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Schwangerschaft & Elternschaft

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  • von Erica Prescott
    50,00 €

    The Millennial Boujee Mom: Motherhood Series is a Journal to assist with keeping your ideas in a central location. This journal will help you organize your thoughts and serve as an outlet to release your inner thoughts and issues.

    8,99 €

    Weihnachten naht, das Wetter läd nicht zum Draußenspielen ein, da kommt dieses liebevoll illustrierte Malbuch für Kinder ab 3 gerade recht.Alle Seiten lassen sich sauber aus dem Malbuch trennen. Wer möchte kann die Seiten ausmalen und einem lieben Menschen als Weihnachtsgeschenk widmen. Auf der Rückseite sind dazu extra hübsch gestaltete Flächen vorgesehen.

  • von Rosa Taverna
    13,00 €

    Journal de grossesse qui vous accompagne étape par étape, mois après mois tout au long de votre grossesse pour préparer l'arrivée de bébé. Pages rendez-vous, tracter humeur, listes récapitulatives, lettre à bébé et bien d'autres.

  • von James W. (Florida Atlantic University Forgan
    31,00 €

    Parent's Quick Start Guide to Dyslexia provides parents and caregivers with an immediate overview of dyslexia and steps they can take to support and encourage their child.

  • von Astrid Eldflug
    17,90 €

    Supports visual perception from birth. Bright colours, sharp contrasts and clear shapes encourage babies to look and discover, promoting their vision in the process. 36 high-contrast images are designed to captivate and enchant. Early perceptual development for newborns, infants and special needs children.

  • von Steve Hines
    21,00 €

    ARE YOU PARENTING OR ARE YOU PARENTING WELL?Raising kids today is more challenging than it has ever been. Technology, social media, and the ever-shifting standards of what is right and wrong can make parenting in modern-day culture difficult to navigate. If we want to win the battle as parents, we need to have the desire to truly parent well. If we want to parent well, we must resolve to make parenting more important than almost anything else and give it the effort and attention that's required. With all the outside influences that kids are facing every single day, parenting well requires a heightened sense of commitment and discernment, as well as a willingness to lead by example. Most parents want to do the best job they can, and with much focus and effort can succeed in this very noble desire and responsibility. In Salt, Light, and Kids, Steve Hines helps parents train up their children to become the salt of the earth and the light of the world and to hear God's voice above all the competing voices vying for their attention."Whether you're expecting your first child or in the frontlines of the teen years, you will discover Salt, Light, & Kids to be an invaluable resource for your parenting journey."--CHRIS HODGES, NY Times bestselling author and Senior Pastor of Church of the Highlands, Birmingham, AL

  • von Sudeshna Kar
    15,00 €

    Life throws us a bundle of joy; it gets us off balance. An expecting mother has a long journey ahead, trying to absorb the excitement and the responsibility that comes along. The book reflects upon the experience of the author as a mother, an educator, and a special child trainer. This book is not the final word of the best way but an attempt to give mothers a helping hand. The project starts with a faint line in a test kit with no end date. A mother will do whatever it takes, there is no right or wrong way, it's all about patience, focus, a lifelong dedication. Mommas need to feel empowered to give their best, this book is a step forward in that direction.

  • von Hugues Prion Pansius Mimbang
    9,99 €

    Aprenda a ultrapassar os seus ciúmes em apenas 50 minutos com este livro prático e conciso. O ciúme é um sentimento corrosivo, tóxico, capaz de destruir as relações e matar o amor. É um ciclo vicioso que resulta da falta de confiança e inseguranças pessoais. Ao tomar medidas para melhorar a sua auto-confiança, pode desfrutar de relações mais profundas e gratificantes. Neste livro, aprenderá mais sobre as causas dos ciúmes, incluindo a baixa auto-confiança e a falta de confiança nos outros. Inclui também dicas úteis para ultrapassar os ciúmes e confiar no seu parceiro, dando-lhe as ferramentas para banir definitivamente o monstro de olhos verdes!

