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  • - from the internationally bestselling author of Normal People
    von Sally Rooney
    12,00 - 18,00 €

  • von Matt Haig
    12,00 - 20,00 €

    The touching, funny and heartwarming new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author of How to Stop Time and Reasons to Stay Alive

  • von Gary Chapman
    19,00 €

    The 5 Love Languages is a transformative book penned by the renowned author, Gary Chapman. Published in 2015 by Moody Publishers, this book has captured the hearts of readers worldwide. The genre of the book is self-help, focusing on personal relationships and emotional well-being. Chapman explores the concept of 'love languages,' which are unique ways in which individuals express and interpret love. He provides insightful guidance on understanding your own love language as well as that of your partner. This knowledge can lead to more fulfilling and meaningful relationships. The 5 Love Languages is more than just a book; it's a tool for nurturing your personal growth and enhancing your relationships. Don't miss the chance to learn from Gary Chapman's profound wisdom and experiences.

  • - Are you Anxious, Avoidant or Secure? How the science of adult attachment can help you find - and keep - love
    von Amir Levine & Rachel Heller
    13,00 €

    'A groundbreaking book that redefines what it means to be in a relationship.' - John Gray, PhD., bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from VenusIs there a science to love? In this groundbreaking book, psychiatrist and neuroscientist Amir Levine and psychologist Rachel S. F. Heller reveal how an understanding of attachment theory - the most advanced relationship science in existence today - can help us find and sustain love.Pioneered by psychologist John Bowlby in the 1950s, the field of attachment explains that each of us behaves in relationships in one of three distinct ways:Anxious people are often preoccupied with their relationships and tend to worry about their partner's ability to love them back.Avoidant people equate intimacy with a loss of independence and constantly try to minimize closeness. Secure people feel comfortable with intimacy and are usually warm and loving.With fascinating psychological insight, quizzes and case studies, Dr Amir Levine and Rachel Heller help you understand the three attachment styles, identify your own and recognize the styles of others so that you can find compatible partners or improve your existing relationship. An insightful look at the science behind love, Attached offers readers a road map for building stronger, more fulfilling connections.

  • von Robert Greene
    20,00 €

    Mastery, a captivating book penned by the acclaimed author Robert Greene, is a must-read for anyone seeking to unlock their full potential. Published in 2012 by Profile Books Ltd, the book delves into the realm of self-improvement, a genre that Greene is renowned for. Mastery is not just a book; it's a roadmap to success, meticulously crafted by Greene, who has spent years studying the lives of history's most accomplished individuals. It provides readers with a comprehensive guide on how to achieve mastery in their own lives, using historical figures as examples of what can be achieved with dedication, passion, and a thirst for knowledge. The book is written in English, making it accessible to a global audience. This publication by Profile Books Ltd is a testament to Greene's profound understanding of human nature and his ability to articulate complex ideas in an engaging and relatable manner. Grab your copy of Mastery today and embark on a life-changing journey towards personal and professional fulfillment.

  • - OKRs: The Simple Idea that Drives 10x Growth
    von Kris Duggan & John Doerr
    17,00 €

  • - Notes on Start Ups, or How to Build the Future
    von Blake Masters & Peter Thiel
    14,00 €

    WHAT VALUABLE COMPANY IS NOBODY BUILDING?The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won t make a search engine. If you are copying these guys, you aren t learning from them. It s easier to copy a model than to make something new: doing what we already know how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. Every new creation goes from 0 to 1. This book is about how to get there. Peter Thiel has built multiple breakthrough companies, and Zero to One shows how. ELON MUSK, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla This book delivers completely new and refreshing ideas on how to create value in the world. MARK ZUCKERBERG, CEO of Facebook When a risk taker writes a book, read it. In the case of Peter Thiel, read it twice. Or, to be safe, three times. This is a classic. NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB, author of The Black Swan

  • - The Education of a Reluctant Businessman - Including 10 More Years of Business as Usual
    von Yvon Chouinard
    19,00 €

    Let My People Go Surfing is a compelling read by the renowned author, Yvon Chouinard. Published by Penguin Putnam Inc in 2016, this book is a unique blend of autobiography, business philosophy, and outdoor adventure. It's a story of a man who brought doing good and having grand adventures into the heart of his business life. Chouinard's tale illuminates his life's work to change the way businesses operate for the better. A must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of outdoor adventure, environmentalism, and ethical business practices. Dive into the world of Yvon Chouinard, and you'll never look at business the same way again.

