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Bücher der Reihe Communication

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  • - The origins and evolution of the war correspondent
    76,00 €

    From the foundations of the world's first great empires to the empires of today, war has preoccupied human civilisation for as many as 4000 years. It has fascinated, horrified, thrilled, confused, inspired and disgusted mankind since records began. Provoking such a huge range of emotions and reactions and fulfilling all the elements of newsworthiness, it is hardly surprising that war makes 'good' news.Modern technological advancements, such as the camera and television, brought the brutality of war into the homes and daily lives of the public. No longer a far-away and out-of-sight affair, the public's ability to 'see' what was happening on the frontline changed not only how wars were fought but why they were fought. Even when a war is considered 'popular,' the involvement of the press and the weight of public opinion has led to criticisms that have transformed modern warfare almost in equal measure to the changes brought about by weapon technology. War reporting seeks to look beyond the official story, to understand the very nature of conflict whilst acknowledging that it is no longer simply good versus evil. This edited volume presents a unique insight into the work of the war correspondent and battlefield photographer from the earliest days of modern war reporting to the present. It reveals how, influenced by the changing face of modern warfare, the work of the war correspondent has been significantly altered in style, method, and practice. By combining historical analysis with experiences of modern day war reporting, this book provides an important contribution to the understanding of this complicated profession, which will be of interest to journalists, academics, and students, alike.

  • - The Discourse around Chicken Farming in British Newspapers and Campaigners' Magazines, 1982 - 2016
    von Elena Lazutkaite
    71,00 €

  • - Everyday Empowerment and Likeability
    von Gavin F Hurley
    68,00 €

    'The Playbook of Persuasive Reasoning: Everyday Empowerment and Likeability' provides an easy, practical guide to the strategies of persuasive reasoning, which Gavin Hurley argues is crucial to all effective communication. Helping professionals and students to become better and more likeable communicators, this fundamental "playbook" outlines numerous eye-opening communicative maneuvers for readers of all levels and backgrounds. It offers a unique approach to argumentation and persuasion and moves away from the more conventional methods which are often overtechnical, unnecessarily complex or too science oriented. Hurley demonstrates how to successfully apply these strategies of cooperative argumentation to your life in order to succeed professionally, socially and cerebrally. This he argues, will allow you to empower your messaging and increase your social magnetism. 'The Playbook of Persuasive Reasoning' is a down-to-earth guide on effective rhetorical strategizing. It is written for everyday application, based on everyday examples, and embedded in everyday language. Today, successful communication is a highly sought-after trait by international employers, clients, and customers alike. Gavin Hurley shows how a wide range of people can benefit from learning how to deliver more abstract material in an effective manner: both verbally and written. This guide is particularly appealing for professionals, including business managers, as well as academics and students, including public intellectuals. 'The Playbook of Persuasive Reasoning' is a useful book for anyone wanting to enrich their skills and strengthen their powers of communication in order to have a social and professional advantage.

  • von Ulick O'Connor
    23,00 €

    Michael Collins played a crucial role in rekindling Ireland's aspirations for freedom. A leading figure in the nation's bitter and bloody resistance to British Rule, he played a key part in reshaping Ireland's history as we know it today. Ulick O'Connor includes valuable new information about the secret war against England and provides a fresh and highly dramatic account of Ireland's fight for freedom. Using important material from the archives of General Richard Mulcahy, Collins's chief of staff, as well as personal interviews with Mulcahy, Eamon de Valera, and many other leading figures Michael Collins and the Troubles is a vivid and often horrifying account of a crucial time, the consequences of which are still felt today.

  • von Jean Mouchon
    14,50 €

    Présentant des analyses menées en continuité sur une dizaine d'années, les articles regroupés dégagent les aspects réguliers et récurrents du fonctionnement croisé des médias et des interactions politiques tout en restant attentifs aux évolutions structurelles du paysage audiovisuel et aux pressions de l'opinion publique en vue d'une réforme de la vie politique. La question de la régulation du régime démocratique, partagé désormais entre l'exercice classique de la représentation et la mise en place, par médias interposés, de nouvelles formes de transaction est au coeur de l'ouvrage.

  • von Bernard Schiele
    22,35 €

    Bernard Schiele fait le point sur les nouvelles tendances en muséologie des sciences. Le musée apparaît comme une institution constamment aux prises avec des logiques contrariées : s'adresser à tous pour que chacun y trouve son compte ; informer sans renoncer à distraire ; conscientiser sans éduquer ; et former sans contraindre.

  • von Bernard Lamizet
    40,00 €

    Cet essai analyse les langages que se donne la société pour se représenter elle-même dans les spectacles et dans les pratiques artistiques, dans ses monuments, dans son architecture et dans ses ¿uvres d'art. Mais la médiation culturelle ne s'inscrit pas seulement dans des pratiques et dans des ¿uvres : elle s'inscrit aussi dans des logiques politiques et dans des logiques institutionnelles.

  • von Christine Bauer
    25,00 €

    Le discours des médias permet de constater que, si " l'homme de la rue " ne le connaît pour ainsi dire pas, paradoxalement, la presse nationale et internationale dit (et rend, en le disant) le designer Philippe Starck célèbre. La comparaison avec d'autres personnes connues, dont on n'éprouve pas le besoin de préciser sans cesse qu'elles le sont, conduit à s'interroger sur le comment d'un tel phénomène d'existence et de durée. Est émise l'hypothèse que Starck utilise prioritairement des stratégies indirectes et, plus particulièrement des stratégies chinoises.

  • von Jean-Jacques Boutaud
    26,50 €

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