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Schwangerschaft & Elternschaft

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  • von Nicole Tersigni
    14,00 €

    From in-laws and other parents to complete strangers and even your own kids?when it comes to parenting, everyone's a critic. Against the classic backdrop of fine art, Tersigni's captions poke fun at the many "experts" who think they know more than you about your own children

  • von Jaltas
    29,00 €

  • von Chaithra P. T.
    35,00 €

    The Book entitled "Analysis of recurrent pregnancy loss during first trimester - a genetic, hormonal and molecular study" has been meticulously segregated into five chapters according to the order mentioned below.Review Of Literature consists of general introduction to recurrent pregnancy loss comprising the incidence and etiology associated with RPL followed by a. comprehensive literature review with respect to RPL.Chapter 1 entitled "Establishment and analysis of Genetic Registries and Pedigree Analysis to study the pattern of inheritance" constitutes thebasic information regarding age, domicile, medical history, family history, reproductive history and lifestyle factors collected through genetic registry from cases and control group and its association with RPL.Chapter 2 entitled 'Analysis of variations in the hormonal profile by ELISA" reports the association of variation in the hormonal profile carried out through ELISA not only in the luetal phase but also in the follicular phase and it association with RPL.Chapter 3 entitled "Chromosomal analysis through karyotyping and G-banding" which comprises a comprehensive result of the chromosomal aberrations through the analysis of G banded karyotypes carried out in both case and control group.Chapter 4 entitled "Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism in CYP1A1and eNos gene" consists of two sections. Section I include molecular investigation of single nucleotide polymorphism in CYP1A1and eNos gene through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing. The obtained results were further analysed with the help of bioinformatics tools to analyze any variation and its association with RPL which is documented in Section II .Discussion and Conclusions followed by summary of the book, implications and the future prospects of the study undertaken. The book ends with complete literature cited in the book followed by list of research publications, presentations, workshop and conferences attended.

  • von Trista Frost
    30,00 €

    If you want to know how to become a pro at parenting and know all the secrets to raise a happy kid, then keep reading...Do you find it hard to communicate with your child effectively? Do you feel lost when your child throws a tantrum in front of everyone? Well, then you are exactly at the right place because this book has the solution to all your problems. This is the new parenting bible that will make this journey of being a first-time parent much easier. Children are humans just like us, and they have bad days too, so it's quite natural for them to experience negative emotions. This book will provide you with time-tested strategies that will help you build a strong foundation with your child, which will, in turn, help you in the long run to form a lasting relationship.It's very common for parents to feel confused when it comes to expressing strong emotions. But did you know there are plenty of ways in which you can express all that you are feeling without being hurtful to your child? Yes, and you are going to learn those important tactics inside this book. This book will provide you with proven methods to understand your child through both verbal and non-verbal cues and then respond in a meaningful way. Whether you are simply trying to get your kid to eat their greens or get them ready for their first day of school, there is a right way for everything. Reactive parenting is not going to do you any good. Parents often start to yell when they lose their cool - that is their autopilot mode. But once you reach the end of this book, you will learn to reprogram your autopilot mode into a calmer and more embracing approach.Here is a summarized version of all the key points which have been mentioned in this book -Understanding your child's emotionsHoning listening skillsBecoming more patient with kidsDisarming your triggersDiscipline tacticsHandling tantrumsAnd more...Even if you feel that being a parent is overwhelming, give this book a try - it is going to change your perspective on many things. Effective conflict resolution and learning to calm your own stress often helps in breaking several toxic patterns of parenting and teaches you to react in skillful ways. Remember that your kid is going to learn everything from you - so, if they see a kinder and compassionate version of you, they themselves are going to become kinder human beings when they grow up. This is exactly what creates a generational change. Harness the power of more such calmer autopilot reactions and cultivate respectful communication. If there is something you regret about not getting as a child, don't let the same happen to your kid. Your parenting tactics can create a lasting impact and also create a model for generations to come. If you are interested in more such simple yet effective steps, all you have to do is scroll up and click on the Buy Now button!