  • - The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
    von Greg McKeown
    15,00 €

    Have you ever found yourself struggling with information overload? Have you ever felt both overworked and underutilised? Do you ever feel busy but not productive? If you answered yes to any of these, the way out is to become an Essentialist. In Essentialism, Greg McKeown, CEO of a Leadership and Strategy agency in Silicon Valley who has run courses at Apple, Google and Facebook, shows you how to achieve what he calls the disciplined pursuit of less. Being an Essentialist is about a disciplined way of thinking. It means challenging the core assumption of We can have it all and I have to do everything and replacing it with the pursuit of the right thing, in the right way, at the right time'.By applying a more selective criteria for what is essential, the pursuit of less allows us to regain control of our own choices so we can channel our time, energy and effort into making the highest possible contribution toward the goals and activities that matter. Using the experience and insight of working with the leaders of the most innovative companies and organisations in the world, McKeown shows you how to put Essentialism into practice in your own life, so you too can achieve something great.

  • von Rupi Kaur
    14,00 €

    From the Number One SundayTimes bestselling author of milk and honey and the sun and her flowers comes her greatly anticipated third collection of poetry.

  • von J. K. Rowling
    12,00 - 168,00 €

    Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He lives a very unremarkable life. That is until an owl turns up with a letter addressed to Harry and all hell breaks loose.

  • - How To Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days
    von Jake Knapp
    19,00 €

    Entrepreneurs and leaders face big questions every day: What's the most important place to focus your effort, and how do you start? What will your idea look like in real life? From three partners at Google Ventures, this book presents a unique five-day process for solving tough business problems, proven at more than 100 companies.

  • von Koyoharu Gotouge
    213,00 €

  • von Schuster & To Be Confirmed Simon
    12,00 €

  • - The debut book from Florence Given
    von Florence Given
    11,00 - 18,00 €

    'The Beauty Myth' for the Instagram generation.

  • - Håndbog til begyndere
    von Emma Bitz, Laura Hardahl, Anna-Sophie Hartvigsen & usw.
    20,00 €

    Investering har ingen alder, og det er aldrig for sent eller for tidligt at komme i gang. Er du begynder i investeringsverdenen, kan det imidlertid være svært at navigere rundt i en verden, som aldrig sover, hvor tal og grafer altid er i bevægelse, og hvor nye termer og fremmede begreber jævnligt dukker op. Det er en verden, hvor du let kan tabe overblikket i mængden af information, og hvor de muligheder og risici, der løbende opstår, nemt bliver overset. Bogen beskæftiger sig udelukkende med langsigtet investering i aktier, obligationer og investeringsbeviser for frie midler på det regulerede marked i Danmark. Udgangspunktet for investering er at opnå økonomisk gevinst. Du får et overblik over og en overordnet forståelse for investeringsverdenen, så du føler dig tilstrækkeligt klædt på til at kunne gå i gang i det tempo, der passer dig, med en erkendelse af, hvilke midler du kan tåle at investere, hvilken risikoprofil du har, og hvor lang tidshorisont du investerer med. Forfatternes formål med bogen er, på baggrund af egne erfaringer, at åbne døren til investeringsverdenen, som på mange måder kan virke svært tilgængelig. Men de videregiver også nogle af de ”dos and don’ts”, der er forbundet med at investere som begynder. De ved, hvordan det føles at være begynder i investeringsverdenen. De ved, hvilke usikkerheder og udfordringer du står over for som ny investor, og de har en grundig indsigt i de forhold, du skal være opmærksom på, og de forbehold du skal have, når du vil begynde at investere. Bogen er således inspireret af deres egen rejse fra usikre til selvsikre investorer. De repræsenterer deres egen målgruppe, og har derfor skrevet den bog, de selv havde brug for, da de gik i gang med at investere. Bogen henvender sig til dig – mand og kvinde, ung og gammel – der gerne vil i gang med at investere men ikke ved, hvor du skal begynde. Den er skrevet ud fra en overbevisning om, at alle kan lære at investere deres penge. Investering behøver nemlig ikke være svært, og det behøver ikke være forbeholdt de få. Du skal blot starte med at investere din tid og sætte dig grundigt ind i markedet. Forord af Tom Hougaard, Investor/daytrader og kommentator i Millionærklubben på Radio24syv.

