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Bücher der Reihe Annals of Mathematics Studies

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  • von Stephen S. Kudla, Michael Rapoport & Tonghai Yang
    99,00 €

    Modular Forms and Special Cycles on Shimura Curves is a thorough study of the generating functions constructed from special cycles, both divisors and zero-cycles, on the arithmetic surface "e;M"e; attached to a Shimura curve "e;M"e; over the field of rational numbers. These generating functions are shown to be the q-expansions of modular forms and Siegel modular forms of genus two respectively, valued in the Gillet-Soule arithmetic Chow groups of "e;M"e;. The two types of generating functions are related via an arithmetic inner product formula. In addition, an analogue of the classical Siegel-Weil formula identifies the generating function for zero-cycles as the central derivative of a Siegel Eisenstein series. As an application, an arithmetic analogue of the Shimura-Waldspurger correspondence is constructed, carrying holomorphic cusp forms of weight 3/2 to classes in the Mordell-Weil group of "e;M"e;. In certain cases, the nonvanishing of this correspondence is related to the central derivative of the standard L-function for a modular form of weight 2. These results depend on a novel mixture of modular forms and arithmetic geometry and should provide a paradigm for further investigations. The proofs involve a wide range of techniques, including arithmetic intersection theory, the arithmetic adjunction formula, representation densities of quadratic forms, deformation theory of p-divisible groups, p-adic uniformization, the Weil representation, the local and global theta correspondence, and the doubling integral representation of L-functions.

  • von Daniel W. Stroock
    83,00 €

    Kiyosi Ito's greatest contribution to probability theory may be his introduction of stochastic differential equations to explain the Kolmogorov-Feller theory of Markov processes. Starting with the geometric ideas that guided him, this book gives an account of Ito's program. The modern theory of Markov processes was initiated by A. N. Kolmogorov. However, Kolmogorov's approach was too analytic to reveal the probabilistic foundations on which it rests. In particular, it hides the central role played by the simplest Markov processes: those with independent, identically distributed increments. To remedy this defect, Ito interpreted Kolmogorov's famous forward equation as an equation that describes the integral curve of a vector field on the space of probability measures. Thus, in order to show how Ito's thinking leads to his theory of stochastic integral equations, Stroock begins with an account of integral curves on the space of probability measures and then arrives at stochastic integral equations when he moves to a pathspace setting. In the first half of the book, everything is done in the context of general independent increment processes and without explicit use of Ito's stochastic integral calculus. In the second half, the author provides a systematic development of Ito's theory of stochastic integration: first for Brownian motion and then for continuous martingales. The final chapter presents Stratonovich's variation on Ito's theme and ends with an application to the characterization of the paths on which a diffusion is supported. The book should be accessible to readers who have mastered the essentials of modern probability theory and should provide such readers with a reasonably thorough introduction to continuous-time, stochastic processes.

  • von Wei Zhang, Xinyi Yuan & Shou-wu Zhang
    84,00 €

    This comprehensive account of the Gross-Zagier formula on Shimura curves over totally real fields relates the heights of Heegner points on abelian varieties to the derivatives of L-series. The formula will have new applications for the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture and Diophantine equations. The book begins with a conceptual formulation of the Gross-Zagier formula in terms of incoherent quaternion algebras and incoherent automorphic representations with rational coefficients attached naturally to abelian varieties parametrized by Shimura curves. This is followed by a complete proof of its coherent analogue: the Waldspurger formula, which relates the periods of integrals and the special values of L-series by means of Weil representations. The Gross-Zagier formula is then reformulated in terms of incoherent Weil representations and Kudla's generating series. Using Arakelov theory and the modularity of Kudla's generating series, the proof of the Gross-Zagier formula is reduced to local formulas. The Gross-Zagier Formula on Shimura Curves will be of great use to students wishing to enter this area and to those already working in it.

  • von Charles Fefferman & C. Robin Graham
    66,00 €

    This book develops and applies a theory of the ambient metric in conformal geometry. This is a Lorentz metric in n+2 dimensions that encodes a conformal class of metrics in n dimensions. The ambient metric has an alternate incarnation as the Poincare metric, a metric in n+1 dimensions having the conformal manifold as its conformal infinity. In this realization, the construction has played a central role in the AdS/CFT correspondence in physics. The existence and uniqueness of the ambient metric at the formal power series level is treated in detail. This includes the derivation of the ambient obstruction tensor and an explicit analysis of the special cases of conformally flat and conformally Einstein spaces. Poincare metrics are introduced and shown to be equivalent to the ambient formulation. Self-dual Poincare metrics in four dimensions are considered as a special case, leading to a formal power series proof of LeBrun's collar neighborhood theorem proved originally using twistor methods. Conformal curvature tensors are introduced and their fundamental properties are established. A jet isomorphism theorem is established for conformal geometry, resulting in a representation of the space of jets of conformal structures at a point in terms of conformal curvature tensors. The book concludes with a construction and characterization of scalar conformal invariants in terms of ambient curvature, applying results in parabolic invariant theory.

