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Bücher der Reihe Dirty Angels MC

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  • von Jeanne St. James
    24,00 €

    Welcome to Shadow Valley where the Dirty Angels MC rules. Get ready to get Down & Dirty because this is Hawk's story... When strong statements must be made, Hawk, as the MC's VP, must be the one to make them. But that doesn't mean there aren't consequences, like him landing in jail. Though the club keeps an attorney on retainer, the one who shows up isn't quite who he's expecting. Not even close.Feisty, classy, and curvy, this attorney pushes his buttons in all the right ways. And Hawk can't ignore a challenge. However, she's so out of his league, he can't hope for anything more than a few chances to scratch all her itches.When Kiki's boss hands over the club's account, she doesn't know what to expect and her meeting with the overbearing, bad boy biker goes anything but smoothly. Like Hawk, Kiki loves a challenge, too. But getting involved in the club and its VP may not be what she bargained for. Especially when it comes to several run-ins with a rival MC, including one which may very well affect the rest of her life.Kiki needs to decide if becoming involved with Hawk is worth not only the judgment from her peers but, even worse, the violent mayhem the club becomes entangled in. Please check the front of the book or my website at for content warnings.Note: Down & Dirty: Hawk is the third book in the Dirty Angels MC series. It's highly recommended that you read this 10-book series in order. It has no cheating, no relationship cliffhanger and, as always, has an HEA.

  • von Jeanne St. James
    25,00 €

    Benvenuti a Shadow Valley, dove regna il Dirty Angels MC. Preparatevi ad affrontare quest'avventura a muso duro... Questa è la storia di Diesel. Lei lo chiama "bestia". Diesel, Sergeant at Arms ed esecutore del MC, non solo ha il compito di mantenere al sicuro le proprietà del club e i suoi membri, ma anche di occuparsi degli "affari" quando necessario. Il suo motto, Vivi libero, muori libero, significa che vede le donne perlopiù come palle al piede e attaccabrighe, e lui non vuole nulla di tutto ciò. L'ultima cosa di cui ha bisogno è avere sulla sua moto una tipa che lo tiene al guinzaglio. A differenza delle altre donne del DAMC, Jewel vuole diventare la signora di un motociclista. Essendo nata e cresciuta nel club, il suo obiettivo è quello di guadagnarsi un posto sulla moto di uno dei membri. Ma non un membro qualunque. No, lei vuole il più grosso, il più testardo e il più irascibile del gruppo. Quello che lei ha soprannominato "bestia", perché è così che si comporta, sia dentro che fuori dal letto. Jewel ha desiderato Diesel per così tanto tempo che non ha intenzione di rinunciare a combattere per diventare la sua donna. In un modo o nell'altro, è determinata a vincere questa battaglia. Diesel lotta contro il suo desiderio per Jewel, fino a quando le minacce di un club rivale lo portano a realizzare che quella donna è sua. Nessuno tocca ciò che gli appartiene. Nessuno. Nota bene: questo libro può essere letto singolarmente. Include scene hot, gergo da motociclisti, imprecazioni, un po' di violenza e, naturalmente, un lieto fine. Se vi piacciono i maschi alfa che amano prendere il comando, questo libro fa al caso vostro.

  • von Jeanne St. James
    25,00 €

    Benvenuti a Shadow Valley, dove regna il Dirty Angels MC. Preparatevi ad affrontare quest'avventura a muso duro... Questa è la storia di Diesel. Lei lo chiama "bestia". Diesel, Sergeant at Arms ed esecutore del MC, non solo ha il compito di mantenere al sicuro le proprietà del club e i suoi membri, ma anche di occuparsi degli "affari" quando necessario. Il suo motto, Vivi libero, muori libero, significa che vede le donne perlopiù come palle al piede e attaccabrighe, e lui non vuole nulla di tutto ciò. L'ultima cosa di cui ha bisogno è avere sulla sua moto una tipa che lo tiene al guinzaglio. A differenza delle altre donne del DAMC, Jewel vuole diventare la signora di un motociclista. Essendo nata e cresciuta nel club, il suo obiettivo è quello di guadagnarsi un posto sulla moto di uno dei membri. Ma non un membro qualunque. No, lei vuole il più grosso, il più testardo e il più irascibile del gruppo. Quello che lei ha soprannominato "bestia", perché è così che si comporta, sia dentro che fuori dal letto. Jewel ha desiderato Diesel per così tanto tempo che non ha intenzione di rinunciare a combattere per diventare la sua donna. In un modo o nell'altro, è determinata a vincere questa battaglia. Diesel lotta contro il suo desiderio per Jewel, fino a quando le minacce di un club rivale lo portano a realizzare che quella donna è sua. Nessuno tocca ciò che gli appartiene. Nessuno. Nota bene: questo libro può essere letto singolarmente. Include scene hot, gergo da motociclisti, imprecazioni, un po' di violenza e, naturalmente, un lieto fine. Se vi piacciono i maschi alfa che amano prendere il comando, questo libro fa al caso vostro.

