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Bücher der Reihe Big Ideas

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  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

    Typography, graphics and punchy factoids get across the important ideas, developments and human stories of physics. Features insightful quotes from Archimedes, Galileo, Newton, Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

  • von Jon Astbury
    26,95 €

    Die Geschichte von LGBTQIA* grundlegend und anschaulich erklärt Was haben Menschen früher unter "Gender" verstanden? Wie hat die LGBTQIA*-Bewegung die Welt in den letzten 150 Jahren verändert? Dieses innovative Nachschlagewerk beantwortet Fragen über die Geschichte der LGBTQIA*-Kultur mit informativen Diagrammen und originellen Grafiken - klar und leicht verständlich. Von Gender und Sexualität im antiken Griechenland bis hin zum heutigen LGBTQIA*-Aktivismus in Asien. Der neue Titel aus der DK Erfolgsreihe Big Ideas! Das große LGBTQIA*-Buch zum Nachschlagen - Zusammenhänge, Ereignisse und Biografien abwechslungsreich und einfach aufbereitet: - Die wichtigsten Meilensteine von der Antike bis heute: Was war der Stonewall-Aufstand? Und wann und wo wurde Asexualität das erste Mal anerkannt? Dieses umfassende Buch erzählt von Ideen, Phänomenen & Bewegungen aus aller Welt - Wissen über LGBTQIA* grafisch auf den Punkt gebracht: Das frische Layout mit verschiedenen Illustrationen, kreativen Infografiken und Fotografien von Protesten und Triumphen erleichtert den Zugang zum vielfältigen Themenspektrum der LGBTQIA*-Geschichte und -Kultur - Informative Kurzporträts , u.a. von Sappho, Oscar Wilde, Magnus Hirschfeld und Judith Butler sowie von wichtigen, aber weniger bekannten Personen - Die Geschichte von LGBTQIA* in sechs großen Kapiteln: Die ältere Vergangenheit; Renaissance und Strafe; Subkultur und Sichtbarkeit; Sexualwissenschaften und sexuelle Identitäten; Proteste, Pride und Bündnisse; In aller Öffentlichkeit Fundiert und zugänglich aufbereitet: Der perfekte Überblick über die unterschiedlichen Facetten der LGBTQIA*-Geschichte weltweit - Basiswissen zum Studieren, Informieren oder Nachschlagen!

  • 18% sparen
    von DK
    21,00 €

    The perfect introduction to poetry, The Poetry Book offers a fascinating exploration of more than 90 of the world's greatest poetic works.Discover poems in all their many guises, from the epics of the ancient world through Renaissance sonnets to modernist masterpieces such as The Waste Land, and the key works of the last 50 years, including And Still I Rise by Maya Angelou and Derek Walcott's Omeros.Using the Big Ideas series' trademark combination of clear explanation, witty infographics, and inspirational quotes, The Poetry Book unlocks the key ideas, themes, imagery, and structural techniques behind even the most complex of poems, in clear and simple terms, setting each work in its historical, social, cultural, and literary context. Dive into the passionate world of poetry to discover:COMPREHENSIVE: Brings together a curated selection of the most celebrated and important poems ever written, majoring on English-language poetryANALYTICAL: Provides critical analysis of form, structure, and style, exploring the trademark themes and subjects of the poets who wrote them, and using each poem as a route into wider literary trends, poetic movements and schools, and related poetsGRAPHIC APPROACH: Combines creative typography, graphics, and clear text to explore the world's most famous and important poems, and the people behind them, in a unique wayEYE-CATCHING: Thought-provoking graphics and flow-charts explore form and structure, and the central concepts behind each work QUOTATIONS: Features insightful and inspiring quotes from the featured poems, the poets behind them, and leading writers and criticsREFERENCE: Features a glossary section of poetic termsDelve into the works of Dante, Baudelaire, Rumi, Dickinson, Eliot, and Li Bai with in-depth literary analysis and fascinating biographies. Find out what odes, ballads, and allegories are. Trace recurring motifs, explore imagery, and discover how rhyme and rhythm work. From Homer's Odyssey to Seamus Heaney's Casualty, The Poetry Book is essential reading for lovers of poetry and aspiring poets alike.

