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Bücher der Reihe Faithgirlz / Soul Surfer

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  • - A Novel
    von Rick Bundschuh
    17,00 €

    In the third installment of the Soul Surfers Series, Storm, a car wash and a surf-a-thon with inflatable toys seem like great fundraisers for a mission trip for Bethany's youth group. But an unexpected and life-threatening challenge for Bethany and her friend Holly brings a mysterious twist to the plans for Mexico.

  • - A Novel
    von Rick Bundschuh
    17,00 €

    Bethany usually gets along with everyone, but in Burned, book two of the Soul Surfer Series, fourteen-year-old Bethany thought she was going to Samoa with her family to surf---but it turns out God has much more planned for her when she meets an angry, young man and helps him learn to love again.

  • - A Novel
    von Rick Bundschuh
    17,00 €

    Book four of the Soul Surfers Series, Crunch follows Bethany while on a mission trip with her youth group to Mexico, where she meets a soccer-loving little boy who captures her heart and helps him discover the father of his dreams. But because of a promise she makes to him, Bethany's competition in a prestigious surf contest is threatened.

  • von Bethany Hamilton
    22,00 €

    In her chatty and breezy style, typical of any online conversation, Bethany Hamilton shares information on a wide variety of topics about her life and faith.

  • - A Novel
    von Rick Bundschuh
    17,00 €

    Soul Surfer is a series of novels based on the life of surfer star, Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm in a shark attack. In Clash, book one of the series, an uninvited new girl named Jenna crowds Bethany and her friends---until a wake-up call shows Bethany that sometimes you have to be willing to make hard choices if you want to do what's right.

  • - A 90-Day Devotional
    von Bethany Hamilton
    22,00 €

    Young girls will get encouraging words from the Bible and from courageous, young surfer Bethany Hamilton to see them through their day in this devotional book. Both "hot" and "cool" topics that every young girl faces will be addressed. An extra, tucked-in feature will give the girls the "inside scoop" on what Bethany's life is all about.

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