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Schwangerschaft & Elternschaft

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  • von Jacqui Gitau
    29,00 €

    AFiUK CIC have developed this parenting programme as a specific response to this situation of social conflict that many migrant parents find themselves in. Many par-enting programmes exist which provide parents with information and strategies to im-prove family life, however this booklet is addressing the specific need of providinginformation and setting the social context of equipping parents to "Parent in a culture in which they were not parented in themselves".

  • von Mary Kay Larson
    47,00 €

    This book is written to appeal to children ages 4-7. It has six short, meaningful, stories, highlighting different relationships. It is designed to help children identify elements of a healthy relationship as well as engage children in positive conversation.

  • von Simi Subhramanian
    22,00 €

  • von Monique Cohen
    15,00 €

    This book contains a magic wand which gives the parents the power to know all the right answers, all of the time. ...I wish, you wish, we all wish! Sadly, this book has no magic wand. However, it does have some very useful strategies and an understanding that perfect parenting (like magic wands, unicorns, Griffiths, and reliable computer technology) is a myth. The best we can all stride for is 'good enough' most of the time. Humour is a form of play used by children and adults alike and 'playing' is one of the most effective forms of healing. Planet Parent uses humour to help caregivers, parents and grandparents better understand their child and adolescent. This then creates the space to enjoy the beautiful moments of parenthood and to endure the not-so-beautiful moments. The strategies outlined in this book are drawn from my training and experience as a child and adolescent psychotherapist of over 30 years, and in my hilarious adventures with my own children. It explores the outstanding and distressing facts about babies (I never dreamed you would have to teach babies to sleep!) children and adolescents, which I discovered in my journey as a mother. The universal tribulations and pleasures that envelope all parents are discussed to emphasise the truth that parents are not alone (there are many, many of us parents) This book encourages the understanding that parents have great power to nurture our child's resilience... and that there can be hilarity and fun in the process!

  • von Frank Albert
    14,00 €

    In the bustling and technologically advanced world we live in, the task of raising smart, disciplined, responsible, and intelligent kids can be daunting. But fear not, Excellent Parenting: How To Raise Smart, Disciplined, Responsible And Intelligent Kids In Today's Busy And Distracted World is here to guide you on this remarkable journey of parenthood. This comprehensive parenting guide offers a treasure trove of unique and effective strategies to empower your children to thrive amidst the distractions and challenges of modern life.Discover the secrets to nurturing emotional intelligence in your little ones, fostering empathy, and building strong communication skills that will serve as their lifelong superpowers. Learn how to encourage independence and decision-making, allowing your children to develop the confidence and self-reliance necessary to navigate life's complex choices. Dive into the art of time management for kids, striking the perfect balance between academic commitments and play, ensuring they embrace every opportunity while staying organized and focused.From instilling discipline and responsibility to gracefully navigating peer pressure and social challenges, this book equips you with the tools and insights needed to cultivate a loving and supportive family environment where your kids can flourish. The key to raising intelligent kids lies in celebrating their uniqueness, promoting healthy habits, and providing a space for them to explore their passions. Excellent Parenting is more than just a book; it is your ultimate guide to unlocking your children's full potential and preparing them to thrive in the fast-paced world ahead. Grab your copy now and embark on this awe-inspiring journey of transforming your child's future!

  • von Autumn Swain
    26,00 €

    In The Playground Leader, Dr. Autumn Swain offers a transformative approach to developing our children, from toddler to teen and beyond, as leaders for today. Too often we speak of youth development as something preparing our young people for the future, but we should be forming them into the leaders they were meant to be today. This thought-provoking, deeply inspired book will also challenge and positively impact all the adults reading this book. The Playground Leader will not only equip and transform our young people, but it will leave its mark on you too. When we show up our best, our children will be better for it.The Playground Leader is required reading for parents who want to see their children flourish now as leaders in their homes, at school, and in the world. So much of our educational spaces focus its energy into teaching academia, often overlooking the importance of foundational leadership skills and character-building principles. This book equips the the entire team, whether a family, classroom, or arena, with tools for the development of key leadership qualities and character development bringing so much hope not just for the future, but for today. Inside this guidebook you will learn: Over 20 strategies to help your children become the best version of themselves.How to naturally embed these crucial characteristics into your children's lives.Practical applications to incorporate these characteristics into your own lives as parents, coaches, and teachers.We care so deeply for our children, but life at times is overwhelming. This book will give you a clear starting point towards helping your children to grow up to be everything they were meant to be.

