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Schwangerschaft & Elternschaft

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  • von E. M. Brown
    25,00 €

    Cold in So Many Ways is a collection of nonfiction stories about a little girl growing up in Alaska before it became a state and as an adult trying to find her way. From the first story about a five-year-old's treacherous journey to Alaska, to the final story describing events that convinced her that being human is more than just a physical experience, the reader joins her as she grows up in Alaska during times filled with uncertainty, dysfunctional relationships, and sometimes violence. These stories are filled with incidents and events that shaped, molded, and taught her lessons that would guide her life.

  • von Whitney Fleming
    26,00 €

    Blogger Whitney Fleming shares her favorite essays about raising three teenagers in today's chaotic world. Written from the perspective of a fellow parent, each story will leave you with tears in your eyes and hope in your heart.

  • von Barry Verkauf
    38,00 - 42,00 €

  • von Heike Gottschling-Wulf
    22,00 €

    "Für selbstbewusste, mutige und fröhliche Kinder braucht es gesunde Erwachsene, die sich gut kennen."In diesem Buch finden Sie Kindergeschichten für Erwachsene und Kinder, mit Denkanregungen oder auch denkFehlern. Wer weiß das schon! Sie werden von Klein Dudel erzählt, einem kleinen, pfiffigen, neugierigen Vogeljungen, der sich was traut, sagt, was er denkt, und viel fragt.Mit 99,9 farbigen IllustrationenGefühlsdudelzwei erscheint im August 2023

  • von Tanja Begerack
    14,90 - 21,90 €

  • von Grete Books
    24,00 €

    Apunta las divertidas ocurrencias de tus hijos e hijas y atesóralas de por vida. Un precioso libro para rellenar.Un libro a todo color para apuntar las frases divertidas, originales, surrealistas pero sobre todo siempre geniales de tus hijas e hijos.Crea recuerdos para toda la vida. No dejes que las ocurrencias de tus pequeños se olviden y crea un precioso libro para toda la familia.Libro con espacio para rellenar. Apunta Quién, Dónde, Edad y Fecha. A color y con un diseño moderno y bonito. Perfecto regalo para sorprender a padres y madres.

  • von Freeman King
    25,00 €

    The Arrival of the Two Brothers: Apollo and Atlas is a true story that began on a cold, dark night in September when my youngest daughter proudly introduced our family to two tiny kittens who had been abandoned by their mother. After several weeks of bottle-feeding and constant care, they became active members of our family who taught us so much about living, loving, and learning.

  • von Jeanette Brewer
    23,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Joshua Leibowitz
    18,00 €

    If Harvard Business School and McKinsey & Company raised children together, their parenting strategies would be the same ones given in this easy-to read book of advice.When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Harvard Business School graduate and former McKinsey & Company partner Joshua Leibowitz found himself off the road, out of his old routine, and into quarantine with his wife and children. Suddenly, his home life-particularly parenting-became the most challenging project of his career. Could the skills he acquired from leading organizations and consulting for Fortune 500 companies help him become a better parent? How could he build a stronger, more loving family? The incredible family time gave Leibowitz the opportunity to expand on the core concepts he had gained from a career as a consultant and business leader in order to use them to create a blueprint for becoming a better father and spouse. Parenting MBA candidly delivers relatable anecdotes, honest advice, and winning strategies to help parents and children see each other clearly, support one another completely, and become the best versions of themselves. Putting these ideas into practice will help parents fulfill their cherished goals of building lifelong positive relationships with their children and raising good people who can reach their full potential.

  • von Tanja Conrad
    23,00 €

    Sehnst du dich nach Unterstützung und Leichtigkeit im Familienalltag? Fordert dich der Dauerspagat zwischen Elternschaft und Beruf heraus? Träumst du davon, endlich mehr Klarheit, Orientierung und Harmonie in deine Familie zu bringen? Damit bist du nicht allein. Und es gibt einen Weg aus der Überforderung, den wir alle in uns tragen: Musik.Musizieren stiftet Sinn und hilft, sich der eigenen Gefühle bewusst zu werden und sie ganz ohne Worte auszudrücken. Doch oft winken Menschen ab, wenn sie aufgefordert werden, zu singen oder etwas Musikalisches vorzutragen: "Das ist doch peinlich! Und außerdem kann ich nicht singen!" Dabei sind gerade das gemeinsame Singen und Musizieren ein einfacher Weg, wieder miteinander zu schwingen und Leichtigkeit zu spüren, wenn wir aus dem Takt geraten sind. Tanja Conrad zeigt auf, wie wir unseren Rhythmus wieder spüren und die bindungs- und bedürfnisorientierte Elternschaft mit der Kraft des gemeinsamen Singens und Musizierens verbinden können. Denn wer die eigene Lebens-Melodie entdeckt und den Rhythmus der anderen Familienmitglieder kennt, wird auf natürliche Weise den Zusammenklang meistern - zu jeder Zeit.