  • von Jeanne St. James
    26,00 €

    Quando l'uomo sbagliato si rivela quello giusto... Nash, membro di vecchia data del Dirty Angels MC e cantante dei Dirty Deeds, ha un segreto. Per anni ha nascosto la sua bisessualità ai suoi fratelli motociclisti, temendo che quelli prenderebbero male la notizia. Ma Nash non è l'unico a tenere segreti alla sua fratellanza: lo fa anche Cross, agente di polizia e membro del Blue Avengers MC.Per quanto opposti siano, quando Cross vede Nash in un bar non riesce a resistere all'attrazione inaspettata. E poi, dei confini vengono superati e dei limiti si sfumano. E i due devono sopravvivere in due mondi diversi, dove gli uomini a cui piacciono gli uomini non sono bene accetti e dove motociclisti e poliziotti non si mescolano. La realtà e la fantasia sono due cose diverse. La fantasia è che Cross e Nash possano stare insieme, che possano far funzionare le cose. La realtà è che la loro è una situazione insostenibile. Cross non rinuncerà mai a fare il poliziotto. Nash non rinuncerà mai a essere un motociclista. Il sacrificio che l'uno o l'altro dovrebbe fare è decisamente troppo grande. Alla fine, la lotta contro la realtà potrebbe essere una battaglia persa in una guerra che non si può vincere.Nota: Varcare il confine è un crossover romantico gay che ha come protagonisti un membro del Dirty Angels MC e un membro del Blue Avengers MC. Contiene amore proibito, nemici che si innamorano, poliziotti contro motociclisti, alfa contro alfa. Come per tutti i miei libri, non c'è un finale in sospeso e il lieto fine è garantito.

  • von Jeanne St. James
    25,00 €

    Benvenuti a Shadow Valley, dove regna il Dirty Angels MC. Preparatevi ad affrontare quest'avventura a muso duro... Questa è la storia di Jag. L'unica cosa che Jag, Road Captain del Dirty Angels MC, ama più della sua moto personalizzata è Ivy. La desidera da tempo immemore. Tuttavia, nel corso degli anni, ha dovuto sopportare di vederla uscire con chiunque tranne lui, perché Ivy evita i motociclisti come la peste. Gravita attorno a tutt'altro genere di ragazzi: imbranati e nerd. Jag non sarà mai come loro. Intelligente e indipendente, Ivy non vuole essere di proprietà di nessun uomo. Cresciuta nel club, sa in prima persona come vengono trattate le donne lì. Si pente dell'errore che ha commesso, quando una sera, ubriaca fradicia, ha trascinato Jag di sopra nella sua stanza al club. Da allora, ha fatto del suo meglio per tenerlo a distanza, anche se si è rivelato essere piuttosto difficile. Soprattutto da quando ha scoperto il suo segreto, che la fa innamorare ancora di più. Tra segreti, bugie e una violenta zuffa con un club rivale, riusciranno queste due teste calde a trovare l'amore e il conforto che stanno cercando l'uno nell'altra? O il loro mondo cadrà a pezzi? Nota: Down & Dirty: Jag è il secondo libro della serie Dirty Angels MC. Si consiglia vivamente di leggere questa serie di 10 libri in ordine. Non ci sono tradimenti, non ci sono cliffhanger nelle relazioni e, come sempre, c'è un finale da "vissero tutti felici e contenti".

