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Bücher der Reihe Faithgirlz / The Good News Shoes

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  • von Jill Osborne
    15,98 €

    Riley Mae is off and running---this time to Kenya, Africa---in the third book in the Faithgirlz! Good News Shoes series. Adjusting to a new culture and training for the Sole Fire campaign brings challenges, growth and eventually joy as Riley begins to understand that God has a plan to use her.

  • von Jill Osborne
    25,00 €

    Riley Mae and her Swiftriver friends flee to Northwest Montana for protection from an unknown enemy. The rugged surroundings provide the perfect backdrop for a river sandal campaign, and for more opportunities to trust God as Riley learns how to share the Good News with those she loves.

  • von Jill Osborne
    17,00 €

    If you're gonna run for your life, you gotta wear the right shoes. Join Riley Mae Hart on her adventures as the new spokesgirl for the Swiftriver Shoe Company. Along the way, she learns tough but valuable lessons about family, friendship, and what it means to be a godly young woman.

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