  • 18% sparen
    von DK
    21,00 €

    Discover the rich and complex history of LGBTQ+ people around the world - their struggles, triumphs, and cultural contributions.Exploring and explaining the most important ideas and events in LGBTQ+ history and culture, this book showcases the breadth of the LGBTQ+ experience. This diverse, global account explores the most important moments, movements, and phenomena, from the first known lesbian love poetry of Sappho to Kinsey's modern sexuality studies, and features biographies of key figures from Anne Lister to Audre Lorde.Dive deep into the pages of The LGBTQ + History book to discover: - Thought-provoking graphics and flow-charts demystify the central concepts behind key moments in LGBTQ+ history, from eromenos and erastes in the Ancient World to political lesbianism.- Features insightful quotes from leading historians, philosophers, cultural commentators, economists, anthropologists, sociologists, activists, and politicians.- Includes biography boxes and directory entries on the lives of important but lesser-known individuals, alongside well-known names including Sappho, Oscar Wilde, Anne Lister, Harvey Milk, and Marsha P. Johnson.- Global in scope with a localizable directory.The LGBTQ+ History Book celebrates the victories and untold triumphs of LGBTQ+ people throughout history, such as the Stonewall Riots and first gender affirmation surgeries, as well as commemorating moments of tragedy and persecution, from the Renaissance Italian "Night Police" to the 20th century "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy. The book also includes major cultural cornerstones - the secret language of polari, Black and Latine ballroom culture, and the many flags of the community - and the history of LGBTQ+ spaces, from 18th-century "molly houses" to modern "gaybourhoods". The LGBTQ+ History Book celebrates the long, proud - and often hidden - history of LGBTQ+ people, cultures, and places from around the world.

  • von DK
    31,00 €

    An accessible guide to the most important ideas and developments in the history of architecture, and the people behind them.

  • von Stephen Wiacek
    24,95 €

    Von Aquaman bis Wonder Woman - das große Buch der DC Comics Bereit für eine faszinierende Reise durch die fantastische Welt der größten DC Superhelden? Dieses Nachschlagewerk stellt die wichtigsten Heldinnen und Helden, ihre Superkräfte und technologischen Errungenschaften vor. Auch die Superschurken dürfen natürlich nicht fehlen und so gibt es viel Hintergrundwissen zum Joker und zu vielen anderen Feinden von Batman. Seitenweise Superhelden-Wissen Welche DC Superhelden waren die Ersten? Welche Konflikte treiben sie an? Wie sieht die Welt von Batman, Superman, Harley Quinn, The Flash und Co. aus? Mit geballtem Expertenwissen, spektakulären Comic-Illustrationen und aufschlussreichen Infografiken erklärt dieses umfangreiche DC Buch die unendlichen Wunder des DC Comics-Universums. Spannende Essays ergänzen die Hauptartikel, starke Zitate machen die Figuren beim Lesen lebendig - das perfekte Geschenk für jeden DC-Fan! Durchs DC Universum in sechs Themenbereichen: - Die Schmiede der Schöpfung- Gerechtigkeit oder Unheil?- Entfesselte Wissenschaft- Göttliche Intervention- Mysterien im Weltall- Hyperzeit So haben Fans die Welt ihrer Superhelden noch nie gesehen! Spannendes DC Comics-Expertenwissen über die fantastischen Wunder im DC Multiversum.

  • von Paula Akpan
    26,95 €

    Die Geschichte der Schwarzen grundlegend erklärt Warum nannte man Ghana das Land des Goldes? Wer waren die blauen Männer aus Mali? Was wurde auf der Berliner Konferenz beschlossen? Wie kam es zu den Unruhen in Brixton? Das innovative Nachschlagewerk beantwortet Fragen über die Geschichte der Schwarzen mit informativen Diagrammen & originellen Grafiken - klar und leicht verständlich. Von den frühen Bantu-Völkerwanderungen über die Sklaverei bis hin zur Black Lives Matter Bewegung. Der neue Titel aus der DK Erfolgsreihe Big Ideas! Das große Black-History-Buch zum Nachschlagen - Zusammenhänge, Theorien & Biografien abwechslungsreich und einfach aufbereitet: - Einzigartig: ein globales Nachschlagewerk zu den wichtigsten Meilensteinen der Geschichte der Schwarzen innerhalb und außerhalb Afrikas - Umfassend: von der Wiege der Menschheit über den Trans-Atlantik Sklavenhandel, die Harlem-Renaissance und die Dekolonialisierung bis zur Black-Lives-Matter-Bewegung - Informativ: mit zahlreichen Porträts herausragender Persönlichkeiten wie Rosa Parks, James Baldwin, Martin Luther King sowie Nelson Mandela und Alice Walker - Fundiert: geschrieben von einem Expertenteam von Autor*innen aus verschiedenen Wissensgebieten - Geschichte, Anthropologie, Arabistik, Afrikanistik, Religionswissenschaften, Kunst, Kultur Topaktuelle Gesellschafts-Debatte: Black History entdecken und verstehen! Ein einzigartiger Überblick über die Geschichte der Schwarzen jetzt in der DK-Erfolgsreihe Big Ideas!

