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Schwangerschaft & Elternschaft

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  • von Robbi Stevenson (Independent scholar Woolard
    73,00 €

  • von Creative Visions Publishing
    23,00 €

  • von Austine Chesley
    18,00 €

    Our Nanny Newborn baby logbook will assist you in keeping track of your baby's day. Diaper changes, sleeping schedules, feedings, activities, baby's mood, medications, and notes are all included. This baby tracker is designed to be simple,beautiful, and simple to use.Get your copy today!Nanny Newborn Baby Logbook:· Dimensions: 6" x 9" Inches· Each log includes areas to record date, time, feeding as well as activity and sleep information· Keep track of doctor visits, immunizations, feedings, sleeping, activities, diaper changes and more· Interior: white paper· Matte elegant cover· Book with 120 pages

  • von Anastazja Ogrodowska
    18,00 €

    Nasz dziennik noworodka pomöe Ci ¿ledzi¿ dzie¿ Twojego dziecka. Zmiany pieluch, harmonogramy spania, karmienie, zaj¿cia, nastrój dziecka, leki i notatki s¿ uwzgl¿dnione. Ten tracker dla dziecka zostä zaprojektowany tak, aby by¿ prosty, pi¿kny i ¿atwy w üyciu.Dziennik pok¿adowy noworodka:¿ Wymiary: 6 "x 9" cali¿ Kädy dziennik zawiera obszary do zapisywania daty, godziny, karmienia oraz informacji o aktywnöci i ¿nie¿ ¿led¿ wizyty u lekarza, szczepienia, karmienia, spanie, zaj¿cia, zmiany pieluch i nie tylko¿ Wn¿trze: biäy papier¿ Ksi¿¿ka ze 120 stronami

  • von Initiative »Stoppt Leihmutterschaft«
    29,90 €

    Leih-/Mietmutterschaft ist ein Kristallisationspunkt der Gewalt gegen Frauen und die schändlichen Versuche, sie auf internationaler Ebene ohne demokratische Debatte, ohne Information der Öffentlichkeit und ohne Berücksichtigung der Menschenrechte von Frauen und Kindern zu regulieren. Es ist nur die sinnbildlichste Manifestation der patriarchalen Herrschaft, die mit allen Mitteln versucht, sich die Kon­trolle über die reproduktiven Fähigkeiten der Frauen zu sichern, zum Nutzen der Männer und für den Profit.Dieses internationale Werk ist eine Gemeinschaftsproduktion, und so liegt nach einer französischen, spanischen und englischen Ausgabe nun auch eine erweiterte deutsche Ausgabe mit mehr als 30 internationalen Autor*innen vor. Doch während auf nationaler, europäischer und internationaler Ebene zahlreiche Institutionen geschaffen werden, um die Ungleichheiten zwischen Frauen und Männern zu beseitigen, arbeitet der Markt für menschliche Reproduktion mit seinen reichen und einflussreichen Vertretern einer zynischen und die Menschenrechte verletzenden kapitalistische Reproduktionsindustrie unermüdlich daran, den Verkauf von Neugeborenen durch meist ärmere Frauen zu legalisieren.

  • von Caroline Tost
    24,90 €

    Wenn bei einem Kind eine geistige Behinderung diagnostiziert wird, bedeutet das für viele Eltern eine tiefgreifende Verunsicherung. Wie wird sich unser Kind entwickeln? Welche Förderung braucht es? Welche Hilfen stehen uns zu? Und wie können wir mit eigenen, herausfordernden Gefühlen umgehen und unser Kind so annehmen, wie es ist? Eltern erhalten Informationen zu Themen wie Therapieplanung, Schulwahl, Strukturierungshilfen, Erziehung, sexuelle Aufklärung und Selbstständigkeitsentwicklung für ihr Kind mit geistiger Behinderung in verschiedenen Lebensphasen. Praktische Fallbeispiele und Tipps unterstützen bei der Erarbeitung individueller Lösungsstrategien für den familiären Alltag und verhelfen allen Betroffenen zu neuer Stärke und Zuversicht.

