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Bücher der Reihe A Solitaire novella

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  • von Alice Oseman
    9,00 €

    A short novella based on the beloved characters from the graphic novel Heartstopper and Alice Oseman's debut novel Solitaire, which was praised as 'The Catcher in the Rye for the digital age' by The Times.The festive season isn't always happy for Tori Spring and her brother Charlie. And this year's going to be harder than most.I used to think that difficult was better than boring, but I know better now...I'm not going to think about the past few months, about Charlie and me, and all of the sad. I'm going to block it all out Just for today."e;Happy Christmas, "e; I say.

  • von Alice Oseman
    9,98 - 10,00 €

    A short novella based on the beloved characters from the graphic novel Heartstopper and Alice Oseman's debut novel Solitaire, which was praised as 'The Catcher in the Rye for the digital age' by The Times.

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