  • von Sky-Robyn McFox
    13,49 €

    Ein Kinderarzt sieht rot! Was? Schon wieder einer, der rot sieht? Pandemie, Krieg und Inflation, das alles regt einen doch schon genug auf! Wie wäre es dann mit ein wenig Humor? Dieser bitterbösen Alltagssatire folgend, begleitet der Leser einen Kinderarzt auf die große Reise der Menschwerdung. Nichts Geringeres als das ultimative Kompendium schräger Kuriositäten und Absurditäten moderner Kinderaufzucht erwartet Sie. Dieser zweite Akt von insgesamt fünf beschäftigt sich mit den Widrigkeiten der Elternschaft während der Kleinkindzeit.Lachen bis der Arzt kommt? Ganz im Gegenteil.

  • von Kardas Publishing
    22,00 €

    What if I told you that you can help your teen manage difficult feelings, control negative thoughts and live a life of freedom and flexibility by working together with an effective and easy-to-follow step-by-step plan?The "Parenting Teens with OCD" includes all the relevant information to help your kids control negative thoughts, let go of anxious sensations, and halt difficult-to-stop behaviors to get back to doing what they enjoy.You may not know anybody else who suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms such as the urge to wash their hands continually, check to be sure everything is okay, count items, put things in order, or even repeat ideas recurrently.When your kid is stressed or anxious, rituals like these can help them relax, but you already know that the respite is only short, and they'll have to repeat the process when they're feeling uneasy again.When your kid has OCD, your entire world might be turned inside out. This book will teach you how to:Recognize when your kid's thoughts are accurate and when they are overblown.Recognize and avoid situations that cause your kid's symptoms to flare up.Make friends and gain confidence in social situations by doing so.Instead of relying on rituals, try relaxation techniques.The book normalizes and supports the frequently hidden and unacknowledged thoughts, desires, and images and the accompanying rituals and compulsions that so many children and teens with OCD battle with.**BONUS to our readers inside this book: unlimited access to Printable Worksheets: 30-Day Challenge Tracker or Gratitude Journal for Kids & Teens! Our readers are awarded even more freebiesBUY NOW and begin your journey to a happier and more peaceful life.

  • von Angela Schönherr
    14,99 €

    Lernen Sie die Goldenen Regeln der effektiven Erziehung mit den innovativen Methoden in diesem Buch!Fühlen Sie sich vor Ihrem Kind niemals machtlos. Dem Kind 'Befehle' zu erteilen, zu versuchen, es zu beeinflussen, die Stimme zu erheben, um sich Gehör zu verschaffen und sogar interne Konflikte zwischen Eltern und Kindern zu erreichen, ist etwas, das um jeden Preis vermieden werden sollte.In diesem Buch finden Sie alle pädagogischen Lehren, die Sie brauchen, um Ihr Kind gesund und erfolgreich zu erziehen. In diesem Leitfaden finden Sie:- Die Grundsätze der Methode von A bis Z erklärt- Die 5 wichtigen Phasen der Entwicklung Ihres Kindes - 7 Wege, um die perfekte Einrichtung für Ihr Kind zu schaffen, komfortabel und ohne viel Geld auszugeben- Wie Sie mit dem Weinen und den Wutausbrüchen Ihres Kindes umgehen - alles pädagogisch erklärt - Wie Sie die Montessori-Methode zu Hause anwenden können - Wertvolle Ratschläge für Mütter - 100 pädagogische Aktivitäten für Ihr KindWorauf wartest du noch? Kaufe jetzt und fange jetzt!

  • von Hubertus Von Schoenebeck
    16,00 €

    Der Autor zeigt einen Weg, wie der Umgang von Erwachsenen und Kindern in neuartiger Weise gelingt. Die persönliche Wahrhaftigkeit der Eltern und die Selbst-Kompetenz der Kinder treten an die Stelle der herkömmlichen Erziehung. Dabei ist eine Beziehung auf gleicher Augenhöhe der seelische Grundton, trotz aller Unterschiede von Großen und Kleinen. Wobei ein Nein ein Nein bleibt und das ungute 'Sieh das ein!' entfällt. Eine neue postpädagogische Sicht entlastet Eltern und bewahrt die Würde des Kindes.Dr. phil. Hubertus von Schoenebeck ist seit 40 Jahren Referent in der Familienbildung. Er legt ein in die Tiefe gehendes und anrührendes Sachbuch vor. Persönlich, leicht verständlich und humorvoll geschrieben, voller überraschender Sprachbilder. Viele anschauliche Beispiele und Antworten auf Alltagsfragen runden das fesselnde Buch ab.

