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Bücher der Reihe Blue Lock in Reihenfolge

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  • von Muneyuki Kaneshiro
    11,98 €

    A mad young coach gathers soccer players from across the country to compete in a series of bizarre challenges in a high-tech colosseum he calls Blue Lock. It''s a no-balls-barred battle to become Japan''s next top striker, in this Squid Game–meets–World Cup manga, now available in print! Anime coming soon!Are you the world''s top egoist? After a disastrous defeat at the 2018 World Cup, Japan''s team struggles to regroup. But what''s mising? An absolute ace striker. The Football Union is hell-bent on creating a striker who hungers for goals and thirsts for victory, so Blue Lock -- a rigorous training ground for 300 of Japan''s best and brightest youth players -- is created. To survive this battle royale, the last striker standing will have to out-muscle and out-ego everyone who stands in his way!

  • von Muneyuki Kaneshiro
    12,00 €

    A mad young coach gathers soccer players from across the country to compete in a series of bizarre challenges in a high-tech colosseum he calls Blue Lock. It''s a no-balls-barred battle to become Japan''s next top striker, in this Squid Game–meets–World Cup manga, now available in print! Anime coming soon!Despite his harsh criticism of Japan''s citizens and media, the genius midfielder Sae Itoshi has set his gaze on Blue Lock, where the training is about to begin. To survive the first round robin tournament in the training center, Isagi''s Team Z will need to find a way to use their own unique "weapons" while struggling through a clash of egos. What does it take to be the best in the world?!

  • von Muneyuki Kaneshiro
    12,00 €

  • von Muneyuki Kaneshiro
    12,00 €

    "A mad young coach gathers soccer players from across the country to compete in a series of bizarre challenges in a high-tech colosseum he calls Blue Lock. It's a no-balls-barred battle to become Japan's next top striker in this manga. In the face of Team V, Team Z has managed to catch up 3-3 with fifteen minutes remaining. Amid this tense environment, all the players seek their "awakening" that will take their skills to the next level... Will they manage to beat Team V and qualify for the next selection--or will they be stuck on the playing field with nowhere to go?"--Publisher marketing.

  • von Muneyuki Kaneshiro
    12,00 €

    "After Isagi and the rest of Team Z clear the first selection round, they split up to face the second selection individually. Waiting beyond the first door is Blue Lock Man, a cutting-edge goalkeeping AI system. A new group of incredible strikers and shocking rules await Isagi in the second selection round...!!"--Provided by publisher.

  • von Muneyuki Kaneshiro
    11,98 €

    "In the second selection's rival battles -- where the winners can choose one player from the losing team -- Isagi and Nagi have just lost Bachira to Rin Itoshi and the other top strikers. Now they must prove the strength of their individual abilities in a fight against Shouei Barou, the top scoring player in Wing 5. If they lose, they'll be at risk of disqualification. doesagi takes the fight to King Barou, he's aiming to end up on the side of the prodigies!"--Provided by publisher.

  • von Muneyuki Kaneshiro
    12,00 €

    "The newly formed team of Isagi, Nagi, and Barou head to their next rival battle, where they face Kunigami, Chigiri, and Reo. Isagi knows their victory will depend on the team's ability to form a "chemical reaction" with their play styles. Isagi and Nagi have a fluid synergy, but Barou seems to be chafing against his new teammates... Who will emerge victorious from the battle of egos?!"--

  • von Muneyuki Kaneshiro
    13,00 €

    "The newly formed team of Isagi, Nagi, and Barou head to their next rival battle, where they face Kunigami, Chigiri, and Reo. Isagi knows their victory will depend on the team's ability to form a "chemical reaction" with their play styles. Isagi and Nagi have a fluid synergy, but Barou seems to be chafing against his new teammates... Who will emerge victorious from the battle of egos?!"--

  • von Muneyuki Kaneshiro
    12,00 €

    "The rematch against the Top Three requires all the players to use their "weapons" to the fullest. Isagi has made it his goal to defeat Rin Itoshi and steal back Bachira, but he once again finds himself outclassed by Rin in every area. Can Isagi find a way to devour Rin? And what does Bachira's "monster" have to say about all this?!"--

  • von Yusuke Nomura
    8,50 €

    Im Entscheidungsspiel gegen die Top drei wird es langsam eng. Yoichi will die Revanche nutzen, um Meguru zurückzuholen. Doch dazu muss er Rin Itoshi übertreffen, der exzellentes Spielverständnis und körperliche Fähigkeiten in sich vereint und damit quasi unschlagbar ist.Wird sich Yoichi am Ende durchsetzen können?

  • von Yusuke Nomura
    8,50 €

    Yoichi hat die Rivalenkämpfe zwar knapp verloren, wird aber ins Gewinnerteam gewählt und besteht die zweite Auswahl damit knapp. Allerdings kann er nicht akzeptieren, dass nur eine Handvoll Glück den Unterschied zwischen ihm und Rin ausgemacht haben soll, und begibt sich an die Spielanalyse.Begierig darauf, Rin zu schlagen, geht es in die dritte Auswahl.

  • von Yusuke Nomura
    8,50 €

    35 Stürmer haben sich erfolgreich durch die zweite Auswahl gekämpft und sehen sich nuneiner neuen Herausforderung gegenübergestellt:ein Match gegen die japanische U-20-Nationalmannschaft.Doch um gegen sie antreten zu dürfen, müssen sich die Stürmer zunächst inTestspielen behaupten, aus denen schließlich eine neue Blue-Lock-Elf hervorgehen soll.Kann Yoichi sich gegen die Top Sechs behaupten?

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