  • von Jean-Michel Bismut
    82,00 €

    This book uses the hypoelliptic Laplacian to evaluate semisimple orbital integrals in a formalism that unifies index theory and the trace formula. The hypoelliptic Laplacian is a family of operators that is supposed to interpolate between the ordinary Laplacian and the geodesic flow. It is essentially the weighted sum of a harmonic oscillator along the fiber of the tangent bundle, and of the generator of the geodesic flow. In this book, semisimple orbital integrals associated with the heat kernel of the Casimir operator are shown to be invariant under a suitable hypoelliptic deformation, which is constructed using the Dirac operator of Kostant. Their explicit evaluation is obtained by localization on geodesics in the symmetric space, in a formula closely related to the Atiyah-Bott fixed point formulas. Orbital integrals associated with the wave kernel are also computed. Estimates on the hypoelliptic heat kernel play a key role in the proofs, and are obtained by combining analytic, geometric, and probabilistic techniques. Analytic techniques emphasize the wavelike aspects of the hypoelliptic heat kernel, while geometrical considerations are needed to obtain proper control of the hypoelliptic heat kernel, especially in the localization process near the geodesics. Probabilistic techniques are especially relevant, because underlying the hypoelliptic deformation is a deformation of dynamical systems on the symmetric space, which interpolates between Brownian motion and the geodesic flow. The Malliavin calculus is used at critical stages of the proof.

  • - Type A Combinatorial Theory (AM-175)
    von Daniel Bump, Ben Brubaker & Solomon Friedberg
    61,00 €

    Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series are generalizations of the Riemann zeta function. Like the Riemann zeta function, they are Dirichlet series with analytic continuation and functional equations, having applications to analytic number theory. By contrast, these Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series may be functions of several complex variables and their groups of functional equations may be arbitrary finite Weyl groups. Furthermore, their coefficients are multiplicative up to roots of unity, generalizing the notion of Euler products. This book proves foundational results about these series and develops their combinatorics. These interesting functions may be described as Whittaker coefficients of Eisenstein series on metaplectic groups, but this characterization doesn't readily lead to an explicit description of the coefficients. The coefficients may be expressed as sums over Kashiwara crystals, which are combinatorial analogs of characters of irreducible representations of Lie groups. For Cartan Type A, there are two distinguished descriptions, and if these are known to be equal, the analytic properties of the Dirichlet series follow. Proving the equality of the two combinatorial definitions of the Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series requires the comparison of two sums of products of Gauss sums over lattice points in polytopes. Through a series of surprising combinatorial reductions, this is accomplished. The book includes expository material about crystals, deformations of the Weyl character formula, and the Yang-Baxter equation.

  • von Jacques Gasqui & Hubert Goldschmidt
    111,00 €

    This book provides the first unified examination of the relationship between Radon transforms on symmetric spaces of compact type and the infinitesimal versions of two fundamental rigidity problems in Riemannian geometry. Its primary focus is the spectral rigidity problem: Can the metric of a given Riemannian symmetric space of compact type be characterized by means of the spectrum of its Laplacian? It also addresses a question rooted in the Blaschke problem: Is a Riemannian metric on a projective space whose geodesics are all closed and of the same length isometric to the canonical metric? The authors comprehensively treat the results concerning Radon transforms and the infinitesimal versions of these two problems. Their main result implies that most Grassmannians are spectrally rigid to the first order. This is particularly important, for there are still few isospectrality results for positively curved spaces and these are the first such results for symmetric spaces of compact type of rank >1. The authors exploit the theory of overdetermined partial differential equations and harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces to provide criteria for infinitesimal rigidity that apply to a large class of spaces. A substantial amount of basic material about Riemannian geometry, symmetric spaces, and Radon transforms is included in a clear and elegant presentation that will be useful to researchers and advanced students in differential geometry.

