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Bücher der Reihe Agatha Raisin in Reihenfolge

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  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    VERY BRITISH UND ENDLICH AUCH AUF DEUTSCH: DIE KULT-SERIE AUS ENGLAND»Die deutschen Leser werden M.C. Beatons Krimis lieben.« ANN GRANGEREin eigenes Cottage in den malerischen Cotswolds - davon hat Agatha Raisin schon immer geträumt. Jetzt ist dieser Wunsch endlich wahr geworden. Womit die Ex-PR-Beraterin aus London allerdings nie gerechnet hätte, ist die Abneigung ihrer neuen Nachbarn: Die Dörfler wollen offenbar lieber unter sich bleiben! Doch Agatha ist es gewohnt, ihren Kopf durchzusetzen. Um Eindruck zu schinden, reicht sie beim örtlichen Backwettbewerb eine Feinkost-Quiche ein, die sie als ihre eigene ausgibt. Dumm ist allerdings, dass einer der Preisrichter stirbt und in Agathas Quiche Gift gefunden wird. Nun muss sie nicht nur zugeben, dass sie gemogelt hat, sondern auch versuchen, den Mordverdacht gegen sich auszuräumen.Der erste Band der charmanten Krimireihe um die englische Detektivin Agatha Raisin von Bestsellerautorin M.C. Beaton.

  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    »M.C. Beatons Krimis sind Kult!« THE TIMESAuch nach einigen Monaten in den Cotswolds hat sich Ex-PR-Agentin Agatha Raisin noch immer nicht recht an das beschauliche Landleben gewöhnt. Doch es geht voran, Agatha konnte sogar eine Essenseinladung vom neuen Dorftierarzt ergattern, einem äußerst attraktiven Mann. Pech nur, dass dieser wenig später bei der Behandlung eines Rennpferdes stirbt. Ein Unfall, sagt die Polizei, doch Agatha zweifelt, dafür sind die Todesumstände zu verdächtig. Schließlich ermittelt sie auf eigene Faust - und gerät damit ins Visier eines hundsgemeinen Gegners.

  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    Waschen, Schneiden, Töten - Agatha Raisins haarigster FallIn den Cotswolds gilt Mr John als genialer Friseur, weshalb die Frauen bei ihm Schlange stehen. So auch Agatha Raisin. Denn der Selbstversuch, ihre (wenigen!) grauen Haare zu färben, ging gründlich schief. Gut, dass Mr John noch einen freien Termin hat. Und wie es scheint, findet der charmante Friseur nicht nur Agathas Haare reizvoll, sondern auch ihr Herz. Doch als Mr John vergiftet wird, endet ihre gemeinsame Zukunft, bevor sie überhaupt beginnen konnte. Ist der Täter eine Kundin des Friseurs? Der Verdacht liegt nah, meint Agatha und geht dem haarsträubenden Fall auf den Grund.Band 8 der charmanten Krimireihe um die englische Detektivin Agatha Raisin von Bestsellerautorin M. C. Beaton.

  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

  • von M.C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    No wonder she's been crowned Queen of Cosy Crime' Mail on SundayAgatha Raisin has never been one for enforced holiday cheer, but her friendly little village of Carsely has always prided itself on its traditional Christmas festivities. But this year the bells will not be ringing out Silent Night as Mr John Sunday, an officer with the Cotswold Health and Safety Board, has chosen Christmas as the time to crack down on what he sees as gross misconduct by every man, woman and child in the vicinity. The village shop is told it can no longer have wooden shelves which have been there since the time of Queen Victoria 'in case someone is inflicted with a splinter.' The village school is ordered to leave lights on at night 'to prevent unauthorised intruders from tripping in the dark.' And children are warned to not play with 'counterfeit banknotes' after passing around toy money in the playground. But finally Mr Sunday goes too far when he rules that there cannot be a Christmas tree atop the church tower this year. Soon after the decree, and just before Christmas, Agatha is sipping a cup of tea and trying to stay awake as minute by minute of the Carsely Ladies Society meeting at the vicarage drones on when a sudden scream wakes her from her stupor. The ladies rush out of the building and into the garden to find Sunday lying face down in the petunias, very much dead. Agatha is instantly on the case, but with so many people having threatened the life of the victim, it's almost impossible to know where to start!Praise for the Agatha Raisin series:'M C Beaton has created a national treasure... Agatha Raisin is the strongest link' Anne Robinson'M C Beaton's imperfect heroine is an absolute gem' Publishers Weekly'Clever red herrings and some wicked unfinished business guarantees that the listener will pant for a sequel' The Times audiobook review'The Miss Marple-like Agatha is a refreshingly sensible, wonderfully eccentric, thoroughly likeable heroine' Booklist