  • von Susanne Adelsberg
    14,90 €

    Willkommen in der aufregenden, oft verwirrenden, aber immer wunderbaren Welt der Schwangerschaft! Meine erste Schwangerschaft: Alles, was ich für mein erstes Baby wissen muss, ist der liebevolle und freundschaftliche Wegbegleiter für alle werdenden Mütter, die sich zum ersten Mal auf diese abenteuerliche und emotionale Reise begeben.In diesem Buch teilt die Autorin in betont lockerem, freundschaftlichen Stil ihre intimen Erfahrungen, Ängste und Freuden ihrer eigenen Schwangerschaften. Sie entwirrt das Dickicht an Informationen und gibt Ihnen praktische und leicht verständliche Ratschläge. Von der ersten Schwangerschaftsbestätigung über die Auswahl des perfekten Kinderwagens, bis hin zu den Wehen und schließlich der Geburt - dieses Buch hat alles, was Sie wissen müssen und mehr!Mit einer Prise Humor, einer großen Portion Empathie und einer Fülle an wertvollen Tipps führt Sie dieses Buch durch jeden Schritt des Weges als werdende Mutter. Meine erste Schwangerschaft ist mehr als nur ein Ratgeber - es ist eine Freundin, ein Trost und eine Quelle der Inspiration.Dieses Buch ist besonders liebevoll gestaltet, enthält viele Fotos (s/w) zu allen Themen und erklärt wichtige Fachbegriffe in separaten Check-Boxen. So gelingt es, auch schwierige Dinge verständlich und besonders kurzweilig zu erklären.Ob Sie sich gerade erst auf die Reise in die Mutterschaft begeben, mitten im dritten Trimester sind oder einfach nur eine liebe Freundin unterstützen möchten, Meine erste Schwangerschaft ist das perfekte Geschenk für jede werdende Mutter. Machen Sie sich bereit, die Vorfreude, das Glück und die Herausforderungen der Schwangerschaft mit diesem liebevoll geschriebenen Buch zu erleben und zu teilen!

  • von Jilesh
    21,00 €

    From the desk of Highly Rated Udemy Instructor, Psychotherapist & Life coach "Guiding Her Path" is an empowering guide for fathers, celebrating the profound impact they have in shaping their daughters' lives. This heartfelt book offers practical advice and heartfelt stories to nurture strong, confident, and compassionate daughters. From fostering resilience to celebrating diversity, fathers will discover how to be a guiding light through every stage of their daughters' journey. Join this transformative journey of empowerment and create a brighter future for your strong daughter with "Guiding Her Path."

  • von Jilesh
    22,00 €

    From the desk of High Rated UDEMY Instructor, Psychotherapist & Life Coach Discover the transformative journey of motherhood in "Boy to Man: The Mother's Guide to Raising an Extraordinary Son." This empowering book celebrates the unique bond between mothers and sons, guiding them on a path of greatness and exceptional character. Through insightful lessons, practical advice, and heartwarming stories, this guide equips mothers to nurture emotional intelligence, resilience, empathy, and leadership in their sons. Fostering a growth mindset and effective communication skills, this guide empowers mothers to instill positive masculinity while promoting inclusivity and embracing diversity. From helping their sons discover their passions to navigating challenges and building meaningful relationships, mothers will find inspiration and practical strategies to support their extraordinary sons. "Boy to Man" highlights the profound impact of positive role models, shaping remarkable men who leave a lasting impact on the world. Celebrate the potential of every son to become a force for good in society, guided by the unwavering love and guidance of his mother. Join us in celebrating the joys and challenges of raising an extraordinary son. Lay the foundation for a brighter future as you empower your son to embrace life's lessons with courage, compassion, and curiosity. Embrace the journey of motherhood and raise a son who embodies the qualities of a true leader, an empathetic friend, and a compassionate human being.In this heartwarming and enlightening book, "Boy to Man: The Mother's Guide to Raising an Extraordinary Son," mothers will discover the power of their influence and the beauty of their role in shaping remarkable men. Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of this transformative journey. Get your copy today and embark on a lifelong adventure of guiding your son toward greatness.

