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Bücher der Reihe Big Ideas

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  • von Slavoj Zizek
    13,00 €

    Argues that the physical violence we see is often generated by the systemic violence that sustains our political and economic systems. With the help of eminent philosophers and frequent references to popular culture, this title examines the causes of violent outbreaks like those seen in Israel and Palestine and in terrorist acts around the world.

  • von Tim Cooke
    26,95 €

    Die Geschichte des Ersten Weltkrieges entdecken und verstehen Warum wurde er "ein Krieg, der alle Kriege beenden sollte" genannt? Was war der Schlieffen-Plan und wie verlief die Schlacht von Verdun? Das innovative Nachschlagewerk erklärt über 90 Schlüsselereignisse des Ersten Weltkrieges mit informativen Diagrammen & Grafiken - klar und leicht verständlich. Von den Anfängen des Konflikts über wichtige Meilensteine in den Kriegsjahren bis hin zur Nachkriegszeit. Der neue Titel aus der DK Erfolgsreihe Big Ideas! Die wichtigsten Ereignisse, Wendepunkte und Hintergründe des Ersten Weltkrieges zum Nachschlagen - abwechslungsreich und einfach aufbereitet: - Über 90 Schlüsselereignisse des ersten globalen Krieges: von den wachsenden Spannungen in Europa und dem Attentat auf Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand über die deutsche Invasion in Belgien, den amerikanischen Kriegseintritt und die russische Revolution bis zum Waffenstillstand und der Gründung des Völkerbundes - Wissen zum Ersten Weltkrieg grafisch auf den Punkt gebracht: Das frische Layout mit verschiedenen Illustrationen, Infografiken und Fotografien erklärt die Geschichte des Ersten Weltkrieges leicht verständlich - Informative Kurzporträts von bedeutenden Persönlichkeiten wie Kaiser Wilhelm II, Alfred von Schlieffen, Paul von Hindenburg oder Mata Hari - Weltgeschichtliche Zusammenhänge anschaulich erklärt: Ein umfassender Blick auf entscheidende Schlachten, Kriegstaktiken und Waffen macht deutlich, wie stark politische und wirtschaftliche Kräfte sowie technischer Fortschritt den Krieg und die darauffolgenden Jahrzehnte prägten - Die Geschichte des Ersten Weltkrieges in sieben großen Kapiteln: Das Vorspiel zum Konflikt (1870-1914), Kriegsbeginn (1914), Pattsituation (1915), Totaler Krieg (1916), Revolution und Erschöpfung (1917), Sieg und Niederlage (1918), Ein Krieg, der alle Kriege beenden soll? (1919-1923) Fundiert und verständlich aufbereitet: Der ideale Einstieg in die komplexe Geschichte des Ersten Weltkrieges - Basiswissen zum Studieren, Informieren und Nachschlagen!

  • von John Farndon
    26,95 €

    Wissenschaft ist nur etwas für Wenige? Ganz sicher nicht! Die menschliche Geschichte ist eine Geschichte des Forschens. Wir haben schon immer versucht, auf alles eine Antwort zu finden. "Das Wissenschaftsbuch" liefert einen ergreifenden Überblick über die Geschichte und die Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaften.Von ihren Anfängen 600 v. Chr. über die Erweiterung unseres Horizonts von 1700 bis 1800 bis hin zu vertieften neuen Erkenntnissen der letzten 50 Jahre werden die wichtigsten Theorien der Physik, Chemie, Biologie und Geowissenschaft anschaulich vorgestellt. Dabei wird auf spannungsreiche Art und Weise auf Experimente und Beobachtungen eingegangen. Sie führten schließlich zu gewaltigen neuen Erkenntnissen!Der Autor Adam Hart-Davis studierte Chemie und arbeitet seit langem als Wissenschaftsautor und Fernsehjournalist. Er war an zahlreichen BBC-Serien zu naturwissenschaftlichen und historischen Themen beteiligt und veröffentlichte bereits über 30 Bücher. Zusammen mit weiteren Autoren aus dem wissenschaftlich lehrenden oder redaktionellen Bereich erschuf er ein durchdachtes und gut verständliches Nachschlagewerk.

