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Bücher der Reihe Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fur Forschung Des Landes Nordrhein-Westf

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  • von Max Delbrück
    54,99 €

    The essence of molecular genetics lies in the discovery of a special class of highly polymeric molecules, the nucleid acids. These molecules function in the cell in very much the same manner in which the punched tapes of modern computers function. Four types of punch markings are employed, and information is stored in very long linear tapes, containing sequences of many thousands of punch marks. The manner in which this information is copied and the manner in which it is transcribed is discussed. The conceptual system discussed in this lecture occupies a central role in modern biology. It is a surprising fact that both the experimental findings and the conceptual developments originated - and still largely develo- outside the walls of academic biology, conceived as Zoology and Botany. The sociological reasons for this bizarre situation are discussed. Resume L'essentiel de la gen

  • von Walter Kikuth
    54,99 €

    Important among the various sources of emission are domestic heating and motor vehicles. Incomplete combustion causes most emissiün. Macro-climatic and micrü-climatic conditions are highly significant in the spread and density üf air pollutiün. Although ünly unpleasant smell or soiling air pollutiün have caused offen ce, we must recognize and examine the main harmful gaseous and powdery ingredients, particularly thüse with lasting harmful effect. Thus, of interest amüng powdery emissions are only the suspended particles « 5 p), because only they can penetrate the lungs. Sedimentation methods are therefore nüt suited to infürm us ün dust aero­ soles injurious to health. The müst important emissions are cancerogenic substances such as 3,4-benzpyren. Under special conditiüns, animal experi­ ments shüw that these substances are able to cause bronchial tumours. The increase in lung cancer appears tü be assüciated with high air püllution in cities; the müst frequently and increasingly proved gaseous emissions are S02, CO and N0 . 2 Müre impürtant than the individual components is the examinatiün of the combinatiün of various gaseous and püwdery air pollutiüns. The catastrophes in London, Donora and in the Maas valley, and special conditions in Los Angeles, are significant examples üf the importance üf air hygiene. Towards the maintenance of clean air, filters can be mounted in chimneys, although filter efficiency drops appreciably with a grain size üf < 5 p.

  • - Das Beispiel Israels
    von Amos (Weizmann Institute) De-Shalit
    54,99 €

    Small countries have got specific problems in their scientific developments. Some of them have to do merely with the fact that everything has to be done by a very small number of people; others may have to do with the fact that everything has to be done with a rather uncommon language; and others still may have to do with financial and other difficulties which small nations very often find themselves in. Israel has the features of some small developing countries, and lacks others. In many respects it is also a rather "abnormal" country. As such it provides a special opportunity for the study of the importance of various factors under extreme conditions. It is from this point of view that we try to analyze the problems facing scientific research in small countries and some ways and means of solving them. Resume Les petites Nations ont leurs problemes specifiques concernant leur developpement scientifique. Pour certaines de ces Nations, ils consistent en ce que tout doit etre fait par un nombre tres reduit de personnes; d'autres ont a faire face au probleme d'une langue qui n'est pas commune et enfin, certaines de ces Nations ont encore des difficultes d'ordre financier, probleme qui se pose souvent aux petites Nations. Israel possede les caracteristiques de certaines petites Nations en voie de developpement ; par contre, certaines de ces caracteristiques lui manquent. A certains points de vue Israel est plutot une nation «anormale».