  • von Georgie Carroll
    26,95 €

    Die faszinierende Welt der Mythen einfach erklärt Von frühen Schöpfungsmythen bis zu klassischen Heldensagen. Dieses innovative Nachschlagewerk führt mit originellen Illustrationen & ansprechenden Grafiken in die Welt der mystischen Geschichten ein - von der Geburt Zeus, den Abenteuern von Thor und Loki bis hin zum Trickster-Gott Maui. Der neue Titel in der DK Bestseller-Reihe Big Ideas! Das Mythologie-Buch zum Nachschlagen - Zusammenhänge, Theorien & historische Hintergründe sachlich und verständlich aufbereitet: - Über 80 klassische Mythen aus aller Welt in klarem, sachlichem Stil: Dieses Buch erzählt von den zentralen mythischen Charakteren und Helden der Geschichte und erläutert deren tiefere Bedeutung in den verschiedenen Kulturen.- Wissen über Mythen mit anschaulichen Infografiken und Fotos: Das frische Layout mit verschiedenen Illustrationen, Infografiken und Fotografien ermöglicht ein leichtes Verständnis für die in Kunst und Literatur thematisierten Mythen. - Mit vielen berühmten, aber auch weniger bekannten Erzählungen: zum Beispiel die Irrfahrten des Odysseus, die Spinnenfrau aus Amerika oder die Legende von der Gründung Koreas.- Die Autor*innen erläutern die mythologischen Erzählungen in sieben nach der Herkunft eingeteilten Kapiteln. Mythen entdecken und verstehen! Der mitreißende Komplett-Überblick in eine mystische Welt - Unglaubliche Geschichten zum Informieren, Nachschlagen und Weitererzählen!

  • von Jan Dangerfield
    26,95 €

    Faszination Mathematik auf den Punkt gebracht Das 1x1 der Mathematik! Dieses innovative Nachschlagewerk führt mit informativen Diagrammen & ansprechenden Grafiken leicht verständlich in die Geschichte der Mathematik sowie in über 85 mathematische Probleme, Begriffe, Theoreme & Beweise sowie Biografien berühmter Mathematiker ein - von Mustern in der Natur bis zu moderner Computertechnologie. Der neue Titel aus der DK Kultreihe Big Ideas! Das große Mathematik-Buch zum Nachschlagen - Zusammenhänge, Theorien & Biografien kurzweilig und einfach aufbereitet: - Über 85 der wichtigsten mathematischen Probleme.- Wissen grafisch auf den Punkt gebracht. - Interessante Fragen rund um die Mathematik werden in diesem Buch verständlich und anschaulich beantwortet und regen zum Nachdenken an.- Die Geschichte der Mathematik in sechs großen Kapiteln! Mathematik entdecken und verstehen! Der perfekte zugängliche Komplettüberblick zu einer komplexen Wissenschaft - Basiswissen zum Studieren, Informieren oder Nachschlagen!

    26,95 €

    Gewaltlosigkeit ist die Waffe der Starken, heißt es im Hinduismus. Im Buddhismus sagt man: Erleuchtung hat viele Gesichter. Aber wie genau sind diese Glaubenssätze zu verstehen?Der Titel "Das Religionen-Buch. Große Ideen einfach erklärt" ist Programm! Über 100 Glaubenssätze, Rituale und Mythologien werden so erklärt, dass Sie sie so leicht wie nie zuvor verstehen. Dank der innovativen Grafiken, Diagramme und Fotografien werden Zusammenhänge auf einen Blick klar. Durch die anschauliche Gestaltung macht es Spaß, das Buch einfach nur durchzublättern. Auch Quelle und Entstehungszeit einer Idee werden thematisiert. Die Spannweite reicht von Stammesreligionen der Vorzeit über antike Religionen bis zu den Weltreligionen und modernen Glaubensrichtungen. Außerdem gibt es Biografien zu den bedeutendsten religiösen Denkern, Kurzporträts der verschiedenen Richtungen innerhalb der Weltreligionen sowie ein Glossar wichtiger Begriffe. "Das Religionen-Buch" vereint sehr viel Wissen kompakt zwischen zwei Buchdeckeln und bleibt dabei für jeden verständlich!