    26,95 €

    Gewaltlosigkeit ist die Waffe der Starken, heißt es im Hinduismus. Im Buddhismus sagt man: Erleuchtung hat viele Gesichter. Aber wie genau sind diese Glaubenssätze zu verstehen?Der Titel "Das Religionen-Buch. Große Ideen einfach erklärt" ist Programm! Über 100 Glaubenssätze, Rituale und Mythologien werden so erklärt, dass Sie sie so leicht wie nie zuvor verstehen. Dank der innovativen Grafiken, Diagramme und Fotografien werden Zusammenhänge auf einen Blick klar. Durch die anschauliche Gestaltung macht es Spaß, das Buch einfach nur durchzublättern. Auch Quelle und Entstehungszeit einer Idee werden thematisiert. Die Spannweite reicht von Stammesreligionen der Vorzeit über antike Religionen bis zu den Weltreligionen und modernen Glaubensrichtungen. Außerdem gibt es Biografien zu den bedeutendsten religiösen Denkern, Kurzporträts der verschiedenen Richtungen innerhalb der Weltreligionen sowie ein Glossar wichtiger Begriffe. "Das Religionen-Buch" vereint sehr viel Wissen kompakt zwischen zwei Buchdeckeln und bleibt dabei für jeden verständlich!

    26,95 €

    So funktioniert Wirtschaft Was ist ein gerechter Preis? Warum kosten Diamanten mehr als Wasser? Können wir arme Länder anschieben, indem wir ihnen die Schulden erlassen? Weshalb spiegelt der Immobilienmarkt Auf- und Abschwünge wider? In Zeiten, in denen Wirtschaftsthemen die Nachrichten beherrschen, ist es wichtiger denn je, über die Hintergründe Bescheid zu wissen. "Das Wirtschaftsbuch" erklärt auf spannende, moderne und leicht verständliche Weise über 100 zentrale Theorien der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, mit denen wir das Zusammenspiel der Märkte und Interessen sowie den vielfältigen Einfluss wirtschaftlicher Entwicklungen auf unser Leben verstehen können. Anhand übersichtlicher Diagramme werden die zentralen Gedankengänge veranschaulicht. Porträts wichtiger Ökonomen und hervorgehobene Kurz-Biografien liefern umfassende Informationen zum Leben der Wissenschaftler und ihren Thesen. Außerdem wird jede Theorie durch übersichtliche Querverweise in einen historischen Zusammenhang gestellt und einem speziellen Schwerpunkt zugeordnet. So entsteht eine spannende Einführung in die Ökonomie und ihre unterschiedlichen Fachbereiche. Von der Dependenztheorie bis zur Verhaltensökonomie - dieses innovative Buch animiert sogar "Wirtschaftsmuffel" zum Reinlesen, Nachschlagen und Auffrischen. Perfekt auch für Schüler und Studenten!

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    Discover and understand the key ideas that underpin the core science of chemistry and learn about the great minds who uncovered them Written in plain English, The Chemistry Book is packed with short, pithy explanations of some of the most historic moments in science, from the birth of atomic theory to the discovery of polyethylene and the development of new vaccine technologies to combat COVID-19. Simple graphics, such as flowcharts and mind maps, support the text and make the explanation of key concepts easy to follow.Arranged in chronological order, the book covers key themes in the physical and natural sciences, such as geochemistry and the elements. Within each chapter, a series of articles traces the history of scientific thought and introduces the work of the scientists who have shaped the subject such as John Dalton, Marie Curie, Dmitri Mendeleev, Kathleen Lonsdale, and Stephanie Kwolek. Along the way, the book addresses some of the most fundamental questions in science, such as what is the universe made of, how is matter created, and what are the chemical bonds that make life possible?Whether you are new to chemistry, a student of the sciences, or just want to keep up with and understand the latest news and scientific debates, The Chemistry Book is for you.

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    Learn about the rise of Adolf Hitler, Pearl Harbour and the D-Day Landings in The WWII Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about World War 2 in this overview guide to the subject, brilliant for beginners looking to learn and war experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The WWII Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of World War 2, with:- More than 100 ground-breaking ideas on the Second World War- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe World War II Book is the perfect introduction to the biggest war in history, aimed at adults with an interest in the subject, and politics and history students wanting to gain more of an overview. Here you'll discover more than 90 of the key ideas and events during and surrounding the conflict, through exciting text and bold graphics. If you've ever wanted to know the crucial events of World War 2 and the people behind them, this is the perfect book for you.Your World War 2 Questions, Simply ExplainedDiscover the key battles, tactics, technologies and turning points of the Second World War - the epic conflict that shaped the modern world. If you thought it was difficult to learn about the many events and key figures of World War 2, The WWII Book presents vital information in a clear layout. From Fascism in the 1930s to Pearl Harbour, Hitler and Nazi Germany to the bombing of Hiroshima - superb mind maps and step-by-step summaries will teach you all the main concepts. The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The WWII Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.