  • - Activate Your Potential, Transcend Your Limits
    von Wim Hof
    14,00 €

  • - The Ancient Art of Turning Adversity to Advantage
    13,00 €

    Discover the timeless philosophy of turning trials into triumph with 'The Obstacle is the Way' by Ryan Holiday. Published in 2015 by Profile Books Ltd, this masterpiece takes you on a journey through the genre of self-help and personal development. Holiday, an acclaimed writer and strategist, crafts a compelling narrative that teaches you how to transform your challenges into opportunities. Drawing inspiration from stoicism, the book encourages you to perceive obstacles as stepping stones to success. 'The Obstacle is the Way' is more than just a book; it's a mental toolkit that empowers you to conquer adversity and achieve your goals. Dive into this enlightening read and let it guide you on the path to resilience and perseverance.

  • - A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam
    von A Helwa
    24,00 - 28,98 €

  • - A Leadership Fable
    von Patrick M. (Emeryville Lencioni
    26,00 €

    The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a compelling, insightful book by Patrick M. Lencioni. Published by John Wiley & Sons Inc in 2002, this book has made waves in its genre. The book delves into the fundamental causes of organizational politics and team failure. Lencioni, with his profound understanding of the subject, presents a powerful model and actionable steps that can be used to overcome common hurdles and build a cohesive, effective team. This is a must-read for anyone looking to improve team dynamics and foster an environment of trust and productivity. Don't miss out on this enlightening read from John Wiley & Sons Inc.

  • - Psykologiske og kognitive aspekter
    von Sidsel Bekke-Hansen
    35,00 €

    Bogen henvender sig til mennesker, som har fået konstateret stofskiftesygdom i deres voksenliv, samt til deres pårørende. Den er også relevant for fagfolk, der arbejder med lavt stofskifte i det daglige. Bogen har fokus på de mulige psykologiske symptomer ved lavt stofskifte. Symptomer som nedtrykthed, manglende initiativ, glædesløshed og angst. Bogen kommer også omkring mulige kognitive symptomer, såsom opmærksomheds- og hukommelsesbesvær, vanskeligheder med at træffe og gennemføre beslutninger samt at orientere sig i rum og retning. Indledningsvist præsenteres medicinske fakta om lavt stofskifte, herunder symptomer, behandling og potentielle følgesygdomme. Bogen handler endvidere om de mulige reaktioner på at få en kronisk sygdom. Om mulige ændringer i livskvalitet, sociale relationer og arbejdsforhold samt ufrivillig barnløshed, seksualitet og følelser af tab og sorg. Bogen indeholder forslag til lindring, hvis man oplever symptomer fra sit lave stofskifte, herunder fokus på stressreduktion, bedring af søvn, livsstil, ændring af negative eller ængstelige tanker samt opmærksomheds- og hukommelsesstrategier. Der inddrages viden fra nyeste forskning i bogen, ligesom forfatteren trækker på sin viden som sundhedspsykolog. Bogen indeholder ligeledes otte fortællinger fra danskere, der lever med lavt stofskifte. Bogen kan læses på flere niveauer. Læseren kan orientere sig i de indledende resumeer af hvert kapitel og herefter læse udvalgte dele af bogen eller få dybdegående viden om lavt stofskifte ved at læse bogen i sin helhed. Forfatteren er psykolog og ph.d. med speciale i sundhedspsykologi og har skrevet fagartikler og redigeret fagbøger inden for det sundhedspsykologiske område. Herudover har forfatteren selv lavt stofskifte og møder andre med lavt stofskifte gennem sin psykologpraksis.

