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Bücher der Reihe Astrophysics and Space Science Library

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  • 13% sparen
    149,00 €

    Furthermore, it explores future perspective of researches in Japan. The book will benefit undergraduate students interested in recent advance in the solar research, as well as graduate students and researchers working in solar physics, the space sciences, astronomy, and plasma physics.

    167,00 €

    This book serves as both a primer to astronomical polarimetry and an authoritative overview of its application to various types of astronomical objects from AGN, compact stars, binary systems, stars across the HR diagram, transients, the interstellar medium and solar system bodies.

  • 12% sparen
    - Observations and Implications
    94,00 €

    This volume is written by leading scientists in the field, who review the current state of our knowledge of tidal streams in the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy, and in other nearby galaxies.

  • 13% sparen
    von Lev Dorman
    186,00 €

    One of these was discovered because of the daily solar variation of CR, which the maximum number of CR observed near noon (referring to the existence of continuous ?ux of CR from the direction of the Sun);

  • von Zdenek Kopal
    50,00 €

    After several decades spent in astronomical semi-obscurity, the Moon has of late suddenly emerged as an object of considerable interest to students of astronomy as well as of other branches of natural science and technology;

  • - Concepts and Applications
    204,00 €

    This book provides an overview of recent research highlights in the main areas of application of magnetic reconnection (MR), including planetary, solar and magnetospheric physics and astrophysics.

  • - 1st Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science
    96,00 €

    The radial velocity method, transit method, microlensing method, and direct imaging method are all clearly explained, drawing attention to their advantages and limitations and highlighting the complementary roles that they can play in improving the characterization of exoplanets' physical and orbital properties.

  • 14% sparen
    - Dialogues on a Century of Research
    185,00 €

    In order to outline possible future directions in galaxy research, this book wants to be a short stopover, a moment of self-reflection of the past century of achievements in this area. Since the pioneering years of galaxy research in the early 20th century, the research on galaxies has seen a relentless advance directly connected to the parallel exponential growth of new technologies.  Through a series of interviews with distinguished astronomers the editors provide a snapshot of the achievements obtained in understanding galaxies. While many initial questions about their nature have been addressed, many are still open and require new efforts to achieve a solution. The discussions may reveal paradigms worthwhile revisiting. With the help of some of those scientists who have contributed to it, the editors sketch the history of this scientific journey and ask them for inspirations for future directions of galaxy research.

  • 13% sparen
    - A Compendium of Techniques in the Visible and Near-Infrared
    112,00 €

    This book offers an essential compendium of astronomical high-resolution techniques. Recent years have seen considerable developments in such techniques, which are critical to advances in many areas of astronomy. As reflected in the book, these techniques can be divided into direct methods, interferometry, and reconstruction methods, and can be applied to a huge variety of astrophysical systems, ranging from planets, single stars and binaries to active galactic nuclei, providing angular resolution in the micro- to tens of milliarcsecond scales. Written by experts in their fields, the chapters cover adaptive optics, aperture masking imaging, spectra disentangling, interferometry, lucky imaging, Roche tomography, imaging with interferometry, interferometry of AGN, AGN reverberation mapping, Doppler- and magnetic imaging of stellar surfaces, Doppler tomography, eclipse mapping, Stokes imaging, and stellar tomography. This book is intended to enable a next generation of astronomers to apply high-resolution techniques. It informs readers on how to achieve the best angular resolution in the visible and near-infrared regimes from diffraction-limited to micro-arcsecond scales.

  • - From Fundamental Aspects to Latest Developments
    90,00 €

    In the last five years there have been significant advances in our understanding of these systems, and in the next five years it should become possible to use them to test fundamental physics, in particular to predict the general relativity in the strong field regime.

  • 13% sparen
    149,00 €

    This book consists of invited reviews written by world-renowned experts on the subject of the outskirts of galaxies, an upcoming field which has been understudied so far. The reviews in the book describe the most modern observations of the outer regions of our own Galaxy, and of galaxies in the local and high-redshift Universe.

  • 13% sparen
    112,00 €

    This book focuses on the most recent, relevant, comprehensive and significant aspects in the well-established multidisciplinary field Laboratory Astrophysics.

