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  • - Hiking the White Trail in Bosnia & Herzegovina
    18,00 €

    Via Dinarica Travel Guide - Expert travel advice on routes through the Dinaric Alps, with detailed descriptions of the 13 stages of the White Route, through Bosnia and Herzegovina. Includes everything from preparation and detailed maps to hotels, restaurants, flora and fauna, plus information on planning, public transport, culture and language.

    14,95 €

    Der Falk Straßenatlas Deutschland wird ergänzt durch die beiden angrenzenden Reiseländer Österreich und Schweiz. In dem Detailmaßstab 1:300 000 sind selbst kleine Orte zu finden. Die praktische Spiralbindung sorgt zusätzlich für bestes Handling.

  • von Frank Deppe
    22,80 €

    Dieses Buch setzt (nicht nur) besondere optische Akzente: Die von dem Sylter Journalisten und Autor Frank Deppe erstellte Publikation "Sylt - die Werbe-Ikone" dokumentiert in sehr anschaulicher Form die Geschichte der Insel und ihrer Werbung im 20. Jahrhundert. Genau genommen vereint das Werk gleichsam zwei Bücher in einem: Es verdeutlicht, nach Jahrzehnten geordnet, die werbliche Entwicklung Sylts wie auch die Ereignisse, die das Eiland im vergangenen Jahrhundert bewegten.Strand- und Badeleben, Leuchttürme und Dünen, Möwen und das Biikebrennen, leicht bekleidete Damen in der Brandung und ein Flirt am Strandkorb, aber auch Hakenkreuz-Flaggen an der Westerländer Promenade - die Bandbreite der zum Teil von Künstlern gemalten Motive auf den Titelseiten Sylter Werbeplakate und -prospekte zwischen 1900 und 1999 war groß. Zahlreiche Abbildungen aus allen Inselorten zeigen, auf welch unterschiedliche Weisen diese um Urlauber buhlten. Den Bogen zur Gegenwart spannt Moritz Luft: Der Geschäftsführer der Sylt Marketing Gesellschaft beleuchtet in einem interessanten Vorwort Sylt-Werbung im Wandel.Gleichzeitig ruft das großformatige Buch viele bedeutsame Ereignisse in Erinnerung, die Sylt im vergangenen Jahrhundert prägten, überraschten, vor Herausforderungen stellten. Natürlich finden sich darunter so markante Einschnitte wie die Kriege und der Strom der Heimatvertriebenen, Dammbau und Sturmfluten. Doch auch vielen anderen Begebenheiten wurde Platz eingeräumt: Dem versuchten Aufkauf Westerlands durch den Investor Reh und dem Verkauf der Neue-Heimat-Wohnungen in der Inselmetropole, der Eröffnung des Wellenbads und der Trennung der Gemeinden Rantum und Hörnum, einem tragischen Mordfall und einer Nummer für alle: Die Vorwahl 04651 für die gesamte Insel.

  • von Miriam Fuchs
    13,99 €

    Der Harz ist immer eine Reise wert - vor allem mit dem Wohnmobil. 16 Tourentipps von echten Harzern für Kulturliebhaber, Naturfreunde, Aktivurlauber und Familien mit Ausflugstipps abseits der Touristenrouten, ergänzt mit einer schönen Auswahl an Camping- und Wohnmobilstellplätzen und praktischen Tipps, damit Sie mit Ihrem Camper überall gut durchkommen. Entdecken Sie Goslar, Wernigerode, Stolberg, den Nationalpark Harz und vieles mehr.