  • von Kennetha Stevens
    40,00 €

    Whether you're a new parent or an experienced one, this workbook is designed to help you take an active role in your child's education and create a positive learning environment at home. With clear and concise information, engaging activities, and helpful quizzes, you'll be able to apply what you've learned and see results in your child's academic performance.With this parent workbook, you'll have access to in-depth information on each topic, as well as practical exercises and quizzes to help you apply what you've learned. You'll also have a handy vocabulary page with definitions of key terms that are commonly used in education.Investing in your child's education is one of the most important things you can do as a parent, and with this comprehensive parent workbook, you'll have the tools and resources you need to support your child's success in school and beyond.

  • von Sidnitra C. Bates
    19,00 €

    As parents, we all want our children to grow up to be successful, happy and fulfilled individuals. However, in today's fast-paced and competitive world, it's not enough to just focus on academic achievements and traditional measures of success. To truly thrive, our children need to be creative, innovative and adaptable. This is why nurturing creativity in children is so important.

  • von Giulia Tanini
    23,00 €

    Il percorso che va dall'evento della nascita, attraverso l'augurabile allattamento al seno, fino al primo svezzamento è un susseguirsi di momenti meravigliosi.Un giusto allattamento, un corretto svezzamento sono sicuramente il modo più semplice e migliore per accompagnare il primo sviluppo corporeo e cognitivo del nostro bimbo e porre le basi per la sua possibilità di affrontare in maniera sana e serena le varie fasi di sviluppo della sua vita.In questo manuale potete trovare le indicazioni per i cibi consigliati, quelli tendenzialmente da evitare, le alternative eventualmente utilizzabili, con le varie motivazioni delle scelte effettuate.All'interno, inoltre sono presenti anche ricette per le prime pappe.

  • von Ary Jr. S.
    16,00 €

    "Mamá, eres única" es un libro de poesía que celebra el amor incondicional y la dedicación de las madres. Cada poema es un tributo a la figura de la madre, retratando la belleza de su fuerza, su sabiduría y su generosidad ilimitada.Este libro es una invitación a la reflexión y al agradecimiento por la figura materna. Es un trabajo que nos hace apreciar aún más la presencia y la entrega de nuestras madres, que muchas veces son sacrificadas en nombre de nuestro bienestar.

  • von Ddj Publishing
    23,00 €

    Welcome to the world of positive parenting! As a parent, you have the important and rewarding job of guiding and nurturing your child's development. One of the key aspects of positive parenting is setting limits, which can be challenging, especially if you're not sure where to start. In this book, we'll explore the importance of setting limits in parenting, and we'll offer PRACTICAL TIPS AND STRATEGIES for setting and enforcing limits in a CALM, POSITIVE AND EFFECTIVE WAY. When parents are unable to set and enforce limits consistently, children may lose respect for their parents and may develop patterns of misbehaving without facing consequences. This can lead to increased insecurity and can have negative impacts on children's relationships with their parents and others. Punishment, lecturing, nagging, scolding, blaming, or shaming can create negative emotions and may lead to behaviors such as fighting, fleeing, or freezing. Instead of focusing on punishment or correction, it can be more effective to first focus on creating a positive connection with children and building trust. The renowned expert on education and parenting, Alfie Kohn says: "What best prepares children to deal with the challenges of the real world is, to feel supported and respected, to receive loving guidance and the chance to have some say about what happens to them." Using positive discipline techniques can be helpful in setting boundaries and expectations while MAINTAINING A POSITIVE CONNECTION with children. In this book you will DISCOVER keys in relation to: · Effective limits for structure and guidance· Nurturing learning and development· Maintaining a strong parental connection· Encouraging independence and self reflecting· Teaching responsibility and problem solving· Positive parenting principles for happier, healthier lives Take the first step to positive parenting, setting limits, and true connection with your children. Read this book.

