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Bücher der Reihe Advanced Courses in Mathematics - CRM Barcelona

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  • von William G. Dwyer & Hans-Werner Henn
    28,00 €

    This book consists essentially of notes which were written for an Advanced Course on Classifying Spaces and Cohomology of Groups. Such decompositions have been used with great success in the last 10-15 years in the homotopy theory of classifying spaces of compact Lie groups and p-compact groups in the sense of Dwyer and Wilkerson.

  • von Tim Riley, Noel Brady & Hamish Short
    32,00 €

  • von Ronald Cramer, Tsuyoshi Takagi, Ivan Damgard, usw.
    39,00 €

    The aim of this text is to treat selected topics of the subject of contemporary cryptology, structured in five quite independent but related themes: - efficient distributed computation modulo a shared secret- multiparty computation- foundations of modern cryptography- provable security for public key schemes- efficient and secure public-key cryptosystems.

  • von Karen R. Strung
    27,00 €

    This book is directed towards graduate students that wish to start from the basic theory of C*-algebras and advance to an overview of some of the most spectacular results concerning the structure of nuclear C*-algebras. The text is divided into three parts.

  • von Vicente Palmer, Steen Markvorsen, Maung Min-Oo & usw.
    28,00 €

    Distance Geometric Analysis on Manifolds (Steen Markvorsen) .- The Dirac Operator in Geometry and Physics (Maung Min-Oo)

  • von Rene Schilling & Davar Khoshnevisan
    31,00 €

    This volume presents the lecture notes from two courses given by Davar Khoshnevisan and René Schilling, respectively, at the second Barcelona Summer School on Stochastic Analysis.René Schilling¿s notes are an expanded version of his course on Lévy and Lévy-type processes, the purpose of which is two-fold: on the one hand, the course presents in detail selected properties of the Lévy processes, mainly as Markov processes, and their different constructions, eventually leading to the celebrated Lévy-Itô decomposition. On the other, it identifies the infinitesimal generator of the Lévy process as a pseudo-differential operator whose symbol is the characteristic exponent of the process, making it possible to study the properties of Feller processes as space inhomogeneous processes that locally behave like Lévy processes. The presentation is self-contained, and includes dedicated chapters that review Markov processes, operator semigroups, random measures, etc. Inturn, Davar Khoshnevisan¿s course investigates selected problems in the field of stochastic partial differential equations of parabolic type. More precisely, the main objective is to establish an Invariance Principle for those equations in a rather general setting, and to deduce, as an application, comparison-type results. The framework in which these problems are addressed goes beyond the classical setting, in the sense that the driving noise is assumed to be a multiplicative space-time white noise on a group, and the underlying elliptic operator corresponds to a generator of a Lévy process on that group. This implies that stochastic integration with respect to the above noise, as well as the existence and uniqueness of a solution for the corresponding equation, become relevant in their own right. These aspects are also developed and supplemented by a wealth of illustrative examples.

  • von Jaume Llibre, Richard Moeckel & Carles Simo
    30,00 €

  • von Ieke Moerdijk & Bertrand Toen
    26,00 €

  • von Alexei Myasnikov, Vladimir Shpilrain & Alexander Ushakov
    31,00 €

    Covering relations between three different areas of mathematics and theoretical computer science, this book explores how non-commutative (infinite) groups, which are typically studied in combinatorial group theory, can be used in public key cryptography.

  • von Alfred Geroldinger & Imre Ruzsa
    39,00 €

    Additive combinatorics is a relatively recent term coined to comprehend the developments of the more classical additive number theory, mainly focussed on problems related to the addition of integers.

  • von Edward Formanek & Vesselin Drensky
    35,00 €

    These lecture notes treat polynomial identity rings from both the combinatorial and structural points of view. The greater part of recent research in polynomial identity rings is about combinatorial questions, and the combinatorial part of the lecture notes gives an up-to-date account of recent research.

  • von Alain Valette & Guido Mislin
    34,00 €

    The Baum-Connes conjecture predicts that the K-homology of the reduced C^*-algebra of a group can be computed as the equivariant K-homology of the classifying space for proper actions. The approach is expository, but it contains proofs of many basic results on topological K-homology and the K-theory of C^*-algebras.