  • von Nico Krauss
    128,00 €

    Die Magie des Segelns in schwarz-weiß: eine Hommage an den SegelsportRuhende Boote im sicheren Hafen, ein Traditionssegler auf Langfahrt im Sonnenuntergang oder Hochseeyachten, die bei einer Regatta auf rauer See um die Wette jagen - die Faszination des Segelns ist so vielfältig wie die Skipper und ihre Boote, die täglich auf den Wellen unterwegs sind.Segelfotograf Nico Krauss fängt mit der Kamera ein, was den Segelsport so einzigartig macht. Seine besten Aufnahmen präsentiert er in diesem Bildband in edlem Schwarz-Weiß: Aufwendig in Szene gesetzt und großformatig gedruckt zeigen sie die Schönheit des Segelns in all ihren Facetten.. Großformatiger Bildband mit den besten Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografien des Segelfotografen Nico Krauss. Boote voller Anmut: vom traditionellen Segelboot bis zur modernen Luxusyacht - im Hafen, auf See und in rasanter Fahrt. Macht Lust auf den nächsten Segeltörn: die Faszination des Segelns eingefangen in beeindruckenden Blickwinkeln, ungewöhnlichen Details und spektakulären Perspektiven. Auf 1.000 Exemplare limitierte Luxusausgabe mit signiertem Unikat des Ausnahmefotografen - das perfekte Geschenk für Segler!Ausdrucksstark, kraftvoll, lebendig: ein faszinierender Bildband über die Magie des SegelnsNico Krauss braucht keine Farben, um die Schönheit des Segelns einzufangen. Seine Schwarz-Weiß-Fotos zeigen die würdevolle Eleganz klassischer Segelboote ebenso eindrucksvoll wie die technische Raffinesse moderner Luxusyachten oder die simple Schönheit traditioneller Bootsbaukunst bei kleinen Jollen. Sein Spiel mit Licht, Perspektiven und Tiefenschärfe fängt den Zauber jedes einzelnen Bootes gekonnt ein und zeigt das Segeln aus völlig neuen Blickwinkeln. Die Fotografien werden begleitet von einem einführenden Essay von Bestseller-Autor Marc Bielefeld und ergänzt mit einem signierten Unikat des Spitzenfotografen. Eine visuelle Liebeserklärung an das Segeln - für alle Bootsfans und Fotografie-Enthusiasten!

  • von Stephanie Fischer
    14,99 €

    Hier ist dein Camping-Logbuch! Tag für Tag gibt es neue Erlebnisse, neue Eindrücke, an die man sich gern erinnert. Dieses hochwertig gestaltete Logbuch mit Ausstanzung und Lesebändchen bietet reichlich Raum für Notizen, für eingeklebte Fähren- und Eintrittskarten, für Fotos, Stempel und vieles mehr. Mit wertvollen Tipps unserer Camping Experten ist es ein perfekter Begleiter für Camper, Wohnwagen, Van- oder Zelt-Urlauber.In Deinem Camping-Logbuch kannst Du Deine schönsten Strecken und Reiseziele festhalten, damit du dich später daran erinnern kannst. Du warst auf einem tollen Campingplatz, weißt aber nicht mehr, welcher das genau war? Ab jetzt kannst Du alle Infos in Deinem Logbuch eintragen: Reisetage, Entfernungen, Wetter, Camping- und Stellplatzinfos, Highlights Deiner Reise, sehenswerte Orte und Aktivitäten, Tipps und Infos für den nächsten Reisetag, persönliche Gedanken und Erinnerungen.Ob mit dem Camper, Reisemobil oder Wohnwagen - Das Camping-Logbuch ist der ideale Begleiter für jeden Roadtrip! Und das perfekte Geschenk zum Geburtstag oder Weihnachten für alle Camping-Fans!

  • - Vandring og forandring
    von Lone Klint Grønbæk
    23,00 €

    Camino - Vandring og forandring. Denne bog er en usminket og autentisk beretning om at drage alene afsted på 800 kilometers pilgrimsvandring i det omskiftelige nordspanske terræn. Gennem detaljerede rejsebreve og billeder inviteres læseren med på en spændende rejse og får et klart indblik i livet som nutidig pilgrim. Beretninger om nætter på sovesale, genstridige vabler, naturens kræfter og især portrætter af medpilgrimme, krydrer bogen.Bogens forfatter, Lone Klint Grønbæk, deler hudløst ærligt, såvel sin ydre, som sin indre rejse. Du indvies i, hvordan en lille sten kan føre til forløsning og hvordan en indre kamp, gennem 30 begivenhedsrige dage, langsomt og sikkert transformeres til uovervindelig kærlighed og tillid til sig selv og livet.Endvidere får du indblik i, hvordan livet kan komme til at hænge sammen igen, netop som håbet er mere usigtbart end bjergtoppene i morgendisen. Bogen handler, i al sin enkelhed, om at gå sin egen vej, for at finde sig selv og komme videre, som et helt menneske.

