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Bücher der Reihe Happiness in Reihenfolge

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  • von Shuzo Oshimi
    15,00 €

    Obwohl Yukiko sich fest vornahm, die damaligen Erlebnisse in den Mantel des Vergessens zu hüllen, hat sie sich aufgemacht, dem gemeingefährlichen Sakurane erneut gegenüberzutreten. Einst Opfer seiner perfiden Psychospiele, hofft Yukiko nun, ihm Informationen über Makotos und Yukis Verbleib zu entlocken. Doch Sakuranes Preis ist hoch.  Währenddessen ist es Sudo gelungen, Yukikos Vergangenheit ans Licht zu bringen. Voller Sorge um ihre Sicherheit reist er der jungen Frau nach - und findet sie in einem katastrophalen Zustand vor ...

  • von Shuzo Oshimi
    15,00 €

    In seinem Zorn darüber, die Tür zum Vampirismus niemals durchschreiten zu können, hat Sakurane seine Anhänger auf den wehrlosen Yuki gehetzt. Zur gleichen Zeit findet Makoto endlich die Kraft, sich aus den Fesseln seiner Peiniger zu befreien und der entlegenen Forschungseinrichtung zu entkommen. Nun gilt es, die Vampirin Nora zu retten und anschließend Yuki zu Hilfe zu eilen. Doch als er Nora aufspürt, offenbart sich Makoto eine schreckliche Realität: Nora wurde grausamen Experimenten unterzogen - und sie ist nicht mehr wiederzuerkennen ...

  • von Jane Doe
    18,00 €

    The Path to Heal Your Lost Inner Child - Let go of the past and reclaim your life through the power of healing has been written as a guidebook for people going through the painful exercise of healing their inner child and uncovering the hidden trauma that has colored their adult life. The book is based on extensive scientific research, but is written in a friendly, easy to follow style. It offers step-by-step instructions for the work to follow with tools and exercises to help the readers through this long and difficult process.In the first few chapters, the book explains the concept of the inner child and how that concept is used in contemporary therapy to deal with a range of issues so many patients are not aware stem from their childhood trauma. It instructs the readers how to discover the triggers that show them the link between their problems and the underlying trauma, and how to deal with those triggers.The book frequently reminds readers of the gains they can expect after suffering through the journey of unveiling their childhood wounds because that journey can be extremely disturbing and painful. Bringing to light the trauma that has been hidden for so long is the only way to lift the burden of the past and finally be free to live life to the fullest.Readers are offered a range of practical tools that aim to help them become more resilient and self-confident to deal with the past. Many of those tools also offer life-long benefits, such as the need for self-care, to learn to forgive those who hurt you, how to meditate, and how to get grounded.The book is encouraging readers to trust in their ability to deal with their painful past and to uncover their true self that has been hidden under the shadow of their wounded inner child. Because once their inner child is healed, they can enjoy the best part of the childhood they never experienced-the innocence, curiosity, thirst for learning, and ability to experience pure joy.Bonus material - Affirmations to heal your inner child

  • von Jane Doe
    17,00 €

    How to be happy after a divorce - Letting go of the past and emerging from divorce happier and more resilient is a no-nonsense, common-sense guidebook for women who are going through a divorce, one of the most traumatic experiences humans can experience. The book describes all the phases they can expect to go through and how to navigate them. It reminds them that what they are feeling is normal and that, eventually, they will emerge from the fog of pain and uncertainty to face a new reality and the future they are free to design as they wish.The book offers practical advice and ideas on how to build self-confidence and resilience, and how to learn to take care of themselves so that they can take control of their future. The book is based on the experiences of many women who went through the drama of divorce, as well as on scientific research on what divorce does to women as well as children, and how to deal with it.In the content, there are numerous real stories that make it even more poignant and real. It is optimistic and encouraging, and invites women to use the experience in a positive way-to learn about themselves, to use the giant change the divorce creates to create the future of their dreams. The book is written for women of all ages and all walks of life because they all share the common experience; their lives changed drastically and they have been forced to create a new future. It is up to them to believe in their power and the ability to make that future full of meaning, happiness, and love.Bonus material included - Letting Go Affirmations.

  • von Jane Doe
    16,00 €

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