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Schwangerschaft & Elternschaft

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  • von Tina Holm Thestrup
    15,00 €

    Bogen er tænkt som et redskab til børns, unges og forældres mentale værktøjskasse.Jeg har i de sidste 24 år arbejdet med børn, unge og forældre i mange forskellige sammenhænge.Jeg er ikke psykolog - og arbejder derfor på en anden måde.Jeg arbejder med at give redskaber til at booste selvværd, tage kontrollen tilbage over spekulationer og bekymringer mm. På den måde kan man flytte fokus ud i livet, uden for sig selv. Det gør, at problemerne bliver lettere at håndtere og arbejde med.Jeg har fundet og udviklet nogle værktøjer, der kan hjælpe på tværs af alder, køn og problemer. Dette er gjort ud fra litteratur og uddannelser, men først og fremmest ud fra erfaringer - og jeg ved, at værktøjerne virker.

  • - Practical Tools to Establish Boundaries and Reclaim Your Emotional Autonomy (16pt Large Print Edition)
    von Lindsay C Gibson
    32,00 €

  • - The Story of the Largest Family to Hike the Appalachian Trail
    von Crawford Ben Crawford
    24,00 - 36,00 €

  • von Rebecca Schønherr Thomsen
    20,00 - 29,00 €

    At blive FAR til et for tidligt født barn er seksten fædres hudløst ærlige fortællinger om det helt uventede og skræmmende ved at blive far til et for tidligt født barn. Det er fortællinger om stor glæde og høje forventninger, som fra det ene øjeblik til det andet ændrer sig til bekymringer, frygt og angst for at miste både barn og kæreste. Det er fortællinger om familier, hvis liv på rekordtid forandrer sig markant. For altid.Som læser kommer du tæt på, når fædrene på hver deres måde fortæller om, hvordan de midt i et stort følelsesmæssigt kaos står for at få hverdagen til at fungere, mens de sideløbende støtter op om kæresten og sikrer de bedste betingelser for deres små nyfødte. Det er stærke fortællinger om sammenhold og overlevelse. Det er fortællinger om tro, håb og dybfølt kærlighed. Det er fædre og mænd i deres mest sårbare øjeblikke i livet.Tak, fordi I lukker os ind i et for mange særdeles ukendt og sårbart land.Forfatteren er psykolog Rebecca Schønherr Thomsen, der har indsamlet de seksten fædres fortællinger. Hun leverer indledningsvis en teoretisk gennemgang af fædres potentiale for at knytte sig til spædbarnet og afslutter med en tematisk og reflekterende opsamling på tværs af fædrenes fortællinger.Bogens indledning er skrevet af psykolog, ph.d. og klinisk specialist Svend Aage Madsen, der blandt andet har udgivet bogen Fædres tilknytning til spædbørn.Bogen henvender sig til fædre til for tidligt fødte børn, men også i høj grad til personerne omkring fædrene, familie, venner, og sundhedspersonale

  • - Memory Keeper - First Time Parent - As You Grow - Baby Shower Gift
    von Patricia Larson
    19,98 - 20,00 €

  • - Memory Keeper First Time Parent As You Grow Baby Shower Gift
    von Holly Placate
    19,98 €

  • - Pregnancy Handbook for Dads-To-Be
    von Steven Bell & Ava Burke
    13,00 €

  • von Daniel J. Siegel
    26,00 €

    Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson speak to audiences all over the world about their immensely popular best-sellers, The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline. The message Dan and Tina continually receive from their audiences, whether live or virtual, is that people are hungry for the opportunity to take the Whole-Brain ideas and go deeper with them. Thanks to this new workbook, they now can.The Whole-Brain Child Workbook has a unique, interactive approach that allows readers not only to think more deeply about how the ideas fit their own parenting approach, but also develop specific and practical ways to implement the concepts -- and bring them to life for themselves and for their children.-Dozens of clear, practical and age-specific exercises and activities-Applications for clinicians, parents, educators, grandparents and care-givers

