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Bücher der Reihe Alex Rider in Reihenfolge

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  • von Anthony Horowitz
    9,99 €

    Der Bestseller ALEX RIDER - die Vorlage zur actiongeladenen TV-Serie!Als Alex Rider vom Tod seines Onkels erfährt, spürt er sofort, dass die Polizei ihm etwas verheimlicht. Er stellt Nachforschungen an - bis ihn der MI6 in sein Hauptquartier zitiert. Und ihm die Wahrheit sagt. Sein Onkel war Geheimagent und hat einen ungelösten Fall hinterlassen: Stormbreaker. Jemand will Englands Schulen attackieren. Und Alex ist der Einzige, der dies noch verhindern kann ...Band 1 der actionreichen Agenten-Reihe von Bestseller-Autor Anthony Horowitz

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    9,99 €

    Der Bestseller ALEX RIDER - die Vorlage zur actiongeladenen TV-Serie!Der MI6 schleust Alex Rider in ein Schweizer Eliteinternat ein - eine Schule für die missratenen Söhne superreicher Eltern. Das Internat ist abgeschottet wie ein Gefängnis für Schwerverbrecher. Doch noch mehr alarmiert Alex, dass die Schüler gar nicht rebellisch, sondern schrecklich brav sind. Bei seinen Nachforschungen macht Alex eine grauenhafte Entdeckung ...Band 2 der actionreichen Agenten-Reihe von Bestseller-Autor Anthony Horowitz

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    9,99 €

    Der Bestseller ALEX RIDER - die Vorlage zur actiongeladenen TV-Serie!Alex Riders Wunden sind kaum verheilt, als er den nächsten Auftrag vom MI6 erhält: Er soll zwei CIA-Agenten dabei unterstützen, den russischen Ex-General Sarow zu stellen. Schauplatz ist Skeleton Key, eine traumhafte Karibikinsel. Doch statt Ferien unter Palmen erwartet Alex ein skrupelloser General, der einen teuflischen Plan verfolgt ...Band 3 der actionreichen Agenten-Reihe von Bestseller-Autor Anthony Horowitz

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    9,99 €

    Der Bestseller ALEX RIDER - die Vorlage zur actiongeladenen TV-Serie!Bei einer Explosion wird der Vater von Alex' Freundin schwer verletzt. Die Polizei geht von einem Terroranschlag aus. Doch der MI6 interessiert sich seltsamerweise überhaupt nicht für den Fall. Also macht sich Alex allein auf die Suche nach dem Attentäter. Dabei stößt er auf ein Geheimnis, das mit seiner eigenen Vergangenheit zusammenhängt ...Band 4 der actionreichen Agenten-Reihe von Bestseller-Autor Anthony Horowitz

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    12,00 €

    A collection of short stories featuring familiar characters from the "Alex Rider" series. From the dangers of SAS training, high-speed ski-ing in Colorado and a parasailing journey which could go horribly wrong - it provides insight into the life of teenage super-spy Alex Rider.

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    13,00 €

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    13,00 €

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    9,99 €

    Der Bestseller ALEX RIDER - die Vorlage zur actiongeladenen TV-Serie!Nach seiner letzten Mission liegt Superagent Alex Rider mit einer Schussverletzung in einem Elitekrankenhaus. Sein Zimmernachbar: Paul Drevin, dessen milliardenschwerer Vater im Weltraum das sagenhafte Hotel Ark Angel bauen lässt. Als bewaffnete Männer die Station stürmen, begreift Alex, dass Paul in größter Gefahr schwebt, und gibt sich todesmutig als Paul aus ...Band 6 der actionreichen Agenten-Reihe von Bestseller-Autor Anthony Horowitz

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    9,99 €

    Der Bestseller ALEX RIDER - die Vorlage zur actiongeladenen TV-Serie!Für seine Mitschüler ist die Fahrt nach Venedig eine ganz normale Klassenfahrt. Für Alex Rider ist es die Chance, endlich mehr über seinen Vater zu erfahren. Denn wie er von einem Auftragskiller weiß, soll sein Vater dort für Scorpia gearbeitet haben. Seine Spuren führen Alex in den Palast einer skrupellosen Millionärin, die statt eines Wachhundes einen weißen Tiger hält ...Band 5 der actionreichen Agenten-Reihe von Bestseller-Autor Anthony Horowitz

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    12,00 €

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    11,00 €

    This gripping final mission brings together Alex Rider's old enemies to frame the teenage superspy in an unstoppable plot of revenge, from which he can never return. Pursued from Europe to North Africa and Cairo's city of the dead - this is the twistiest and most deadly plot of any Alex Rider mission yet, and will reveal Smithers' ultimate gadget and see the shock death of a major character.