  • von Asha Bianca
    20,00 €

    For all of our blended families out there, you know all about alternating, compromising and adjusting for holidays and life. Quick reminder to make the best of it, you want a big solid team helping raise your kids and grandkids in a healthy way even if it doesn't mean you always get your way, don't be selfish or threatened, support and be loyal to your co parents, never talk badly about co parents to kids (or anyone really), don't let your kids (or parents, other ex's, attorneys) play you against each other, if you have an issue or something seems off talk directly with your co parents, welcome your ex's new loves into the family including them, make room, know there's enough love for everyone and keep your kids out of the bs (no matter how old they are).

  • von Ashley Hardoon
    16,00 €

    Do you have thin patience with your explosive child(ren)? Are you having a hard time understanding your child(ren) 's explosive emotions and behaviors? Perhaps you're unsure how to effectively discipline your kids with sanity without feeling bad or having them ignore you. It's no surprise that it can be challenging to keep your own emotions under control when your child is throwing a tantrum, not listening, or completely ignoring you. "Positive Parenting for the Explosive Child" provides tested and proven strategies based on scientific research and the experiences of a licensed foster mom in a quick and enjoyable read. It has all you need to turn a meltdown into an opportunity for growth by understanding your child's emotions and having powerful and practical tools for effective discipline or empathy when necessary. Learning how to connect with your child(ren) emotionally, having the tools to solve behavioral challenges, and gaining control rather than reacting negatively has the power to transform your relationship and how you show up for your kids in the best way possible. Inside, you're going to learn:¿ Who an explosive child is;¿ How a defiant child is made;¿ Why positive parenting can work for all families;¿ How to be a good role model to your child;¿ Common mistakes parents make when dealing with an angry child;¿ Using reward systems to deal with an explosive child;¿ How to discipline a child effectively without yelling;¿ Guide to balanced parenting;¿ How to teach your child anger management; ¿ How to connect with your child emotionally;¿ And lots more! With this easy and practical guide, you will know better how to handle your own and your child's intense feelings, emotions, and behaviors.If you're ready to finally reach your child, redirect emotions, turn a meltdown into an opportunity for growth, and calmly connect with them through love no matter how extreme the behavior is ... then waste no more time and grab your copy!

  • von Ashley Hardoon
    18,00 €

    Are you looking for the vital do's and don'ts of parenting? Perhaps you're tired of practicing toxic parenting... It's time to break the toxic generational patterns and raise happy, thriving kids! Unsurprisingly, every parent wants their child to be happy and to avoid screwing them up with the same upbringing patterns that aren't serving. But how do you do that? Parenting starts with you, the parent! Your psychological makeup, family history, past traumas, and personality traits are the ingredients of your parenting personality. It may sound scary to go deep within, take inventory, and then take action to shift from toxic to healthy, but luckily, it doesn't have to be as complicated as you think it might be. With some hand-holding guidance, support, and encouragement, you will find yourself being the connected and peaceful parent you wish to be so you can pass this on to your child(ren). The Connected and Peaceful Parent is a refreshing, judgment-free book of practical advice and powerful tools to break toxic generational patterns. It's a quick and easy read written by a foster mom to help you gain emotional awareness to become a confident, effective, and loving parent. Inside, you're going to learn:¿ How your family history impacts your parenting style,¿ A detailed guide into what toxic generational cycles are,¿ What happens when toxic parents raise you,¿ If toxic parenting is inherited from parents,¿ How even well-intentioned parents could turn toxic,¿ How to unlearn toxic parenting,¿ Emotional regulation for better parenting,¿ How to identify and control your triggers,¿ Parenting personality types,¿ How to build new habits for effective parenting;¿ How your child affects you more than you affect them!¿ How to stay attuned to your child¿ And lots more! This book could save your child's future and make you both much happier. When you understand where your emotions, anger, and triggers are rooted, you can transcend them with practical tools and strategies and reward yourself and your family with a healthier, happier life. AND, you owe this to yourself and your children! If you're ready to be that connected parent from within, find peace and love so you can translate that into parenting from a positive and healthy place...then look no further and grab your copy!

