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Bücher der Reihe Critical Perspectives on English and American Literature, Communication and Culture

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  • von Raúl Montero Gilete
    40,95 €

    El objetivo de nuestro estudio es demostrar cómo el concepto culturalmente relevante e interesante de hogar y naturaleza juega un papel activo y central en La Comunidad del Anillo de JRR Tolkien y en Mago y Cristal de Stephen King. Para ello, analizamos la idea de hogar desarrollada en ambas obras desde el punto de vista de la crítica medioambiental, aportando puntos ilustrativos que justifican las implicaciones ecológicas en la obra de Tolkien y, a su vez, contrastando los resultados obtenidos mediante un análisis comparativo con la obra de King. Presentamos la forma en que ambos autores añaden una nueva perspectiva al concepto de hogar, en la que se presenta un enfoque sostenible y ambientalmente integrado en el que la naturaleza no se sitúa en un espacio separado y artificial, sino al mismo nivel que los protagonistas de las historias.

  • von Bruno Echauri Galván
    55,95 €

    La carrera de John Fante tras un éxito esquivo está repleta de anécdotas sorprendentes y giros inesperados. El último, el encuentro casual entre su obra y las manos de Charles Bukowski en una biblioteca de Los Ángeles, sería el que le permitiría, finalmente, darle caza. En el despertar tardío de la bibliografía fantiana sobresale Ask the Dust, un retrato en claroscuro del amor fatal en los márgenes de la L.A. de los años 30 que golpeó la inspiración del director y guionista Robert Towne al primer contacto: arrancaba entonces un nuevo pillapilla entre la pasión del genio y el pragmatismo de la industria que recorrería los pasillos de Hollywood durante más de tres décadas. 2006 pondría término a la espera y alfombra roja a la película: Ask the Dust desembarcaba en los cines estadounidenses. Por fin.Este trabajo da cuerpo a las historias esbozadas en las líneas anteriores, pero también penetra en una fracción de la alfaguara paratextual que sucedió al lanzamiento de la película para analizar su recepción por parte de crítica y público. Al mismo tiempo, sus páginas calibran el peso de la (in)fidelidad a la novela en sus valoraciones y desglosan cómo aborda cada audiencia este aspecto, tan central como controvertido en la genealogía de los estudios de adaptación. Para saber más, no hace falta preguntar al polvo: basta con leer este libro.

  • - The Portrayal of Nature in British Fantasy and its Projection in Ursula K. Le Guin's Western American "Earthsea"
    von Martin Simonson
    53,45 €

    The portrayal of nature in works of fantasy is coloured by the corresponding context. This book shows how the natural world has been depicted within this genre, comparing the British tradition with Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea cycle. Because of her specific context, Le Guin's works deviate from the received tradition in significant ways.

  • - Post-Millennial Trends in Contemporary Popular Romance Fiction
    70,10 €

    This collection studies new developments in postmillennial popular romance fiction. The book discusses romance in different countries and explores how the genre has always been sensitive to customer demands and market trends. The chapters focus on how traditional formulae are being reshaped to meet the needs of contemporary transnational markets.

  • - Power, sexualities and ideologies in text and performance
    70,10 €

    This book studies dramatic texts, dedications, autobiographies, adaptations and performative practices, to prove that the boundaries between on and off stage performances of gender are blurred. The limits that separate theatre and life are highly permeable and the relations between both are bidirectional: the performativity of gender and identity.

  • - History and Travelling in the Fiction of Patrick White
    von Elena Ungari
    99,65 €

    The study examines exploration in Voss. It shows that the novel absorbs (and contests) a variety of literary genres, starting as a "chronicle" and ending up as a parable. The literary transformation enables the reader to understand White's historical novel as a parable of the writer's exploration of Australia in the 1950s.

    95,45 €

    This volume discusses women in Nabokov. It has two parts: In the first one, there are biographical essays on the role of the real women in Nabokov's life and how their love and suffering are reflected in his prose. The second part deals with Nabokov's women in his fiction.

  • - The Rhetoric of Dissent in American Writing
    74,80 €

    The essays in this book explore the rhetoric of dissent in a range of texts that include letters, novels, poems and nonfiction, mostly focusing on selected works by such authors as Abigail Adams, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mary Ovington, Toni Morrison, Adrienne Rich, Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo.

  • - Experience Put to Use
    111,45 €

    Further to the first book, Writers of the Spanish Civil War, on the war writing by some British and American authors, this second one studies the relevant work by eight more foreign authors: Virginia Woolf, John Dos Passos, Franz Borkenau, V. S. Pritchett, Andre Malraux, Arthur Koestler, Martha Gellhorn and Peter Kemp.

  • - Japanese and Western Literature, Art and Philosophy
    102,35 €

    The present volume focuses on explaining the strong impact that Japanese culture bore on Western intellectuals, Modernist literary writers and artists from the second half of the nineteenth century onwards, and, conversely, the impact of Western modernity on Japanese cultural modernization from the Meiji Era onwards.

  • - A Collection of Critical Essays
    102,35 €

    This collection explores the literary creativity of outstanding women writers of American, Canadian, English, and Irish origins. Each chapter offers an individual study of the writers' work and associated process of ageing.

  • - The Testimony of their Auto/Biographies
    78,85 €

    Brings together essays on six of the most important British and American writers who lived in or visited Spain in the 20th century and whose work bears the impact of the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39.

  • - Essays on Contemporary Cultural and Literary Identity
    78,85 €

    Offers varied studies of the problematic construction of contemporary identities from a literary and cultural perspective. This book covers transcendental, relevant and polemic topics like the difficulty of growing up, classist and interracial struggles, narratives of displacement and exile, queering the world, power politics and the individual.

  • - Literary Testimonies on Ageing and Desire
    122,50 €

    Flaming Embers

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