  • von Jeanne St. James
    25,00 €

    Benvenuti a Shadow Valley, dove regna il Dirty Angels MC. Preparatevi ad affrontare quest'avventura a muso duro... Questa è la storia di Zak.Dopo aver trascorso gli ultimi dieci anni in prigione, Zak, ex presidente del Dirty Angels Moto Club, ha alcune priorità: riconnettersi con i suoi "fratelli", ubriacarsi e scopare. Non necessariamente in quest'ordine. Quando vede una bellissima donna al club e la scambia per una delle spogliarelliste, quelle priorità diventano un po' confuse.Sophie non ha idea di cosa sia successo alla sua vita. Un minuto prima è concentrata sull'apertura della sua pasticceria e quello dopo... sta consegnando una torta per una festa di bentornato al club motociclistico dei Dirty Angels per un membro che è appena uscito di prigione. Sophie non sa che quella torta le cambierà la vita, per non parlare del fatto che la renderà il bersaglio di un club rivale. In circostanze normali, Sophie non andrebbe mai con un uomo come Zak: un motociclista tatuato, ex detenuto e spaccone.Quando una decennale guerra territoriale minaccia di separarli, Zak farà di tutto per non perdere Sophie, il suo club e mantenere la città al sicuro. Vengono da due mondi molto diversi, e dovranno scoprire se il gioco vale la candela.Nota: Down & Dirty: Zak è il primo libro della serie Dirty Angels MC. Si consiglia vivamente di leggere questa serie di 10 libri in ordine. Non ci sono tradimenti, non ci sono cliffhanger nelle relazioni e, come sempre, c'è un finale da "vissero tutti felici e contenti".

  • von Jeanne St. James
    25,00 €

    Welcome to Shadow Valley where the Dirty Angels MC rules. Get ready to get Down & Dirty because this is Diesel's story... She calls him "The Beast." Diesel, the MC's Sergeant at Arms and enforcer, is tasked with not only keeping the club's property and its members safe, but also taking care of "business" when needed. His motto, "live free, die free," means he sees most women as nags and clingers and he wants none of that. The last thing he needs is to have one sitting on the back of his bike and trying to dictate his life.Unlike the other DAMC women, Jewel wants to be an ol' lady. Being born and raised within the club, her goal is to earn her place on back of a brother's bike. But not just anyone's. No, she had to pick the biggest, most pig-headed and quick-tempered of the bunch. The one she nicknamed "The Beast," because that's how he acts both in and out of bed. She's wanted Diesel for so long she's not about to give up the fight to become his. She's bound and determined to win this battle one way or another.Diesel fights his desire for Jewel until a rival MC threatens what he realizes is his, and no one gets away with that. No one. Note: Down & Dirty: Diesel is the fourth book in the Dirty Angels MC series. It's highly recommended that you read this 10-book series in order. It has no cheating, no relationship cliffhanger and, as always, has an HEA.

  • von Jeanne St. James
    25,00 €

    Welcome to Shadow Valley where the Dirty Angels MC rules. Get ready to get Down & Dirty because this is Axel's story... When you're a cop, life can be complicated when the woman you love is MC born and raised...Though the club blood runs thick in Axel's veins, he's despised by them for being a cop. They also hate him because his family turned their back years ago not only on the club but his brother, the president of the Dirty Angels MC. However, he's loved Bella forever, watched her marry the wrong man, one who broke her in almost every imaginable way, and yet she's still the strongest person he knows. Despite their rivaling families, he won't let anything stand in the way of making her his this time.Bella hasn't known anything other than alpha bikers her whole life. Her marriage to one turned into a tragedy, one that changed the rest of her life. She was never the same after that one fateful night that Axel came to save her. Though he remains on the outskirts of her life, he's always there: watching, waiting, worrying about her. Especially when a rival MC continues to wreak havoc on all of their lives.Like Romeo and Juliet, his family may never accept her, and hers him, but they're both determined to tear down the wall that divides them.Note: Down & Dirty: Axel is the fifth book in the Dirty Angels MC series. It's highly recommended that you read this 10-book series in order. It has no cheating, no relationship cliffhanger and, as always, has an HEA.

  • von Jeanne St. James
    25,00 €

    Welcome to Shadow Valley where the Dirty Angels MC rules. Get ready to get Down & Dirty because this is Jag's story... The only thing Jag, DAMC Road Captain, loves more than his custom bike is Ivy. He's wanted her ever since he could remember. However, through the years, he's had to watch her date anyone but him since she avoids dating bikers like the plague. Instead, she gravitates toward the complete opposite: geeks and nerds. Something Jag will never be.Smart and independent, Ivy wants to be the property of no man. Growing up in the club, she knows firsthand how they treat women. She regrets the mistake she made by dragging Jag upstairs to his room at the club one drunken night. Ever since then, she's been doing her best to keep him at arm's length, though it's proven difficult. Especially when she finds out his secret, which only endears her to him even more.Between secrets, lies, and a violent tangle with a rival club, can these two passionate hot-heads find the love and solace they're looking for in each other's arms? Or will everything just tumble down around them? Note: Down & Dirty: Jag is the second book in the Dirty Angels MC series. It's highly recommended that you read this 10-book series in order. It has no cheating, no relationship cliffhanger and, as always, has an HEA.

