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Bücher der Reihe Forced Migration

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  • - The Dynamics of International Assistance among a Community in Exile
    von Ann Frechette
    48,00 - 173,00 €

    A contribution to the debate on the impact of international assistance on migrant communities, this text explores the ways in which Tibetan exiles in Nepal negotiate their norms and values as they interact with the many international organizations that assist them.

  • von Marcia C. Inhorn & Lucia Volk
    31,00 €

  • - Displacement and the Cultural Politics of Survival
    163,00 €

    Zimbabwe's crisis since 2000 has produced a dramatic global scattering of people. This volume investigates this enforced dispersal, and the processes shaping the emergence of a new 'diaspora' of Zimbabweans abroad, focusing on the most important concentrations in South Africa and in Britain.

  • - Janus-Faced Humanitarianism
    von Guglielmo Verdirame & Barbara Harrell-Bond
    53,00 €

    Of the estimated 12 million refugees in the world, more than 7 million have been confined to camps, effectively "e;warehoused,"e; in some cases, for 10 years or more. Holding refugees in camps was anathema to the founders of the refugee protection regime. Today, with most refugees encamped in the less developed parts of the world, the humanitarian apparatus has been transformed into a custodial regime for innocent people. Based on rich ethnographic data, Rights in Exile exposes the gap between human rights norms and the mandates of international organisations, on the one hand, and the reality on the ground, on the other. It will be of wide interest to social scientists, and to human rights and international law scholars. Policy makers, donor governments and humanitarian organizations, especially those adopting a "e;rights-based"e; approach, will also find it an invaluable resource. But it is the refugees themselves who could benefit the most if these actors absorb its lessons and apply them.

  • - Refugee Repatriation and Reconstruction
    174,00 €

    Adopting a global perspective, this volume draws together conclusions from highly varied experiences of refugee repatriation and defines repatriation and reconstruction as part of a wider and interrelated refugee cycle of displacement, exile and return. The contributions come from authors with a wealth of relevant practical and academic experience.

  • - Adolescence, Political Violence and Displacement
    50,00 €

    Recent years have witnessed a significant growth of interest in the consequences of political violence and displacement for the young. However, when speaking of childrenA" commentators have often taken the situation of those in early and middle childhood as representative of all young people under eighteen years of age.

  • - Displacement, Forced Settlement and Sustainable Development
    56,00 €

    "[This volume] presents an admirable set of case studies on the effects of modern conservation projects on local peoples from across the globe. The great strength of the volume lies in the diversity of cases." - International Journal of African Historical Studies". . . this book will be the source material for future generations of researchers . . . The many arguments in this book will challenge and hopefully bring forward vigorous debate about the aims and goals of sustainable development and conservation tools." - The Indigenous Nations Studies JournalWildlife conservation and other environmental protection projects can have tremendous impact on the lives and livelihoods of the often mobile, difficult-to-reach, and marginal peoples who inhabit the same territory. The contributors to this collection of case studies, social scientists as well as natural scientists, are concerned with this human element in biodiversity. They examine the interface between conservation and indigenous communities forced to move or to settle elsewhere in order to accommodate environmental policies and biodiversity concerns. The case studies investigate successful and not so successful community-managed, as well as local participatory, conservation projects in Africa, the Middle East, South and South Eastern Asia, Australia and Latin America. There are lessons to be learned from recent efforts in community managed conservation and this volume significantly contributes to that discussion.Dawn Chatty is General Editor of Studies in Forced Migration and teaches at the Center for Refugee Studies of the University of Oxford.Marcus Colchester works for the Forest Peoples Programme.

    41,00 €

    Providing nuanced accounts of how the social identities of men and women, the context of displacement and the experience or manifestation of violence interact, this collection offers conceptual analyses and in-depth case studies to illustrate how gender relations are affected by displacement, encampment and return. The essays show how these factors lead to various forms of direct, indirect and structural violence. This ranges from discussions of norms reflected in policy documents and practise, the relationship between relief structures and living conditions in camps, to forced military recruitment and forced return, and covers countries in Africa, Asia and Europe.

    174,00 €

    Providing nuanced accounts of how the social identities of men and women, the context of displacement and the experience or manifestation of violence interact, this collection offers conceptual analyses and in-depth case studies to illustrate how gender relations are affected by displacement, encampment and return.

  • - Power, State and Camps in Rwanda's Unity-Building Project
    von Andrea Purdekova
    46,00 - 174,00 €

    Since the end of the Rwandan genocide, the new political elite has been challenged with building a unified nation. Reaching beyond the better-studied topics of post-conflict justice and memory, the book investigates the project of civic education, the upsurge of state-led neo-traditional institutions and activities, and the use of camps and retreats shape the "e;ideal"e; Rwandan citizen. Rwanda's ingando camps offer unique insights into the uses of dislocation and liminality in an attempt to anchor identities and desired political roles, to practically orient and symbolically place individuals in the new Rwandan order, and, ultimately, to create additional platforms for the reproduction of political power itself.

