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  • von Eva Maria Nielsen
    19,50 €

    Endlich wieder Dänemark: Lilly und Nikolas besuchen ihre Freundin Diniz in Kopenhagen. Doch schon am ersten Tag tauchen überall rote Mützen mit Runen auf. Sogar die Kleine Meerjungfrau trägt eine - und auch viele andere Sehenswürdigkeiten. Die drei Freunde lernen die faszinierende Geschichte Kopenhagens kennen, stoßen auf Spuren des berühmten Märchenerzählers Hans Christian Andersen und begegnen immer wieder einem geheimnisvollen Mädchen. Hat sie etwas mit den roten Mützen zu tun? Was bedeuten die Runen? Lilly, Nikolas und Diniz setzen alles daran, dieses Rätsel zu lösen.Ferienabenteuer für Kinder und Reiseführer für Familien: die Kinderbuch-Serie "Lilly und Nikolas"Wenn die Geschwister Lilly und Nikolas mit ihren Eltern in den Urlaub fahren, erleben sie die schönsten Abenteuer, staunen über Dinge aus vergangenen Tagen, lösen Rätsel und manchmal auch einen kleinen Kriminalfall. Dabei entdecken sie jedes Mal Sehenswürdigkeiten und Ausflugsziele, die Kindern wirklich Spaß machen. Auf ihren Touren erfahren sie so ganz nebenbei viel über Land und Leute und die Geschichte ihrer Urlaubsregion!- Feriengeschichte voller Spaß, Rätsel und Abenteuer für Kinder von 7 bis 12 Jahren- Spannend und informativ: Urlaubslektüre und Reiseführer in einem Kinderbuch- Zum Selbstlesen ab der 3. Klasse oder zum gemeinsamen Lesen in der Familie- Die schönsten Urlaubsziele für Familien und Tipps für Ausflüge mit Kindern- Zoos, Freizeitparks und Museen, die Kinder begeistern- Geeignet für Buchvorstellungen und für die Leseförderung mit ANTOLIN- Kann auch im Heimat- und Sachunterricht in der Grundschule eingesetzt werdenOb Urlaub in Deutschland oder den Nachbarländern, ob Sommerferien am Meer oder Herbsturlaub in den Bergen: Diese Kinderbücher machen Lust, selbst die Koffer zu packen und loszuziehen!

  • von Motor Presse Stuttgart
    9,80 €

    Korfu, Kefalonia, Zakynthos ... Die sieben Ionischen Inseln an der Westküste Griechenlands verzaubern mit viel Grün und faszinierender venezianischer Kultur. Entdecken Sie herrliche Strände und spektakuläre Kreideküsten, Korfus malerische Hauptstadt Kerkyra, die zum Weltkulturerbe gehört, sowie Geheimtipps wie das ruhige Ithaka. Außerdem im Heft: ein Fähren-Spezial, Dresden, eine Radtour im Hohen Venn durch Belgien, Deutschland und Luxemburg sowie den Karibik-Traum Martinique.

  • von Nikolaus Philippi
    19,95 €

    Autor: Nikolaus Philippi - Taschenbuch A 4 mit 56 Seiten und 45 AbbildungenÜBER DAS BUCH:Großherzogtum Baden. Was war das für ein Territorium und was ist das heute? Wie kam es zum heutigen Baden-Württemberg? Fragen, die in diesem Buch beantwortet und geklärt wurden. Interessant, was die eingearbeiteten Zeichen auf den Grenzsteinen zu bedeuten haben. Wegen aller Besonderheiten in Sachen Grenze, die Wiechs am Randen im Großherzogtum Baden gegen dem schweizerischen Nachbarn Schaffhausen erlebt hat, ist es gerade dieser Ort wert, näher betrachtet zu werden.INHALT:Einleitung 4Ortschaft Wiechs am Randen 5Etwas regionale Geschichte 5Territorialzeit 6Entstehung des Großherzogtums Baden 6Deutsches Kaiserreich 7Ende des Kaiserreichs - Übergang zur Republik 7Bundesrepublik Deutschland 8Grenzbildung und -markierung 10Die Gemarkung Wiechs am Randen in historischen Karten 11Grenzvertrag 1839 13Bedeutung des Vertrags 18"Nachlese" zum Grenzvertrag 20Grenzbereinigung im "Schlauch" mit Kanton Schaffhausen 21Schweizer und deutsche "Stimmen" zum letzten Grenzvertrag 25Kurioser Grenzstein bei Wiechs am Randen 28Impressionen um und aus Wiechs am Randen 29"Stumme Wächter" um Wiechs am Randen 33Der Zoll im "Schlauch" 54Abschließende Grenzwanderung 54