  • von M. C. Beaton
    11,00 €

    Agatha hat die Faxen dicke. Erst schleppt ihr Ex-Mann James Lacey sie zum Verwöhnwochenende in ein Hotel, das seine besten Tage längst hinter sich hat, und dann wird sie auch noch des Mordes verdächtigt! Und das nur, weil die Tote am Strand mit Agathas Schal erdrosselt wurde. Prompt wird die Amateurdetektivin in Untersuchungshaft verfrachtet. Aber Agatha wäre nicht Agatha, wenn sie das davon abhalten würde, in dem Fall zu ermitteln. Schließlich muss sie ihre Unschuld beweisen!

  • von M. C. Beaton
    11,00 €

    Agatha Raisin kommt es nach einer aufregenden Zeit ganz gelegen, dass Robert Smedley sie lediglich damit beauftragt, zu beweisen, dass seine Frau Mabel ihn betrügt. Agatha übernimmt den Fall mit größtem Vergnügen. Leider scheint Mabel die perfekte Ehefrau zu sein: jung, hübsch und eine regelmäßige Kirchgängerin. Von Betrug weit und breit keine Spur. Aber just, als Agatha den Fall ad acta legen will, wird Robert Smedley mit Unkrautvernichter umgebracht - und seine Witwe damit zur Hauptverdächtigen ...

  • von M. C. Beaton
    10,00 €

    Für Agatha Raisin ist es an der Zeit, ihre Tätigkeit als Amateur-Detektivin zur Profession zu machen, und sie eröffnet ihr eigenes Detektivbüro. Ihre neue Nachbarin Emma Comfrey bewirbt sich bei ihr als Sekretärin und wird, aufgrund ihres Durchsetzungsvermögens und detektivischen Geschicks, kurzerhand eingestellt. Der erste Fall des Detektivbüros ist eine vermisste Katze. Immerhin ein Anfang, aber mit viel Luft nach oben. Als dann eine junge Frau, die eine Todesdrohung erhalten hat, beschützt werden soll, ist Agatha endlich voll in ihrem Element. Damit nehmen allerdings auch so einige Verhängnisse ihren Lauf, die dafür sorgen, dass Agatha nicht nur in ein Fadenkreuz gerät ...

  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    Agatha Raisins Eheglück war nur von kurzer Dauer. James hat sie verlassen - allerdings nicht für eine andere Frau, sondern für Gott! Nun ist Agatha wild entschlossen, das James-Desaster endgültig zu vergessen. Deshalb kommt ihr der merkwürdige Todesfall, der ihr buchstäblich vor die Füße geschwemmt wird, gerade recht: Eine tote Braut treibt im Fluss, den Brautstrauß noch in den Händen. Die Polizei geht von Selbstmord aus, doch Agatha zweifelt. Der schrille Verlobte der toten Braut hat Dreck am Stecken!, da ist Agatha sich sicher. Mit Hilfe ihres neuen Nachbarn (attraktiv, ledig) macht sie sich daran, den Brautmörder zu entlarven.

  • von M.C. Beaton
    14,00 €

    He was a vicar to die for - and he did!Agatha is going through a man-hating phase and so is unmoved by news of the captivating new curate. But when she meets the golden-haired, blue-eyed Tristan Delon, she is swept off her feet . . . along with every other female in the village. She is positively ecstatic when he invites her to dine with him but the next day Agatha is left with a hangover from hell - and his cold corpse suggests that, once again, she's in the frame for murder!Praise for the Agatha Raisin series:'Sharp, witty, hugely intelligent, unfailingly entertaining, delightfully intolerant and oh so magnificently non-PC, M.C. Beaton has created a national treasure' Anne Robinson'M.C. Beaton's imperfect heroine is an absolute gem' Publishers Weekly'The Miss Marple-like Raisin is a refreshing, sensible, wonderfully eccentric, thoroughly likeable heroine' Booklist

  • von M C Beaton
    23,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von M.C. Beaton
    11,48 €