  • - A Dark Knights/Dirty Angels Crossover
    von Jeanne St James
    25,00 €

    Out of the dark comes a knight she least expects.He's the Sergeant at Arms for the Dark Knights MC. He enforces the rules and gets his hands dirty.She's the daughter of a biker. Property of another MC.She's young. He's not.He's lived a life. She's just finding her way.She's a bad idea.A very bad idea.One which can quickly turn allies into rivals.One war is over, he's not ready to begin another.But the temptation might make it unavoidable.Note: While this interracial/age gap story can be read as a standalone, it's best to read it after the Down & Dirty: Dirty Angels MC books to know the background of both the H and h. As with all my books, it doesn't have a cliffhanger and has an HEA.

  • von Jeanne St. James
    25,00 €

    Welcome to Shadow Valley where the Dirty Angels MC rules. Get ready to get Down & Dirty because this is Slade's story... He thought he liked easy. Until she showed him easy was boring. Right out of the Marines, Slade's first mistake was patching into a club that was headed down a destructive path. His second was rolling into Shadow Valley on a search for answers. He had no plans to patch into another club, even one like the DAMC, and he certainly wasn't looking for an ol' lady. Especially a ball-buster like Diamond, who could singe the hair off a brother's nuts with just a look.DAMC born and bred, Diamond was ready to give up on becoming an ol' lady until the heavily tattooed biker rolled into town on his Harley. Problem is, months later Slade's still a mystery. He never talks about himself or his past, and Diamond wants answers. But she's not quite ready for what's uncovered: secrets that could very well implode the club. It doesn't just bring Slade's loyalty into question, but forces Diamond to make a choice she doesn't want to make. A choice that affects not only Slade, but the whole MC. Note: Down & Dirty: Slade is the sixth book in the Dirty Angels MC series. It's highly recommended that you read this 10-book series in order. It has no cheating, no relationship cliffhanger and, as always, has an HEA.

  • von Jeanne St. James
    25,00 €

    Welcome to Shadow Valley where the Dirty Angels MC rule. Get ready to get Down & Dirty because this is Zak's story... After spending the last ten years in prison, Zak, former DAMC president, has a few priorities: to reconnect with his "brothers," to get drunk, and to get laid. Not necessarily in that order. When he spots a stunning woman in the clubhouse and mistakes her for one of the club's strippers, those priorities get a bit skewed. Sophie has no idea what happened to her life. One minute she's totally focused on building her bakery business, and the next? She's delivering a cake to the Dirty Angels motorcycle club's "homecoming" celebration for a member who just got out of prison. Little does she know baking that cake will change the rest of her life, not to mention, make her a target for a rival MC. Normally, Sophie wouldn't be caught dead with a man like Zak, a tattooed, ex-con, badass biker. When a decades old territory war threatens to rip them apart, Zak will do anything to keep Sophie, his club, and the town safe. But being from two different worlds, the threat they're under may not be worth the risk. Note: Down & Dirty: Zak is the first book in the Dirty Angels MC series. It's highly recommended that you read this 10-book series in order. It has no cheating, no relationship cliffhanger and, as always, has an HEA.

  • von Jeanne St. James
    24,00 €

    Welcome to Shadow Valley where the Dirty Angels MC rules. Get ready to get Down & Dirty because this is Linc's story... For Linc, life was easy. But life's about to change. The Dirty Angels MC is Linc's life. The club his family. His lifesaver when he'd been drowning. Being a part of the club makes life easy for him. He wakes up, rolls out of bed, heads downstairs for grub, booze, women, whatever, before hitting the bar at night for work. But then there's Jayde. A dark-haired, blue-eyed beauty, a college graduate and an aspiring attorney. The first time he'd seen her hips swaying through church, he couldn't keep his eyes off her. Since then, they've circled each other for years. But Jayde deserves better than him, so he's kept her at arm's length. Linc has nothing to offer her, while she's poised to take on the world. Not only that, she's dangerous. Her father's a cop. Her brother, too. Even worse, her oldest brother is the club president. And that's the most dangerous of all. No matter how much he wants to touch her, smell her, taste her, make her his, he knows he'll take his life into his own hands by doing so. Jayde's torn between her family and the forbidden pull of both Linc and the DAMC. Will a mistake they make finish destroying the Jamisons? Or will it heal the long-time rift between the club and her family?Please check the front of the book or my website at for content warnings.Note: Down & Dirty: Linc is the ninth book in the Dirty Angels MC series. It's highly recommended that you read this 10-book series in order. It has no cheating, no relationship cliffhanger and, as always, has an HEA.