  • von Walter Isaacson
    26,98 - 28,00 €

    From the author of Steve Jobs and other bestselling biographies, this is the astonishingly intimate story of Elon Musk, the most fascinating and controversial innovator of our era—a rule-breaking visionary who helped to lead the world into the era of electric vehicles, private space exploration, and artificial intelligence. Oh, and took over Twitter. When Elon Musk was a kid in South Africa, he was regularly beaten by bullies. One day a group pushed him down some concrete steps and kicked him until his face was a swollen ball of flesh. He was in the hospital for a week. But the physical scars were minor compared to the emotional ones inflicted by his father, an engineer, rogue, and charismatic fantasist. His father’s impact on his psyche would linger. He developed into a tough yet vulnerable man-child, prone to abrupt Jekyll-and-Hyde mood swings, with an exceedingly high tolerance for risk, a craving for drama, an epic sense of mission, and a maniacal intensity that was callous and at times destructive. At the beginning of 2022—after a year marked by SpaceX launching thirty-one satellites, Tesla selling a million cars, and him becoming the richest man on earth—Musk spoke ruefully about his compulsion to stir up dramas. “I need to shift my mindset away from being in crisis mode, which it has been for about fourteen years now, or arguably most of my life,” he said. It was a wistful comment, not a New Year’s resolution. Even as he said it, he was secretly buying up shares of Twitter, the world’s ultimate playground. Over the years, whenever he was in a dark place, his mind went back to being bullied on the playground. Now he had the chance to own the playground.For two years, Isaacson shadowed Musk, attended his meetings, walked his factories with him, and spent hours interviewing him, his family, friends, coworkers, and adversaries. The result is the revealing inside story, filled with amazing tales of triumphs and turmoil, that addresses the question: are the demons that drive Musk also what it takes to drive innovation and progress?

  • von Oliver Burkeman
    13,00 €

  • - Life and Work
    von Ray Dalio
    28,00 €

    Dalio "shares the unconventional principles that he's developed, refined, and used over the past forty years to create unique results in both life and business--and which any person or organization can adopt to help achieve their goals"

  • - Iconic Cars and Stories from the Men Who Love Them
    von Matt Hranek
    40,00 €

    In the same format as A Man & His Watch, A Man & His Car is a celebration of cars and stories that speak to the heart of men's obsession with them.

  • von Kim Scott
    11,00 - 24,00 €

  • - Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't
    von Simon Sinek
    13,00 €

    Imagine a world where almost everyone wakes up inspired to go to work, feels trusted and valued during the day, then returns home feeling fulfilled. This is not a crazy, idealized notion. Today, in many successful organizations,great leaders are creating environments in which people naturally work together to do remarkable things.In Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek, internationally bestselling author of Start With Why, investigates these great leaders from Marine Corps Officers, who don't just sacrifice their place at the table but often their own comfort and even their lives for those in their care, to the heads of big business and government - each putting aside their own interests to protect their teams. Sinek argues that this is what it means to be a leader and asks are you a leader?'As refreshingly simple and easy to follow as it is thought-provoking' Management Today

  • von Alice Oseman
    13,00 - 18,00 €

    In case you're wondering, this is not a love story."e;The Catcher in the Rye for the digital age"e; The TimesMy name is Tori Spring. I like to sleep and I like to blog. Last year - before all that stuff with Charlie and before I had to face the harsh realities of A-Levels and university applications and the fact that one day I really will have to start talking to people - I had friends. Things were very different, I guess, but that's all over now.Now there's Solitaire. And Michael Holden.I don't know what Solitaire are trying to do, and I don't care about Michael Holden.I really don't.This incredible debut novel by outstanding young author Alice Oseman is perfect for fans of John Green, Rainbow Rowell and all unflinchingly honest writers.

  • - Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More
    von Arin Murphy-Hiscock
    15,00 €


  • - Insider's Edition
    von Anthony Bourdain
    15,00 €

    Kitchen Confidential is a captivating book penned by the renowned author, Anthony Bourdain. Published in 2013 by Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, this book delves into the thrilling and often unseen world of culinary arts. Bourdain, with his characteristic wit and candor, takes the reader on an unforgettable journey behind the scenes of restaurant kitchens, revealing both the highs and lows of the food industry. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the genre of culinary literature. It offers an insightful, no-holds-barred view of what it truly means to be a chef. Kitchen Confidential is a testament to Bourdain's love for food and his respect for those who dedicate their lives to creating it. Read it to explore the culinary world through the eyes of one of its most iconic figures.

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