  • von Herbert ~Von&#156 & Einem
    54,99 €

    Der Vortrag gibt meinen Beitrag zu dem anläßlich der großen Karls­ ausstellung in Aachen 1965 von Wolfgang Braunfels herausgegebenen Werk "Karl der Große, Lebenswerk und Nachleben" (Bd. 4), Verlag L. Schwann, Düsseldorf, wieder. Ich danke Herausgeber und Verlag für die freundliche Druckerlaubnis an dieser Stelle. Der Text ist um eine Schluß betrachtung über Rethels letztes Werk erweitert worden: die Zeichnung nach Guido Renis Fresko "Aurora" im Palazzo Rospigliosi-Pallavicini in Rom, ein ergreifen­ des Zeugnis schöpferischer Tätigkeit des bereits Umnachteten. Bonn, im März 1968 H erbert von Einem I. Alfred Rethels Karlsfresken im Aachener Rathaus sind die bedeutendsten Werke der deutschen Monumentalmalerei des 19. Jahrhunderts zwischen Pe­ ter Cornelius und Hans v. Marees - aber ihre Geschichte ist eine Tragödie. Wie ist es zu dieser Tragödie gekommen? Wie ist sie zu verstehen I? 11. 1840 hatte der Romantiker Peter Cornelius die Trinitätsfresken der Lud­ wigskirche in München vollendet 2. Ihre Symbolik war schon nicht mehr vor­ behaltlos aufgenommen und anerkannt worden. In der Kritik Franz Kuglers - des Lehrers und Freundes von Jacob Burckhardt - heißt es: "So sieht man an dem Bandgewölbe über dem Hauptaltar den weltschaffenden Gott gleich­ zeitig in feuriger Bewegung und unwandelbarer Ruhe dargestellt, ruhig sit­ zend und doch mit dem Oberleibe gewaltsam bewegt, was, der Natur der Sache nach, kein Bild reiner Erhabenheit gewährt.

  • von Ludwig Voelkl
    54,99 €

    1. The concepts "purum", "religiosum", "sacrum" and "sanctum", for­ mulated by Roman sacrallaw, are by nature possessory titles. They identify objects, properties and persons laid claim to by one or the other deity, or the possessory tide whlch was transferred to such deity by persons. In the one case, the theophanies and prodigia, ascribed to supernatural powers, had possession changing effects; in the other, the vota, burials, sanctions, dedi­ cations and consecrations were performed by people. 2. If one compares the Constantine charters of foundation inserted by the Liber Pontificalis in the Vita of Pope Sylvester with the "leges templorum" required by Roman sacral law, then in both cases a striking similarity in structure and formulation can be found. In the one instance, as in the other, the date, name and charge of the founder, name of the deity and the nature of the object of endowment, the fittings and the amount of the endowment capital are noted with the most predse exactness. The church buildings founded by the Emperor are given the designation "basilica". Therefore, they have an equality of status with the official buildings that are recognized as such by public law. In these were performed the ritual ceremonies in honor of the Christian God recognized by the State as weil as the official acts of the internal ecclesiastical jurisdiction, whlch enjoyed very special privileges. 3.

  • von Michael Grewing
    54,99 €

  • von Friedrich Moelbert
    54,99 €

    Regarding the topic of the lecture at first adefinition of the terms "Bio­ logy" and "Technics" is given. The recognitions of biology with regard to the provisions of organisms and living creatures for securing their existence and preserving the species may be compared with the tasks and aims of technology which adds substantial means to the "equipment" of man provid­ ed by nature. For further development technology mostly requires long periods of time too. In a direct or transferred sense it takes possession of solutions for certain tasks that nature has al ready solved. To a large extent nature is the teacher of technical science; but technology also creates such products as for instance the wheel with the continuous rotary movement both of which as a principle do not exist in nature. The correlations between biology and technology must be considered already beginning from that date when technology comes into existence. Technics must follow the same laws as nature. For the rotary movement nature has a substitute and uses other means and principles for locomotion than human technology. Never­ theless the teclmics of vehic1es by land, by water and in the air show many parallels with nature where from our point of view nature would have to solve technical problems. The correlations between carriage-way and vehic1e are very similar to those between living creatures and their area of motion.

