers who have gone before. "When we were expecting our first baby, we watched other parents. So many were tired and frazzled, and their babies cried a lot. Others were calm and confident. What did THOSE parents do differently?" As Simone discovered, many of those calm babies were being managed on a flexible routine. This book will share what Simone, and many other families have discovered: how to manage your baby on a flexible routine, thus creating a CALM BABY, and a CONFIDENT MUM.

  • - Building an Identity Out of Thin Air and Twigs
    von Denis Glass
    26,00 €

    Early personal identity and character are built, piece by piece, from childhood experiences that color our lives long after those events have faded from view. In cases of personal shock or abuse, deep parts of the self can be thrown into chaos. Not only the outer layers but also subtler areas such as inner identity and gender. In this true story of survival by two fragile teenagers, every layer of their identity is put to the test. They resist, battle and run, trying to escape a dark family secret, drugs, and toxic, picture-perfect suburban home lives. Things quickly get complicated. "What are you suggesting?" asked the doctor. "An operation?" I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe." "To become a girl?" "No, just a neutral person." Inspiring, touching and scorchingly honest, 'Shivers, Slaps and Silence' is an intense, unforgettable journey, wildly paced and tinged with the sort of passion, unexpected humor and optimism that teenagers do best.

  • von Tehla Jane Bower
    33,00 €

    Are you a mother craving alone time, yet struggling to make it happen? Do you feel guilty or ashamed for even wanting it? Meet a mother who dedicated a decade of her life to finding practical solutions to this modern enigma.A Mother's Space: Permission to Pause is the ultimate guide to discovering spacious moments in motherhood-even when it seems an impossible task. For mothers silently pleading for more time to themselves, this book offers the spark of motivation needed to dedicate personal space to wellbeing and self-nourishment. The sole focus of this book is on the mother's experience. Mother of two, Tehla Jane Bower delves into the intersection of self-care and womanhood, recognising the vital but often overlooked role of mothers. With empathy and candour, she invites mothers to rediscover who they are while reaffirming their intrinsic worth.Divided into three parts-'The Clearing,' 'The Discovering,' and ' Deeper Discovering'-A Mother's Space is filled with fresh ideas and micro tips, addressing the unspoken yearning for more 'me time' that resonates with many mothers.

  • von Allen N. Mendler
    49,00 - 111,00 €

  • von Amelia
    26,00 €

    Discover the Ultimate Guide to Baby Registry Must-Haves, your go-to resource for everything you need to prepare for your little one's arrival. This comprehensive book takes you on a journey through the essential items that will make your life as a new parent easier, more organized, and filled with joy. From the moment you discover you're expecting, to creating a cozy sleep environment, to selecting the perfect baby shower gifts, this book covers it all. Each chapter is filled with practical advice and a curated selection of must-have items that will ensure you're fully equipped to welcome your bundle of joy. Whether you're a first-time parent or adding to your growing family, this book is your trusted companion in navigating the world of baby gear. With clear explanations and helpful insights, it's both an informative guide and an inspiration for creating a safe and nurturing environment for your little one. Prepare for diaper changes with essential supplies, dress your baby in adorable and comfortable outfits, explore feeding and nurturing options, and discover the best gear for outdoor adventures. With this book by your side, you'll feel confident and empowered as you make informed decisions about what's best for your baby. Embrace the excitement of parenthood and build your perfect baby registry with the confidence of knowing you have all the essentials covered. Get ready to embark on this incredible journey with the ultimate resource for baby registry must-haves.

