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  • 10% sparen
    96,00 €

    In a book entitled Polar and Magnetospheric Substorms, the predeces sor to this book, I tried to describe the auroral phenomena as completely as possible in terms of the concept of the auroral substorm.

  • 12% sparen
    - Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Philadelphia, Penn., U.S.A., June 8-10, 1976
    94,00 €

    Proceedings of a Symposium held in Philadelphia, Penn., USA, June 8-10, 1976

  • - Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 35, held at Strasbourg, France, 19-21 August, 1976
    50,00 €

    Proceedings of IAU Colloquium No. 35 held in Strasbourg, France, August 1976

  • - Proceedings of an International Conference Held by the Institut D'Astrophysique, Paris, France, 7 to 9 September 1976
    49,00 €

    Proceedings of an International Conference held in Paris, September 7-9, 1976

  • 12% sparen
    - The Proceedings of a Special IAU Session on Supernovae Held on September 1, 1976 in Grenoble, France
    94,00 €

    Proceedings of a Special IAU Session on Supernovae held on September 1, 1976 in Grenoble, France

  • - Proceedings of a Special Iau Session Held on August 30, 1976, in Grenoble, France
    49,00 €

    Proceedings of a Special IAU Session held on August 30, 1976 in Grenoble, France

  • - Invited Reviews Given for Commission 34 (Interstellar Matter) of the International Astronomical Union, at the Sixteenth General Assembly of IAU, Grenoble, August 1976
    49,00 €

    Proceedings of Special IAU Sessions held in Grenoble, France, August 25-30, 1976

  • 14% sparen
    - Proceedings of the Summer Advanced Study School, Held in Graz, Austria, August 4-15, 1975
    185,00 €

    Proceedings of the Summer Advanced Study Institute held at Graz, Austria, August 4-15, 1975

    49,00 €

    Nine years ago, in 1967, a conference on spallation nuclear reactions and their applications in astrophysics was held at the University of Pennsylvania.

  • von R.G. Athay
    50,00 €

    The widespread tendency in solar physics to divide the solar atmosphere into separate layers and to distinguish phenomena of solar activity from phenomena of the quiet Sun emphasizes the wide ranging diversity of physical conditions and events occurring in the solar atmosphere.

  • - Prepared under the Auspices of Working Group 2 of the Inter-Union Commission on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
    50,00 €

    This Catalog originated as a common enterprise of solar physicists and space scientists under the auspices of the Second Working Group of the Inter-Union Commission of Solar Terrestrial Physics (IUCSTP).

  • - Proceedings of the Neil Brice Memorial Symposium, Held in Frascati, May 28-June 1, 1974
    50,00 €

    Proceedings of the Neil Brice Memorial Symposium, Frascati, Italy, May 28-June 1, 1974

  • - Proceedings of the Summer Advanced Study Institute, Held at the University of Liege, Belgium, July 29-August 9, 1974
    50,00 €

    Proceedings of a Symposium organized by the Summer Advanced Institute, held at University of Liege, Belgium, July 29-August 9, 1974

  • 13% sparen
    - Proceedings of a Conference Held in Utrecht on March 25-27, 1975
    140,00 €

  • - Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the University College, Cardiff, Wales, 9-12 July 1974
    50,00 €

    Proceedings of a Symposium on Solid State Astrophysics held at the University College, Cardiff, July 1974

  • 13% sparen
    - Proceedings of the 10th ESLAB Symposium, Held at Vienna, Austria, 10-13 June 1975
    140,00 €

    Proceedings of the 10th ESLAB Symposium, held at Vienna, Austria, 10-13 June 1975

  • - Past and Present
    von Zdenek Kopal & R.W. Carder
    49,00 €

    The aim of the present book has been to provide an outline - the first of its kin- of the history of the human efforts to map the topography of the surface of our satellite, from the days of pre-telescopic astronomy up to the present.

  • 10% sparen
    - Proceedings of the Seventh ESLAB Symposium Held at Saulgau, W. Germany, 22-25 May, 1973
    96,00 €

    Proceedings of the 7th ESLAB Symposium, held in Saulgau, Germany, May 22-25, 1973

  • - Proceedings of the Advanced Summer Institute Held at Sheffield, U.K., August 1973
    50,00 €

    Proceedings of the Advanced Summer Institute, held at Sheffield, England, August 13-24, 1973

  • von Hermine Vloemans
    50,00 €

    Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances resulting from an interaction of the Solar Flare radiation with the constituents of the upper atmosphere constitute one of the three major aspects of ground level monitoring of solar flares -the other two being optical observations of flares, and the observations of solar bursts in radio wavelengths.

  • 11% sparen
    - Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Summer Advanced Study Institute, Held at the University of Orleans, France, July 31 - August 11, 1972
    von Billy M. McCormac
    95,00 €

    Proceedings of the Symposium organized by the Summer Advanced Study Institute, held at the University of Orle, France, July 31-August 11, 1972

  • - Proceedings of the 6th Eslab Symposium, Held at Noordwijk, the Netherlands, 26-29 September, 1972
    50,00 €

    Proceedings of the 6th ESLAU Symposium, held at Noordwijk, The Netherlands, September 26-29, 1972

  • - Proceedings of the Symposium on Cosmochemistry, Held at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Mass., August 14-16, 1972
    49,00 €

    Proceedings of the Symposium on Cosmochemistry, Held at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Mass., August 14-16, 1972

  • - Proceedings of the Fifth Eslab/Esrin Symposium Held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, June 8-11, 1971
    50,00 €

    Proceedings of the Fifth ESLAB/ESRIN Symposium, held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, June 8-11, 1971

  • 14% sparen
    - Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Summer Advanced Study Institute, Held at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, August 3-14, 1970
    185,00 €

    Proceedings of a Symposium organized by the Summer Advanced Study Institute, held at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, August 3-14, 1970

  • von I. Atanasijevic
    49,00 €

    Galactic Astronomy is, and for some time to come will certainly remain, one of the more important items in the astronomy curricula. Students in astronomy should have regular exercises, not so much to teach them observing skill, but mainly to bring before their eyes the reality of the concepts introduced during the lectures."

  • von Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    69,00 €

    It has become increasingly clear that the magnetosphere becomes intermittently unstable and explosively releases a large amount of energy into the polar upper atmos phere. The concept of the magnetospheric substorm and its manifestation in the polar upper atmosphere, the polar substorm, has rapidly crystallized during the last few years.

  • 10% sparen
    - Based upon the Proceedings of the Conference Held at Boston College June 19-28, 1967
    96,00 €

    Based upon the Proceedings of the Conference held at Boston College, June 19-28, 1967

  • 13% sparen
    - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Selenodesy and Lunar Topography held in the University of Manchester, England May 30 - June 4, 1966
    140,00 €

    Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Selenodesy and Lunar Topography held at the University of Manchester, England, May 30-June 4, 1966

  • 10% sparen
    - Proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute Held at the Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway August 16-September 3, 1965
    96,00 €

    Proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute, held at the Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway, August 16-September 3, 1965

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