  • - A Tale of Two Walls
    von Louis Pirouet
    48,00 €

    Refugees and asylum-seekers are high up on many people's political agenda. Even so, there is a remarkable lack of information. Who are these asylum-seekers? Aren't they almost all "bogus"? How do western immigration authorities decide whether or not they are genuine? Is the UN convention on Refugees out of date and in need of renegotiation?

  • - How Somalis Cope with Refugee Life in the Dadaab Camps of Kenya
    von Cindy Horst
    46,00 - 173,00 €

    There is a tendency to consider all refugees as 'vulnerable victims': an attitude reinforced by the stream of images depicting refugees living in abject conditions. This groundbreaking study of Somalis in a Kenyan refugee camp reveals the inadequacy of such assumptions by describing the rich personal and social histories that refugees bring with them to the camps. The author focuses on the ways in which Somalis are able to adapt their 'nomadic' heritage in order to cope with camp life; a heritage that includes a high degree of mobility and strong social networks that reach beyond the confines of the camp as far as the U.S. and Europe.

  • - Experiencing Forced Migration in the Middle East
    49,00 €

    Palestinian children and young people living both within and outside of refugee camps in the Middle East are the focus of this book. For more than half a century these children and their caregivers have lived a temporary existence in the dramatic and politically volatile landscape that is the Middle East. These children have been captive to various sorts of stereotyping, both academic and popular. They have been objectified, much as their parents and grandparents, as passive victims without the benefit of international protection. And they have become the beneficiaries of numerous humanitarian aid packages which presume the primacy of the Western model of child development as well as the psycho-social approach to intervention. Giving voice to individual children, in the context of their households and their community, this book aims to move beyond the stereotypes and Western-based models to explore the impact that forced migration and prolonged conflict have had, and continue to have, on the lives of these refugee children.

  • - Problems, Policies and People
    46,00 €

    Many people worldwide are displaced every year, due to development projects, such as the construction of dams, conservation or mining projects. This volume argues that there is a complexity inherent in trying to reconcile enforced displacement of people with the subsequent creation of a socio-economically viable and sustainable environment.

  • - Problems, Policies and People
    173,00 €

    Many people worldwide are displaced every year, due to development projects, such as the construction of dams, conservation or mining projects. This volume argues that there is a complexity inherent in trying to reconcile enforced displacement of people with the subsequent creation of a socio-economically viable and sustainable environment.

  • - The Consequences of Development-Induced Displacement
    173,00 €

    Infrastructure development projects are set to continue into the next century as developing country governments seek to manage population growth, urbanization and industrialization. The contributions in this volume raise many questions about 'development' and 'progress' in the late twentieth century.

  • - Rethinking Refugee Shelter
    190,00 €

    Questioning what shelter is and how we can define it, this volume brings together twenty-three essays on different forms of refugee shelter, with a view to widening public understanding about the lives of forced migrants and developing theoretical understanding of this oft-neglected facet of the refugee experience.

  • - Issues in Qualitative and Quantitative Research
    174,00 €

    In recent years, scholars in the fields of refugee studies and forced migration have extended their areas of research. In this book scholars address the strengths and limitations of their investigations, citing examples from their work with refugees from around the world.

  • - Refugee Populations and Rural Transformations in East Africa
    von Johnathan Bascom
    45,00 - 172,00 €

    Refugee flight, settlement, and repatriation are not static, self-contained, or singular events. Instead, they are three stages of an ongoing process made and mirrored in the lives of real people. For that reason, there is an evident need for historical and longitudinal studies of refugee populations that rise above description...

  • - Sahrawi and Afghan Refugees at the Margins of the Middle East
    165,00 €

    This study examines refugee communities closely linked with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and a host of other UN agencies in the case of the Sahrawi and near total lack of humanitarian aid in the case of Afghan refugees in Iran.

  • - Challenges Ahead
    172,00 €

    Taking the context of forced migration, this book addresses the role that regional, in contrast to national or global, institutions and relationships play in shaping asylum policies and procedures. It also considers the role that regional responses are likely to play in determining the direction of asylum policy in receiving states.

  • - Patterns, Processes, and Policies
    174,00 €

    Besides elaborating a new concept, this volume has three main purposes: the first is to focus empirical attention on previously understudied topics, such as internal trafficking, the second is to highlight new challenges, including the effects of climate change; and the third is to explore gaps in current policy responses and elaborate alternatives

  • - Theory and Practice
    164,00 €

    In this volume, eighteen scholars provide a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary look beyond the statistics at the experiences of the women, men, girls, and boys who comprise this global migration flow, and at the highly gendered forces that frame and affect them.

