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Bücher der Reihe Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics

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  • 22% sparen
    - Classification by Isometry and Applications
    von Adalbert Kerber, Michael Braun, Anton Betten, usw.
    67,00 €

    This text offers an introduction to error-correcting linear codes. The book differs from other standard texts in its emphasis on the classification of codes by means of isometry classes. The book is based on the successful German edition.

  • 10% sparen
    von Oleg N. Karpenkov
    48,00 €

  • - Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications
    von Alicia Dickenstein
    67,00 - 71,00 €

    The subject of this book is the solution of polynomial equations, that is, s- tems of (generally) non-linear algebraic equations. This study is at the heart of several areas of mathematics and its applications. It has provided the - tivation for advances in di?erent branches of mathematics such as algebra, geometry, topology, and numerical analysis. In recent years, an explosive - velopment of algorithms and software has made it possible to solve many problems which had been intractable up to then and greatly expanded the areas of applications to include robotics, machine vision, signal processing, structural molecular biology, computer-aided design and geometric modelling, as well as certain areas of statistics, optimization and game theory, and b- logical networks. At the same time, symbolic computation has proved to be an invaluable tool for experimentation and conjecture in pure mathematics. As a consequence, the interest in e?ective algebraic geometry and computer algebrahasextendedwellbeyonditsoriginalconstituencyofpureandapplied mathematicians and computer scientists, to encompass many other scientists and engineers. While the core of the subject remains algebraic geometry, it also calls upon many other aspects of mathematics and theoretical computer science, ranging from numerical methods, di?erential equations and number theory to discrete geometry, combinatorics and complexity theory. Thegoalofthisbookistoprovideageneralintroduction tomodernma- ematical aspects in computing with multivariate polynomials and in solving algebraic systems.

  • 13% sparen
    von Sergei Matveev
    70,00 €

    The book is devoted to algorithmic low-dimensional topology. This branch of mathematics has recently been undergoing an intense development. On the one hand, the exponential advancement of computer technologies has made it possible to conduct sophisticated computer experiments and to implement algorithmic solutions, which have in turn provided a motivation to search for new and better algorithms. On the other hand, low-dimensional topology has received an additional boost because of the discovery of numerous connections with theoretical physics. There is also another deep reason why algorithmic topology has received a lot of attention. It is that a search for algorithmic solutions generally proves to be a rich source of well-stated mathematical problems. Speaking out of my experience, it seems that an orientation towards "e;how to"e; rather than just "e;how is"e; serves as a probing stone for choosing among possible directions of research - much like problems in mechanics led once to the development of calculus.

  • 12% sparen
    von Marie-Françoise Coste-Roy, Richard Pollack & Saugata Basu
    80,00 €

    The algorithmic problems of real algebraic geometry such as real root counting, deciding the existence of solutions of systems of polynomial equations and inequalities, or deciding whether two points belong in the same connected component of a semi-algebraic set occur in many contexts. In this first-ever graduate textbook on the algorithmic aspects of real algebraic geometry, the main ideas and techniques presented form a coherent and rich body of knowledge, linked to many areas of mathematics and computing.Mathematicians already aware of real algebraic geometry will find relevant information about the algorithmic aspects, and researchers in computer science and engineering will find the required mathematical background.Being self-contained the book is accessible to graduate students and even, for invaluable parts of it, to undergraduate students.

    106,00 €

    This edited volume presents a fascinating collection of lecture notes focusing on differential equations from two viewpoints: formal calculus (through the theory of Groebner bases) and geometry (via quiver theory).

  • von Dirk Hachenberger
    111,00 €

    104,00 €

    This edited volume presents a fascinating collection of lecture notes focusing on differential equations from two viewpoints: formal calculus (through the theory of Groebner bases) and geometry (via quiver theory).

  • von Antonio Montes
    122,00 €

    This book is divided into two parts, one theoretical and one focusing on applications, and offers a complete description of the Canonical Groebner Cover, the most accurate algebraic method for discussing parametric polynomial systems.

    50,00 €

    This book presents the basic concepts and algorithms of computer algebra using practical examples that illustrate their actual use in symbolic computation.

  • - An Algorithmic Approach
    von Ulrich Vollmer & Johannes Buchmann
    79,00 €

    The book deals with algorithmic problems related to binary quadratic forms. It uniquely focuses on the algorithmic aspects of the theory. The book introduces the reader to important areas of number theory such as diophantine equations, reduction theory of quadratic forms, geometry of numbers and algebraic number theory.

  • 11% sparen
    - Reducing the Abstract to the Concrete
    95,00 €

    Based on the ontology and semantics of algebra, the computer algebra system Magma enables users to rapidly formulate and perform calculations in abstract parts of mathematics. Coverage ranges from number theory and algebraic geometry, through representation theory and group theory to discrete mathematics and graph theory.