  • 12% sparen
    150,00 €

    This book's interdisciplinary scope aims at bridging various communities: 1) cosmochemists, who study meteoritic samples from our own solar system, 2) (sub-) millimetre astronomers, who measure the distribution of dust and gas of star-forming regions and planet-forming discs, 3) disc modellers, who describe the complex photo-chemical structure of parametric discs to fit these to observation, 4) computational astrophysicists, who attempt to decipher the dynamical structure of magnetised gaseous discs, and the effects the resulting internal structure has on the aerodynamic re-distribution of embedded solids, 5) theoreticians in planet formation theory, who aim to piece it all together eventually arriving at a coherent holistic picture of the architectures of planetary systems discovered by 6) the exoplanet observers, who provide us with unprecedented samples of exoplanet worlds. Combining these diverse fields the book sheds light onto the riddles that research on planet formation is currently confronted with, and paves the way for a comprehensive understanding of the formation, evolution, and dynamics of young solar systems.The chapters 'Chondrules - Ubiquitous Chondritic Solids Tracking the Evolution of the Solar Protoplanetary Disk', 'Dust Coagulation with Porosity Evolution' and 'The Emerging Paradigm of Pebble Accretion' are published open access under a CC BY 4.0 license via

  • 13% sparen
    - Master of the Galactic System
    von Pieter C. van der Kruit
    168,00 €

    This book is the first thorough and overdue biography of one of the giants of science in the twentieth century, Jan Hendrik Oort.

    167,00 €

    This book serves as both a primer to astronomical polarimetry and an authoritative overview of its application to various types of astronomical objects from AGN, compact stars, binary systems, stars across the HR diagram, transients, the interstellar medium and solar system bodies.

  • - From Observational Evidences via Controversial Predictions to a Consistent Theory of Nonequilibrium Plasmas
    149,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    140,00 €

    1. Astrophysical Constraints on Dense Matter in Neutron Stars.- 2. General Relativity Measurements from Pulsars.- 3. Magnetars: A Short Review and Some Sparse Considerations.- 4. Accreting Millisecond X-ray Pulsars.- 5. Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts.- 6. High-Frequency Variability in Neutron-Star Low-Mass X-ray Binaries.

  • 14% sparen
    von M. Vázquez
    185,00 €

    In the history of science the opening up of a new observational or experimental window is always followed by an increase in knowledge of the subject concerned. This is also the case with the subject of this book, ultraviolet radiation (hereafter UV). In principle, the ultraviolet range might be just one more of these windows, of no particular importance. However, the energy per UV photon provides the main peculiarity, its magnitude being great enough to produce important ch- ical reactions in the atmospheres of planets and satellites, thereby a?ecting the transmission of this radiation to the ground. The Sun is the main natural source of UV radiation in the Solar System and our planet is the body where its in?uences can be best tested and the only one where its relation with life can be studied. However, the terrestrial atmosphere blocksmostofthephotonsinthiselectromagneticrangeandastronomershavehad to develop various techniques (balloons, planes and rockets) to cross this barrier and access the information. These tools have been used in parallel to investigate the physical properties of the terrestrial atmosphere and the interaction of its constituents with light. This book will addresses most of these topics.

  • 13% sparen
    - Explorers of the Photon Odyssey
    von Jenna E. Beletic
    186,00 €

    Every three years, the leading experts in detectors for astronomy gather together to exchange information and form professional relationships. This series of meetings is entitled Scientific Detectors for Astronomy. The meeting has been held six times, with the last four publishing hardcover proceedings. Nearly all leading astronomical observatories and manufacturers attend this meeting, with participants from every continent of the world.The 2005 meeting in Taormina, Italy was attended by 127 professionals who develop and use the highest quality detectors for wavelengths from x-ray to sub-mm, with emphasis on optical and infrared detectors. The meeting consisted of overview talks, technical presentations, poster sessions and roundtable discussions. In addition, a strong cultural programme exposed the participants to the host region while fostering the enhancement of professional relationships. These proceedings capture the technical content and the spirit of the 2005 workshop. The 87 papers cover a wide range of detector technologies including CCDs, CMOS, APDs, and sub-mm detectors. There are papers on observatory status and plans, special applications, detector testing and characterization, and electronics. A special feature of these proceedings is the inclusion of pedagogical overview papers, which were written by teams of leading experts from different institutions. These proceedings are appropriate for a range of expertise levels, from undergraduates to professionals working in the field. The information presented in this book will serve as a valuable reference for many years to come.This workshop was organized by the Scientific Workshop Factory, Inc. and the INAF- Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania.