  • - Propriety and Gender for Muslim Arab Sudanese in Egypt
    von Anita Fabos
    46,00 - 113,00 €

    Muslim Arab Sudanese in Cairo have played a fundamental role in Egyptian history and society during many centuries of close relations between Egypt and Sudan. Although the government and official press describes them as 'brothers' in a united Nile Valley, recent political developments in Egypt have underscored the precarious legal status of Sudanes

  • - Somali Refugees' Remittances
    von Anna Lindley
    172,00 €

    As migration from poverty-stricken and conflict-affected countries continues to hit the headlines, this book focuses on an important counter-flow: the money that people send home. Despite considerable research on the impact of migration and remittances in countries of origin - increasingly viewed as a source of development capital - still little is known about refugees' remittances to conflict-affected countries because such funds are most often seen as a source of conflict finance. This book explores the dynamics, infrastructure, and far-reaching effects of remittances from the perspectives of people in the Somali regions and the diaspora. With conflict driving mass displacement, Somali society has become progressively transnational, its vigorous remittance economy reaching from the heart of the global North into wrecked cities, refugee camps, and remote rural areas. By 'following the money' the author opens a window on the everyday lives of people caught up in processes of conflict, migration, and development. The book demonstrates how, in the interstices of state disruption and globalisation, and in the shadow of violence and political uncertainty, life in the Somali regions goes on, subject to complex transnational forms of social, economic, and political innovation and change.

  • - Hutu Identity, Conflict and Camp Life
    von Simon Turner
    40,00 - 173,00 €

    Based on thorough ethnographic fieldwork in a refugee camp in Tanzania this book provides a rich account of the benevolent "e;disciplining mechanisms"e; of humanitarian agencies, led by the UNHCR, and of the situated, dynamic, indeterminate, and fluid nature of identity (re)construction in the camp. While the refugees are expected to behave as innocent, helpless victims, the question of victimhood among Burundian Hutu is increasingly challenged, following the 1993 massacres in Burundi and the Rwandan genocide. The book explores how different groups within the camp apply different strategies to cope with these issues and how the question of innocence and victimhood is itself imbued with ambiguity, as young men struggle to recuperate their masculinity and their political subjectivity.

  • - Reconstructing Life, Place and Identity in Rome and Amsterdam
    von Maja Korac
    173,00 €

    Rather than emphasising boundaries and territories by examining the 'integration' and 'acculturation' of the immigrant or the refugee, this book offers insights into the ideas and practices of individuals settling into new societies and cultures. It analyses their ideas of connecting and belonging; their accounts of the past, the present and the future; the interaction and networks of relations; practical strategies; and the different meanings of 'home' and belonging that are constructed in new sociocultural settings. The author uses empirical research to explore the experiences of refugees from the successor states of Yugoslavia, who are struggling to make a home for themselves in Amsterdam and Rome. By explaining how real people navigate through the difficulties of their displacement as well as the numerous scenarios and barriers to their emplacement, the author sheds new light on our understanding of what it is like to be a refugee.

  • von Ahmad Karadawi
    172,00 €

    Based on the work of Ahmed Karadawi, Refugee Policy in Sudan discusses Sudanese government policy towards the refugee flows from Ethiopia into the Eastern Region of Sudan in theperiod 1967 to 1984, arguing that there were two underlying assumptions behind successive governments' policies: that refugees were considered a security threat...

  • - Ethnography, Armed Conflict and Displacement
    174,00 €

    "This deeply disturbing but brilliant collection will be a challenge to a burgeoning literature on children in war situations ... [especially] to those who wish to make a black and white distinction between children and adults." -Children, Youth and EnvironmentsWar leads not just to widespread death but also to extensive displacement, overwhelming fear, and economic devastation. It weakens social ties, threatens household survival and undermines the family''s capacity to care for its most vulnerable members. Every year it kills and maims countless numbers of young people, undermines thousands of others psychologically and deprives many of the economic, educational, health and social opportunities which most of us consider essential for children''s effective growth and well-being.Based on detailed ethnographic description and on young people''s own accounts, this volume provides insights into children''s experiences as both survivors and perpetrators of violence. It focuses on girls who have been exposed to sexual exploitation and abuse, children who head households or are separated from their families, displaced children and young former combatants who are attempting to adjust to their changed circumstances following the cessation of conflict. In this sense, the volume bears witness to the grim effects of warfare and displacement on the young.Nevertheless, despite the abundant evidence of suffering, it maintains that children are not the passive victims of conflict but engage actively with the conditions of war, an outlook that challenges orthodox research perspectives that rely heavily on medicalized notions of ''victim'' and ''trauma.''Jo Boyden is a senior research officer at the Refugee Studies Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford.Joanna de Berry trained in anthropology at Cambridge University and the London School of Economics and Political Science.

  • - Burundi Refugees in Urban Tanzania
    von Marc Sommers
    48,00 - 172,00 €

    This volume, the first full-length study of urban refugees in hiding, tells the story of Burundi refugee youth who escaped from remote camps in central Tanzania to work in one of Africa's fastest-growing cities, Dar es Salaam. This steamy, rundown capital would seem uninviting to many, particularly for second generation survivors of genocide...

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