  • von Stephen Platt
    40,00 €

    This trip in the early summer of 1994, like other trips we made to the Alps, is a tale of two parts. First we circumnavigated the Vanoise National Park. Created in 1963, it was the first national park in France and is the most bio-diverse with over 5,000 plant species. It borders the Gran Paradiso in Italy and together they form one of the largest protected areas in Europe.We did the six-day hike with Val, a friend from Sheffield and had the alpine flower meadows virtually to ourselves, seeing few other people. The path follows part of the famous Via Alpina, the GR5, that runs from Geneva to Nice, and sections of the GR55. It crosses a number of high passes and most of the path is over 2,500 metres. There was still plenty of snow and we had to watch our step in places. We stayed in refuges or camped near them because wild camping was forbidden in the park.Tony, a friend from Cambridge, joined us for the second week in Chamonix, where we had intended to climb Mont Blanc. In the event, our party of four lacked the experience to tackle the crowning summit and we contented ourselves with three easy routes - the Aiguilles du Tour, Petit Verte and Belvédère. These mixed routes of rock and snow were all delightful, accessible and safe, and the weather was perfect all week. Apart from nights in the Refuges Trient and Lac Blanc, we camped in Frasserands.

  • von Ricky Vernio
    54,00 €

    Falling in love with Rome takes a little time. This guide will give you pointers that will expedite the process considerably.

  • von Anthony Trollope
    15,90 €

  • von Desire Charnay
    19,90 €

    "The Ancient Cities of the New World" is a book written by Désiré Charnay, a French archaeologist and explorer. Originally published in French as "Les anciennes villes du Nouveau Monde," the work was first published in the late 19th century. The English translation of Charnay's book has contributed to the understanding of pre-Columbian civilizations in the Americas.Désiré Charnay conducted extensive archaeological explorations in Mexico and Central America during the 19th century. His book likely provides a detailed account of the ancient cities and archaeological sites he encountered, shedding light on the civilizations that inhabited these regions before the arrival of Europeans.For readers interested in Mesoamerican and Central American archaeology, as well as the exploration of ancient civilizations in the Americas, "The Ancient Cities of the New World" by Désiré Charnay is a significant work that contributes to the historical and archaeological understanding of pre-Columbian cultures.

  • von Charles George Harper
    15,90 €

    "The Bath Road" is a travel book written by Charles G. Harper. Published in 1899, the book explores the historical and scenic aspects of the road from London to Bath, a route that has been significant throughout English history due to its connections with trade, transportation, and leisure travel.Charles G. Harper, a British author and illustrator, was known for his travel guides and works that celebrated the beauty and historical richness of various regions in England. In "The Bath Road," Harper likely provides readers with insights into the landscapes, landmarks, and cultural elements along the route.For those interested in late 19th-century travel literature, the history of transportation routes, and the charm of English countryside exploration, "The Bath Road" by Charles G. Harper serves as both an informative guide and a historical document capturing the spirit of travel in that era.

