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  • von Erica Hoke
    16,00 - 16,98 €

  • von David Olubiyi
    34,00 €

    This book is a comprehensive guide for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals on how to foster resilience in children and adolescents. Resilience refers to the ability to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity and challenges, and it is a crucial skill for success in all aspects of life.The book offers practical strategies and tips for promoting resilience in children and adolescents, based on the latest research in psychology and education. It covers a wide range of topics, including emotional regulation, problem-solving, stress management, mindfulness, growth mindset, positive relationships, communication skills, and more.Each chapter provides in-depth information and guidance on a specific topic, along with real-life examples, case studies, and practical exercises. The book also includes tips for parents and educators on how to apply these strategies in their everyday interactions with children and adolescents, as well as recommendations for additional resources and support.Overall, this book is an essential resource for anyone who wants to help children and adolescents develop resilience and thrive in the face of challenges. It is written in a clear and accessible style, with a focus on practicality and real-world application.

  • von Bardo Agustín Limón Félix
    30,00 €

    Un Zorro, un Oso y una Lección de Vida" de Bardo Limón es un encantador cuento sobre un pequeño zorro valiente que defiende a sus amigos del bosque contra un oso gigante. Pero pronto se da cuenta de que el oso no es realmente malo, sino que está perdido y necesita ayuda. Juntos, los dos animales aprenden una valiosa lección sobre la amistad y la importancia de no juzgar a alguien por su apariencia. Esta inspiradora historia con una moraleja conmovedora es perfecta para jóvenes lectores y sus familias.

  • von Balthypress
    26,00 €

    NUTRICIÓN Y DIETA PARA EL EMBARAZO Si estás en la dulce espera o te estás preparando para estarlo, este libro es una joya llena de información importante. Este libro incluye: CONSEJOS PARA PLANIFICAR LAS COMIDASDESAYUNOS ENERGÉTICOS Y NUTRITIVOSALIMENTOS CRUDOS Y POCOCOCIDOSALMUERZOS Y CENAS EQUILIBRADOS LÁCTEOS Y SUS ALTERNATIVAS El libro "Nutrición en el embarazo" es una guía complete y accessible para todas las mujeres embarazadas que desean tener una alimentación adecuada y saludable durante esta importante etapa de sus vidas. Desde la planificación del embarazo hasta el nacimiento del bebé, este libro ofrece información detallada y consejos prácticos sobre cómo maximizar la nutrición y mantener un estilo de vida saludable. El libro comienza con una descripción detallada de los nutrientes esenciales que necesita una mujer embarazada y de cómo se pueden obtener a través de una dieta equilibrada. Luego, se discuten los cambios fisiológicos que ocurren en el cuerpo de una mujer durante el embarazo y cómo estos cambios pueden afectar sus necesidades nutricionales. A lo largo del libro,se abordan temas importantes como la ganancia de peso adecuada, la prevención de deficiencias nutricionales,la importancia de una hidratación adecuada, la selección de alimentos seguros y saludables, la suplementación,la actividad física y los antojos de alimentos. Finalmente, el libro incluye numerosas recetas y planes de comidas para ayudar a las mujeres embarazadas a planificar comidas saludables y sabrosas. Finalmente , se aborda el tema de la alimentación durante la lactancia y cómo continuar con una alimentación saludable después del Nacimiento del bebé.En resumen,"Nutrición en el embarazo"es una guía esencial para cualquier mujer embarazada que desee asegurarse de tener una nutrición adecuada ysaludable durante esta importante etapa de su vida y la de su bebé.

  • von Marianne von Kantzow Ridderstad
    51,00 €

    En dag bad jag min man att dammsuga . Vet du vad han svarade? Nej självklart inte. "VAR ÄR STÄDSKÅPET"? Jag skrattade högt för jag trodde han skämtade. Men hans svar visade sig vara helt sant. Han hade absolut ingen aning om var städskåpet fanns.Han letade i baren och på alla andra omöjliga ställen till barnens stora förtjusning. Hur kunde det vara möjligt att han inte visste var städskåpet fanns efter många års äktenskap? Jag insåg då att felet var både hans och mitt. Jag ha tagit på mig att sköta hela hemmet utan att be om hjälp, för då slapp jag tjata och bråka om det som inte blev gjort. Hans svar blev den utlösande faktorn till ett nytt liv för hela familjen.Jag startade AB Familjen där alla familjemedlemmarna delar på hemmets arbetsuppgifter och vinster. 100% utdelning från första dagen och tid över till kärlek och andra nöjen. Med den här boken kommer du att få hjälp och tips om hur du kan bilda ditt eget Familjebolag och därmed få ett NYTT LIV.