  • von Tanja Begerack
    14,90 - 21,90 €

  • von Elaine D.
    27,00 €

    As girl tweens reach puberty, grow up, and mature, they undergo unique challenges and scary experiences as their bodies changes in puberty.Let Her Know It's Normal is a puberty book for girls and parents who would love to learn all there is to know about the changes to their bodies and adjusting healthily to these new changes. This female tween guidebook explores the many changes and experiences that come with puberty. Here is a quick expose of what you'll find inside this guide:An introduction to puberty and body care for girl tweens A look-in on teenage acne for girl tweens as they approach pubertyExposure to everything about menstruation incl. menstrual hygiene, menstrual cramps, and keeping track of your periodAn expert guide on the vagina, vagina puberty changes, and extensive vagina healthcareExploring teenage virginityPuberty breast development stages and adolescent breast careFacial and general hair growth and care for girl tweensA detailed look into general health and personal hygieneThis puberty book for girls is an essential guide for girl tweens, giving expert insights and answers to some of the scariest puberty questions.

  • von Shaune Cohen
    25,00 €

    Just as a tree grows from a tiny seed into a majestic presence, so too can your child's understanding and mastery of money blossom over time. "Dollars and Cent$" is a game-changing resource that empowers parents to cultivate lifelong financial literacy in their children. In this engaging and practical guide, you'll discover advice and actionable strategies to help your children develop a lifelong understanding of personal finance. From teaching your child the value of saving, how to invest and guiding them in making wise financial decisions, this book equips you with the tools you need to raise financially responsible children in today's world.Unlike traditional finance books, this guide takes a holistic approach by emphasizing not only the practical aspects of money management but also the psychological and emotional factors that shape our relationship with money. It explores the importance of values, attitudes, and mindful decision making to help children develop a healthy and balanced approach to finances. Recognizing that financial literacy should start early, the book tailors its advice to different age groups, from preschoolers to teenagers.A must-read for parents, guardians, and caregivers who are passionate about equipping their children with strong financial foundations. It is suitable for parents of all backgrounds, financial knowledge levels, and income brackets. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to enhance your existing approach, this book provides invaluable resources to empower you in raising financially savvy kids.

  • von Elaine D.
    27,00 €

    As boy tweens reach puberty, grow up, and mature, they undergo unique challenges and sometimes scary experiences as their body changes. Let Him Know It's Normal is a puberty book for boys who would love to learn all there is to know about the changes to their bodies and adjusting healthily to these new changes, but is also for their parents to help them with answers. Within this guide, you'll find:An introduction to puberty for boy tweens. Information on penile growth and appearance as the tweens approach puberty.Explanations about erections and personal hygiene incl. hair loss, body odor, acne, etc.An expert guide on body and fashion grooming, incl. skincare and clothing care.Sections on exploring teenage social media, teenage dating, and relationships.Essential knowledge about porn, safe sex, and substance abuse.This puberty book for boy tweens is an essential guide to giving expert insights and answers to some of the scariest puberty questions you may have.

  • von Scott Jameson Sanders
    24,00 €

    Set in the early 1980s, The Point of Life is the story of a young man from a small town in Kansas named Endicott "Endy" Mason. After being raised in a small farming community, a teenage Endy moves with his family to the big city of Indianapolis, Indiana. Feeling insecure about his upbringing, Endy develops goals for his life that include rising high in the corporate ranks and making a lot of money. While on the high school baseball team, Endy pitches a no-hitter, and this helps him gain popularity in his class along with the attention of a teammate's wealthy father who offers to assist him in gaining a scholarship to a notable college program. Endy's newfound popularity also earns him the affection of Stephanie Plum, the prettiest girl in the school. The relationship goes well at first, but when Stephanie goes off to college, Endy betrays a good friend and cheats on her, effectively killing his first real relationship. Vowing to be a better person, Endy strikes up an unlikely friendship with a fellow college teammate named Dez, who is Black. The two become very close over the years, but a tragedy ends their friendship at a pivotal time in Endy's life. He is about to get married to a very wealthy girl named Layla whose family is not too keen on Endy's good friend being his best man. With Endy's business career in full bloom, he faces other issues that lead him to reevaluate his goals and aspirations. From working for bad managers to being asked to follow unethical decisions, Endy learns valuable lessons about what really matters and in the process influences others around him to see life from a different perspective.