  • von Misha Teimouri
    21,00 €

    Kids may skip meals, sleep, and homework, but they never consider disconnecting from their digital lives. Aside from the numerous opportunities provided by the Internet, children face a variety of risks that parents, practitioners, and policymakers are constantly concerned about. By EU Kids Online , online risks for children can be broadly defined as a set of intended/unintended and desired/undesired online experiences, that upsets, is unsupportable, or harms them in any way. Given the rapid growth in digital technology, the Internet is becoming part of children's daily life, which may offer new or slightly altered risks or harm. Those risks are not clearly classified yet. However, researchers are more concerned about sexually related risks, sharing personal information with strangers, and cyberbullying as a range of online risks that children may face while they are online. In response to these challenges, this study tested an online digi-parenting model for reducing children's online risk. This survey included 420 Malaysian primary and secondary school students (9 to 16 years old) and one of their parents/guardians. with an average age of 12, most of whom were female (66%) and Malay and Muslim (74%). Students mostly use the internet after school (80%) or under the supervision of their parents (79%). Boys are more vulnerable to cyber risks than girls. The majority of parents/guardians were female (56%), Malay (73%), Muslim (74%), and between the ages of 31 and 50 (77.4%). In terms of education level, 60% of parents/guardians have a diploma or lower level, while 26% have a bachelor's degree.

  • von Amelia
    26,00 €

    Are you a new parent or expecting a bundle of joy soon? Look no further! This comprehensive book is your go-to resource for all things baby must-haves. Packed with essential information, it's the ultimate companion to navigate the exciting world of parenthood. From creating a safe and comfortable nursery to selecting the perfect stroller for on-the-go adventures, this book covers it all. Dive into the chapters filled with practical tips on feeding essentials, diapering and changing must-haves, and even nursery organization and storage solutions. Explore a treasure trove of innovative products designed to stimulate your baby's senses, promote development, and keep them entertained. From educational toys and baby books to bath and skincare products, this book unveils the secret to keeping your little one engaged and happy. This book delves into the emotional side of parenting, emphasizing the importance of love, care, and the joyous moments shared with your baby. Find comfort in knowing that you're not alone on this incredible journey and discover valuable insights from experienced parents. Get ready to embrace the joy of parenthood and create lasting memories with your little one. Order your copy today and unlock the secrets to the perfect baby must-haves!

  • von Ben (Helsinki Brief Therapy Institute Furman
    37,00 €

  • von Maria Kalpidou
    82,00 - 223,00 €

  • von Felicia Hawkins
    63,00 €

    "My Pregnancy Journal" is an exquisite keepsake designed to celebrate and document the beautiful journey of pregnancy. With its charming design and thoughtfully crafted pages, this journal serves as a heartfelt companion, capturing the precious memories, emotions, and milestones experienced throughout this transformative time.This journal is more than just a blank canvas; it is a guided exploration of your pregnancy, providing prompts and spaces to record your thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. From the very first fluttering kicks to the joyous moments of hearing your baby's heartbeat, "My Pregnancy Journal" ensures that no milestone goes unnoticed or forgotten.The journal's pages are delicately adorned with whimsical illustrations, providing a touch of warmth and serenity. Within its covers, you will find dedicated sections for recording doctor's appointments, ultrasounds, and pregnancy milestones, as well as ample space to jot down any questions or concerns that arise along the way.But "My Pregnancy Journal" goes beyond just capturing the physical aspects of your pregnancy. It also encourages you to reflect on your emotional journey, offering guided prompts to explore your feelings, hopes, and fears. These prompts serve as a gentle reminder to embrace the incredible bond growing between you and your baby, fostering a deeper connection with each passing day.As you navigate the various trimesters, "My Pregnancy Journal" provides a space for you to document your changing body, from the first signs of a baby bump to the miraculous expansion of life within. You can also record the cravings, aversions, and unexpected surprises that accompany this miraculous journey, creating a treasure trove of memories to look back on fondly.This journal is not only for you but can also become a cherished heirloom for your child. As they grow older, they will delight in flipping through its pages, discovering the heartfelt thoughts, wishes, and anecdotes you lovingly penned during their time in the womb.With its elegant design, poignant prompts, and ample space for personal expression, "My Pregnancy Journal" is the perfect companion for any expectant mother. It offers solace, celebration, and a tangible way to capture the extraordinary moments of this magical chapter, ensuring that the memories created during this transformative time are preserved and treasured for years to come.

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