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

    Discover and understand the key ideas that underpin the core science of chemistry and learn about the great minds who uncovered them Written in plain English, The Chemistry Book is packed with short, pithy explanations of some of the most historic moments in science, from the birth of atomic theory to the discovery of polyethylene and the development of new vaccine technologies to combat COVID-19. Simple graphics, such as flowcharts and mind maps, support the text and make the explanation of key concepts easy to follow.Arranged in chronological order, the book covers key themes in the physical and natural sciences, such as geochemistry and the elements. Within each chapter, a series of articles traces the history of scientific thought and introduces the work of the scientists who have shaped the subject such as John Dalton, Marie Curie, Dmitri Mendeleev, Kathleen Lonsdale, and Stephanie Kwolek. Along the way, the book addresses some of the most fundamental questions in science, such as what is the universe made of, how is matter created, and what are the chemical bonds that make life possible?Whether you are new to chemistry, a student of the sciences, or just want to keep up with and understand the latest news and scientific debates, The Chemistry Book is for you.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

  • von DK
    28,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von Marcus Weeks, Chris Yuill, Sarah Tomley, usw.
    21,00 €

    All the big ideas, simply explained - an innovative and accessible guide to sociologyPart of the popular Big Ideas series, The Sociology Book introduces you to the subject that tells you all about what society is and what makes it tick. With over 80 ideas from the world's most renowned sociologists, covering topics as diverse as issues of equality, diversity, identity and human rights; the effects of globalization; the role of institutions, and the rise of urban living in modern society, this book details the key concepts of sociological thought.Discover all the big sociological ideas with quirky graphics, pithy quotes and step-by-step 'mind maps'. You'll be brought up-to-date on sociological ideas from Jeffrey Alexander to Sharon Zukin, with easy to navigate step-by-step summaries which explain each idea in a nutshell. Plus biographies of key sociologists from around the world, giving a historical context to each idea. Whether you are a sociology student or just have an interest in the workings of society, The Sociology Book is a perfect way to explore this fascinating subject.

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    Discover three million years of famous inventors and amazing discoveries.1000 Inventions & Discoveries explores the brilliant ideas and innovations that have shaped our world. Whether you're a budding inventor yourself or love gizmos and gadgets this amazing guide is packed with the inventions and discoveries that changed our lives! Find out who came up with the idea, how they were influenced and key events that formed the backdrop of the discovery. Packed with stunning pictures and features you'll relive the most amazing discoveries ever made.Discover timelines, features, images and archive materials that bring all the inventions and discoveries to life!

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    20,98 - 21,00 €

    All the big ideas, simply explained - an innovative and accessible guide to economicsBring economics to life with The Economics Book, an essential guide to more that 100 of the big ideas in economic theory and practice covering everything from ancient theories right up to cutting-edge modern developments.From Aristotle to John Maynard Keynes and beyond, all the greatest economists and their theories are featured and the innovative graphics, step-by-step summaries and mind maps help clarify hard-to-grasp concepts.The Economics Book is perfect for economic students and anyone who has an interest in how economies work.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

    An innovative and accessible guide to business, management and commerceLearning about business can be daunting, but The Business Book makes it easier than ever by giving you all the big ideas simply explained. Simple explanations and stylish infographics open up the business world to even the complete novice. The Business Book is the perfect primer to key theories of business and management, covering inspirational business ideas, business strategy and alternative business models. 100 key quotations introduce you to the work of great commercial thinkers, leaders and gurus from Henry Ford to Steve Jobs and to topics spanning from start-ups to ethics. Whether you are a would-be entrepreneur or just have an interest in business, The Business Book is an all-in-one guide to business management, theory and strategy.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

    How are illnesses diagnosed? What is cancer? Why are some pandemics so deadly? This book explores big questions like these, explaining the breakthroughs and discoveries that have shaped our modern-day understanding of medicine and helped us protect and promote our health. Written in plain English, The Medicine Book cuts through the jargon and is packed with pithy explanations of the most important milestones in medical history, with step-by-step diagrams and witty illustrations that untangle knotty concepts.From ancient medical practices, such as herbal medications and balancing the humours, through groundbreaking work including Jenner's experiments with cowpox, which laid the basis for vaccination, The Medicine Book offers an engaging overview of medical history across the world all the way into the 21st century with gene manipulation, immunotherapy, and robotics and telesurgery. Covering the role that therapies and drugs have played in the human quest to treat and prevent disease, the establishment of hospitals and later international medical bodies, like the WHO, and medical science's response to new challenges, such as accelerated antibiotic resistance and COVID-19, The Medicine Book explains the stories behind each milestone development.Continuing the "Big Ideas" series' trademark combination of authoritative, informative text, and bold graphics, The Medicine Book uses an innovative visual approach to make the subject accessible to everyone, whether you're a student of medicine or science, a medical professional, or an armchair expert.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    20,98 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Slavoj Žižek
    12,00 €

