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Bücher der Reihe Dissident Acts

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  • von Mary Louise Pratt
    41,00 - 122,00 €

  • von Juana Maria Rodriguez
    30,00 - 113,00 €

  • von Rosa-Linda Fregoso
    35,00 - 108,00 €

  • von Michelle Castañeda
    34,00 - 107,00 €

  • - The Militarized Science of Surveillance on Sacred Indigenous Land
    von Felicity Amaya Schaeffer
    36,00 - 115,00 €

    Felicity Amaya Schaeffer traces the scientific and technological development of militarized surveillance at the US-Mexico border across time and space as well as the efforts of Native peoples to continue ancestral practices in the face of ecological and social violence.

  • - Arts of Rebellion in the Fourth World War
    von Jennifer Ponce de Leon
    63,00 - 146,00 €

    Focusing on artists and art collectives in Argentina, Mexico, and the United States, Jennifer Ponce de Leon examines how experimental artistic practices in the visual, literary, and performing arts have been influenced by and articulated with leftist politics, popular uprisings, and social struggles that resist neoliberal capitalism.

  • - Listening to Latinx and Caribbean Poetics
    von Ren Ellis Neyra
    147,00 €

    Weaving together the black radical tradition with Caribbean and Latinx performance, cinema, music, and literature, Ren Ellis Neyra highlights the ways Latinx and Caribbean sonic practices challenge antiblack, colonial, post-Enlightenment, and humanist epistemologies.

  • - Social Ecologies and Decolonial Perspectives
    von Macarena Gomez-Barris
    34,00 €

    Extending decolonial theory into greater conversation with race, sexuality, and Indigenous studies, Macarena Gomez-Barris traces the political, aesthetic, and performative practices of South American indigenous activists, intellectuals, and artists that emerge in opposition to the ruinous effects of extractive capital.

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