  • von Jerry Thomas
    15,00 - 22,00 €

  • - Mindfulness for Parents
    von Jon Kabat-Zinn & Myla Kabat-Zinn
    17,00 €

    Everyday Blessings is a practical and inspiring book which offers a clear outline for people who want to understand and embrace mindful parenting. It is one of the few books on parenting that embraces the emotional, intuitive and deeply personal experience of being a parent and shows you how to apply the practice of mindfulness meditation to parenting children of all ages. In the rush, rush, rush of too-much-to-do-and-no-time-to-do-it , the important, nurturing aspects of parenthood can easily disappear. Even the smallest degree of mindfulness can have profound effects on children, no matter how old they are, and on the quality of parent-child relationships. Jon Kabat-Zinn, a mindfulness pioneer, and his wife Myla share their experiences of using mindfulness within their own family. By encouraging moment-to-moment awareness and acceptance, this thoughtful and practical book will help you to slow down, grow in compassion, enrich your life as a parent and nourish the internal life of your children.

  • - Reasons and Solutions
    von Rowena Bennett
    28,00 €

  • - A Guide To Creating A Healthy Family For Adult Children
    von Janet Geringer Woititz
    19,00 €

    The bestselling author of Adult Children of Alcoholics provides compassionate, practical advice for adult children who are often overwhelmed by parenthood. Woititz discusses the impact a dysfunctional past has on current behavior and shows how to create an environment in which both parents and children feel safe, valued, and loved.

  • von Amy Chua
    11,48 €

    The most talked about book of the yearThe Sunday Times bestsellerThe New York Times bestsellerDer Spiegel bestseller

  • - How a Trained Labor Companion Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier, and Healthier Birth
    von John Kennell
    20,00 €

    For all expectant parents who want to reclaim normal birth, the authoritative guide to support in labor

  • - The Natural Toilet Training Alternative
    von Christine Gross-Loh
    20,98 €

    Imagine infants free from painful diaper rash, new parenthood without thousands of dollars wasted in diapering costs, toilet training that is natural and noncoercive, and, most important, happier babies and parentsAs Christine Gross-Loh reveals in her progressive, enlightening book, all this is possible and more.

  • von Jonathan Haidt
    22,00 €

    From New York Times bestselling coauthor of The Coddling of the American Mind, an essential investigation into the collapse of youth mental health and a plan for a healthier, freer childhood.

  • von Marion Rose & Lael Stone
    26,00 - 35,00 €

  • von Sarah Cowan Johnson
    24,00 €

    Half of Christian high school students walk away from their faith after graduation.Sarah Cowan Johnson unpacks how parents can have an active discipleship role in forming their children's faith, with age-appropriate insights and strategies for different developmental stages. She shows how we can identify God moments, facilitate spiritual encounters, clarify emerging beliefs, and encourage new faith habits in our children.Filled with exercises and activities for families to do together, this handbook is an essential resource for discipling children with confidence and creativity.

  • von Donna Ashworth
    11,00 €

    *Donna Ashworth's new book Wild Hope is out September 2023*FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF I WISH I KNEWFor those looking for inspiration, peace and acceptance on the bumpy road that is life, Donna Ashworth's poems give insight into the enigmas of ageing, body image, family and the rapidly changing world around us.For every twist, turn and roadblock the journey has to offer, this collection provides relief to busy minds and dares us to live with a reckless abundance of joy.Readers are embracing Life- 'One of today's best poets.' ***** NetGalley- 'Donna's writing conveys so beautifully what it is to be human' ***** Amazon- 'Each time I read a poem and decide that is my favourite I turn the page and find another beautifully written, eloquent piece that resonates, comforts, and that makes you stop and reflect.' ***** Amazon- 'They are wonderful books to dip in and out of when you need inspiration, some advice, a hug, a friendly word.' ***** Amazon

  • von Richard Templar
    16,00 €

    A personal code for bringing up happy, confident children Some parents make it look easy. They always seem to know the right things to do and say, however tricky the situation. They have a seemingly instinctive ability to raise happy, confident, and well-balanced children. Is there something these parents know that the rest of don't? Is it something we could all learn? The answer is a resounding yes. They know the Rules of parenting . The Rules of Parenting are the golden principles that will guide you smoothly through the everyday challenges of raising children. In this new edition, Richard Templar has added 10 new Rules to help you bring your whole family - across all the generations - even closer together.