  • 14% sparen
    - Proceedings of a Workshop on Stellar Continuum Radio Astronomy Held in Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A., 8-10 August 1984
    von R. Hjellming
    185,00 €

    This book is the proceedings of a workshop on stellar continuum radio astronomy that was held in BoUlder, Colorado on August 8-10, 1984. Although it was originally intended to be a small workshop with participants mainly from North America, it evolved to a workshop with 72 partiCipants from twelve countries (U.S.A. 52, Canada 3, the Netherlands 3, United Kingdom 3, Australia 2, Ireland 2, Italy 2, France 1, Mexico 1, Switzerland 1, West Germany 1, and U.S.S.R. 1). This workshop was sponsored by the Joint Institute of Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) and the University of Colorado. In order to preserve a workshop atmosphere, while still presenting both extensive reviews and contributed papers, an experimental format was adopted. All contributed papers related to the topiCS of the day were presented in poster form in the early morning and were accessible all day. During each morning (or afternoon) session review papers were presented, followed by a coffee break in the poster area adjacent to the conference room. Then the review papers and contributed papers were discussed for roughly one and a half hours. The last session was devoted to invited panel papers and discussion of current and future problems in the field of stellar radio astronomy.

  • 14% sparen
    - Proceedings of the Second Torino Workshop, Held in Torino, Italy, May 4-8, 1987
    von Luciana Bianchi
    185,00 €

    The objective of this workshop was to put together observational and theoretical works on outflows from different kinds of astrophysical objects, occurring on different scales and at various evolutionary phases, and to discuss the impact of observations from future space missions. For the stars, we thought to follow throughout the evolution the relevance (rates and dynamical rrodes) of the mass loss phenomenon, e. g. to explain how and when massive stars loose most of their ini tial mass to end up with typical WD masses. The observations of the solar wind were included for being a unique case where the origin and propagation of the outflow can be resolved. We thought that the comparison with similar phenomena occurring in galactic outflows would be fruitful, as demonstrated by recent works on galactic winds and jets. The interest of having this workshop in Torino came because there are groups in this area, at the Astronomical Observatory and at the Institute of Physics of the University, involved in the theoretical and observational studies of outflows from astrophysical objects. The members of the Scientific Organizing Conmi ttee were: V. Castellani, C. Cesarski, P. Conti, A. Ferrari, A. Gabriel, M. Grewing, Y. Kondo, H. Lamers, V. Manno, M. Rees and R. Schilizzi. The Local Organizing Conmi ttee was: L. Bianchi, G. Massone and E. Antonucci. During the workshop the following topics were treated: the solar wind, the mass loss from cool stars and from hot stars (m. s.

  • von Mikhail Ya. Marov
    50,00 €

    The exploration of our Solar System is rapidly growing in importance as a scientific discipline. During the last decades, great progress has been achieved as the result of space missions to planets and small bodies - as- teroids and comets - and improved remote-sensing methods, as well as due to refined techniques of laboratory measurements and a rapid progress in theoretical studies, involving the development of various astrophysical and geophysical models. These models are based, in particular, on the approach of comparative planetology becoming a powerful tool in revealing evolu- tionary processes which have been shaping the planets since their origin. Comets and asteroids, being identified as remnants of planetary formation, serve as a clue to the reconstruction of Solar System history because they encapsulated the primordial material from which the planets were built up. At the same time, these interplanetary carriers of original matter and mes- sengers from the past, being triggered by dynamical processes well outside our neighboring space, were responsible for numerous catastrophic events when impacting on the planets and thus causing dramatic changes of their natural conditions. In the crossroads of astronomy and geophysics, recent years have seen a growing understanding of the importance of collisional processes through- out the history of the Solar System and, therefore, the necessity to get more insight into the problem of interactions of planets and small bodies.