  • von Alex Grace
    24,00 €

    Congrats, man! You are going to nail this thing known as fatherhood!Did you just hear the two little words that will change your life forever ("I'm pregnant")... and you are freaking out just a tiny bit?Are you worried that you won't know how to be there for your partner and your unborn child during these crucial months?Do you want to be the best partner and father possible, but you are afraid that you will do something dumb because, quite frankly, you have no idea what you're doing?If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, don't worry - there is hope.New fatherhood is a stressful time. Your partner, who's growing an entire new human, needs you now more than ever. There's a lot to prepare before the little one arrives. And soon, you will have this entire new little person who will rely on you for literally everything.But by being here, you are taking the first step to becoming the most supportive father and partner you can be. By learning all of the ins and outs of this wild ride to parenthood, you can be there holding your partner's hand every step of the way.In this definitive guide, you will discover:An examination of the different fears first-time fathers commonly face and how to squelch each and every oneEverything modern dads should know - from what your newborn will look like to how to prepare yourself mentally for caring for a baby, and moreWhat a birth plan is and all of the questions you and your partner should consider when creating oneHow to help your partner through all of the symptoms that come along with pregnancy, like crazy cravings and raging hormonesThe key to a happy relationship -how to keep on dating even with a baby, with tips on planning the perfect babymoonHow to get both of you through postpartum depression should it make an appearanceA guide to what you can expect during each trimester of pregnancy so you aren't left scrambling for answers each time something new happensWhat you can expect at prenatal visits (yes, you should go), including what not to say during these appointmentsPractical new dad tips to make you look like a pregnancy pro right out of the gateAll of the steps to take to pick the perfect name that both you and your partner absolutely loveExhaustive, detailed lists of everything you need to pack for the big dayThe signs that it is almost your baby's birthday and you should be getting your partner to the hospitalExactly what to expect during the birth of your child-spoiler alert: it is the most amazing thing you will ever be a part of and no amount of planning can ever fully prepare you for what you are about to experienceThe "Swiss army knife" of baby supplies and why you should always have plenty on handAnd much more.This book doesn't just compare your growing baby to a fruit or vegetable and give you ambiguous advice about what is happening inside your partner's belly.Instead, it dives deep into every aspect of the new dad life, making sure you leave no stone unturned on your road to becoming a super dad.PSA: I do make sports references :) as I am a big sports fan myself.If you are ready to be a supportive, attentive, knowledgeable, capable partner and totally crush this crazy thing known as fatherhood, then scroll up and click "Add to Cart" now.

  • von Janne Broxtermann
    29,80 €

    Familien stehen heute vor vielen Herausforderungen, die es täglich zu bewältigen gilt. Die Anforderungen, die durch Kindertageseinrichtungen, Schule, Beruf und im Alltag bestehen, können sich belastend auf einzelne Familienmitglieder und somit auch auf das familiäre Miteinander auswirken. Pädagogische oder therapeutische Unterstützungsangebote zur Entlastung von Familien sind häufig auf einzelne Familienmitglieder ausgerichtet und sprechen entweder die Eltern oder die Kinder an. Psychomotorische Angebote, die den Fokus auf Entwicklungsbegleitung durch Bewegung und Spiel legen, richten sich überwiegend an Kinder und nur vereinzelt werden ganze Familien in bewegungsorientierte Stunden einbezogen.Die Autorinnen dieses Buches möchten anhand vielfältiger familienorientierter Praxisideen Psychomotoriker*innen sowie Fachkräfte aus Kita und Schule dazu einladen, erlebnisorientierte Gelegenheiten für die ganze Familie zu schaffen - in denen sie sich mit ihren Ressourcen erfahren und Zeit miteinander verbringen können, wobei Gutes, Hinderliches, Schweres, Positives, Leichtes, Widerständiges, Weiches und vieles mehr in Bewegung und Spiel Platz haben.Einleitend wird in diesem Buch ausgeführt, wie bisher psychomotorische Angebote für Familien gestaltet sowie im Fachdiskurs diskutiert wurden und welche Gründe für eine erlebnis- und bewegungsorientierte Einbindung der ganzen Familie sprechen. Anschließend werden theoriegeleitete Vorschläge für eine systematische Planung und Vorbereitung von Familiensettings und -stunden dargestellt.Der Hauptteil des Buches umfasst Praxisideen, die vielfältige Impulse bieten, um mit Familien (Kinder von ca. 3 bis 10 Jahren) bewegungsorientiert zusammenzuarbeiten. Die Ideen sind in Form von Praxiskarten aufbereitet und strukturell gleich aufgebaut. Sie beinhalten Themengebiete (z.B. in Kontakt kommen, Ressourcen sehen, Übergänge gestalten), Spielvarianten, methodische Überlegungen und Anregungen, in welchen Settings (z.B. Spielfest, Elternabend, Familienangebote) die Ideen umgesetzt werden können.