  • von H. Addington Bruce
    18,00 €

    Every parent knows that the experience of raising children changes us profoundly, in ways often unforeseen. And yet never before has a book examined how and why the stages of our children's development affect us so deeply, altering not only our jobs, our lifestyles, and our relationships with our spouses and parents, but the very essence of how we think of ourselves as individuals and adults. Parenting is simultaneously heart-opening and heart-wrenching, humbling and humorous, joyful and overwhelming. But this small and indispensable book will help you alleviate stress and answer some of the biggest questions you'll want to address before your baby arrives.

  • von Ary Jr. S.
    16,00 €

    "Mom, You are Unique" is a book of poetry that celebrates the unconditional love and dedication of mothers. Each poem is a tribute to the mother figure, portraying the beauty of her strength, her wisdom and her limitless giving.This book is an invitation to reflection and gratitude for the maternal figure. It is a work that makes us appreciate even more the presence and dedication of our mothers, who are often sacrificed in the name of our well-being.

  • von Alexander van den Bosch
    15,00 €

    We zien dit effect. Hoe we als ouders omgaan met de derde, de jongste van de drie, is anders

  • von Yannick Bourquin
    17,00 €

    Quand j'ai appris que j'allais devenir papa, je m'attendais à beaucoup de choses, mais pas à enterrer mon bébé dans un petit cercueil blanc.Gabriel, je t'ai donné tout l'amour que j'ai pu pendant les 46 jours que nous avons passés ensemble. Ta mort m'a précipité au fin fond des enfers. Je pensais que j'allais y demeurer pour le reste de ma vie.Mais j'en suis ressorti. Grâce à l'extraordinaire force que tu m'as transmise, j'ai survécu et je me suis reconstruit.Gabriel, aujourd'hui, je raconte ton histoire, notre histoire.Je t'aime, mon ange.Ce témoignage rare d'un papa contient aussi une partie Questions et réponses sur le deuil périnatal, guide à l'attention des parents endeuillés et de leur entourage.

  • von Scott Pelton
    141,00 €

    Florentine Bowar Schlimgen was born and raised on a farm in southeast-central South Dakota. She was the first of 8 children born to her second-generation German-immigrant parents and lived in a farming community for most of her life, only 7 miles from where she was born. She was 15 years old when the great depression hit, and a young wife and mother during some of South Dakota's most difficult economic times. These events, along with her deep Roman catholic faith, surely shaped her values and priorities. Florentine started keeping a diary in 1968, when she was a busy mother of 4 children, 3 of whom were still living at home. In this diary she chronicled her daily activities, along with births, marriages, deaths, and celebrations of her family and friends. In later years, as her household became an empty nest, she also captured her inner thoughts, feelings, joys, frustrations, and aspirations. She kept up her diary regularly until 2004, when, at age 90, her health began to fail her. Diary entries were made on an inconsistent basis until 2008. This amounts to 40 years of family and community history, recorded in 28 notebooks, many of which measure 3 x 5 inches.

  • von Franziska Haudenschild
    19,99 €

    Wie wird aus einem Kind ein glücklicher, erfolgreicher Mensch, der selbstsicher und mit viel Vertrauen durch das Leben geht? In dem ihm während der Prägungsphase die nötigen Grundsteine gelegt werden. Dafür braucht ein Mensch ein positives Mindset, gute Glaubenssätze und Vertrauen in sich und das Leben. Bis heute wird der Prägungsphase viel zu wenig Beachtung geschenkt. Als Elternteil oder nahe Bezugsperson hast Du es massgeblich in der Hand, wie glücklich Dein Kind ist und wird. Erfahre in diesem Buch wie!

  • von Linda Bongiorno
    23,00 €

    The streets and shops are busy in a country town in Australia. But now that there is word that the weather is changing and a big thunderstorm is coming, the town's residents hurriedly try to prepare to save their homes from the rising river.As they stack sandbags along the levee to keep the water out, the skies turn dark and cloudy and it begins pouring rain. It is not long before the streets are flooded. While the farmers take their animals and head to higher ground, a family packs their belongings into their car and heads to a relative's house for safety. Will they make it in time, and will the town's residents be able to return home?In this educational tale, the residents of an Australian country town must band together to prepare their town for a flood and escape to higher ground.