  • von Jeanne St. James
    25,00 €

    Welcome to Shadow Valley where the Dirty Angels MC rules. Get ready to get Down & Dirty because this is Crow's story... When a woman from his past shows up asking for his help, Crow's not sure he can be the hero she's looking for. Crow, self-proclaimed bachelor biker, can't believe his eyes when a woman from his past shows up at his tattoo shop. She not only needs him to cover up a scar created by a rival MC but is looking for a hero to help her heal and officially move on from a tragic incident. One that dragged her into the darkness against her will and extinguished her light for years. While willing to help, he's not sure he can be everything she needs him to be. How can he help her when he hasn't even faced the demons that haunt his own past? Six years ago, Jazz left Shadow Valley when a life-altering assault changed her outlook on the world-and men-forever. Now she's back to deal with the scars, both physical and mental, left behind. While hoping Crow will help her with both, she's afraid he won't be willing. Crow always considered her too young, now she's worried he only sees her as broken. However, Jazz knows there's no one better than the long-time DAMC member to help her move on. Not only determined for her past to stop controlling her future, she needs to replace those memories with something better, while knocking down the barriers holding her back. But will their age difference be the biggest obstacle of them all? Note: Down & Dirty: Crow is the tenth book in the Dirty Angels MC series. It's highly recommended that you read this 10-book series in order. It has no cheating, no relationship cliffhanger and, as always, has an HEA.

  • von Jeanne St. James
    25,00 €

    Welcome to Shadow Valley where the Dirty Angels MC rules. Get ready to get Down & Dirty because this is Dawg's story... She has a secret. But little does she know, so does he. With a past he's not proud of and a secret only recently discovered, Dawg's life is about to change when a kindergarten teacher walks into Heaven's Angels Gentlemen's Club, a DAMC business he's run for the past fifteen years. With no experience, her dancing sucks but he can't deny the woman's determination to get the job and, against his better judgement, hires her anyway. While her girl-next-door looks may be good for business, he's not ready for someone like Emma to walk into his life. Emma's desperate. She not only needs a lot of cash, but needs it quickly. Recently unemployed and with nowhere else to turn, she takes a drastic step by auditioning at Dawg's club. When he finds out her secret, he's willing to go above and beyond to help her. However, Emma has no idea how a bearded, tattooed biker and strip club manager can help when law enforcement can't. Coming from two different worlds, Dawg's life needs to change drastically to make things work, but is he willing to give up almost everything he's ever known for Emma? Note: Down & Dirty: Dawg is the seventh book in the Dirty Angels MC series. It's highly recommended that you read this 10-book series in order. It has no cheating, no relationship cliffhanger and, as always, has an HEA.

  • von Jeanne St. James
    24,00 €

    Welcome to Shadow Valley where the Dirty Angels MC rules. Get ready to get Down & Dirty because this is Dex's story... A stranger with a diary that contains a thirty-year-old secret. One that could rip a brotherhood apart...DAMC born and bred, Dex was never like the rest of his club brothers. Even though being a biker was his destiny, something was always missing. He could never figure out what it was or why until one day a woman walks into Shadow Valley Pawn. A sexy, badass woman who challenges him at every turn.When Brooke discovers the truth about her mother after her death, she comes to Shadow Valley. However, a simple trip to find answers twists into something she never expects. Not only that, but the successful businesswoman crosses paths with a biker who tests the control she loves so much both inside and outside of the bedroom.Unexpectedly, Brooke not only flips a switch inside Dex and shows him his true self, she learns it's okay to give up some of the independence she holds onto so tightly.But that's not the only discoveries the two make. One secret shakes the club to their core by exposing a member who's been destroying them from the inside out.Note: Down & Dirty: Dex is the seventh book in the Dirty Angels MC series. It's highly recommended that you read this 10-book series in order. It has no cheating, no relationship cliffhanger and, as always, has an HEA.

  • - A Dirty Angels MC/Blue Avengers MC Crossover
    von Jeanne St James
    26,00 €

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