  • von Aletha Jauch Solter
    18,00 €

  • von Katie Davis
    24,00 €

    "Davis addresses the "screen time" debate by recognizing that children's experiences of technology and social relationships are qualitatively distinct at different stages of development"--

  • von Marie Biancuzzo
    82,00 - 87,00 €

  • von Michaeleen Doucleff
    16,00 €

    Hunt, Gather, Parent is a riveting book penned by the talented Michaeleen Doucleff. This engaging read, published by Simon + Schuster Inc., was first introduced to the world in 2022. It delves into the realm of parenting, offering readers a fresh perspective on raising children. The author beautifully blends scientific insight with personal experiences, providing a comprehensive guide for parents navigating the complex world of child-rearing. Doucleff's unique approach to parenting, inspired by ancient wisdom and practices, is a breath of fresh air in the genre. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand parenting from a broader, more inclusive perspective. Enjoy this enlightening journey with Michaeleen Doucleff, brought to you by Simon + Schuster Inc.

  • von Scott A Young
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Amy Morin
    14,00 €

    Women around the globe, it's time to finally speak up, speak out, be heard, become stronger than ever, and live more meaningful lives. Women encounter a myriad of obstacles, from sexual harassment to unequal pay to objectification and discrimination. But there are very specific tips that each woman, no matter her age or her station in life, can follow right now to make important and significant changes. In this book, women will learn to flex their mental muscles and hurdle over the roadblocks that keep them from achieving their greatest goals. While many people focus on what women should do to live their best lives, only one author will tell women in no uncertain terms which behaviors to avoid in order to become mentally strong.Now Amy Morin, psychotherapist and author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do, teaches women everywhere how to fortify themselves and face challenges in this powerful, necessary book for our time, breaking down the thirteen habits and mind-sets that women must avoid in order to master their mental strength. These thirteen tried-and-true principles show women how to tackle problems and tough situations in order to live their best?and most powerful?lives, and there's no better guide through the process than Morin, the leading global voice on mental strength. Drawing on scientific evidence, case studies from her own patients, and even celebrity stories of hardship and triumph, Morin shows how mental strength can come from anywhere regardless of career, marriage, or family life. From introducing ways to stop blaming yourself to becoming a rule-breaker, Morin demonstrates how to navigate some of the hardest challenges that women face, while proposing experience-based solutions that promote mental fortitude. By integrating these easy-to-follow exercises and practical tips into daily life, Morin shows that mental strength is achievable?and necessary?to become a strong woman. In addition she discusses how mental strength practice can help with the difficult realities of sexism that still exist even in the era of the #MeToo movement and awareness of workplace harassment, providing specific strategies for dealing with these persistent issues. Featuring stories and experiences from dozens of women and offering a timely approach to the hard-hitting difficulties women are facing?including calling out sexism, fighting harassment, and finding confidence?Morin confronts the status quo by giving women the time, space, and energy to prioritize themselves. The end result frees you from the confusing practices and obstacles that women face every day, and helps inspire you to achieve the mental strength you need to create a life of authentic meaning and joy.

  • von Kim John Payne
    11,99 €

    Das Kultbuch aus den USA - endlich auf DeutschZu viel Zeug, zu viel Auswahl - und dabei immer zu wenig Zeit. Täglich wird die innere Balance unserer Kinder gefährdet. Wie sich Kinder auch in unserer schnelllebigen Zeit unbeschwert, frei und geschützt entfalten können, zeigt der international angesehene Familienberater Kim John Payne: Durch ein vereinfachtes, übersichtlicheres Zuhause mit weniger Spielzeug, weniger sensorischen Reizen, weniger Freizeitstress - und stattdessen mehr Ruhepausen, vorhersehbaren Rhythmen und liebevollen Ritualen, die die gesamte Familie stärken. So entwickeln Kinder das, was wir ihnen für ein ganzes Leben wünschen: Selbstwirksamkeit, Selbstvertrauen, Gelassenheit und innere Stärke - die beste Basis und das wertvollste Geschenk, das Eltern ihren Kindern mitgeben können.

  • von Questions about Me
    17,00 €

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