  • 11% sparen
    von E. R. Priest
    95,00 €

    Prominences are amazing objects of great beauty whose formation, basic structure and eruption represent one of the basic unsolved problems in Solar Physics. It is now 14 years since the last book on prominences appeared (Tandberg-Hanssen, 1974), during which time much progress in our knowledge of the physics of prominences has been made, and so the time is ripe for a new text book which it is hoped will be a helpful summary of the subject for students, postdocs and solar researchers. Indeed, the last few years has seen an upsurge in interest in prominences due to high­ resolution ground-and space-based observations and advances in theory. For example, an IAU colloquium was held in Oslo (Jensen et al, 1978), a Solar Maximum Mission Workshop took place at Goddard Space Right Center (poland, 1986), an IAU Colloquium is planned in Yugoslavia in September 1989 in prominences and it is expected that the SOHO satellite will be a further stimulus to prominence research. In November 1987 a Workshop on the Dynamics and Structure of Solar Prominences was held in Palma Mallorca at the invitation of Jose Luis Ballester with the aim of bringing observers and theorists together and having plenty of time for in-depth discussions of the basic physics of promi­ nences.

  • von J. P. Phillips & M. F. Kessler
    146,00 €

    The last major conference on infrared astronomy was the IAU Symposium No. 96 in June 1980. Since then, the discipline has continued to mature and to contribute to all branches of astrophysics. One particular area of growth has been in spectroscopic capabilities at all infrared wavelengths. The purpose of the Symposium in Toledo was to review the scientific questions to be addressed via infrared spectroscopy and to provide, in the proceedings, a useful summary of the field. The sensitivity of infrared spectroscopic observations is still generally limited by detector characteristics or by thermal background radiation. However in recent years improvements in detector technology together with developments in spectroscopic instrumentation have made possible both quite detailed spectroscopy of the brighter members of many classes of galactic sources and also begun to open up some infrared spectroscopy of extragalactic sources. The potential of the field in the next decade or two is clear. The lRAS mission has completed one of the pre-requisites, namely an all-sky photometric survey. Major space missions utilising cryogenic infrared telescopes have been approved in Europe (ISO) and seem likely in the USA (SIRTF); plans for space submillimeter telescopes are firming up. On the ground large telescopes optimized for infrared observations are now in operation at high altitude sites and specialized submillimeter facilities are under construction. The particular advantages of planned, very large telescopes for infrared observations are widely accepted.

  • 13% sparen
    von W. B. Burton & R. D. Wolstencroft
    140,00 €

    The millimetre and submillimetre spectral region (300 to 3000 Ilm or 1000 to 100 GHz) was until recently one of the few spectral regimes not fully opened up for astronomical studies. Thanks both to improvements in detectors and receivers and to the construction of large telescopes at high altitude sites this situation is improving very rapidly. Three major telescopes have been built recently and are coming into operation during 1987 and 1988, namely the 15m James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and the lOAm Caltech Submillimetre Observatory (CSO) telescope, both located on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and the 15 m Swedish -ESO telescope (SEST) in Chile. Because a very wide range of astronomical problems can be tackled with these major new facilities there is a great deal of interest from the many potential new users anxious to become familiar with this rapidly developing field. During 1986 it became clear to British and Dutch astronomers involved in planning the commissioning and operation of the JCMT, that a summer school in this field would greatly benefit the potential and actual JCMT user community. With financial support from the SERC and supplemented by a grant from the ZWO, the Summer School on 'Millimetre and Submillimetre Astronomy' was held at Stirling University from June 21 to 27, 1987.

  • 13% sparen
    von Kazuo Yamakoshi
    140,00 €

    This monograph reports on the recent developments in the area of interplanetary and pre-solar dust grains. Chemical and isotope analyses of dust are discussed, especially with the aim to study the origin and evolution of interplanetary dust. Recent observations of extraterrestrial dust obtained with LDEF, Galileo and Ulysses are presented. Several velocity mechanisms for dust particles are discussed, in addition to their impact on cosmic or cometary dust grain capture devices. This volume is specially intended for research scientists and advanced (graduate) students in the fields of astronomy, astrophysics and geo and cosmochemists. Scientists in related fields, like the environmental sciences (especially researchers of artificial debris from rockets and boosters), are also likely to be interested in this work.

  • 13% sparen
    von M. Golay
    140,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von C. de Loore & C. Doom
    185,00 - 185,00 €

  • von L. N. Mavridis
    50,00 €

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