  • von Lisa Dauphin
    20,00 €

    Did you know that a six-month-old has different nutritional needs than a one year old? Or that babies' reactions to food texture changes as they grow and their digestive system develops?As a new parent, how do you know what foods to give your baby during the different stages of development? Which foods do they need to avoid until they're older?This book will show you everything you need to know in order to prepare the best and most wholesome baby food for your quickly growing infant according to its stage of development.Stage 1: 4-6 monthsStage 2: 7-9 monthsStage 4: 9-12 monthsEven if you have no experience with cooking, this book will show you how to easily prepare healthy and delicious baby food without breaking the bank or needing special equipment.What you'll learn from this book:100 of the most delicious, nutritious and easy to make recipes for different agesWhat equipment you will need and how to use itWays to save time cooking in your busy scheduleHow to store your baby foodThe best ways to make smoothies and pureesHow to combine flavorsHow to introduce new foods to picky eatersWhat foods to avoidHow to alter recipes to avoid certain allergiesTips on nutrition for your babyHow to avoid these common problems:Added sugar, chemicals, unhealthy fats and preservativesAvoiding spoilageFeeling forced to buy costly (and often unhealthy) commercial baby foodScroll up and click "Add To Cart" today!

  • von Ulrike Gillert
    25,00 €

    Kommt es immer öfter zu Wut und Streit mit deinen Kindern? Fühlst du dich manchmal von deinem Familienalltag überfordert? Bist du gestresst und erschöpft, ohne Zeit und Geduld für deinen Partner?In Dr. med. Ulrike Gillerts Buch "Eltern sein leicht gemacht" findest du Antworten auf diese Herausforderungen. Mit Geschichten und fundiertem Hintergrundwissen unterstützt sie dich auf vielfältige Weise. Praxiserprobte Hinweise helfen dir dabei, deinen Alltag sofort leichter zu gestalten.Das Buch zielt darauf ab, Eltern dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Stärken als wundervolle Mama oder super Papa zu erkennen. Dr. med. Ulrike Gillert ermutigt Eltern dazu, ein liebevolles und unterstützendes Umfeld für ihre Kinder zu schaffen und eine erfolgreiche, positive und achtsame Beziehung zu ihnen aufzubauen."Eltern sein leicht gemacht" ist ein wertvoller Begleiter für alle Eltern, die nach Orientierung und Inspiration suchen, um das Abenteuer des Elternseins erfolgreich zu meistern. Es bietet praktische Tipps und Anleitungen, um den Familienalltag zu verbessern und sorgt so für eine entspanntere und harmonischere Atmosphäre.Lass dich von Dr. med. Ulrike Gillert dabei unterstützen, die typischen Situationen des Elternseins, wie Anziehen, Schlafen gehen, Einkaufen, Streit, zu meistern und das Glück und die Freude im Familienalltag wiederzuentdecken.

  • von Adele Faber
    14,00 €

    How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. "Kak govorit', chtoby deti slushali, i kak slushat', chtoby deti govorili" - kul'tovyj bestseller po vospitaniju. Ot samyh izvestnyh v mire specialistov po obshheniju s det'mi Adel' Faber i Jelejn Mazlish (uchitelej s ogromnym stazhem i mnogodetnyh mam). Blagodarja im milliony roditelej nauchilis' pravil'no obshhat'sja so svoimi det'mi i legko reshat' problemy, voznikajushhie v processe vospitanija. Metodika Faber i Mazlish pozvolit vam navsegda prekratit' domashnie "konflikty pokolenij"; nauchit'sja ponimat' mysli, chuvstva, prichiny povedenija rebenka; pomoch' emu spravit'sja s negativnymi jemocijami (razocharovaniem, dosadoj, zlost'ju, obidoj i t.d.); vyrazhat' svoj gnev, ne obizhaja rebenka i najti dejstvennuju al'ternativu banal'nomu nakazaniju. "Kak govorit', chtoby deti slushali..." izdaetsja bolee 20 let, perevedena na 24 jazyka, prodalas' tirazhom bolee 5,5 millionov jekzempljarov, legla v osnovu mnogih metodik i knig, v tom chisle izvestnyh russkih detskih psihologov, citiruetsja specialistami po semejnym otnoshenijam i razvitiju detej.

  • von Ann S Yabusaki
    22,00 €

    A Parenting Journey of Self-healing and TransformationIn a series of heartwarming letters to her adult children, Dr. Ann Yabusaki shares her parenting journey, hoping to make transparent the path to self-healing. She shares how she came to understand and accept that periods of uncertainty, anxiety, and distress in parenting were part of a larger plan.In her struggle to impose counseling theories and strategies, assumptions, and beliefs on how parenting "should be," Dr. Ann finds self-healing when she aligns with Unconditional Love. For her, this meant patience, deep listening, self-compassion, laughter, and letting go.This book will appeal to any parent or person going through challenging times and wondering if there is an end to suffering. Dr. Ann transforms her suffering into lessons about life and in the process, she emerges with a deeper appreciation and gratitude for all that happens in this life.