  • von Charles George Harper
    15,90 €

    "The Brighton Road" is a travel book written by Charles G. Harper. Published in 1892, the book delves into the historical and scenic aspects of the road from London to Brighton, a route that has been of significant cultural and transportation importance in England.Charles G. Harper, a British author and illustrator, was known for his travel guides and works that celebrated the beauty and historical richness of various regions in England. In "The Brighton Road," Harper likely provides readers with insights into the landscapes, landmarks, and cultural elements along the road, offering both practical information and an engaging narrative.For those interested in late 19th-century travel literature, English cultural history, and the allure of historic roads, "The Brighton Road" by Charles G. Harper is a valuable resource capturing the spirit of travel during that era.

  • von Bradford Torrey
    15,90 €

    "Spring Notes from Tennessee" is a collection of essays written by Bradford Torrey, an American naturalist and essayist. Torrey was active during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and he wrote extensively about birdwatching, nature, and outdoor observations.The essays in "Spring Notes from Tennessee" likely focus on Torrey's observations of the natural world during the spring season in Tennessee. Torrey had a keen interest in ornithology and was known for his descriptive and evocative writing style, which captured the beauty of the landscapes and the behaviors of birds.For readers interested in nature writing, birdwatching, and observations of the changing seasons, "Spring Notes from Tennessee" offers a glimpse into the naturalist's perspective during the springtime in the specific region of Tennessee.

  • von Ludwig Salvator
    9,99 €

    One of the Suez Canal Company's tugs soon took us down the canal from Ismailia to El Kantara (the bridge), where we were to meet our caravan. Just as we were landing we observed the first few horses of the latter crossing by the ferry which plies between the two sides of the canal. The boat had to go over three times to get all our animals and luggage, and we found it no easy work on the other side to strap up all our things ready for the journey. Matters seldom go altogether smoothly on the first day of a caravan expedition. At length a start was made, the mules laden with our tents and luggage going on in front, and ourselves bringing up the rear. The little hotel of El Kantara, with the few patches of vegetation surrounding it, was the last sight we had of civilised life. Following the telegraph posts, which mark the route from Egypt to Syria, we then entered the rolling desert,and soon began to enjoy that feeling of freedom which a boundless plain always inspires. Only life on the sea, with all its wonderful charms, is to be compared to a journey through the desert. In the midst of its vast and solitary expanse the traveller feels himself overwhelmed, and his imagination conjures up strange forms on the far horizon. The desert is to the Arab what the sea is to the sailor; for both, their proper element has a permanent and irresistible attraction. Old Abou Nabout, the leader of our caravan, rode on quietly in front, his eyes gazing steadfastly across the sandy plain, and dreams of his youth doubtless floated through his mind as his horse threw up clouds of sand with his hoofs.

  • von Hendrik Conscience
    15,90 €

    "The Amulet" is a historical novel written by Hendrik Conscience, a Belgian author. The book, originally titled "Het Goudland" in Dutch, was first published in 1837. It is considered one of Conscience's most famous works and an important piece of Flemish literature."The Amulet" is set against the backdrop of the Dutch Revolt in the 16th century. The story revolves around the protagonist, Prosper, and his involvement in the struggles and conflicts of the time. The amulet of the title holds significance in the narrative.Hendrik Conscience is widely regarded as a pioneer of Dutch-language literature in Belgium, and "The Amulet" is celebrated for its contribution to the Flemish literary movement. The novel reflects Conscience's passion for national identity and historical themes.For readers interested in Flemish literature, historical novels, and the cultural context of Belgium in the 19th century, "The Amulet" by Hendrik Conscience is a classic work worth exploring.

  • von Mary Anne Barker
    15,90 €

    "Station Amusements in New Zealand" is a book written by Lady Barker, also known as Mary Anne Barker. First published in 1873, the book provides insights into life on a sheep station in New Zealand during the 19th century.Lady Barker, a British-born author, and the wife of a New Zealand sheep farmer, wrote extensively about her experiences in the colony. "Station Amusements in New Zealand" likely describes the daily life, challenges, and leisure activities on a sheep station, offering readers a glimpse into the social and cultural aspects of colonial New Zealand.For those interested in colonial literature, women's perspectives on life in the 19th century, and the history of New Zealand, Lady Barker's writings, including "Station Amusements in New Zealand," provide valuable firsthand accounts of the era.