  • von C. P. Kumar
    19,00 €

    The Complete Guide to Child Development and Care is a comprehensive and invaluable resource for parents and caregivers, offering expert insights into every stage of a child's growth. From the early days of parenthood, Chapter 1 delves into the vital role parents and caregivers play in shaping a child's life. Ensuring a safe and nurturing environment is explored in Chapter 2, providing essential tips on childproofing and creating a child-friendly home. Chapters 3 and 4 cover the intricacies of caring for a newborn and nurturing infants, emphasizing bonding, communication, and emotional needs. As children progress, Chapter 5 highlights the significance of healthy nutrition, while Chapter 6 focuses on understanding toddler development and employing positive discipline techniques. Recognizing the importance of play in Chapter 7, the book presents age-appropriate activities and the impact of play on a child's development. Preparing children for preschool, fostering language skills, and promoting emotional intelligence are elaborated in Chapters 8 and 9. Chapter 10 offers effective discipline strategies with empathy, and Chapter 11 explores ways to inspire creativity and artistic expression in children. Chapters 13 and 14 cover healthy sleep habits and nurturing physical health, providing guidance on maintaining an active lifestyle and addressing common illnesses. As children enter school age, Chapter 15 assists in preparing them for academic success and fostering lifelong learning. Finally, Chapter 16 emphasizes the significance of parental self-care and its impact on the overall well-being of both parents and caregivers. This book serves as an indispensable companion, empowering readers with the knowledge and tools to navigate the rewarding journey of child development and care with confidence and love.

  • von Irene Palerma
    24,00 €

    Guida completa per genitori: Aiutami a Fare da Solo! Cresci il tuo bambino con la mente brillante e la creatività attraverso il metodo Montessori e 100 attività pratiche.Vorresti scoprire come educare e sviluppare la mente brillante e la creatività del tuo bambino?Cerchi una guida completa per genitori che abbracci il metodo Montessori e offra 100 attività pratiche per coinvolgere il tuo bambino in modo autonomo?Questo libro è dedicato a tutti i genitori desiderosi di fornire ai propri bambini un ambiente stimolante e sostenere il loro sviluppo con il metodo Montessori. Scopri come educare, crescere e sviluppare la mente brillante e la creatività del tuo bambino, stimolando la sua indipendenza e fiducia in sé stesso.Con "Aiutami a Fare da Solo", immergiti in una guida completa per genitori, arricchita con 100 attività pratiche basate sul metodo Montessori, per coinvolgere il tuo bambino in modo autonomo e divertente. Questo libro offre tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per creare un ambiente di apprendimento stimolante e incoraggiare il pieno potenziale del tuo bambino:Scopri i principi fondamentali del metodo Montessori e come applicarli nella vita quotidiana del tuo bambino.Guida il tuo bambino nel processo di scoperta e apprendimento attraverso 100 attività pratiche, divertenti ed educative.Fornisci un ambiente sicuro e stimolante per lo sviluppo del bambino, garantendo un senso di indipendenza.Potenzia la fiducia del tuo bambino in sé stesso e la capacità di affrontare nuove sfide con sicurezza.Coltiva la creatività e la curiosità del tuo bambino, preparandolo per un futuro luminoso e soddisfacente.Con "Aiutami a Fare da Solo", aiuta il tuo bambino a sviluppare una mente brillante, creativa e autonoma, fornendo un supporto amorevole e mirato basato sul metodo Montessori. Sia che tu sia un genitore alle prime armi o con esperienza, questo libro è il compagno ideale per affrontare la crescita del tuo bambino in modo positivo e gratificante.