  • - Asymptotics and Applications (AM-164)
    von J. Baik, T. Kriecherbauer, Kenneth D.T-R McLaughlin & usw.
    65,00 €

    This book describes the theory and applications of discrete orthogonal polynomials--polynomials that are orthogonal on a finite set. Unlike other books, Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials addresses completely general weight functions and presents a new methodology for handling the discrete weights case. J. Baik, T. Kriecherbauer, K. T.-R. McLaughlin & P. D. Miller focus on asymptotic aspects of general, nonclassical discrete orthogonal polynomials and set out applications of current interest. Topics covered include the probability theory of discrete orthogonal polynomial ensembles and the continuum limit of the Toda lattice. The primary concern throughout is the asymptotic behavior of discrete orthogonal polynomials for general, nonclassical measures, in the joint limit where the degree increases as some fraction of the total number of points of collocation. The book formulates the orthogonality conditions defining these polynomials as a kind of Riemann-Hilbert problem and then generalizes the steepest descent method for such a problem to carry out the necessary asymptotic analysis.

  • von Vladimir G. Berkovich
    66,00 €

    Among the many differences between classical and p-adic objects, those related to differential equations occupy a special place. For example, a closed p-adic analytic one-form defined on a simply-connected domain does not necessarily have a primitive in the class of analytic functions. In the early 1980s, Robert Coleman discovered a way to construct primitives of analytic one-forms on certain smooth p-adic analytic curves in a bigger class of functions. Since then, there have been several attempts to generalize his ideas to smooth p-adic analytic spaces of higher dimension, but the spaces considered were invariably associated with algebraic varieties. This book aims to show that every smooth p-adic analytic space is provided with a sheaf of functions that includes all analytic ones and satisfies a uniqueness property. It also contains local primitives of all closed one-forms with coefficients in the sheaf that, in the case considered by Coleman, coincide with those he constructed. In consequence, one constructs a parallel transport of local solutions of a unipotent differential equation and an integral of a closed one-form along a path so that both depend nontrivially on the homotopy class of the path. Both the author's previous results on geometric properties of smooth p-adic analytic spaces and the theory of isocrystals are further developed in this book, which is aimed at graduate students and mathematicians working in the areas of non-Archimedean analytic geometry, number theory, and algebraic geometry.

  • von Kazuya Kato & Sampei Usui
    83,00 €

    In 1970, Phillip Griffiths envisioned that points at infinity could be added to the classifying space D of polarized Hodge structures. In this book, Kazuya Kato and Sampei Usui realize this dream by creating a logarithmic Hodge theory. They use the logarithmic structures begun by Fontaine-Illusie to revive nilpotent orbits as a logarithmic Hodge structure. The book focuses on two principal topics. First, Kato and Usui construct the fine moduli space of polarized logarithmic Hodge structures with additional structures. Even for a Hermitian symmetric domain D, the present theory is a refinement of the toroidal compactifications by Mumford et al. For general D, fine moduli spaces may have slits caused by Griffiths transversality at the boundary and be no longer locally compact. Second, Kato and Usui construct eight enlargements of D and describe their relations by a fundamental diagram, where four of these enlargements live in the Hodge theoretic area and the other four live in the algebra-group theoretic area. These two areas are connected by a continuous map given by the SL(2)-orbit theorem of Cattani-Kaplan-Schmid. This diagram is used for the construction in the first topic.

  • von Vladimir Voevodsky, Andrei Suslin & Eric M. Friedlander
    82,00 €

    The original goal that ultimately led to this volume was the construction of "e;motivic cohomology theory,"e; whose existence was conjectured by A. Beilinson and S. Lichtenbaum. This is achieved in the book's fourth paper, using results of the other papers whose additional role is to contribute to our understanding of various properties of algebraic cycles. The material presented provides the foundations for the recent proof of the celebrated "e;Milnor Conjecture"e; by Vladimir Voevodsky. The theory of sheaves of relative cycles is developed in the first paper of this volume. The theory of presheaves with transfers and more specifically homotopy invariant presheaves with transfers is the main theme of the second paper. The Friedlander-Lawson moving lemma for families of algebraic cycles appears in the third paper in which a bivariant theory called bivariant cycle cohomology is constructed. The fifth and last paper in the volume gives a proof of the fact that bivariant cycle cohomology groups are canonically isomorphic (in appropriate cases) to Bloch's higher Chow groups, thereby providing a link between the authors' theory and Bloch's original approach to motivic (co-)homology.