  • von David Peterson
    40,00 €

    Written by hip hop artist Can't Stop Won't Stop, "I Love Being A Dad" is a love letter to his children. It follows the standard 16 bar meter found in most rap songs, to accompany the song released with the same title.

  • von Jill Rigby Garner
    23,00 €

    You picked up this book because you want to raise respectful children in today's disrespectful world. Even if in the moment it seems like an impossible task, yoücan succeed. To do so, I'll help you: ¿Be the person you want your children to become. Abandon old notions of building self-esteem to choose self-respect. Enroll your family in the School of Respect. Use encouragement to motivate your children, not praise. Set boundaries without building walls between you and your children. Do all you can to protect and shield your children from the garbage of our culture. Engage your children in meaningful activities, not useless entertainment. Find contentment so your children can be filled with gratefulness. Listen with your heart to your children's needs. Not sure you can do it? I¿know¿you can because you're not alone!

  • von David Bergmann
    19,99 - 24,99 €

  • von Marlene Bauer
    16,99 €

    Mama werden heißt ins kalte Wasser geschmissen zu werden und ins Unbekannte aufzubrechen. Auf dieser Reise wird die komplette Gefühlspalette durchlebt. Freude, Glück, Dankbarkeit, Zufriedenheit oder auch Unsicherheit, Zweifel, Ängste, Frust, Trauer, Neid, Erschöpfung, Ratlosigkeit sind einige Beispiele für aufkommende Emotionen. Dieses Buch liefert in schwierigeren Phasen der Mutterschaft positive Gedanken, Aufmunterung und Bestärkung. Mit gestärktem Urvertrauen, Dankbarkeits- und Achtsamkeitsübungen, Gedankenarbeit und Affirmationen und positiven Bekräftigungen zu einem erfüllteren Mama-Leben finden.

  • von Johanna Seitz
    19,99 - 24,99 €

  • von Aan Breken
    23,00 €

    BY READING THIS BOOK, THE HOPE IS THREEFOLD: that Adult Children of Divorce will feel heard and validated about the true ravages of divorce in their lives; that their parents will feel enlightened about the unseen realities of divorce on their children, even decades later; and that these two estranged generations will reconcile. Through hundreds of hours of interviews and countless stories of the impact of divorce on Adult Children of Divorce (ACDs), this book captures the reality of estrangement and the very real hope of reconciliation, where you can smile and feel safe again, and families can feel reconnected again.

  • von Anna Maria Didio
    18,00 €

    An inspiring adoption memoir for those who have loved, lost and laughed along the way to making a family.After her third miscarriage, Anna Maria knew that adoption was the only way to realize the family of her dreams.Precocious six-year-old Priscilla, brought to an orphanage in the hills of Mexico as a baby, said she wanted a home of her own. Could this be the family that they both have been looking for? Not so fast.To lose her biological mother and the women who raised her was a devastating blow. At the same time, her language, culture, food and friends vanished in a blink. Priscilla learns what it means to be a daughter and a sister. Anna Maria's skills as a mother are tested in a profound way.In this deeply personal and moving memoir spanning fifteen years, Anna Maria reveals her struggles in breaking down barriers to give and receive love.Love at the Border shares intimate family moments with candor and honesty - a powerful testament to faith, family, and our need to belong.