  • von Beatrice Constanze Gündüz
    20,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Ary Jr. S.
    16,00 €

    "Mamma, sei Unica" è un libro di poesie che celebra l'amore incondizionato e la dedizione delle madri. Ogni poesia è un omaggio alla figura materna, ritraendo la bellezza della sua forza, la sua saggezza e il suo dono illimitato.Questo libro è un invito alla riflessione e alla gratitudine per la figura materna.È un lavoro che ci fa apprezzare ancora di più la presenza e la dedizione delle nostre mamme, spesso sacrificate in nome del nostro benessere.

  • 22% sparen
    von Rachel Garahan
    18,00 €

    A guided journal for mothers-to-be, providing space to process emotions, hear your inner voice, and strengthen your budding relationship with the new human growing insidePregnancy is a time like no other, a season of limbo: the baby is here but not here. Mothers-to-be enter a dreamy phase between being and becoming, suspended in wonder with amazement of what we are creating, and curiosity for who we are carrying. We can get so caught up in the new life growing within us?distracted with facts and logistics?that we might easily forget to acknowledge the other transformation taking place as well: the redefining of our own identity. With a spare, modern design and gorgeous illustrations, 9 Months of Wonder is designed to help you to document the liminal space between here and there while softening into the season you're in. In these journal pages, you'll find a safe place to record and process your experiences, reflect on the ups and downs, move through fears, and honor the metamorphosis taking place in you as you give birth to the new life of your child and the new parts of yourself.

  • von Brittany B. Polat
    32,00 €

  • von PhD Rusby
    53,00 €

    A Celebration of Breastfeeding is a book that celebrates the beauty and challenges of breastfeeding around the world. An illustrated book to inspire, inform, educate, entertain, support and soothe young mothers-to-be, their partners and family and friends, it is also useful for associated health workers, grandmothers and other care givers.

  • von Jean Lee
    21,00 €

    Looking for an easy way to preserve your family's history? Want to have a written recording of your loved one's memories?Then the Tell Me Your Life Story guided journals from Jean Lee Publishing are the answer!These 8.5x11-inch paperback books feature questions for your loved ones to answer about their lives. Each page features a space for the date and prompts to encourage the writer to share as much detail as possible. Each page features plenty of lined space to write in, too. These books cover everything about a person's life, including:Childhood MemoriesSchool MemoriesFamily HistoryFavorites & DislikesHopes & DreamsFunny StoriesAnd Much, Much More!!!These memory-keeping books make perfect gifts for any special occasion, including Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, birthdays, and anniversaries. You can give these books to your loved ones for them to return to you once completed. Or you yourself can fill one out and present it as a gift. Either way, the recipient will have a lasting family heirloom!We have a Tell Me Your Life Story journal available for the following people:MomDadStep-MomStep-DadGrandmaGreat GrandmaGrandpaGreat GrandpaAuntUncleSisterBrotherWifeHusbandGirlfriendBoyfriend

  • von Lena Merz
    24,00 €

    Einfach die Zeit anhalten: Viele Eltern wünschen sich das, vor allem, wenn die Kleinen noch Babys sind. Da ist jeder Moment kostbar und das Bedürfnis nach Sicherheit groß. Als Mamas und Ernährungsexpertinnen wissen die Autorinnen und erfolgreichen Bloggerinnen, dass die Umstellung auf breifreie Ernährung eine Phase mit vielen Fragen ist. Genau hier nimmt Breifrei Express den Stress raus - und mit seinen Tipps und schnellen Rezepten den Zeitdruck aus der Alltagshektik. Abwechslungsreich und in maximal 30 Minuten ist alles im Ess-Schüsselchen, was Kleinkinder mögen und gesund für sie ist: saisonal, ausgewogen und ganz leicht zu machen. So bleibt endlich mehr Zeit für die wunderbaren Momente der ersten Lebensphase - ein Geschenk!

  • von Annabel Breitkreuz
    18,00 €

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