    There may be trouble ahead . . . so will Agatha face the music?Can the feisty Agatha cut it as a private investigator? She soon learns that running her own detective agency in the Cotswolds is not quite like starring in a Raymond Chandler movie. But then walks in wealthy divorcee Catherine Laggat-Brown, and Agatha is given her first real case. Death threats, blackmail and physical attack soon follow, and once again Agatha is off scouring the countryside for clues and showing friends and enemies alike what Raisin Investigations can do!Praise for the Agatha Raisin series:'A potent cocktail of satire, mystery and adventure that will leave you wanting more' 'Sharp, witty, hugely intelligent, unfailingly entertaining, delightfully intolerant and oh so magnificently non-PC, M.C. Beaton has created a national treasure' Anne Robinson'M.C. Beaton's imperfect heroine is an absolute gem' Publishers Weekly'The Miss Marple-like Raisin is a refreshing, sensible, wonderfully eccentric, thoroughly likeable heroine.' Booklist

  • 12% sparen
    von M.C. Beaton
    11,00 €

    A therapist had moved into the village of Carsely and Agatha Raisin hates her. Not only was this therapist, Jill Davent, romancing Agatha's ex-husband, but she had dug up details of Agatha's slum background. Added to that, Jill was counselling a woman called Gwen Simple from Winter Parva and Agatha firmly believed Gwen to have assisted her son in some grisly murders, although has no proof she had done so. A resentment is different from a dislike and needs to be shared, so as the friendship between James and Jill grows stronger, the more Agatha does to try to find out all she can about her. When Jill is found strangled to death in her office two days' later, Agatha finds herself under suspicion - and must fight to clear her name.

  • von M.C. Beaton
    15,00 €

    Eye of newt, toe of frog . . . and murder most foul!Left with bald patches thanks to the wicked doings of a murderer from a previous investigation, Agatha flees to coastal Wyckhadden to re-grow her lost locks. With hair tonic supplied by a local witch, Agatha's tresses begin to flow - but the witch is found bludgeoned to death. The odd elderly residents of Agatha's elegantly faded hotel seem innocuous, but as she delves deeper she discovers secrets best left and powerful motives for revenge. Balancing the amorous attentions of police inspector Jimmy Jessop with an ever more treacherous search for the killer, Agatha is at her wits' end - and ready to cast a spell of her own . . .Praise for the Agatha Raisin series:'Sharp, witty, hugely intelligent, unfailingly entertaining, delightfully intolerant and oh so magnificently non-PC, M.C. Beaton has created a national treasure' Anne Robinson'M.C. Beaton's imperfect heroine is an absolute gem' Publishers Weekly'The Miss Marple-like Raisin is a refreshing, sensible, wonderfully eccentric, thoroughly likeable heroine.' Booklist

  • 12% sparen
    von M.C. Beaton
    11,48 €

    Agatha Raisin's neighbouring village of Ancombe is usually the epitome of quiet rural charm, but the arrival of a new mineral-water company - which intends to tap into the village spring - sends tempers flaring and divides the parish council into two stubborn camps.When Agatha, who just happens to be handling the PR for the water company, finds the council chairman murdered at the basin of the spring, tongues start wagging. Could one of the council members have polished off the chairman before he could cast the deciding vote? Poor Agatha, still nursing a bruised heart from one of her unsuccessful romantic encounters, must get cracking, investigate the councillors and solve the crime.Praise for the Agatha Raisin series:'M. C. Beaton's imperfect heroine is an absolute gem.' Publishers Weekly'The detective novels of M. C. Beaton, a master of outrageous black comedy, have reached cult status.' The Times'Being a cranky, middle-aged female myself, I found Agatha charming!' Amazon customer review'Agatha Raisin is sharp, witty, hugely intelligent, unfailingly entertaining, delightfully intolerant and oh so magnificently non PC. M C Beaton has created a new national treasure... the stories zing along and are irresistible, unputdownable, a joy. If you buy one book a year, let it be this. Agatha Raisin is The Strongest Link.' Anne Robinson

  • 12% sparen
    von M.C. Beaton
    11,48 €

    Cold-blooded murder heats up Agatha's summer holiday! Agatha travels to Cyprus, only to contend with her estranged fiance, an egregious group of truly terrible tourists, and a string of murders. . .In this sixth entertaining outing Agatha leaves the sleepy Cotswold village of Carsely to pursue love - and finds a murderer. Spurned at the altar, she follows her fleeing fianc James Lacey to Cyprus, where, instead of enjoying the honeymoon they'd planned, they witness the killing of an obnoxious tourist in a disco. Intrigue and a string of murders surround the unlikely couple, in a plot as scorching as the Cypriot sun! Praise for the Agatha Raisin series:'M. C. Beaton's imperfect heroine is an absolute gem.' Publishers Weekly'The detective novels of M. C. Beaton, a master of outrageous black comedy, have reached cult status.' The Times"e;Anyone interested in a few hours"e; worth of intelligent, amusing reading will want to make the acquaintance of Mrs. Agatha Raisin."e; The Cleveland Pain Dealer"e;M C Beaton has created a new national treasure... the stories zing along and are irresistible, unputdownable, a joy... Agatha Raisin is The Strongest Link."e; Anne Robinson'Being a cranky, middle-aged female myself, I found Agatha charming!' Amazon customer review'I dream of being able to speak out like Aggie . . . she's a heroine!' A. Lucas, Essex, reader review