  • von Barbara Kuhls
    22,00 €

    Te-ai întrebat vreodat¿ ce se întâmpl¿ când îi spui Domnului, "Trimite-m¿"?¿¿¿¿P¿rin¿i cu experien¿¿ a doi copii ajun¿i adul¿i, activ implicäi în slujire, ¿i de mult¿ vreme urmäi ai lui Dumnezeu, Barbara Kuhls ¿i söul s¿u nu au visat niciodat¿ c¿ vor sluji drept p¿rin¿i din nou. În cartea sa, În A¿teptare Dup¿ Dumnezeu, Barbara poveste¿te traseul ei ¿i al söului ei prin care au împlinit chemarea lui Dumnezeu pentru vie¿ile lor, prin adop¿ia internäional¿ a unui b¿ie¿el cu nevoi speciale din România.¿¿¿De-a lungul acestei pove¿ti miraculoase, Barbara încorporeaz¿ descoperirile în¿elese de ea ¿i söul ei despre credin¿¿, ascultarea dup¿ glasul ¿i c¿l¿uzirea lui Dumnezeu, precum ¿i încrederea c¿ El poart¿ de grij¿ tuturor nevoilor, pe m¿sur¿ ce au navigat fiecare etap¿ a procesului de adop¿ie. C¿l¿toria lor nu a fost una f¿r¿ obstacole, îns¿ a fost plin¿ de harul ¿i puterea lui Dumnezeu.¿¿Dac¿ ¿i-a cerut Dumnezeu vreodat¿ s¿ faci ceva în afara zonei tale de confort, pöi primi speran¿¿ ¿i încurajare din povestea aceasta despre împlinirea promisiunilor lui Dumnezeu prin credin¿¿ ¿i r¿bdare."Ascultarea face mai mult decât jertfele." -1 Samuel 15:22

  • von Dane A. Reid
    27,00 €

    Forget Having Kids - I'm Having Fun is a book about making choices: Choices about living life, and about giving life. Through clever, intimate, and relatable personal anecdotes, author Dane Reid shares why he chooses a child-free life. His no-holds-barred, real-life, and sometimes exaggerated stories are equal parts edgy, racy, funny, and wise. Forget Having Kids pushes boundaries in its examination of such topics as: parental rights, corporal punishment, expectations vs reality of being a parent, and the high cost of raising children. This insight-filled book encourages positive self-care while challenging traditional ideas of the role a man plays in deciding whether or not to have children.Forget Having Kids - I'm Having Fun is the perfect conversation starter for parents reflecting on their journey through parenthood, people considering having children, the childfree by choice community, or anyone intrigued by the possibility of a child-free life and the freedom that it can bring: Basically everyone except kids.

  • von Janay Harden
    19,00 €

    From the best-selling author of Hey, Brown Girl, comes part three of a twisty, suspense-filled young adult series about grief and family with a morally gray character on the road to redemption.Sometimes the Big Bad Wolf is you . . .Still reeling from the death of her beloved Ez, Indigo Lewis throws herself into her work as an intern at Synergy Publishing House. Yet when a challenging co-worker, Bryce Fuller, begins threatening her family and livelihood-the voices in Indigo's head awaken and urge her to do unspeakable things to protect them.Fighting a losing battle with her own darkness, the arrival of a surprise visitor changes her from the hunter to the hunted. If she wants to get through her second year of college unscathed, now more than ever-she must curb the impulses tempting her to continue her murderous reign.Caught between self-discovery and self-destruction, Indigo feels her sanity slipping. And with that, more family secrets are spilled and careless mistakes threaten to expose her true nature to both friends and foes. In the midst of it all-she is confronted with an impossible choice.How far will she go to protect the ones that she loves? And what will she lose in the process?

  • von Jaltas
    20,00 €

  • von Jaltas
    20,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Jaltas
    20,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Jaltas
    20,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Jaltas
    20,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Kenneth Harvey
    32,00 - 61,00 €

  • von Hódi Tóth József, Sabine Kupfer, Sabine Link-Kreuter, usw.
    14,90 - 22,90 €

  • von Astrid Eldflug
    17,90 €

    Förderung der visuellen Wahrnehmung von Geburt an. Starke Kontraste, klare Formen und leuchtende Farben unterstützen Babys beim Schauen und Entdecken. Dadurch wird ihre Sehentwicklung gefördert. 36 kontrastreiche Bilder zum Schauen und Staunen.Frühkindliche Wahrnehmungsförderung für Neugeborene, Babys und besondere Kinder.