  • von Rose Marie Baron
    47,00 €

    Libyen IIIch stehe am Fuße des Geisterberges Idinen. Ich atme die ungeatmete Luft ein. Ich schaue empor, berühre ehrfürchtig die schroffe Wand. 600m ragt sie unbezwungen in die Höhe. Da oben wohnen die Geister. Das sagen die Touareg. Ich setzte mich auf einen Stein, einen unberührten Stein. Ich lausche in die Stille hinein. Kein Wind regt sich. Ich nehme meine dunkle Flöte, lasse die Töne die Bergwand emporsteigen, geboren aus der reinen Luft, die ich hier einatmen darf. Dann streiche ich die Saite der Rebab und meine linke Hand sucht Töne der Dankbarkeit - ich spüre, die Geister hören mich. Da ist nichts Unheimliches, sondern ein Glücksgefühl. 2004 war für mich ein -Libyen-Jahr- und dessen Höhepunkt ist bis heute, mit meinen Händen den absoluten Tabu-Berg Idinen berührt zu haben.

  • von Hermann Candahashi
    24,90 - 34,90 €

  • von Thy Nguyen
    24,00 €

    If you're looking for a fun and creative activity for your kids during the summer break, then the Summer Vacation Coloring Book might be just what you need. This coloring book features a variety of relaxing nature scenes and beach-themed illustrations that will keep your kids entertained for hours. Here are some of the things you can expect from this coloring book:Beautiful illustrations: The coloring book contains a variety of beautiful illustrations that capture the essence of summer vacation. From sandy beaches to tropical forests, your kids will have plenty of scenes to color and bring to life.Relaxing activity: Coloring can be a calming and relaxing activity for kids and adults alike. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, and improve focus and concentration. So, not only will your kids have fun coloring, but they'll also benefit from the therapeutic effects of this activity.Educational value: Coloring can also help improve hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and color recognition. This coloring book can be a fun and educational activity for your kids during the summer break.Perfect for travel: This coloring book is compact and lightweight, making it perfect for travel. Whether you're going on a road trip or a plane ride, your kids can easily bring this coloring book with them and enjoy coloring on the go.Overall, the Summer Vacation Coloring Book is a great activity for kids during the summer break. It's fun, relaxing, educational, and perfect for travel. Get your copy today and watch your kids' creativity come to life!

  • von José Gutiérrez López
    20,00 €

    Ruta M-5 reúne una serie de viajes acometidos desde casa, en el sentido de que su redacción surgió en la época del confinamiento pandémico. El autor aprovechó para recuperar información de sus diarios de viaje anteriores, así como de la revisión de su colección de diapositivas y fotografías. Con el tiempo, mientras lo escribía, finalizó el confinamiento, se superó la pandemia y volvieron los viajes. Algunos de ellos para completar el proyecto. Los destinos se agrupan en cinco bloques temáticos cuyos títulos empiezan por la letra M. El orden es infantil: ma, me, mi, mo y mu. Gran parte del libro se escribió durante ese largo post-confinamiento domiciliario en el que ya se podía salir de casa, pero evolucionaba con constantes dificultades de movilidad de intensidad oscilante. Por eso, estas páginas proponen viajar algo en el espacio-tiempo presente, mucho a través del pasado y de otros medios, pero también incorporan algunas escapadas reales recientes.El primero de ellos se titula Malt Whisky. En él viajamos por medio del color, el aroma y el paladar. Bebiendo whisky y asociándolo con su cultura, así como su entorno de producción en Escocia. Para ello se lee, se bebe, se recuperan diarios de viajes anteriores y algunas otras experiencias relacionadas con este licor. Incluye un regreso real a Escocia.