    Argues that the physical violence we see is often generated by the systemic violence that sustains our political and economic systems. With the help of eminent philosophers and frequent references to popular culture, this title examines the causes of violent outbreaks like those seen in Israel and Palestine and in terrorist acts around the world.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    20,98 €

    The Shakespeare eBook is the perfect primer to the works of William Shakespeare, packed with witty illustrations and inspirational quotes.Covering every work, from the comedies of Twelfth Night and As You Like It to the tragedies of Julius Caesar and Hamlet, plus lost plays and less well-known works of poetry. Easy-to-understand graphics and illustrations bring the themes, plots, characters and language of Shakespeare to life. This includes illustrated timelines which offer an at-a-glance summary of the action for each play. With detailed plot summaries and an in-depth analysis of the major characters and themes, this is a brilliant, innovative exploration of the entire canon of Shakespeare plays, sonnets and poetry. Whether you're a Shakespeare scholar or a student of the great Bard, The Shakespeare eBook offers a fuller appreciation of his phenomenal talent and lasting legacy.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

    An accessible introduction to ecological science, with nearly one-hundred events and developments explained. Features quotes from leading ecologists, scientists, philosophers and politicians, including Charles Darwin and Eugene Odum.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    20,98 €

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    20,98 €

    A thorough study of feminism, tracing the key ideas and historical events forward to contemporary movements such as #MeToo and the actions of modern figures such as Malala Yousafzai. Introduction from "Guardian" columnist Lucy Mangan.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    22,00 €

    Travel back in time with the latest instalment in the bestselling Big Ideas series. The History Book charts world history from the dawn of civilisation to the modern culture we live in today. From the origins of homo-sapiens to the release of Nelson Mandela, from the French Revolution to the Space Race, The History Book is a stunning exploration of the human timeline up to and including modern Islam, the world wide web, and the global financial crisis.The History Book tackles big historical ideas with stunning visuals, key quotes, and important themes that are woven throughout world history. Discover events from the assassination of Caesar to World War I and see the people and events come to life with The History Book, perfect for students, adults, or anyone who wants to understand our fascinating past.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

    An innovative and accessible guide to the world's religionsThe Religions Book clearly explains the key concepts behind the earliest religious beliefs right up to the world's newest faiths, getting to the heart of what it means to believe. Principles of the five main world religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - as well as ancient and primal belief systems are explored in this informative tome. All the big ideas are simply explained with jargon-free descriptions, step-by-step diagrams, and witty illustrations that encapsulate every aspect of religious thinking. Examine major historical developments and ideas with a universal timeline, providing a global perspective on the origins and major events that have contributed to the growth and spread of religion and spirituality. Along with the teaching highlights of pre-eminent figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Saint Paul, and Al-Ghazali, you'll also find a handy reference section featuring a glossary of religious terms and a roadmap to all the branches of the major faiths and the points of doctrine or tradition on which they differ. Modern alternative religions and spiritual beliefs from around the world are also explored, putting into context the political and social climates from which they emerged. The Religions Book provides compelling, accessible information perfect for students of religious study or anyone interested in the ideas of ancient and present day faiths and religious philosophies.

  • 18% sparen
    - Big Ideas Simply Explained
    von DK
    21,00 €

    An innovative and accessible guide to more than 2,000 years of thoughtTo the complete novice learning about philosophy can be daunting - The Philosophy eBook changes all that. With the use of powerful and easy-to-follow images, succinct quotations, and explanations that are easily understandable, this ebook cuts through any misunderstandings to demystify the subject.Each chapter is organised chronologically, and covers not only the big ideas, but the philosophers who first voiced them, as well as cross-referencing with earlier and later ideas and thinkers. The Philosophy eBook untangles knotty theories and sheds light on abstract concepts, and is perfect for anyone with a general interest in how our social, political, and ethical ideas are formed, as well as students of philosophy and politics.Covers major and niche topics, from moral ethics to philosophies of religion

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