  • von Anna Greie
    19,90 - 29,90 €

  • von Steven Pennings
    9,60 €

    Die wichtigste Herausforderung, die Sie als relativ erfahrene Menschen bzw. Pädagogen und Erzieher innehaben ist, das ¿Kind¿ zu befähigen, selbstständig sein Leben zu führen. Genau diese Aufgabe, die so einfach gesagt bzw. beschrieben ist, braucht, um sie praktisch auszuüben, nicht nur pädagogische Methoden, sondern Voraussetzungen, die über den eigenen Horizont hinausreichen.

  • von Allison King-Ramsey
    29,00 - 37,00 €

  • von Janet McMahon
    29,00 €

    Maybe you are separated from someone you love. With faith and encouragement from adults, children can remember who they miss and know they are still loved even when they are apart.

  • von Romi Schmid
    19,95 €

    Ist es Mami, die durch ihre kleine Tochter spricht? Oder ist es Mami, die es schafft, was nur Mütter können: Die Gedanken ihres Kindes zu verstehen und sie zu «übersetzen»? Wie auch immer, die ungeschminkten Einblicke in das Leben mit erst einem, und später zwei Kleinkindern in 55 Textschnipseln sind eine sehr unterhaltsame Lektüre für Eltern, Grosseltern, Familie und Freunde, die darin viele Identifikationsmomente finden werden. Auch Paare, die Eltern werden wollen oder es bald sein werden, können sich anhand der mit einem Augenzwinkern geschriebenen Texte schon einmal darauf vorbereiten.

  • von Björn Habermann
    24,90 €

    Wie wäre es, wenn Ihr Kind morgens voller Begeisterung aufwacht? Wie wäre es, wenn Ihr Kind in der Klassengemeinschaft integriert ist und nachmittags mit Freunden herumtobt anstatt allein vor dem Fernseher oder Smartphone zu sitzen? Und wie wäre es, wenn Ihr Kind eine gesunde Haltung und eine sportliche Einstellung zum Leben hat? Das Buch Kindern den Rücken stärken zeigt ihnen einen Weg, wie sie ihr Kind aus der sozialen Isolation unter Gleichaltrige bringen und den Weg zu einer der 15 beliebtesten Sportarten ebnen können. Sie erfahren, wie sie ihrem Kind auf einfache Art und Weise soziale Kompetenz vermitteln, die augenblicklich zu mehr Selbstwertgefühl verhilft, zu besseren schulischen Leistungen führt und nicht zuletzt einen größeren Freundeskreis beschert.Interviews mit namhaften Trainern und Sportlern wie Ulrike Nasse-Meyfarth, Karl-Heinz Körbel und Marie Lang zeigen, wie ihren Kindern spielerisch ein positives Wertesystem vermittelt wird. Jede Trainerin und jeder Trainer beschreiben, wie Kinder für den Sport zu begeistern sind und welche sportlichen und mentalen Fähigkeiten vermittelt werden. Sie lernen deren eigenen sportlichen Werdegang bis heute kennen und erhalten spannende Information über den Alltag eines jungen Sportlers und das tägliche Training mit den Kindern. Den stabilen, starken Körper - und definitiv weniger Rückenschmerzen - gibt es automatisch dazu.

  • von Kari Alvaro
    21,00 €

    In our current culture, is it even possible to raise kids of faith who are governed by character, have solid family relationships, and are contributors to their world? Yes, yes, and yes! Leaving a Family Legacy is written to instill confidence in you to courageously raise your children in the ways of the Lord. Rather than delivering formulas, the Alvaros share principles found in God's Word, which can be implemented uniquely within your family. Through real-life scenarios, Kari and Gerald share successes, failures, and the lessons learned from both. They invite you to cast a vision for your family and choose the values you wish to impart and then offer strategies for implementing ways of living into your goals. You'll walk through character development, the four primary stages of parenting, how to restore peace out of chaos, and how to develop strong family bonds of love and trust. With an emphasis on reaching the heart of your children as much as influencing their behavior, you'll learn to inspire them to walk with God and equip them to make wise choices for themselves. Designed for putting principles into practice, each chapter is followed by application steps for implementing strategies as well as discussion questions for small group study.Leaving a Family Legacy offers you hope and guidance in the daily activities of raising your kids to know God personally, bring joy to your family, and make a difference in their world.

  • von Jaltas
    29,00 €

  • von Jaltas
    20,00 €

  • von Jaltas
    20,00 - 29,00 €

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