  • von M. C. Beaton
    13,00 €

    A brand new cover design for Agatha's 17th adventure. It seems Agatha doesn't like to be beside the seaside...

  • von M.C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    Agatha lets sleeping vets lie...Retired PR boss Agatha Raisin is enjoying life in her pretty Cotswold village of Carsely. It even seems likely that the attractive new vet, Paul Bladen, has taken a shine to her. But before romance can blossom, Paul is killed in an accident with Lord Pendlebury's horse. Only the circumstances are rather suspicious.Agatha decides she must once more play amateur investigator. And this cloud has a silver lining - she can persuade her usually stand-offish neighbour, James Lacey, to become her partner in the quest. As usual, Agatha is quite prepared to rush in, heedless of the lurking menace to both James and herself.Praise for the Agatha Raisin series:'Agatha is like Miss Marple with a drinking problem, pack-a-day habit and major man lust. I think she may be living my dream life.' Entertainment Weekly'Clever red herrings and some wicked unfinished business guarantees that the listener will pant for a sequel.' The Times Audiobook Review

  • von M.C. Beaton
    13,00 €

    The brand new Agatha Raisin mystery from multimillion-selling author M. C. Beaton, the Queen of Cosy Crime, about an eccentric Cotswolds-based detective with an erratic love life and a penchant for G and Ts . . .

  • 12% sparen
    von M.C. Beaton
    11,48 €

    'Agatha is like Miss Marple with a drinking problem, a pack-a-day habit and major man lust. In fact, I think she could be living my dream life' Entertainment WeeklyAn unexpected hike to the Other Side . . . After time away, Agatha Raisin returns to her beloved Cotswold village of Carsely - and to her handsome neighbour, James Lacey. True, James seems less than thrilled to see her, but Agatha is soon distracted by a sensational murder. The victim, found in a field, is young hiker Jessica Tartinck, who spent her life enraging landowners by insisting on her right to roam. Hope springs eternal in Agatha's breast as she lures the reluctant James into her investigation. There are so many leads to follow, for Jessica's fellow walkers - not to mention the landowners - all seem able to commit murder. Praise for the Agatha Raisin series:'A Beaton novel is like The Archers on speed' Daily Mail'The detective novels of M. C. Beaton, a master of outrageous black comedy, have reached cult status' The Times'I'm not sure I wouldn't back Agatha against Reacher in a fight. She has the ruthlessness. The cunning. And the poisoned quiche' Daily Telegraph

  • 12% sparen
    von M. C. Beaton
    11,48 €

    Agatha gets herself into a very sticky situation in her 19th adventure, complete with brand new cover design.

  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    The eagerly awaited 22nd installment in the Agatha Raisin series

  • von M. C. Beaton
    13,00 €

    The sixteenth in the Agatha Raisin series, complete with brand new cover design

  • von M. C. Beaton
    10,48 €

    Next in the bestselling Agatha Raisin murder mystery series

  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    The eleventh in the Agatha Raisin murder mysteries with brand new cover design

  • 12% sparen
    von M.C. Beaton
    11,48 €

    The latest Agatha Raisin mystery from bestselling author M. C. Beaton, about an eccentric Cotswolds-based detective with an erratic love life and a penchant for G and Ts and cigarettes . . .

  • von M. C. Beaton
    10,48 €

    The latest Agatha Raisin mystery from bestselling author M. C. Beaton, about an eccentric Cotswolds-based detective with an erratic love life and a penchant for G and Ts and cigarettes . . .

  • 12% sparen
    von M. C. Beaton
    11,48 €

    Paperback of the eagerly awaited 20th Agatha Raisin title with a brand new cover style.

  • 12% sparen
    von M. C. Beaton
    11,48 €

    The tenth in the Agatha Raisin murder mysteries complete with brand new cover design

  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    Next in the bestselling Agatha Raisin murder mystery series

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