  • von RedBean
    28,00 €

    Living in any country that is not your homeland is bound to present new and unfamiliar challenges. And these challenges often come up at random times, like when you are wondering "what's for dinner?"It can be a real inconvenience to run into cultural differences when you "just want to eat." Thankfully if you're lost in Asia and missing food from home, we've got you covered. We'll help you make homemade: pizza dough, stovetop pizza, pizza sauce, cornmeal, popcorn, grits, dumplings, roti, elephant ears, glaze, crepes, pancakes, syrup, hummus, tortillas, salsa, adobo, pickles, and of course - Pho!This is a must have for expats, nomads, digital nomads and others who are living abroad. Not so much a cookbook as a "just want to eat" book, our recipes will take you straight into cooking without a lot of fluff.

  • von John Manuel
    31,00 €

    'Moving Islands' is John's seventh memoir book, and it continues very much in the same vein as the previous six, in that it's highly amusing, even laugh-out-loud in places, yet also informative and educational, giving a unique insight into what it's like not only to move to Greece from the UK, but also how one goes about moving from one island to another, a watershed in their lives that neither the author nor his wife had foreseen coming. If you've ever wondered what might be involved in upping sticks and moving house to a different Greek island, always assuming that, like the author, you'd made the life-changing decision to move countries many years earlier, then read this book and you'll either vow never to do it yourself, or to keep this work close-by as a guide for getting through the whole complicated and sometimes hugely frustrating experience.

  • von Prabhakar Veeraraghavan
    21,00 €

    India's Coastal Charms - Top 10 Beach Escapes for Global Adventurers" Dive into the Vibrant Tapestry of India's Coastal Charms! Embark on an enchanting journey along the sun-kissed shores of India with our latest travel masterpiece, "India's Coastal Charms - Top 10 Beach Escapes for Global Adventurers." Immerse yourself in the splendor of some of the most breathtaking beaches, carefully curated from the paradises of Goa, the tranquil havens of Kerala, the hidden gems of Gokarna, to the pristine landscapes of the Andaman Islands. Discover the Unseen Beauty:Uncover the secrets of India's coastal wonders as we guide you through secluded coves, bustling beach markets, and serene landscapes that will leave you breathless. Each page is a portal to a world where azure waters meet golden sands, and where the spirit of adventure dances in the air.Sunset Serenity in Goa:Feel the rhythm of the vibrant beaches in Goa, where the sunsets are as lively as the nightlife. From the lively shores of Baga to the serene beauty of Palolem, experience the essence of Goa like never before.Kerala's Tranquil Retreats:Get lost in the tranquil embrace of Kerala's backwaters and pristine beaches. Allow the gentle waves of Varkala and Kovalam to wash away your worries as you indulge in the timeless charm of God's Own Country.Gokarna's Hidden Treasures:Unearth the hidden gems of Gokarna, where spirituality meets adventure. Explore the lesser-known beaches like Om and Half Moon, where the rugged cliffs and untouched sands create a haven for true wanderers.Andaman Islands: A Symphony of Solitude:Escape to the Andaman Islands, where untouched beauty and marine wonders await. From the powdery sands of Radhanagar to the vibrant coral reefs of Havelock, get ready for a rendezvous with nature's perfection.

  • von Frank Fox
    15,90 €

    THE Fates were unkind to the Balkan Peninsula. Because of its position, it was forced to stand in the path of the greatest racial movements of the world, and was thus the scene of savage racial struggles, and the depositary of residual shreds of nations surviving from great defeats or Pyrrhic victories and cherishing irreconcilable mutual hatreds. As if that were not enough of ill fortune imposed by geographical position, the great Roman Empire elected to come from its seat in the Italian Peninsula to die in the Balkan Peninsula, a long drawn-out death of many agonies, of many bloody disasters and desperate retrievals. For all the centuries of which history knows a blood-mist has hung over the Balkans; and for the centuries before the dawn of written history one may surmise that there was the same constant struggle of warring races.