  • von Brittney Benz
    19,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Sabine Brandt
    12,99 €

    ¿Parents aren¿t perfect¿. Understanding this as a child is a part of growing up. Passing it on to one¿s children is part of what it means to be a parent.As a parent, you often realise late in life what you could or should have done differently in raising your children. Perhaps only when your own children are grown up and confront you with your own behaviour, with questions or criticism about parenting.In this book, Sabine Brandt would like to show young people and parents-to-be what they can pass on to their children. It is simple things like unconditional love and a place where they can feel safe and cared for. These feelings can only be passed on if they have been experienced in the same way.After reflecting on her own childhood and an honest exchange within the family, she is convinced that this is possible.

  • von Boyd Byron
    16,00 €

    Get ready for a whirlwind ride as this book takes you on a captivating journey through the tumultuous life of the author's mother. Beginning with her affair with the author's father in 1935, the story delves into the complexities of their relationship, including two abortions, familial conflicts, and a marriage that was granted permission by an investigating Magistrate. Tragically, the story takes a sharp turn with the sudden death of the author's father in a motorbike accident. As the author's mother navigates through the aftermath of this tragedy, the book explores her subsequent loves and children, all while weaving in a powerful thread of mental health struggles, including suicides, incest, and numerous deaths over the years. One particularly intriguing aspect of the story is the long romantic liaison between the author's mother and a Chelmsford Royal Commission doctor, who later confesses to the affair. The book also offers a unique glimpse into the functioning of a modern family coping with immense stress. With a compelling narrative and a richly detailed account of the author's family history, this book is sure to keep you hooked until the very end.

  • von Conley Primus
    31,00 €

  • von Lynda Drake
    14,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Jeffrey C. Chapman
    22,00 €

    Adulting Hard for New Parents: From Newborn Care to Raising Good Humans: A Parent's Journey to Nurture Healthy, Smart, Resilient, and Happy Children, is an all-encompassing parenting book and guide designed to support parents on the remarkable journey of raising children.This resource-packed parenting book for new parents offers:Detailed, practical strategies for newborn care, providing guidance on everything from feeding and sleeping routines to developmental milestones.Techniques to overcome common parenting challenges and uncertainties that emerge throughout the child-rearing journey.Guidance on fostering health and intelligence in children, underpinned by scientific research and expert recommendations.Effective methods to cultivate compassion and resilience, key attributes for happiness and success in today's fast-paced world.Tips for maintaining strong relationships and personal well-being amidst the demands of parenthood.Advice on future planning, including financial strategies for college savings and insurance.Drawing from a range of parenting philosophies and insights from renowned experts, "Adulting Hard for New Parents" provides a comprehensive foundation for successful parenting. It goes beyond merely surviving the early years of parenthood, aiming to empower parents to thrive and raise good humans who can make a positive impact in the world.Whether you're stepping into parenthood for the first time or expanding your family, this book serves as an essential resource, offering a wealth of knowledge and support to help you navigate the beautiful, sometimes turbulent, waters of raising children.

  • von Grete Garrido
    26,00 €

    A colorful and beautiful book with 75 questions to really get to know that special person. A memorable gift for boyfriends, girlfriends, family, friends...75 questions that have to be answered, after that, the book has to be given back!Each page has a beautiful and colorful frame created by designer Grete Garrido making the book an unforgettable and unique gift to keep forever. Questions are suitable for family members, friends and couples. What scene in a movie has evoked the most feelings out of you? If you had the ability to erase something that you did in the past, what would it be? What's on your bucket list this year? What are you most thankful for? What are your top five favorite songs? What makes you feel most alive?

  • von Sandra Bader
    19,99 - 24,99 €

  • von Musfira Ansari
    18,00 €

    Becoming a better parent is an ongoing process that requires effort and patience. However, spending just 10 minutes every day focusing on your child can make a big difference. By listening to your child and engaging in an activity with them, you can create positive memories and build a stronger relationship. Showing empathy towards your child's emotions and acknowledging their feelings can also help them develop emotional intelligence and feel more secure in their relationship with you. Finally, practicing positive reinforcement by catching your child doing something good and giving them positive feedback can help build their confidence and encourage positive behavior. By consistently focusing on these simple activities for just 10 minutes a day, you can become a better parent and strengthen your bond with your child.

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