  • von Fran Lakeman
    24,00 €

    Expecting Better: The Complete Guide to Pregnancy Philosophy, Learn All About The Important Facts Surrounding Pregnancy That You Should KnowThat moment when you find out that you're pregnant is sure to be one of the most memorable moments in your life. The whole nine months of your pregnancy is sure to be an exciting time. But there are a lot of things that can happen during the roughly 40 weeks of pregnancy and many things to consider and learn so you can have a healthy pregnancy.This book will teach you everything you need to know on what you should do from the moment you find out you're pregnant until how to lose weight after your pregnancy. This book will serve as a guide for all the important things you should be aware of during pregnancy so you have an idea on what to do.This book will teach you about the following topics:Exercise and PregnancyFood Cravings During PregnancyUnplanned PregnanciesOvulationOvercoming the Pain of a Failed PregnancyMake Your Pregnancy a Healthy OneLosing Weight After PregnancyKnow The Early Signs of PregnancyPregnancy is an exciting time but not everyone has an easy time while they are pregnant. Those who did not have any issues while pregnant are very lucky. It is good to have a guide on the things you will experience during pregnancy. Although there are a lot of information out there about pregnancy, many things are still unknown. If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant and want to have a guide on what you will experience during pregnancy, scroll up and click "add to cart" now.

  • von Louisa Hirst
    23,00 €

    Congratulations, you're expecting a baby! When the reality of that little blue line sets in you may be left wondering what to buy, how you're going to care for and feed your baby, what "normal sleep" for a baby looks like or how you'll know what they need. Having trained at the world-renowned Norland College followed by years spent nannying in London and now as a mother of two, Postnatal Doula and Breastfeeding Counsellor I have a deep passion for helping expectant parents with all they need to know to prepare for the arrival of their baby. The Parent Prep Book is an easy-to-read helping hand with insights from other professionals in the field and the latest research, aiming to provide reassurance and confidence to anyone caring for a newborn.

  • von Khadija Ali-Wilson
    36,00 €

    An inspirational guide for parents and teachers to get an up-close and personal look at the walk with caring for an exceptional child. In this book, six mothers share their stories of raising, loving, and advocating for their exceptional children. Readers will walk away empowered, informed and equipped with the belief that their child can have the best life. If you are a parent of a child with exceptional needs, you will learn: - How to advocate for your child with doctors, schools, and other services in your community- Hear inspirational journeys from diverse walks of life- How to equip yourself with resources from local and national organizations for families of exceptional children

  • von Quinn Ryan
    21,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Ben Furman
    24,95 €

    Albträume, Eifersucht, Hausaufgaben, Schlafengehen - Kinder stehen täglich vor besonderen Herausforderungen. Viele bewältigen sie alleine, bei manchen brauchen sie die Unterstützung von anderen. Wo es um hartnäckige Probleme oder ernsthafte Schwierigkeiten geht, hilft eine Haltung, die der finnische Psychiater und Psychotherapeut Ben Furman "Fähigkeitsdenken" nennt. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie Eltern ihr Kind "coachen" können, damit es die neuen Fähigkeiten erlernt, die es braucht, um seine Herausforderungen zu meistern. Es richtet sich neben Eltern an alle Personen, die an der Erziehung beteiligt sind.In zahlreichen Geschichten und Fallbeispielen vermittelt Ben Furman auf anschauliche Weise die Ideen und Konzepte, die dem Fähigkeitsdenken zugrunde liegen. Eine Sammlung von praktischen Werkzeugen hilft herauszufinden, welche Fähigkeit das Kind aktuell benötigt und wie man es motiviert, sich diese Fähigkeit anzueignen. Einfache Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen erleichtern den Umgang mit den unterschiedlichsten Anlässen - von Angst bis Wutanfall.

  • von A. E. Vides
    22,00 €

    Feeling lost or overwhelmed at the thought of becoming a dad? Ready to embrace this new stage of life as a supportive and effective partner? Keep reading...Congratulations! You're about to embark on an entirely new adventure as you take on the responsibilities of fatherhood, along with all the joys that come with it.If you're like most soon-to-be dads, you're feeling many different emotions right now. Excitement, apprehension, maybe even a little fear - whatever you're experiencing, know this: you're not alone.Millions of dads have been in your shoes, looking forward to the future while wanting to do everything in your power to be the best dad and partner you can be.But what you might not realize is that your journey as a father has already begun, even before your little one has arrived!Research indicates that the earlier you get involved in your partner's pregnancy, from learning the lingo and attending doctor's appointments to name picking and nursery planning, the more involved you'll be after your baby is born.By learning all there is to know about what to expect in the upcoming months, you're already choosing to be an involved and supportive dad. Plus, your partner will appreciate the efforts you make on her behalf as you go through the next nine months and beyond as a united team.You might wonder, what exactly do I need to know to prepare for this experience? The short answer is: a lot. But don't start freaking out just yet - you've got the manual for navigating all the ups and downs of preparing to be a dad right here in your hands.In this guide, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:And much more.Becoming a dad is an experience unlike any other and it will become what you make of it. If you make the choice to be present, supportive, and adaptable, you'll find that these nine months will fly by.Even better, you'll learn that you're already capable of so much more than you might realize - and that your baby is going to be lucky to have such a super dad.If you're ready to tackle fatherhood with confidence as both a dad and a partner, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button right now.