  • 14% sparen
    - 25 udflugts- og vandreture øst og nordøst for Málaga
    von Else Byskov
    34,00 €

    "Fod på Andalusien 2" indeholder 25 udflugts- og vandreforslag i den pragtfulde natur øst og nordøst for Málaga. Med sine 24 naturparker med uberørt og vild natur er Andalusien et eldorado for den vandreglade, og bogen tager læseren ved hånden og tager hende med ind i det ukendte Spanien. Bogen indeholder kortudsnit samt forslag til overnatninger og gode spisesteder.

  • - Guide til natur og bestigning 2. udgave
    von Bo Belvedere Christensen
    22,00 €

    Kilimanjaro er en mulig udfordring for den, der har lysten og viljen. Der skal forberedelser til, men de er ikke uoverkommelige. Du behøver ikke være eliteatlet, men en rimelig kondition vil hjælpe dig få det bedste ud af turen. Denne totalt reviderede 2. udgave af guidebogen forbereder dig på, hvad der skal til for at gøre bestigningen af Kilimanjaro til det, som den bør være: En uforglemmelig oplevelse for livet. Du får også noget viden om hvordan bjerget er blevet til og hvilken natur, du vil møde undervejs og hvad du med lidt held vil se af levende væsener. Forfatteren: Bo har gennem sin karriere som bjergbestiger været på toppen af tre af verdens 14 bjerge over 8000 meter, tre over 7000 meter og har derudover besteget 12 bjerge over 6000 meter i Himalaya og Andes. Bos forfatterkarriere begyndte som medforfatter af bogen "Ama Dablam - en bestigning af verdens smukkeste bjerg" og siden som medforfatter og redaktør af "Everest - drømmen og sejren". På BoD forlag har Bo tidligere udgivet "Baruntse", "Big E" og"Ubestegne Tinder" samt yderligere 4 bøger.

  • 12% sparen
    - 25 udflugts- og vandreture vest og nordvest for Málaga
    von Else Byskov
    27,00 €

    "Fod på Andalusien 3" indeholder 25 spændende udflugts- og vandreture i det pragtfulde område vest og nordvest for Málaga. Her er udflugter til spændende hvide byer, til ukendte bjergområder, til vilde slugter og til naturparker, paladser og blomstrende patios. Andalusien er fyldt med både kulturperler og vild natur, det emmer af historie, og der gemmer sig så mange ukendte steder, at selv den forvendte turist vil blive overrasket over alt det, der ligger og venter bagved Solkysten. Bogen indeholder kortudsnit og forslag til overnatninger og spisesteder. Det er den 3. bog i serien "Fod på Andalusien".

  • - A humorous guide for foreigners and their Danish Friends
    von Kay Xander Mellish
    19,00 €

    An updated version of the popular book based on the "How to Live in Denmark" podcast, with 8 new chapters.In this fun, easy-to-read book, Kay draws on her own experience as a foreigner in Denmark when it comes to learning Danish, trying to find a job in Denmark, and looking for a place to live in Copenhagen. She also touches on dating in Denmark, Danish drinking culture, Danish childraising, and how you can guess a Danish person's age from their first name alone. This entertaining look at life as an outsider in Denmark draws on gentle humor and can be enjoyed by both foreigners and their Danish friends.

  • - In Search of America
    von John Steinbeck
    12,00 €

    In 1960, when he was almost sixty years old, John Steinbeck set out to rediscover his native land. He felt that he might have lost touch with its sights, sounds and the essence of its people. Accompanied only by his dog, Charley, he travelled all across the United States in a pick-up truck. His journey took him through almost forty states, and he saw things that made him proud, angry, sympathetic and elated. All that he saw and experienced is described with remarkable honesty and insight. Nobel Prize-winning author John Steinbeck is remembered as one of the greatest and best-loved American writers of the twentieth century. During the 1930s, his works included The Red Pony, Pastures of Heaven, Tortilla Flat, In Dubious Battle, and Of Mice and Men. The Grapes of Wrath, published in 1939, earned him a Pulitzer Prize. In 1962, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

  • 14% sparen
    von Bruce Chatwin
    11,98 €

    Bruce Chatwin provides a fascinating background to indigenous Australian life. The songlines are the invisible pathways that criss-cross Australia, tracks connecting communities and following ancient boundaries.