  • von Danielle Lagueux
    26,00 €

    Le guide complet pour les parents - AIDE-MOI À FAIRE SEUL! Cultivez l'esprit brillant de votre enfant avec le méthodes Montessori et des activités pratiques.Vous souhaitez découvrir comment éduquer et développer l'esprit brillant et la créativité de votre enfant ?Cherchez-vous un guide complet pour les parents, rempli d'activités pratiques Montessori pour encourager l'autonomie de votre enfant ?Ce livre est dédié à tous les parents désireux de créer un environnement stimulant pour leurs enfants et de soutenir leur développement grâce aux méthodes Montessori. Découvrez comment éduquer, faire grandir et développer l'esprit brillant et la créativité de votre enfant, en encourageant son indépendance et sa confiance en lui."AIDE-MOI À FAIRE SEUL" vous plonge dans un guide complet pour les parents, agrémenté de 100 activités pratiques basées sur la méthode Montessori, pour encourager votre enfant à s'épanouir de manière autonome et amusante.Ce livre fournit tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour créer un environnement d'apprentissage stimulant et permettre à votre enfant de réaliser tout son potentiel.Découvrez les principes fondamentaux de la méthode Montessori et apprenez à les appliquer dans la vie quotidienne de votre enfant.Guidez votre enfant dans un processus d'apprentissage autonome à travers 100 activités pratiques, amusantes et éducatives.Offrez à votre enfant un environnement sûr et stimulant pour son développement, tout en favorisant un sentiment d'indépendance.Renforcez la confiance de votre enfant en lui-même et sa capacité à relever de nouveaux défis avec assurance.Cultivez la créativité et la curiosité de votre enfant, le préparant ainsi à un avenir brillant et épanouissant.Avec "AIDE-MOI À FAIRE SEUL", aidez votre enfant à développer un esprit brillant, créatif et autonome, en lui apportant un soutien aimant et ciblé basé sur la méthode Montessori. Que vous soyez parent novice ou expérimenté, ce livre est le compagnon idéal pour aborder l'éducation de votre enfant de manière positive et gratifiante.

  • von Julia Sanders
    15,90 €

    Hochsensibilität bei Kindern: Wie Sie Ihr Kind endlich verstehen und es optimal fördern und unterstützen können - für eine unbeschwerte und harmonische Erziehung Fühlt sich Ihr Kind häufig unkonzentriert, überfordert und ängstlich, weswegen es sich Ihnen gegenüber auch häufig blockiert? Haben Sie das Gefühl keine enge Beziehung zu Ihrem Kind aufbauen zu können, da Sie die Gedanken- und Gefühlswelt nicht nachvollziehen können? Möchten Sie Ihr Kind bestmöglich unterstützen, ohne es unter Druck zu setzen? Dann können Sie jetzt endlich aufatmen! Dieses praxisnahe Buch zeigt Ihnen die smartesten Methoden und effektivsten Tipps aus der Entwicklungspsychologie, mit denen Sie lernen, die Herausforderungen, die die besondere Erziehung hochsensibler Kinder mit sich bringt, mühelos zu meistern und Ihrem Kind zu helfen, statt es zu überfordern. Verstehen Sie endlich, wieso Ihr Kind viel empfindlicher auf äußere Reize reagiert, emotional schneller aufgewühlt ist und die Welt besonders intensiv und lebendig wahrnimmt! Wandeln Sie die vermeintlichen Schwächen Ihres hochsensiblen Kindes in Stärken um und fördern Sie gezielt seine Talente, wie die ausgeprägte emotionale Intelligenz und Empathie! Lernen Sie, wieso Ihr Kind die oft fälschlicherweise ausgesprochene Diagnose ADS / ADHS nicht verdient hat! Bauen Sie eine enge und vertrauensvolle Beziehung zu Ihrem Kind auf, ohne es einzuengen - so, wie Sie es sich schon immer gewünscht haben! BONUS: Finden Sie mit unserem exklusiven Test heraus, ob Ihr Kind wirklich hochsensibel ist Mit den spielend leicht umsetzbaren Techniken und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen aus diesem Buch werden Sie mit Gelassenheit und ohne Stress oder Schimpfen auf die besonderen Bedürfnisse Ihres Kindes eingehen können, sein Selbstwertgefühl stärken und es zu einer widerstandsfähigeren Persönlichkeit erziehen. Erleben Sie endlich den wahren Charakter Ihres Kindes! Sichern Sie sich jetzt diesen ultimativen Ratgeber und holen Sie auf feinfühlige Art und Weise die Lebensfreude und Motivation zurück, die in ihm schlummert!

  • von Neefy Moffett
    16,00 - 22,00 €

  • von Erik Breuer
    19,99 - 24,99 €

  • von Karlotta Fink
    19,99 - 24,99 €

  • von Karl Berger
    19,99 - 24,99 €

  • von Jette Moser
    19,99 - 24,99 €

  • von Jan Binder
    19,99 - 24,99 €

  • von Alison Throckmorton
    14,00 €

    "Super-size parenting advice courtesy of the Incredibles family in a humorous guide to raising super-duper kids, inspired by Disney and Pixar feature films The Incredibles and Incredibles 2"--

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