  • von DK
    29,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von Chris Yuill, Megan Todd, Mitchell Hobbs, usw.
    21,98 €

    All the big ideas, simply explained - an innovative and accessible guide to sociologyPart of the popular Big Ideas series, The Sociology Book introduces you to the subject that tells you all about what society is and what makes it tick. With over 80 ideas from the world's most renowned sociologists, covering topics as diverse as issues of equality, diversity, identity and human rights; the effects of globalization; the role of institutions, and the rise of urban living in modern society, this book details the key concepts of sociological thought.Discover all the big sociological ideas with quirky graphics, pithy quotes and step-by-step 'mind maps'. You'll be brought up-to-date on sociological ideas from Jeffrey Alexander to Sharon Zukin, with easy to navigate step-by-step summaries which explain each idea in a nutshell. Plus biographies of key sociologists from around the world, giving a historical context to each idea. Whether you are a sociology student or just have an interest in the workings of society, The Sociology Book is a perfect way to explore this fascinating subject.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

    Learn about the most important discoveries and theories of this science in The Biology Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Biology in this overview guide to the subject, brilliant for novices looking to find out more and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Biology Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Biology, with:- More than 95 ideas and events key to the development of biology and the life sciences- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Biology Book is a captivating introduction to understanding the living world and explaining how its organisms work and interact - whether microbes, mushrooms, or mammals. Here you'll discover key areas of the life sciences, including ecology, zoology, and biotechnology, through exciting text and bold graphics.Your Biology Questions, Simply ExplainedThis book will outline big biological ideas, like the mysteries of DNA and genetic inheritance; and how we learnt to develop vaccines that control diseases. If you thought it was difficult to learn about the living world, The Biology Book presents key information in a clear layout. Here you'll learn about cloning, neuroscience, human evolution, and gene editing, and be introduced to the scientists who shaped these subjects, such as Carl Linnaeus, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Charles Darwin, and Gregor Mendel.The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Biology Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand.

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    Discover three million years of famous inventors and amazing discoveries.1000 Inventions & Discoveries explores the brilliant ideas and innovations that have shaped our world. Whether you're a budding inventor yourself or love gizmos and gadgets this amazing guide is packed with the inventions and discoveries that changed our lives! Find out who came up with the idea, how they were influenced and key events that formed the backdrop of the discovery. Packed with stunning pictures and features you'll relive the most amazing discoveries ever made.Discover timelines, features, images and archive materials that bring all the inventions and discoveries to life!

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,98 €

    An innovative and accessible guide to business, management and commerceLearning about business can be daunting, but The Business Book makes it easier than ever by giving you all the big ideas simply explained. Simple explanations and stylish infographics open up the business world to even the complete novice. The Business Book is the perfect primer to key theories of business and management, covering inspirational business ideas, business strategy and alternative business models. 100 key quotations introduce you to the work of great commercial thinkers, leaders and gurus from Henry Ford to Steve Jobs and to topics spanning from start-ups to ethics. Whether you are a would-be entrepreneur or just have an interest in business, The Business Book is an all-in-one guide to business management, theory and strategy.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

    How are illnesses diagnosed? What is cancer? Why are some pandemics so deadly? This book explores big questions like these, explaining the breakthroughs and discoveries that have shaped our modern-day understanding of medicine and helped us protect and promote our health. Written in plain English, The Medicine Book cuts through the jargon and is packed with pithy explanations of the most important milestones in medical history, with step-by-step diagrams and witty illustrations that untangle knotty concepts.From ancient medical practices, such as herbal medications and balancing the humours, through groundbreaking work including Jenner's experiments with cowpox, which laid the basis for vaccination, The Medicine Book offers an engaging overview of medical history across the world all the way into the 21st century with gene manipulation, immunotherapy, and robotics and telesurgery. Covering the role that therapies and drugs have played in the human quest to treat and prevent disease, the establishment of hospitals and later international medical bodies, like the WHO, and medical science's response to new challenges, such as accelerated antibiotic resistance and COVID-19, The Medicine Book explains the stories behind each milestone development.Continuing the "Big Ideas" series' trademark combination of authoritative, informative text, and bold graphics, The Medicine Book uses an innovative visual approach to make the subject accessible to everyone, whether you're a student of medicine or science, a medical professional, or an armchair expert.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    20,98 €

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    An innovative and accessible guide to government, law, and power Learning about the vast concept of politics can be daunting, but The Politics eBook makes it easier than ever by giving you all the big ideas, simply explained. Step-by-step summaries, graphics, and quotations help even the complete novice understand this fascinating subject. More than 100 groundbreaking ideas in the history of politics are helpfully broken down so that abstract topics, such as theoretical foundations and practical applications become real. Topics span from ancient political thought and medieval politics all the way to world war and modern politics. Features a handy reference section complete with a glossary of political terms and a directory of political thinkers, such as Plato, John Locke, and Karl Marx. The Politics eBook is the essential reference for students of politics and anyone with an interest in how government works.