  • - Seine geschichtliche und theologische Problematik
    von Heinz-Dietrich Wendland
    54,99 €

  • von Mario Montanari
    54,99 €

  • von Pierre Auger
    54,99 €

    After a survey about the historical development, the paper deals with the different institutions that are working for the realization of the old demand for a co-operation of scientists and technicians of different nations today. The abundance of the international organizations can be grouped in non­ public and public enterprises. Some among these have only to perform tasks of organization and administration and other concrete functions in scientific research or technical research and its industrial applications. Finally the or­ ganizations of world-wide membership differ from those whose members are restricted to certain geographical regions. In view of the diversity of the international organizations and their rela­ tionships it is not easy to presume which road future development in this prosperous field of international co-operation will take. At any rate it is of greatest importance for the scientists to watch over the development and to determine its direction, in order to guarantee the difficult balance between spiritual freedom and material dependence. Resume Se basant sur un apen;:u de l'evolution historique de la seienee et de la recherche, eet expose traite des differentes institutions, dont la fonetion est de realiser aujourd'hui le desir d'une eooperation entre les hommes de la seienee et les teehniciens des differentes nations.

  • von Victor Frederick Weisskopf
    54,99 €

    Tht\! development of the concept of subatomic particles is traced from the atom to the mesons and nucleons. The roles of the quantum theory and of the concept of symmetry are discussed, the significance of the research into subatomic particles for the physics is stressed. Resume L'evolution du terme «particule elementaire» est analysee, depuis I'atome jusqu'aux mesons et aux nucleons. Le röIe de Ia theorie des quanta ainsi que Ie terme «symetrie» font I'objet d'une discussion, tandis que I'auteur souligne l'importance de Ia recherche fondamentale relative aux particules elementaires pour Ia physique. · Diskussion (Auszug) Professor Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Paul Herr Weisskopf hat die Sache so dargestellt, daß man von der letzten Ent­ wicklung gar nichts weiß. Die Theoretiker sind unbedeutende, meist sehr bescheidene Leute, aber ganz so "weiße Knaben" sind die Theoretiker na­ türlich auch nicht. Man weiß im Grunde genommen nicht sehr viel, aber man weiß in den letzten Jahren doch etwas mehr über die Eigenschaften.

  • von Heinz Siegfried Wolff
    54,99 €

    After general remarks on the flow behaviour in blood circulation some experiments are described which were carried out on models in the Aero­ dynamischen Institut at the TH Aachen. In artery branchings, especially in prostheses, the sedimentation of substances which cause a stenosis can become critical because of secondary flows. Results obtained up to now are described on the variations of the unsteady flow conditions caused by the elasticity of the artery walls, as well as on the possibility and the danger of gas separation induced by the flow and wave phenomena. On models of artificial heart valves (aorta and mitralis prostheses) the flow pattern is observed and the pressure drop is measured; here the charac­ teristic parameters (size of prostheses related to aorta diameter, lift of the valve body, asymmetric position in the aorta inlet) are systematically varied, From the drag measurements an optimum arrangement for each valve type can be evaluated concerning the reduction of the heart muscle performance and of the formation of stagnation regions (danger of thrombosis). Finally model tests with swine blood in a special facility have confirmed that certain flow phenomena bring on a mechanically caused hemolysis.

  • - Zugleich ein Ausblick auf St. Brandan und die zweite Kolumbusreise
    von Georg Schreiber
    54,99 €

  • von Friedrich Kraut
    54,99 €

    In their race through the his tory of science, psychiatry and psychology have run long stretches neck and neck without any mutual germination. It was only a hundred years ago that the first contact was established between psychology and psychopathology, when Griesinger (1845) began to view psychopathological phenomena in the light of psychology, basing his study on Herbart' s psychology. The greater the subsequent necessity for psychiatry to meet practical requirements - for instance in the case of forensic questioning -, the more the psychiatrist found himself compelled to bring the foundations of his profession into precise focus, and at the same time to spread them to cover a broad standard psychology. When G. Th. Fechner wrote his "Elements of Psychophysics" in 1860, and develop­ ed the "basic law of psychophysics", concepts such as that of the "threshold of stimulus" and methodically computed measurements of sensitivity laid the initial foundations of an experimental psychology capable of gradual penetration into the realms of psychiatry. On the other hand, encephalopathological phenomena such as internal impediments in speech, the various types of aphasia, constrained psychiatrists to interpret such impediments in terms of psychology. Finally, the most important of Wilhelm Wundt's works (from 1891 onward) beamed towards psychiatry very powerful stimulation tending in the direction of the experimental registration of sensorial perception, powers of concentration, speed of reaction, emotional expression, and the conscious, and so paved the way towards a genuine and lasting rapprochement between psychiatry and psychology.