  • von Sarah White
    23,00 €

    Are you at your wit's end with your toddler? Read on to discover how you can tame your little monster. In children between the ages of 1 and 5, temper tantrums are common, and up to 83% of 2-4 year olds have them regularly. No matter how well you know that this is an important part of their development, it can take its toll when you're facing yet another meltdown about the carrots being the wrong shape. Do any of the below sound familiar?Refusing to get dressedScreaming blue murder because you asked them to put their shoes onThrowing their breakfast on the floor because the spoon's the wrong colorInconsolable tears because the cat went outsideEvery parent goes through this. Toddlers are at a stage where they are developing their independence and pushing boundaries, and they have more feelings than they can understand or express. How many times have you given in to them for the sake of a quiet life? Most parents have, and if you've done it, you know that it doesn't help you out in the long term. So how can you handle your toddler's tantrums in a way that minimizes damage, ends the drama as quickly as possible, and sets your child on the road to being a confident, happy child? The answer lies within positive discipline, a behavioral management technique that reduces the drama and allows you to set clear boundaries your toddler will understand. All too often, we resort to punishments, but time and time again, research has shown us that this is useless. Positive discipline is built around empathizing with your child, giving them space to feel their feelings, and helping them find solutions to their problems. By rejecting traditional discipline models of reward and punishment, you can create mutual respect between you and your child, improving their confidence and self-esteem for life. In Positive Toddler Discipline: Proven Strategies to Tame Tantrums and Nurture Their Developing Mind, you'll find everything you need to know about managing your toddler's tantrums. Here's just a taste of what you'll discover:Where the idea of positive discipline comes from--and why it worksThe key reasons why your toddler is pushing your buttonsThe secret weapon to taming your child for goodThe #1 mistake every parent makes when talking to their toddler, and what you should be doing insteadWhy the language you use matters, as well as which type of words your child will respond best toHow to set helpful consequences without resorting to punishmentPractical tips to use in the face of a major meltdownA blueprint for navigating daily routines with a toddlerAnd much more. If you thought drama was an inevitable part of parenting a toddler, think again. Positive discipline has been proven effective by childcare professionals and focuses on a deep understanding of toddler psychology. By adopting its key principles, you will be able to reduce the stress in your household and keep your cool every time your toddler has a meltdown. Stop allowing your child to rule the house--it's time to get some structure and peace back into your life.

  • von Brigitte Pregenzer
    25,00 €

    Hildegard von Bingen für KinderDer praktische Ratgeber für eine gesunde Entwicklung Ihrer KinderDie ganzheitliche Heilkunde der Hildegard von Bingen bietet eine umfassende Orientierung für eine glückliche und gesunde Entwicklung Ihrer Kinder. Von der Geburt über das Kleinkindalter bis zur Pubertät finden Sie in diesem Buch einfache Anregungen, die den Alltag erleichtern und zu einem freudvollen und fröhlichen Miteinander beitragen. Sie lernen bewährte Hildegard-Heilmittel kennen, finden beliebte Rezepte aus der köstlichen Hildegardküche und wertvolle Tipps bei Alltagssorgen. Das Buch macht Eltern Mut, die Verantwortung für Ernährungs-, Erziehungs- und Lebensfragen selbst zu übernehmen. Die bewährten Heilmittel für häufige Krankheiten bei Kindern, die leckeren Rezepte und die Lerntipps lassen sich mühelos in das Leben der Kinder einbauen.Tipps: Für Eltern, denen die Gesundheit Ihrer Kinder am Herzen liegtAlle Aspekte der Hildegard-Lehre heruntergebrochen auf Kinder (von der Geburt bis zur Pubertät)Konkurrenzlos: es gibt über 150 Bücher zur Gesundheitslehre der Hildegard von Bingen, aber nur dieses für die Anwendung der Hildegardlehre bei KindernVerfasst von einer der führenden Hildegard-Expertinnen

  • von Kindergärtner Benno Hocke
    24,99 €

    Die Kinder flohen wieder? Sie kratzen sich Striemen ins Fleisch und weinen dabei? Dieses Mittel ist die Lösung. Ich wünsche Ihnen ein parasitenfreies Leben. Benno Hocke