  • von Milburg F Mansfield
    15,90 €

    We have progressed appreciably beyond the days of the old horseless carriage, which, it will be remembered, retained even the dashboard. To-day the modern automobile somewhat resembles, in its outlines, across between a decapod locomotive and a steam fire-engine, or at least something concerning the artistic appearance of which the layman has very grave doubts. The control of a restive horse, a cranky boat, or even a trolley-car on rails is difficult enough for the inexperienced, and there are many who would quail before making the attempt; but to the novice in charge of an automobile, some serious damage is likely enough to occur within an incredibly short space of time, particularly if he does not take into account the tremendous force and power which he controls merely by the moving of a tiny lever, or by the depressing of a pedal.

  • 10% sparen
    von Javier Martínez-Falcó
    145,00 €

    Climate change has put the survival andviability of wine-growing regions at risk. Whereas the implementation of sustainableapproaches was once seen as a source of competitive advantage, it is now criticalto the survival of the industry. Winetourism should therefore aim to minimize possible cultural and environmentaldamage while improving the economic and social well-being of the wine-growingregion. Contributing to the targets of SDG 8, specifically target 8.9: ¿By 2030,devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobsand promotes local culture and products,¿ this book argues that wine tourism canbe considered as a catalyst for the environmental sustainability of wineries. Chaptershighlight the economic, socioeconomic, environmental, socio-cultural impact ofwine tourism around the world, before concluding with a look to the future trendsand challenges. Itfeatures best practices from around the world that wineriesand wine tourism companies can incorporate into their core business functionsto make their operations more sustainable and also showcases how wineries have designedtheir tourism offerings to meet sustainable tourism development objectives

  • von Christian Heugl
    24,90 €

    Eigentlich als Seenland bekannt, verzaubern Salzburg und die umliegenden Regionen auch mit wilden Fließgewässern: von eindrucksvollen Wasserfällen, deren Gischt eine Wohltat an heißen Sommertagen ist, über Gebirgsbäche, die sich durch geheimnisvolle Klammen schlängeln, zu türkisgrünen Gumpen, die zum Eintauchen verführen. Christian Heugl hat die Wanderschuhe geschnürt und nimmt uns - vom Genusswanderer zur ambitionierten Sportlerin - in 70 Touren mit zu den schönsten Rückzugsorten am kühlen Nass. Dabei verrät er nicht nur alle Fakten, sondern auch spannendes Hintergrundwissen zu den einzelnen Touren.. Detaillierte Beschreibungen zu 70 Wasserwanderungen iim Salzburgerland, dem angrenzenden Bayern sowie dem Salzkammergut. Wissen, was einen erwartet: Genaue Angaben zu Wegcharakter, Gehzeit, Höhenmeter und Schwierigkeit garantieren ein Wandererlebnis ohne unerfreuliche Überraschungen.. Orientierungshilfe: Anschauliche Karten zu jeder Tour helfen, immer den Überblick zu bewahren.. Aufschlussreiche Infos zur Geologie sowie zur Geschichte der einzelnen Gewässerund ihrer Nutzung. Kein Auto? Kein Problem! Hinweise zur Anreise mit den Öffis erleichtern dieTourenplanung für jene, die sich mit Bus und Bahn fortbewegen möchten.

  • von Achim Konejung
    19,95 €

    »Warum schreibe ich dieses Buch?«, fragt sich der Autor Achim Konejung. »Weil ich auf den Schlachtfeldern Europas als Kind aufgewachsen bin - in Belgien, weil ich mich damit auseinandersetzen musste - in Frankreich, in England - und mich die Faszination an diesen unheimlichen Orten des Todes nicht losgelassen hat.«Später arbeitete Konejung als Battlefield-Guide, bis er irgendwann von der Gewalttätigkeit des Themas so überfordert war, dass er die Arbeit niederlegen musste. Jetzt, nach und mit den neuerlichen Kriegen in Europa, nimmt er das Thema nochmals in die Hand und setzt sich mit den Orten der Vergangenheit auseinander: Was können uns Schlachtfelder sagen? Haben wir wirklich verstanden, was die Warnung der Vergangenheit bedeutet? Sind wir bereit zu lernen? Oder sind die touristisch in Wert gesetzten Schlachtfelder von Waterloo, des Ersten und Zweiten Weltkriegs einfach nur dunkle Vergnügungsparks geworden?