  • von Herbert ~Von&#156 & Einem
    54,99 €

    in Santa Maria deI Carmine in Florenz (Abb. 1-2) harren immer nom der Lösung 1. Wem war die Kapelle ursprüng­ lim geweiht? Das Gnadenbild der ,Madonna deI Carmine', das sim heute auf dem Altar befindet, ist erst später in die Kapelle gekommen 2.

  • von Josef Wille
    79,99 €

    The paper gives account of some physical aspects of the transition process. The tool of the turbulence research er is the hot-wire probe. For special flow phenomena, e. g. the flow of vortices, typical hot-wire signals are shown and explained. In a free jet the laminar-turbulent transition occurs in the cylindrical boundary layer which breaks away from the nozzle wall as a laminar boun­ dary layer. In the transition region the undulating shear layer forms meanders which concentrate to annular vortices embracing the jet. Charac­ teristic data of such vortices are given. Further downstream the vortices break down, and during this process the hot-wire signals show outbreaks of high frequent disturbances. "Spot" phenomena occuring intermittently in space and time govern the last stages of transition. In the special case of free-jet transition, between the point of lability and the fully developed turbulence, laminar vortices are defined as an intermediate stage. The strength of the vorticity of the annular vortices was measured and the experimental data lead to the hypothesis that a "critical vortex strength" defines the onset of turbulence. Diskussion Professor Dr. -Ing. Friedrich Seewald Ich habe das Gefühl, daß die gesamte Turbulenzforschung seit längerer Zeit nicht mehr recht weitergekommen ist. Große Fortschritte sind seinerzeit erreicht worden, als Prandtl und seine Schüler die ersten Schritte zum Ver­ ständnis der Turbulenz taten.

  • von Hubert Jedin
    54,99 €

    The history of the councils permits the recognition of four traditional types of Oecumenical Council - the Old-christian Bishops' Council, which was convened by the Emperor and decided questions of dogma and disci­ pline; the Papal General Council of the middle ages, which was convened, guided and confirmed by the Pope and which, both by reason of the sub­ jects to be dealt with and the personal constitution thereof, represented Christendom; the councils of the 15th century claimed to act as Church Par­ liaments; the Council of Trient, which again reverted to the twO first types and to which the first Vatican Council was similar as to structure, was con­ forming in essentials to the Codex Juris Canonici. Does the present Vatican Council II, as to its structure, show new ten­ deneies which go beyond the characteristics of the historie types? The author believes that five such tendencies can be recognised: 1. The careful preparation by experts, which also include Bishops, due to the predominant influence of the central cu rial authorities extends far beyond that of the Vaticanum I; 2. The consciousness of the collegial joint responsibility of the episcopate, which however 3. co-operates with the Papal primatial authority and which elevates the long contested question of powers into the sphere of responsibility; 4. the pastoral and 5. the oecumenical direction, both of which have been basing on the person­ al initiative of Pope Johannes XXIII.

  • von Paul Schmidt
    54,99 €

    The temporal sequence of combustions occurring in tube-shaped spaces, which are open at one end, with oscillating gas columns reveals a charac­ teristic dependence on the natural oscillation of the gas column. This de­ pendence results from the igniting effects of a shock wave which forms at the end of the tube-shaped space during one perliod and moves towards the mixture. Theoretical studies based on the laws of gas dynamics do not clarify the igniting effect. It is, however, clarified when considering the shock from the point of view of gas dynamics and molecular kinetics. Since the ignitions proceed with high ignition velocities, considerable progress in combustion techniques can he made by using that type of igni­ tion. Ignition by means of shock waves is not only feasible lin oscillation spaces which are open at one end, but also in closed spaces. Of practical importance is the formation of resonance shock waves, which may be pro­ duced as plane, cyl

  • von Eugen Flegler
    54,99 €

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