  • von Holly Rae Fehr
    26,00 - 35,00 €

  • von Fanatomy
    25,00 €

    ¿ Imagine a world where every teenager has the skills and mindset to achieve success in all areas of their lives.¿ A world where they are equipped with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of modern life with ease.¿ Unfortunately, the reality is far from that. Instead, many teens struggle with anxiety, stress, and a lack of direction.That's where "Simple Life Skills for Teen Success" comes in. This book is designed to equip teenagers with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life, both now and in the future.Inside the book, your teen will find step-by-step guidance on a range of essential life skills, including time management, goal setting, communication, decision-making, and much more. With practical advice and real-life examples, this book provides teens with the tools they need to succeed in all areas of their lives.This book covers:IntroductionHealthy Habits for a Better YouMaster the Art of a Progressive MindsetThe Financially Savvy TeenFrom Dreaming to DoingDeveloping Healthy Social ConnectionsHome Maintenance 101Super Teen Role modelsQuiz TimeConclusionAlong with:Colorful InteriorInteresting Fact Trivia after each chapterQuiz at the endA real-life example of the high impact of TeensEasy-to-follow advice and practical tips, this book is a must-read for any teenager wanting to grow & improve in all areas of their lives.Additional Booklet "29 Life Secrets for Teens you will only discover when you turn 25".Why this book:Are you a parent or educator looking to equip the teenagers in your life with the skills they need to succeed? "Simple Life Skills for Teen Success" is a book that can assist teens.This book contains practical advice, real-life examples of teens, and actionable steps that will help teens develop the skills they need to succeed in all areas of their lives.If you want your teen to thrive in today's fast-paced world, this guide will come in handy with step-by-step guidance on a range of essential life skills that will help them excel academically, socially, and professionally.Learning life skills beforehand can save them from potential struggles and setbacks in the future.Let's make our teens future ready!

  • von Rebecca Flag
    23,00 €

    It is no secret that parenting teenage boys is incredibly challenging at times.Sure, it can also be rewarding, but sometimes you can feel like you are banging your head against a brick wall.Despite how complex and sensitive this topic is, there is a disappointing lack of information available for parents to use to parent their teenage boy.Until now.I wanted to change that, which is why I wrote Parenting Teenage Boys. In this book, I not only discuss some of the key topics you need to address with your teenage son, but I also provide guidance and support along the way to help strengthen your connection with them.Trying to talk to a teenage boy is difficult at the best of times, so there's no shame in admitting that tackling sensitive topics is even more challenging.This book will offer you an insight into the experiences and changes your teenage son is going through so that you can establish trust and thus a healthy relationship with them. Inside Parenting Teenage Boys, you will discover: How to approach your teenage son from a place of love and non-judgement.How to help your son through this challenging stage in his life.How to prepare your son to become more independent.How to talk about difficult subjects like sex and mental health with your son.How to see things from your son's perspective.With your help, his teenage years could be much less stressful and challenging.Grab a copy of Parenting Teenage Boys today!

  • von Natalie S Blackman
    17,00 €

    With 16 coloring pages of beautiful, breastfeeding, black women and 16 coloring pages of positive affirmations, this is a one-of-a-kind coloring book to help you through your breastfeeding journey. Black women do breastfeed.

  • von Jamie Williams
    21,00 €

    The only book you will ever need to get control of your kids and stop yelling once and for all.

  • von Rita Messmer
    17,00 €

    Viele Eltern bremsen ihre Babys, statt sie zu fördern - meistens ohne es zu merken. Das Ergebnis: unselbstständige Kinder, überflüssige Konflikte und unnötiger Stress für Eltern und Kind. Basierend auf der Montessori-Pädagogik zeigt Rita Messmer wie Eltern sich vieles leichter machen können. Besondere Berücksichtigung finden dabei die Erziehungsprinzipien der Montessori-Pädagogik. Indem Eltern die natürlichen Entwicklungskräfte ihrer Babys einbeziehen, können sie schon im ersten Lebensjahr die Basis für Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstständigkeit ihrer Kinder legen.»Das Buch ist eine Provokation, weil es Eltern dazu ermuntert, eigene Wege zu gehen mit ihren Kindern, statt sich den herrschenden Normen und Vorstellungen unterzuordnen. Das ist die Freiheit, die das Buch vermittelt. Eine Freiheit, die sich auf unsere Kinder übertragen wird, wenn wir sie nutzen.« Schweizer Radio