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    From Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby to Shelley's Frankenstein, The Literature Book documents the greatest literature ever written. Featuring over 100 best-selling books, plays and poetry from all over the world, including Latin American and African fiction, The Literature Book encompasses celebrated masterpieces from the most renowned authors to have ever lived. Stunning images and inspirational quotes jump out from the pages, as detailed plot summaries and helpful context bring the timeless works of literature to life. The book also offers a deeper look into the famed fiction of Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde and more, as in-depth literary criticism and interesting authorial biographies give each work of literature a new meaning. In The Literature Book, the world's most iconic literature and greatest writers come together for a fascinating journey through time that is a must-have for any literature student or fan of fiction.

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    The Shakespeare eBook is the perfect primer to the works of William Shakespeare, packed with witty illustrations and inspirational quotes.Covering every work, from the comedies of Twelfth Night and As You Like It to the tragedies of Julius Caesar and Hamlet, plus lost plays and less well-known works of poetry. Easy-to-understand graphics and illustrations bring the themes, plots, characters and language of Shakespeare to life. This includes illustrated timelines which offer an at-a-glance summary of the action for each play. With detailed plot summaries and an in-depth analysis of the major characters and themes, this is a brilliant, innovative exploration of the entire canon of Shakespeare plays, sonnets and poetry. Whether you're a Shakespeare scholar or a student of the great Bard, The Shakespeare eBook offers a fuller appreciation of his phenomenal talent and lasting legacy.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    20,98 €

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    Chronicles every case of the world's greatest detective and his assistant Dr Watson. This book explores every facet of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's most memorable creation. It offers all you want to know about the sleuth and his stories.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    20,98 €

    A thorough study of feminism, tracing the key ideas and historical events forward to contemporary movements such as #MeToo and the actions of modern figures such as Malala Yousafzai. Introduction from "Guardian" columnist Lucy Mangan.

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    Travel back in time with the latest instalment in the bestselling Big Ideas series. The History Book charts world history from the dawn of civilisation to the modern culture we live in today. From the origins of homo-sapiens to the release of Nelson Mandela, from the French Revolution to the Space Race, The History Book is a stunning exploration of the human timeline up to and including modern Islam, the world wide web, and the global financial crisis.The History Book tackles big historical ideas with stunning visuals, key quotes, and important themes that are woven throughout world history. Discover events from the assassination of Caesar to World War I and see the people and events come to life with The History Book, perfect for students, adults, or anyone who wants to understand our fascinating past.

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    An innovative and accessible guide to the world's religionsThe Religions Book clearly explains the key concepts behind the earliest religious beliefs right up to the world's newest faiths, getting to the heart of what it means to believe. Principles of the five main world religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - as well as ancient and primal belief systems are explored in this informative tome. All the big ideas are simply explained with jargon-free descriptions, step-by-step diagrams, and witty illustrations that encapsulate every aspect of religious thinking. Examine major historical developments and ideas with a universal timeline, providing a global perspective on the origins and major events that have contributed to the growth and spread of religion and spirituality. Along with the teaching highlights of pre-eminent figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Saint Paul, and Al-Ghazali, you'll also find a handy reference section featuring a glossary of religious terms and a roadmap to all the branches of the major faiths and the points of doctrine or tradition on which they differ. Modern alternative religions and spiritual beliefs from around the world are also explored, putting into context the political and social climates from which they emerged. The Religions Book provides compelling, accessible information perfect for students of religious study or anyone interested in the ideas of ancient and present day faiths and religious philosophies.

  • 12% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    All the big ideas, simply explained - an innovative and accessible guide to the study of human nature The Psychology Book clearly explains more than 100 groundbreaking ideas in this fascinating field of science. How does the brain remember faces? What makes us choose one decision over another? Where does language come from?With the use of powerful and easy-to-follow images, quotations from all the major thinkers, and explanations that are easily understandable, this book demystifies hard-to-grasp concepts and shows how these have shaped our knowledge of the human mind. All the schools of psychology are covered from cognitive to behavioural psychology making this ideal for students or for anyone with a general interest in this popular area.If you're fascinated by the human mind then The Psychology Book will get you thinking.

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    An innovative and accessible guide to more than 2,000 years of thoughtTo the complete novice learning about philosophy can be daunting - The Philosophy eBook changes all that. With the use of powerful and easy-to-follow images, succinct quotations, and explanations that are easily understandable, this ebook cuts through any misunderstandings to demystify the subject.Each chapter is organised chronologically, and covers not only the big ideas, but the philosophers who first voiced them, as well as cross-referencing with earlier and later ideas and thinkers. The Philosophy eBook untangles knotty theories and sheds light on abstract concepts, and is perfect for anyone with a general interest in how our social, political, and ethical ideas are formed, as well as students of philosophy and politics.Covers major and niche topics, from moral ethics to philosophies of religion

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

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