  • - A Diophantine Perspective. (AM-159)
    von Nicholas M. Katz
    120,00 €

    It is now some thirty years since Deligne first proved his general equidistribution theorem, thus establishing the fundamental result governing the statistical properties of suitably "e;pure"e; algebro-geometric families of character sums over finite fields (and of their associated L-functions). Roughly speaking, Deligne showed that any such family obeys a "e;generalized Sato-Tate law,"e; and that figuring out which generalized Sato-Tate law applies to a given family amounts essentially to computing a certain complex semisimple (not necessarily connected) algebraic group, the "e;geometric monodromy group"e; attached to that family. Up to now, nearly all techniques for determining geometric monodromy groups have relied, at least in part, on local information. In Moments, Monodromy, and Perversity, Nicholas Katz develops new techniques, which are resolutely global in nature. They are based on two vital ingredients, neither of which existed at the time of Deligne's original work on the subject. The first is the theory of perverse sheaves, pioneered by Goresky and MacPherson in the topological setting and then brilliantly transposed to algebraic geometry by Beilinson, Bernstein, Deligne, and Gabber. The second is Larsen's Alternative, which very nearly characterizes classical groups by their fourth moments. These new techniques, which are of great interest in their own right, are first developed and then used to calculate the geometric monodromy groups attached to some quite specific universal families of (L-functions attached to) character sums over finite fields.

  • von Stevo Todorcevic
    63,00 €

    Ramsey theory is a fast-growing area of combinatorics with deep connections to other fields of mathematics such as topological dynamics, ergodic theory, mathematical logic, and algebra. The area of Ramsey theory dealing with Ramsey-type phenomena in higher dimensions is particularly useful. Introduction to Ramsey Spaces presents in a systematic way a method for building higher-dimensional Ramsey spaces from basic one-dimensional principles. It is the first book-length treatment of this area of Ramsey theory, and emphasizes applications for related and surrounding fields of mathematics, such as set theory, combinatorics, real and functional analysis, and topology. In order to facilitate accessibility, the book gives the method in its axiomatic form with examples that cover many important parts of Ramsey theory both finite and infinite. An exciting new direction for combinatorics, this book will interest graduate students and researchers working in mathematical subdisciplines requiring the mastery and practice of high-dimensional Ramsey theory.

  • von Sophie Morel
    61,00 €

    This book studies the intersection cohomology of the Shimura varieties associated to unitary groups of any rank over Q. In general, these varieties are not compact. The intersection cohomology of the Shimura variety associated to a reductive group G carries commuting actions of the absolute Galois group of the reflex field and of the group G(Af) of finite adelic points of G. The second action can be studied on the set of complex points of the Shimura variety. In this book, Sophie Morel identifies the Galois action--at good places--on the G(Af)-isotypical components of the cohomology. Morel uses the method developed by Langlands, Ihara, and Kottwitz, which is to compare the Grothendieck-Lefschetz fixed point formula and the Arthur-Selberg trace formula. The first problem, that of applying the fixed point formula to the intersection cohomology, is geometric in nature and is the object of the first chapter, which builds on Morel's previous work. She then turns to the group-theoretical problem of comparing these results with the trace formula, when G is a unitary group over Q. Applications are then given. In particular, the Galois representation on a G(Af)-isotypical component of the cohomology is identified at almost all places, modulo a non-explicit multiplicity. Morel also gives some results on base change from unitary groups to general linear groups.

  • von Janos Kollar
    63,00 €

    Resolution of singularities is a powerful and frequently used tool in algebraic geometry. In this book, Janos Kollar provides a comprehensive treatment of the characteristic 0 case. He describes more than a dozen proofs for curves, many based on the original papers of Newton, Riemann, and Noether. Kollar goes back to the original sources and presents them in a modern context. He addresses three methods for surfaces, and gives a self-contained and entirely elementary proof of a strong and functorial resolution in all dimensions. Based on a series of lectures at Princeton University and written in an informal yet lucid style, this book is aimed at readers who are interested in both the historical roots of the modern methods and in a simple and transparent proof of this important theorem.