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    11,00 €

    Reluctant MI6 agent Alex Rider is relaxing in the south of France until a sudden, ruthless attack on his hosts plunges him back into a world of violence and mystery - and this time, MI6 don't want to know. Alex is determined to track down his friends' attackers, even if he must do it alone. But it's a path that leads to a long-buried secret - and a discovery more terrible than anything he could have imagined. Visit the Alex Rider website at

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    11,00 €

    Investigations into the "e;accidental"e; deaths of two of the world's most powerful men have revealed just one link: both had a son attending Point Blanc Academy - an exclusive school for rebellious rich kids, run by the sinister Dr Grief and set high on an isolated mountain peak in the French Alps. Armed only with a false ID and a new collection of brilliantly disguised gadgets, Alex must infiltrate the academy as a pupil and establish the truth about what is really happening there. Visit the Alex Rider website at

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    11,00 €

    Teenage superspy Alex Rider is enlisted by the national security services again - this time for a routine reconnaissance mission at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships. But before long, Alex finds himself caught up in a terrifying chain of events that leads from the Chinese Triad gangs in London to an undercover assignment in Cuba. Alex begins to make chilling links between suspicious deaths, an illegal nuclear weapons deal and the plans of his host, Russian General Sarov, for the future of the world... Visit the Alex Rider website at

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    11,00 €

    Targeted by a hitman and under threat of his past being exposed by the media, Alex reluctantly turns to MI6. But their help doesn't come cheap: they need Alex to spy on the activities at a GM crop plant. There he spots Desmond Cain, a high profile charity organizer, who realizes that Alex is on to him and the real plans for the money he's raising. Kidnapped and whisked off to Africa, Alex learns the full horror of Cain's plot: to create an epic disaster that will kill millions. Getting word to MI6 only makes matters worse. Now, before even facing the real enemy, Alex must also stop his own side before they unwittingly trigger the death of a whole nation.

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    9,98 €

    When his guardian dies in suspicious circumstances, fourteen-year-old Alex Rider finds his world turned upside down. Forcibly recruited into MI6, Alex has to take part in gruelling SAS training exercises. Then, armed with his own special set of secret gadgets, he's off on his first mission to Cornwall, where Middle-Eastern multi-billionaire Herod Sayle is producing his state-of-the-art Stormbreaker computers. Sayle has offered to give one free to every school in the country - but there's more to the gift than meets the eye.

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    12,00 €

    Still reeling from the terrible discovery he has made about his father, teenage MI6 superspy, Alex Rider, is determined to find out more. Travelling to Italy, he manages to infiltrate the glamorous world of Claudia Rothman, beautiful society hostess and member of the international criminal organization, Scorpia. She reveals that Alex's father was murdered by MI6, in an operation masterminded by Head of Special Operations, Mrs Jones. Shocked and angry, Alex faces a choice: to continue to work with the British security services, or to become an agent for Scorpia, and get revenge.

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    12,00 €

    Splashing down off the coast of Australia, Alex is soon working undercover - this time for ASIS, the Australian Secret Service - on a mission to infiltrate the criminal underworld of South-East Asia: the ruthless world of the Snakehead. Faced with an old enemy and troubled by his own past, Alex is caught between two secret services, with no one to trust - and this time he needs all his wits to survive...

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    11,00 €

    Fifteen-year-old MI6 agent Alex Rider travels around the world on a dangerous mission to destroy the deadly terrorist organization, Scorpia, once and for all.

  • von Anthony Horowitz
    11,00 €

    A gripping insight into the teenage life of Yassen Gregorovich, set against a backdrop of violence and corruption. From Yassen's training to become a deadly assassin, to meeting a teenage spy called Alex Rider, this thrilling adventure will be the deadliest yet...

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