  • von Flora Jimenez
    15,00 €

    L'allaitement est une histoire qui s'écrit entre une mère et son enfant. De même que l'enfant peut décider d'arrêter, si la mère ressent le besoin de ralentir ou de clore l'histoire, alors il est temps d'emprunter le chemin du servage, qu'il soit partiel ou complet.Ce livre a pour objectif de vous donner des outils pour vous permettre d'effectuer cette transition en douceur, pour vous et votre enfant, que vous souhaitiez simplement réduire le nombre de tétées ou sevrer totalement.

  • von Carey N. Ingram
    14,00 €

    Today's world presents many challenges to raising children, including ever-changing technology, gangs, drug culture, and an array of other harmful influences. It's more difficult than ever to help children be safe, stable, happy, and able to resist temptations. In Rearing Children in a Postmodern World, author Pastor Carey N. Ingram guides you through the complexities of Christian parenting and gives hope to those overwhelmed by the worldly conditions. Building on his experiences as a parent, grandparent, teacher, pastor, and mentor, he provides advice about teaching children to live a life that is pleasing in the eyes of God. He explores the origin of the dysfunctional family, emphasizes the importance of mentoring, and discusses.

  • von D. H. Collins
    20,00 €

    Become a better partner and future father as you gear up for the biggest game of your life - Keep reading to get a play-by-play on how you can become your partner's best teammate! So, you just found out you're having a baby with the love of your life. What now? Moms-to-be are given unlimited resources on how they can properly and confidently navigate their first pregnancy from Week 1. Dads-to-be, however, are left wanting. It comes as no surprise that most pregnant women are left to their own devices while their partners simply tag along with confused looks on their faces. But not anymore! "The Rookie Dad's Guide to Fatherhood: What to Expect During Your Partner's Pregnancy and Beyond" gives you real-world guidance on how to be the best expectant father there is! From finding out you're having a baby to childbirth, this guide mixes valuable insights with good humor when covering ALL important stages - from choosing a doctor to the experience of labor, what it will cost, and so much more! Here's what's in store: ¿ Answers to all your most pressing questions: Never be clueless again! Get practical advice and insights to better understand what your partner is going through physically, mentally, and emotionally so you can better support them through it all. ¿ Expect the unexpected: Most pregnancies don't always go according to plan. To be the best partner and future father you can be, you'll get a preview into how pregnancies can unfold in real life and how you can tackle them proactively without losing your cool or sense of humor.

  • von Elaine Hogan
    22,00 - 36,00 €

  • von Kalena Wheeler
    29,00 €

    I Am a Treasure is a beautiful reminder to your children to look to God in all instances. It's a wonderful reminder that He will always be there to comfort, encourage, and protect them. Find Bible verses that connect to real-world troubles that kids face and allow them to find reassurance and inspiration in the Word.

  • von Patrick Johnson
    16,00 €

    Nurturing Your Child - Powerful Concepts to Reinforce Your Child's Confidence, Self-esteem, and Growth One of the most important responsibilities a parent can have is to raise their child.When nurtured and encouraged, each child develops according to his or her unique temperament and abilities. Parents have the ability to shape the future of their children and help them grow into confident, compassionate, and successful adults. Nurturing Your Child is a book that teaches parenting skills and techniques in a fun and direct manner to both new and experienced parents. Nurturing Your Child includes: Keys to Understanding Your ChildRealizing What Is Best for Your KidMake Special Time For Your ChildDemonstrate Unconditional LoveBuild Your Childs Self EsteemDevelop Your Child's IntelligenceSet an Example for Your ChildImpact of Peer Pressure on Your ChildTeach Your Child How to CommunicateAnd Much More…. What are you waiting for? Join us on this exciting journey

  • von Chris Lake
    29,00 €

    This book aims to make parenting easier for you. Parents now have a guide to navigate challenging behaviors by providing evidence-based formulas you can use in everyday settings. This how-to guide establishes how to implement rules, redirect tantrums, decrease picky eating, build communication, and more. This book provides parents with specifics of what to say and what to do by laying out reliable phrases and methods in plain language.

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