  • von Jean-Michel Bismut & Gilles Lebeau
    68,00 €

    This book presents the analytic foundations to the theory of the hypoelliptic Laplacian. The hypoelliptic Laplacian, a second-order operator acting on the cotangent bundle of a compact manifold, is supposed to interpolate between the classical Laplacian and the geodesic flow. Jean-Michel Bismut and Gilles Lebeau establish the basic functional analytic properties of this operator, which is also studied from the perspective of local index theory and analytic torsion. The book shows that the hypoelliptic Laplacian provides a geometric version of the Fokker-Planck equations. The authors give the proper functional analytic setting in order to study this operator and develop a pseudodifferential calculus, which provides estimates on the hypoelliptic Laplacian's resolvent. When the deformation parameter tends to zero, the hypoelliptic Laplacian converges to the standard Hodge Laplacian of the base by a collapsing argument in which the fibers of the cotangent bundle collapse to a point. For the local index theory, small time asymptotics for the supertrace of the associated heat kernel are obtained. The Ray-Singer analytic torsion of the hypoelliptic Laplacian as well as the associated Ray-Singer metrics on the determinant of the cohomology are studied in an equivariant setting, resulting in a key comparison formula between the elliptic and hypoelliptic analytic torsions.

  • von Richard M. Weiss
    78,00 €

    In The Structure of Affine Buildings, Richard Weiss gives a detailed presentation of the complete proof of the classification of Bruhat-Tits buildings first completed by Jacques Tits in 1986. The book includes numerous results about automorphisms, completions, and residues of these buildings. It also includes tables correlating the results in the locally finite case with the results of Tits's classification of absolutely simple algebraic groups defined over a local field. A companion to Weiss's The Structure of Spherical Buildings, The Structure of Affine Buildings is organized around the classification of spherical buildings and their root data as it is carried out in Tits and Weiss's Moufang Polygons.

  • von Richard Evan Schwartz
    76,00 €

    Outer billiards is a basic dynamical system defined relative to a convex shape in the plane. B. H. Neumann introduced this system in the 1950s, and J. Moser popularized it as a toy model for celestial mechanics. All along, the so-called Moser-Neumann question has been one of the central problems in the field. This question asks whether or not one can have an outer billiards system with an unbounded orbit. The Moser-Neumann question is an idealized version of the question of whether, because of small disturbances in its orbit, the Earth can break out of its orbit and fly away from the Sun. In Outer Billiards on Kites, Richard Schwartz presents his affirmative solution to the Moser-Neumann problem. He shows that an outer billiards system can have an unbounded orbit when defined relative to any irrational kite. A kite is a quadrilateral having a diagonal that is a line of bilateral symmetry. The kite is irrational if the other diagonal divides the quadrilateral into two triangles whose areas are not rationally related. In addition to solving the basic problem, Schwartz relates outer billiards on kites to such topics as Diophantine approximation, the modular group, self-similar sets, polytope exchange maps, profinite completions of the integers, and solenoids--connections that together allow for a fairly complete analysis of the dynamical system.

  • von Alexander Gorodnik & Amos Nevo
    54,00 €

    The results established in this book constitute a new departure in ergodic theory and a significant expansion of its scope. Traditional ergodic theorems focused on amenable groups, and relied on the existence of an asymptotically invariant sequence in the group, the resulting maximal inequalities based on covering arguments, and the transference principle. Here, Alexander Gorodnik and Amos Nevo develop a systematic general approach to the proof of ergodic theorems for a large class of non-amenable locally compact groups and their lattice subgroups. Simple general conditions on the spectral theory of the group and the regularity of the averaging sets are formulated, which suffice to guarantee convergence to the ergodic mean. In particular, this approach gives a complete solution to the problem of establishing mean and pointwise ergodic theorems for the natural averages on semisimple algebraic groups and on their discrete lattice subgroups. Furthermore, an explicit quantitative rate of convergence to the ergodic mean is established in many cases. The topic of this volume lies at the intersection of several mathematical fields of fundamental importance. These include ergodic theory and dynamics of non-amenable groups, harmonic analysis on semisimple algebraic groups and their homogeneous spaces, quantitative non-Euclidean lattice point counting problems and their application to number theory, as well as equidistribution and non-commutative Diophantine approximation. Many examples and applications are provided in the text, demonstrating the usefulness of the results established.

  • von Harold William Kuhn
    60,00 €

    This book is a spectacular introduction to the modern mathematical discipline known as the Theory of Games. Harold Kuhn first presented these lectures at Princeton University in 1952. They succinctly convey the essence of the theory, in part through the prism of the most exciting developments at its frontiers half a century ago. Kuhn devotes considerable space to topics that, while not strictly the subject matter of game theory, are firmly bound to it. These are taken mainly from the geometry of convex sets and the theory of probability distributions. The book opens by addressing "e;matrix games,"e; a name first introduced in these lectures as an abbreviation for two-person, zero-sum games in normal form with a finite number of pure strategies. It continues with a treatment of games in extensive form, using a model introduced by the author in 1950 that quickly supplanted von Neumann and Morgenstern's cumbersome approach. A final section deals with games that have an infinite number of pure strategies for the two players. Throughout, the theory is generously illustrated with examples, and exercises test the reader's understanding. A historical note caps off each chapter. For readers familiar with the calculus and with elementary matrix theory or vector analysis, this book offers an indispensable store of vital insights on a subject whose importance has only grown with the years.