  • von Richard Butler
    182,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Jennifer Neal
    23,00 €

    With heart, humor, and razor-sharp observation, this intimate and incisive memoir traces the journey of a Black, queer woman as she searches the world for a place of security and acceptance to call homeI’ve never seen home as a permanent concept; it is an image crafted from untempered glass that threatens to shatter with lack of care.Jennifer Neal was born in the United States to a family that moved continuously for their own survival and well-being—from the Great Migration to the twenty-first century. As an adult, she has continued to travel the world as a Black queer woman, across two decades and four countries—from Japan to the US and then Australia to Germany, where she has settled for now.Throughout her moves, Neal threads her personal story of immigration with local Black histories and racial politics to provide context for her own experiences. The result is both a crucial examination of how racism plays a foundational role in modern-day immigration systems and a tender tribute to immigrants and their stories.An unwavering interrogation of colonialism and policy, love and loss, hypocrisy and resistance, My Pisces Heart demands meaningful conversation about not only the ways in which we live with our histories, but also how they live through us—urging an honest dialogue on why the West continues to grapple with its past and visualize its future.

  • 23% sparen
    von DK Eyewitness
    12,00 €

    "Make the most of your trip to Prague with DK Eyewitness Top 10. Planning is a breeze with our simple lists of ten, covering the very best that Prague has to offer and ensuring that you don't miss a thing. Best of all, the pocket-friendly format is light and easily portable; the perfect companion while out and about"--

  • von Christopher Alexander
    20,00 €

    Veteran traveler and textile expert Chris Aslan explores the Silk, Wool and Cotton Roads of Central Asia. Three textile roads tangle their way through Central Asia. The famous Silk Road united east and west through trade. Older still was the Wool Road, of critical importance when houses made from wool enabled nomads to traverse the inhospitable winter steppes. Then there was the Cotton Road, marked by greed, colonialism and environmental disaster. At this intersection of human history, fortunes were made and lost through shimmering silks, life-giving felts and gossamer cottons. Chris Aslan, who has spent fifteen years living and working in the region, expertly unravels the strands of this tangled history and embroiders them with his own experiences of life in the heart of Asia.

  • von Anthony Trollope
    9,99 €

    The Pyreneean valley in which the baths of Vernet are situated is not much known to English, or indeed to any travellers. Tourists in search of good hotels and picturesque beauty combined, do not generally extend their journeys to the Eastern Pyrenees. They rarely get beyond Luchon; and in this they are right, as they thus end their peregrinations at the most lovely spot among these mountains, and are as a rule so deceived, imposed on, and bewildered by guides, innkeepers, and horse owners, at this otherwise delightful place, as to become undesirous of further travel. Nor do invalids from distant parts frequent Vernet. People of fashion go to the Eaux Bonnes and to Luchon, and people who are really ill to Bareges and Cauterets. It is at these places that one meets crowds of Parisians, and the daughters and wives of rich merchants from Bordeaux, with an admixture, now by no means inconsiderable, of Englishmen and Englishwomen. But the Eastern Pyrenees are still unfrequented. And probably they will remain so; for though there are among them lovely valleys¿and of all such the valley of Vernet is perhaps the most lovely¿they cannot compete with the mountain scenery of other tourists loved regions in Europe. At the Port de Venasquez and the Breche de Roland in the Western Pyrenees, or rather, to speak more truly, at spots in the close vicinity of these famous mountain entrances from France into Spain, one can makecomparisons with Switzerland, Northern Italy, the Tyrol, and Ireland, which will not be injurious to the scenes then under view. But among the eastern mountains this can rarely be done. The hills do not stand thickly together so as to group themselves; the passes from one valley to another, though not wanting in altitude, are not close pressed together with overhanging rocks, and are deficient in grandeur as well as loveliness. And then, as a natural consequence of all this, the hotels¿are not quite as good as they should be.

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