  • von Howard H Smith
    21,00 €

    Confidence in parenting? Is that a joke? Nobody has much confidence in that! But why not? When the author of this book, originally written as a gift to his grandchildren so they would not forget the "why" of how they had been parented, began teaching these concepts to young parents, and a few grandparents, the most common comment was "Why didn't I know this before?" There are plenty of books and studies on "Christian" parenting, but as one pastor reader expressed, "You must publish this. I've never seen anything like this in print before!" Then the first grandchildren to have a child said they were sharing it with their friends and also mentioned how helpful it would be in book and study form. Your servant, the author, is pleased that others might prosper from this information and will be strongly successful and confident Christian parents.Within the pages of God's revelation to mankind are so many "helps" and so much "encouragement" for the parent who follows God's design, they can't help but be successful.First, this plan has been tested by the author and his wife before being presented to you. Their discovery, it works very effectively.Second, God is in charge with this style of parenting. No guesswork about what we should do, just His magnificent leadership revealed.Third, the plan is laid out by easily understood sessions, by age, by special circumstances, and finally by God's blessing.Finally, you will be introduced to how to be the agent of God's blessing to your children, grandchildren, and to those in your sphere of influence.Be confident. Parenting is a joy, under the Lord's care!Included in the pages of this book is a complete teaching outline, with suggestions for the group leader for each session.

  • von Rujuta Diwekar
    30,00 €

    A NECESSARY AID FOR EVERY INDIAN WOMAN WHO IS PREGNANT OR HAS RECENTLY HAD A BABYIf you are preparing for pregnancy, are pregnant or have just delivered, Pregnancy Notes has got you covered. Rujuta Diwekar takes you through the journey, with tips for even before you get pregnant, till and after you deliver your bundle of joy. Each stage includes notes on food, exercise and recovery. Also included are heritage recipes from across the country, so you can mine the wisdom of our grandmothers. This is a must-have guide for every woman who is pregnant or wants to know more about pregnancy.About the AuthorAmongst the world's most-followed nutritionists, Rujuta Diwekar is also a bestselling author with more than 1.5 million copies of her books in print. Through her public health initiatives, like the 12-week fitness project, Sonave community farming project, home exercise and diet projects on social media, etc., she continues to define the discourse on diet and exercise across the country and for Indians living globally.

  • von Michelle Seitzer
    20,00 €

    How do you remember your grandparents?Your family's stories can go on for generations, backwards and forwards. But it's up to you to preserve the stories that matter most to you, to mine your memories, and to care for the spun threads of your life story and legacy.The Dictionary of Grandparents: An Alphabetical Guide to Mining Your Memories will immerse you in detail-rich short stories, poems, and prose using the five senses. Weaving her love of language with her love of storytelling, author Michelle Seitzer bases each chapter on a word that describes her grandparents and ends with an invitation prompt for personal reflection.The Dictionary of Grandparents will encourage you to:delight in reminiscing about loved ones,inspire you to record family lore,motivate you to ask more questions, andarchive your own family memories.Even if you're not a writer, you can curate a collection of memories that should never be forgotten, of the moments you'd like to replay and access even if your memory should fail you. And you can start right now.

  • von Paul D. Williams
    18,00 - 28,00 €

  • von Matthew Marshall
    22,00 €

    Eye contact is an important nonverbal social cue because it projects confidence, self-esteem, and assertiveness. ... According to a study from the idiap research institute, eye contact shows a person's social hierarchy and dominance in a conversationThis book will turn you from that shy guy who rarely makes eye contact to the swift who makes elders nervous by looking them straight in the eye until they become the first to look away. In this book, you will find:The obstruction to the solid eye to eye connection and the two most effective ways to pulverize itPrecisely how and when to look away effortlesslyStep by step instructions to change your eye to eye connection for significant being a teaseWhat your eyes ought to never be doing, however, you likely do it every dayHow the heading somebody examines can decide their honestyThis book is about the most basic and the most important social skill, eye contact. It's so basic and simple that it's importance is often overlooked. It is highly recommended that you read the book and master eye contact if you want to improve your social skills. If we cannot do this simple thing, if we cannot take this first step of making strong eye contact, how can we expect ourselves to improve other advanced social skills?

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