  • 10% sparen
    von Bernd Sturmfels, Mutsumi Saito & Nobuki Takayama
    58,00 €

    A number of original research results are contained in the book, and many open problems are raised for future research in this rapidly growing area of computational mathematics.

  • 11% sparen
    von Wolmer Vasconcelos
    67,00 €

    This ACM volume deals with tackling problems that can be represented by data structures which are essentially matrices with polynomial entries, mediated by the disciplines of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry.

  • 12% sparen
    von John R. Shackell
    94,00 - 98,00 €

    Accessible to anyone with a good general background in mathematics, but it nonetheless gets right to the cutting edge of active research. Some results appear here for the first time, while others have hitherto only been given in preprints.

  • 10% sparen
    - A Quick Start using SINGULAR
    von Christoph Lossen & Wolfram Decker
    48,00 - 54,00 €

    This book provides a quick access to computational tools for algebraic geometry, the mathematical discipline which handles solution sets of polynomial equations.

  • 13% sparen
    von Dimitry Kozlov
    79,00 - 110,00 €

    Combinatorial algebraic topology is a fascinating and dynamic field at the crossroads of algebraic topology and discrete mathematics. This volume is the first comprehensive treatment of the subject in book form.

  • 11% sparen
    - Reducing the Abstract to the Concrete
    94,98 €

    Based on the ontology and semantics of algebra, the computer algebra system Magma enables users to rapidly formulate and perform calculations in abstract parts of mathematics. Coverage ranges from number theory and algebraic geometry, through representation theory and group theory to discrete mathematics and graph theory.

  • - Transcendental Functions
    von Manuel Bronstein
    112,00 - 113,00 €

    This acclaimed book examines the topic of symbolic integration in comprehensive detail, incorporating new results along the way. The second edition offers a new chapter on parallel integration, and a number of other improvements including additional exercises.

  • 12% sparen
    von Peter Burgisser
    94,00 €

    This is a thorough and comprehensive treatment of the theory of NP-completeness in the framework of algebraic complexity theory. Coverage includes Valiant's algebraic theory of NP-completeness; interrelations with the classical theory as well as the Blum-Shub-Smale model of computation, questions of structural complexity;

  • von Neil J. A. Sloane, Gabriele Nebe & Eric M. Rains
    158,00 €

    One of the most remarkable theorems in coding theory is Gleason's 1970 theorem about the weight enumerators of self-dual codes and their connections with invariant theory. This book develops a new theory which is powerful enough to include all the earlier generalizations. It is also in part an extensive encyclopedia listing the different types of self-dual codes and their properties.

  • von Neal Koblitz
    166,00 €

    From the reviews: "This is a textbook in cryptography with emphasis on algebraic methods. It is supported by many exercises (with answers) making it appropriate for a course in mathematics or computer science. Mathematical Reviews

  • 11% sparen
    von Victor V. Prasolov
    62,00 €

    This comprehensive book covers both long-standing results in the theory of polynomials and recent developments. After initial chapters on the location and separation of roots and on irreducibility criteria, the book covers more specialized polynomials.

  • 12% sparen
    von Patric R. J. (Helsinki University of Technology) Ostergard & Petteri Kaski
    113,00 €

    A new starting-point and a new method are requisite, to insure a complete [classi?cation of the Steiner triple systems of order 15].

  • von Michael Yampolsky & Mark L. Braverman
    49,00 €

    Among all computer-generated mathematical images, Julia sets of rational maps occupy one of the most prominent positions. This accessible book summarizes the present knowledge about the computational properties of Julia sets in a self-contained way.

  • 14% sparen
    von Richard Pollack, Saugata Basu & Marie-Francoise Roy
    111,00 €

    This is the first graduate textbook on the algorithmic aspects of real algebraic geometry. The main ideas and techniques presented form a coherent and rich body of knowledge. Mathematicians will find relevant information about the algorithmic aspects.

  • 19% sparen
    von Sergei Matveev
    79,00 €

    From the reviews of the 1st edition:"This book provides a comprehensive and detailed account of different topics in algorithmic 3-dimensional topology, culminating with the recognition procedure for Haken manifolds and including the up-to-date results in computer enumeration of 3-manifolds.

  • 12% sparen
    - Structures for Algorithms and Applications
    von Jorg Rambau, Jesus A. De Loera & Francisco Santos
    75,00 - 102,00 €

    Triangulations presents the first comprehensive treatment of the theory of secondary polytopes and related topics. The text discusses the geometric structure behind the algorithms and shows new emerging applications, including hundreds of illustrations, examples, and exercises.

  • von Oleg Karpenkov
    90,00 €

    Traditionally a subject of number theory, continued fractions appear in dynamical systems, algebraic geometry, topology, and even celestial mechanics.

  • 11% sparen
    von Dieter Jungnickel
    62,00 - 93,00 €

    This is the third edition of the classic textbook on the subject. With its clear writing, strong organization, and comprehensive coverage of essential theory it is like a personal guide through this important topic, and now has lots of extra material.

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