  • 14% sparen
    von Peter Mayle
    12,00 €

    The bestselling, much-loved classic account of an English couple enjoying the fruits of French rural living - an irresistible feast of humour and heart.Peter Mayle and his wife did what most of us only imagine doing when they made their long-cherished dream of a life abroad a reality: throwing caution to the wind, they bought a glorious two hundred year-old farmhouse in the Lub ron Valley and began a new life.In a year that begins with a marathon lunch and continues with a host of gastronomic delights, they also survive the unexpected and often hilarious curiosities of rural life. From mastering the local accent and enduring invasion by bumbling builders, to discovering the finer points of boules and goat-racing, all the earthy pleasures of Proven al life are conjured up in this enchanting portrait.'One of the most successful travel books of all time... Mayle created a new travel genre' GuardianDelightful' Washington Post'Engaging, funny and richly appreciative' New York Times Book Review'Stylish, witty, delightfully readable' Sunday Times'I really loved this book' Julia Child

  • 14% sparen
    - An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel
    von Rolf Potts
    15,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Douglas Adams
    14,00 €

    Takes you on a journey across the world in search of exotic, endangered creatures - animals that they may never get another chance to see. This book describes the giant Komodo dragon of Indonesia, the helpless but lovable Kakapo of New Zealand, the blind river dolphins of China, and the rare birds of Mauritius island in the Indian Ocean.

  • - From the Iron Gates to Mount Athos
    von Patrick Leigh Fermor
    15,00 €

    The long-awaited final volume of the trilogy by Patrick Leigh Fermor. A Time of Gifts and Between the Woods and the Water were the first two volumes in a projected trilogy that would describe the walk that Patrick Leigh Fermor undertook at the age of eighteen from the Hook of Holland to Constantinople. 'When are you going to finish Vol. III?' was the cry from his fans; but although he wished he could, the words refused to come. The curious thing was that he had not only written an early draft of the last part of the walk, but that it predated the other two. It remains unfinished but The Broken Road - edited and introduced by Colin Thubron and Artemis Cooper - completes an extraordinary journey.

  • 19% sparen
    - Revised Second Edition
    von Patricia Schultz
    24,00 €

    1,000 Places to See Before You Die is an awe-inspiring book written by the talented Patricia Schultz. Published in 2015 by Workman Publishing, this book is an absolute must-have for travel enthusiasts and dreamers alike. As the title suggests, it provides a comprehensive list of 1,000 places that one should visit in their lifetime. The author meticulously details each location, making you feel as though you are already there. This book is more than just a travel guide; it's an exploration of culture, history, and natural beauty that spans the globe. Patricia Schultz, a celebrated author in the travel genre, invites you on a journey to discover the world's most fascinating places. Whether you're an avid traveler or a casual reader, you'll find yourself lost in the pages of this captivating book. Published by Workman Publishing, known for their quality prints, this book is a testament to their commitment to providing readers with engaging and enriching content. So, embark on this unforgettable journey and discover the 1,000 places to see before you die.

  • - A Deep Time Journey
    von Robert Macfarlane
    15,00 €

  • 10% sparen
    - Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia
    von Michael Booth
    13,00 €

    The Danes are the happiest people in the world, and pay the highest taxes. 'Neutral' Sweden is one of the biggest arms manufacturers in the world. Finns have the largest per capita gun ownership after the US and Yemen. 54 per cent of Icelanders believe in elves. Norway is the richest country on earth. This book deals with Nordic countries.

  • 18% sparen
    - Fifty Islands I Have Not Visited and Never Will
    von Judith Schalansky
    23,00 €

    An atlas that takes us across the oceans of the world to fifty remote islands. It features rare animals and lost explorers, marooned slaves and lonely scientists, mutinous sailors and forgotten castaways.