  • von Nicholas M. Katz
    88,00 €

    For hundreds of years, the study of elliptic curves has played a central role in mathematics. The past century in particular has seen huge progress in this study, from Mordell's theorem in 1922 to the work of Wiles and Taylor-Wiles in 1994. Nonetheless, there remain many fundamental questions where we do not even know what sort of answers to expect. This book explores two of them: What is the average rank of elliptic curves, and how does the rank vary in various kinds of families of elliptic curves? Nicholas Katz answers these questions for families of ''big'' twists of elliptic curves in the function field case (with a growing constant field). The monodromy-theoretic methods he develops turn out to apply, still in the function field case, equally well to families of big twists of objects of all sorts, not just to elliptic curves. The leisurely, lucid introduction gives the reader a clear picture of what is known and what is unknown at present, and situates the problems solved in this book within the broader context of the overall study of elliptic curves. The book's technical core makes use of, and explains, various advanced topics ranging from recent results in finite group theory to the machinery of l-adic cohomology and monodromy. Twisted L-Functions and Monodromy is essential reading for anyone interested in number theory and algebraic geometry.

  • - Hermann Weyl Lectures, The Institute for Advanced Study. (AM-90)
    von John Frank Adams
    77,00 €

    The theory of infinite loop spaces has been the center of much recent activity in algebraic topology. Frank Adams surveys this extensive work for researchers and students. Among the major topics covered are generalized cohomology theories and spectra; infinite-loop space machines in the sense of Boadman-Vogt, May, and Segal; localization and group completion; the transfer; the Adams conjecture and several proofs of it; and the recent theories of Adams and Priddy and of Madsen, Snaith, and Tornehave.

    117,00 €

    The description for this book, Contributions to the Theory of Games (AM-40), Volume IV, will be forthcoming.

  • - Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of William Browder. (AM-138)
    110,00 €

    This collection brings together papers by mathematicians exploring the research frontiers of topology. The book covers a wide range of topological specialities.

  • - The Princeton Conference in Honor of Gunning and Kohn. (AM-137)
    105,00 €

    Includes fifteen articles which focus on the developments in complex analysis. This work covers a spectrum of research using the methods of partial differential equations as well as differential and algebraic geometry. It covers topics that include invariants of manifolds, the complex Neumann problem, complex dynamics, Ricci flows, and more.

  • von David A. Vogan
    105,00 €

    Based on the "Hermann Weyl Lectures" given at the Institute for Advanced Study in January 1986. This title outlines some of what is known about irreducible unitary representations of real reductive groups, providing definitions and references, and sketches of most proofs.

    103,00 €

    The purpose of this book is to describe a certain number of results involving the study of non-linear analytic dependence of some functionals arising naturally in P.D.E. or operator theory.

  • - Proceedings of a Symposium in Honor of John C. Moore. (AM-113)
    121,00 €

    This book contains accounts of talks held at a symposium in honor of John C. Moore in October 1983 at Princeton University, The work includes papers in classical homotopy theory, homological algebra, rational homotopy theory, algebraic K-theory of spaces, and other subjects.

    143,00 €

    Group theory and topology are closely related. The region of their interaction, combining the logical clarity of algebra with the depths of geometric intuition, is the subject of Combinatorial Group Theory and Topology. The work includes papers from a conference held in July 1984 at Alta Lodge, Utah.Contributors to the book include Roger Alperin, Hyman Bass, Max Benson, Joan S. Birman, Andrew J. Casson, Marshall Cohen, Donald J. Collins, Robert Craggs, Michael Dyer, Beno Eckmann, Stephen M. Gersten, Jane Gilman, Robert H. Gilman, Narain D. Gupta, John Hempel, James Howie, Roger Lyndon, Martin Lustig, Lee P. Neuwirth, Andrew J. Nicas, N. Patterson, John G. Ratcliffe, Frank Rimlinger, Caroline Series, John R. Stallings, C. W. Stark, and A. Royce Wolf.

    110,00 €

    The description for this book, Topics in Transcendental Algebraic Geometry. (AM-106), will be forthcoming.

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