  • von Stevo Todorcevic & Spiros A. Argyros
    42,00 €

    This book contains two sets of notes prepared for the Advanced Course on R- sey Methods in Analysis given at the Centre de Recerca Matem` atica in January 2004, as part of its year-long research programme on Set Theory and its Appli- tions.

  • von Giuseppe Da Prato
    41,00 €

    Kolmogorov Equations for Stochastic PDEs gives an introduction to stochastic partial differential equations, such as reaction-diffusion, Burgers and 2D Navier-Stokes equations, perturbed by noise.

  • von Greg Stevenson, Wojciech Chacholski, John Greenlees & usw.
    32,00 €

    This volume presents an elaborated version of lecture notes for two advanced courses: (Re)Emerging methods in Commutative Algebra and Representation Theory and Building Bridges Between Algebra and Topology, held at the CRM in the spring of 2015. Homological algebra is a rich and ubiquitous area;

  • von Volker Diekert, Pedro V. Silva, Javier Aramayona, usw.
    25,00 €

  • von Nguyen Tien Zung, Alexey Bolsinov & Juan J. Morales-Ruiz
    25,00 €

    Based on lectures given at an advanced course on integrable systems at the Centre de Recerca Matematica in Barcelona, these lecture notes address three major aspects of integrable systems: obstructions to integrability from differential Galois theory;

  • von Richard Wentworth, Florent Schaffhauser, Constantin Teleman, usw.
    31,00 €

    It presents both background information and recent developments on selected topics that are experiencing extraordinary growth within the broad research area of geometry and quantization of moduli spaces.

  • von Paul Hacking, Radu Laza & Dragos Oprea
    25,00 €

    This book focusses on a large class of objects in moduli theory and provides different perspectives from which compactifications of moduli spaces may be investigated. Three contributions give an insight on particular aspects of moduli problems.

  • von Carlo Sinestrari & Manuel Ritoré
    32,00 €

    Geometric flows have many applications in physics and geometry. The mean curvature flow also has many geometric applications, in analogy with the Ricci flow of metrics on abstract riemannian manifolds.

  • von Aidan Sims
    25,00 €

    This book collects the notes of the lectures given at the Advanced Course on Crossed Products, Groupoids, and Rokhlin dimension, that took place at the Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM) from March 13 to March 17, 2017.

  • von Dinh Dung
    43,00 €

    This book provides a systematic survey of classical and recent results on hyperbolic cross approximation. Motivated by numerous applications, the last two decades have seen great success in studying multivariate approximation.

  • von Ana Cannas da Silva, Michele Audin & Eugene Lerman
    40,00 €

    Among all the Hamiltonian systems, the integrable ones have special geometric properties; This book serves as an introduction to symplectic and contact geometry for graduate students, exploring the underlying geometry of integrable Hamiltonian systems. Includes exercises designed to complement the expositiont, and up-to-date references.

  • von Ken Brown & Ken R. Goodearl
    40,00 €

    This book consists of an expanded set of lectures on algebraic aspects of quantum groups. It particularly concentrates on quantized coordinate rings of algebraic groups and spaces and on quantized enveloping algebras of semisimple Lie algebras.

  • von Vlad Bally, Lucia Caramellino & Rama Cont
    30,00 €

    This volume contains lecture notes from the coursesgiven by Vlad Bally and Rama Cont at the Barcelona Summer School on StochasticAnalysis (July 2012). The notes of the course by Vlad Bally, co-authoredwith Lucia Caramellino, develop integration by parts formulas in an abstractsetting, extending Malliavin's work on abstract Wiener spaces.

  • von Mike R. Jeffrey & Paul Glendinning
    28,00 €

    This book is aimed at mathematicians, scientists, and engineers, studying models that involve a discontinuity, or studying the theory of nonsmooth systems for its own sake.

  • von Thierry Giordano
    62,00 €

    Christopher Phillips, serves as an introduction to group actions on C*-algebras and their crossed products, with emphasis on the simple case and when the crossed products are classifiable.

  • von Richard A. Brualdi, Dragan Stevanovic, Angeles Carmona, usw.
    32,00 €

    This book contains the notes of the lectures delivered at an Advanced Course on Combinatorial Matrix Theory held at Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM) in Barcelona. The fourth lecture was delivered by Stephen Kirkland and is dedicated to the applications of the Group Inverse of the Laplacian matrix.

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