  • - The Story of Italy and its Citrus Fruit
    von Helena Attlee
    16,00 €

    Travellers have always been thrilled by the sight of citrus in Italy, where dark leaves and bright fruit seem to charge the landscape, making the trees symbols of a sun-soaked, poetic vision of the country. Citrus also holds a special place in the Italian imagination, and in The Land Where Lemons Grow, Helena Attlee sets out to explore its curious past and its enduring resonance in Italian culture.Building on a life of travel and work in Italy, she undertakes a journey encompassing the sticky streets of Ivrea during the Battle of Oranges, the comfortable gardens of Tuscany's villas and a magic triangle of land in Sicily, where the best blood oranges in the world grow in the shadow of a volcano.She maps the citron's long migration from the foothills of the Himalayas to the shores of southern Italy, traces the bitter juice of Seville oranges through ancient Roman and Renaissance cookery books, exposes early manifestations of the Mafia during the nineteenth-century citrus boom, and laments the loss of landscapes shaped by citrus cultivation.The book is a celebration of the unique qualities of Italy's citrus fruit, from bergamot that will thrive only on a short stretch of coastline, to Calabria's Diamante citrons, vital to Jews all over the world during the celebration of Sukkoth.The Land Where Lemons Grow is a heady mixture of travel writing, history, horticulture and art; a unique journey through Italy's cultural, culinary and political past.Helena Attlee is the author of four books about Italian gardens, and others on the cultural history of gardens around the world. Helena is a Fellow of the Royal Literary Fund and has worked in Italy for nearly 30 years.

  • - 40th Anniversary Edition
    von Robert Pirsig
    13,00 €

    Acclaimed as one of the most exciting books in the history of American letters, this modern epic became an instant bestseller upon publication in 1974, transforming a generation and continuing to inspire millions.

  • von Brandon Stanton
    32,00 €

    Brandon Stanton is back with the follow up to Humans of New York that his loyal followers have been waiting for: Humans of New York: Stories. Ever since Brandon began interviewing people on the streets of New York, the dialogue he's had with them has increasingly become as in-depth, intriguing and moving as the photos themselves. Humans of New York: Stories presents a whole new group of humans, complete with stories that delve deeper and surprise with greater candour.Back in the summer of 2010, photographer Brandon Stanton began an ambitious project - to single-handedly create a photographic census of New York City. The photos he took and the accompanying interviews became the blog Humans of New York. In the first three years, his audience steadily grew from a few hundred to over one million. In 2013, his book Humans of New York, based on that blog, was published and immediately catapulted to the top of the NY Times Bestseller List where it stayed for many weeks. The appeal of the Humans of New York blog has been so great that in the course of the next year Brandon's following increased tenfold to over 12 million followers on Facebook and is still growing.With his second inspiring look at the residents of New York, let Brandon Stanton and the people he's photographed astonish you.

  • von Stefan Bogner
    49,90 €

    Stefan Bogner is back in the Alps for his latest book.

  • - Travels in a Sunburned Country
    von Bill Bryson
    13,00 €

    It is the driest, flattest, hottest, most desiccated, infertile and climatically aggressive of all the inhabited continents and still Australia teems with life - a large portion of it quite deadly.

  • - The World's Funniest Travel Writer Takes a Hike
    von Bill Bryson
    13,00 €

    In the company of his friend Stephen Katz (last seen in the bestselling Neither Here nor There), Bill Bryson set off to hike the Appalachian Trail, the longest continuous footpath in the world.

  • 11% sparen
    - Women of the World in 500 Portraits
    von Mihaela Noroc
    28,00 €

  • - Hiking on Legendary Trails
    45,00 €

  • von Lonely Planet
    33,00 €

    Discover 200 of the best places to ride a bike in this beautifully illustrated hardback. From family-friendly, urban rides to epic adventures off the beaten track. Destinations range from Europe, for the world's great bike races, to the wilds of Mongolia. These journeys will inspire, whether you are an experienced cyclist or just getting started.

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