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Bücher der Reihe Health and Society

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    51,00 €

    Explores the social, structural, and environmental factors that shape the health of homeless persons in Canada. Covering a range of topics from youth homelessness to end-of-life care, this book outlines policy and practice recommendations to respond to the ongoing public health crisis.

  • - Health Care and Social Services in Linguistic Minority Communities
    61,00 €

    This edited volume examines language issues within the active offer of health and social services in francophone and anglophone minority communities. Action based, it will help shape the leaders of tomorrow.

  • - Mapping an Understanding of Who We Are
    von Lloyd Hawkeye Robertson
    61,00 - 85,00 €

    There is a self-help industry built on the notion of becoming the person "we were meant to be," but what is the self at the core of such striving? This book answers that question by drawing on philosophy, psychology, various cultural traditions, and original research. The resultant method of mapping the self may revolutionize psychotherapy.

  • - Continuity and change in Sweden
    53,00 €

    How welfare states influence population health has long been debated but less well tested by research. This book presents new evidence of the effects of Swedish welfare state on the lives of citizens. The analysis and theoretical approaches developed in the book have wide implications for health research and policy beyond Scandinavia.

    44,00 €

    This book brings together leading experts to provide an introduction to genetic epidemiology that begins with a primer in human molecular genetics through all the standard methods in population genetics and genetic epidemiology required for an adequate grounding in the field.

  • - Concepts and measures
    von Mary Shaw, George Davey Smith & Bruna Galobardes
    46,00 €

    This Handbook is the definitive resource for anyone wishing to quickly look up and understand key concepts and measurements relating to socioeconomic position and inequalities.

  • - From Acheson to Choosing Health
    55,00 €

    This book offers a unique multi-disciplinary perspective on tackling health inequalities in a rich country, examining the New Labour policy agenda for tackling health inequalities and its inherent challenges.

  • - Action research on health inequalities
    48,00 €

    This book argues that the traditional government approach of exhorting individuals to live healthier lifestyles is not enough - action to promote public health needs to take place not just through public agencies, but also by engaging community assets and resources in their broadest sense.

    97,00 €

    This book brings together leading experts to provide an introduction to genetic epidemiology that begins with a primer in human molecular genetics through all the standard methods in population genetics and genetic epidemiology required for an adequate grounding in the field.

  • - Where the NHS came from and where it could lead
    von Julian (Swansea Medical School Tudor Hart
    44,00 €

    This new edition of this bestselling book argues that patients need to develop as active citizens and co-producers of health. This second edition has been entirely rewritten with two new chapters, and includes new material on resistance to that world-wide process.

  • - A Complex Relationship. Third revised and expanded edition
    von Natacha Brunelle, Serge Brochu & Chantal Plourde
    54,00 €

    Discussing illegal drugs without taking into account its criminal context is a difficult proposition. Certain questions come back repeatedly: Does doing drugs really lead to delinquency? Do some drugs have criminal properties? Why would a drug addict turn to crime? What are the best methods of intervention in dealing with individuals who have serious drug habits?The third edition ofDrogue et criminalit : Une relation complexe(Les Presses de l'Universit de Montral), translated here for the first time in English, presents an overview of the complex relationship between drugs and crime, avoids cursory affirmations to the effect that psychoactive substance use necessarily leads to crime. It also sheds light on the political and legislative contexts tied to drugs and offers an exceptional synthesis of the research literature of the past 20 years. The authors also discuss the increased attention to illegal drug users and people with addictions, and describe the different supports that are available to them.This book is published in English.-Concevoir la question des drogues illicites en dehors de leur contexte criminel est difficile. Certaines questions reviennent immanquablement : prendre de la drogue pousse-t-il vraiment la dlinquance ? Existe-t-il des drogues aux proprits criminognes ? Pourquoi un toxicomane se tourne-t-il vers la criminalit ? Quelles sont les meilleures faons d'intervenir auprs des personnes qui ont de graves problmes de consommation ?Cette troisime dition prsente la relation complexe entre drogue et criminalit, vitant les noncs sommaires qui voudraient que l'usage de substances psychoactives mne ncessairement au crime. Elle met ainsi en lumire les contextes politiques et lgaux lis aux drogues et fait une synthse exceptionnelle des rsultats de la recherche des vingt dernires annes. Les auteurs rendent compte de l'importance accrue qu'on accorde dsormais aux usagers de drogues illicites ainsi qu'aux personnes dpendantes et ils dcrivent les diffrentes formes d'aide qui leur sont proposes.Ce livre est publi en anglais.

  • - Research, Practice and Ethics
    von Martin Rovers
    47,00 €

    Touch may well be one of the least understood or talked about subjects in the helping professions. A discussion on the importance and ethics of positive, caring, and appropriate touch in professions such as teaching, nursing and counselling is long overdue. Touch in the Helping Professions delivers just that, weaving together scholarly evidence, research and clinical practice from a wide range of perspectives encompassing philosophy, theology, psychology, and anthropology to challenge assumptions about the role of touch in the helping professions. The contributors to the volume focus not only on the overarching roles of gender, age, culture and life experience, but go beyond to encompass canine-assisted therapy, touch deprivation, sacred objects, as well as key ethical considerations. The prevailing lack of dialogue, due to fear of contravening ethical boundaries, has stood in the way of an open and responsible discussion on the use of touch in therapy. Touch in the Helping Professionsis a welcome and much needed contribution to the field-a window onto a fundamental need.This book is published in English.-Cet ouvrage offre un ensemble de donnes probantes et de rsultats cliniques l'appui du toucher dans le dveloppement physique et motionnel. Il est structur selon trois axes : la thorie sur le toucher; la pratique du toucher dans un contexte de thrapie, et les questions thiques. Il aborde la question du rle du genre, de l'ge, de la culture et de l'exprience de vie, des sujets comme la zoothrapie, la privation sensorielle, des objets sacrs, et des considrations d'ordre thique. Les approches varies - philosophie, thologie, psychologie, anthropologie - remettent en question les prsuppositions, offrent un contexte historico-culturelprofessionnel, et font appel des donnes primaires.Les collaborateurs soutiennent que le toucher sain et non sexuel n'est pas suffisamment enseign dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle. Cette absence de dialogue - engendre par la crainte de dpasser des bornes thiques, fait en sorte qu'une discussion ouverte et responsable sur l'utilisation du toucher dans un cadre thrapeutique ne peut avoir lieu, alors mme qu'elle contribuerait aux balises thoriques de notre comprhension de cet enjeu fondamental.Ce livre est publi en anglais.

  • von Frédéric Mérand
    43,00 €

    COVID-19 sparked the largest global crisis of the 21st century, extending well beyond public health. For some, the impact was swift and dramatic, with the pandemic pushing tens of millions into poverty and creating extreme food insecurity; for others, the transformations are still bubbling under the surface. Efforts to arrest the spread of COVID-19 entailed far-reaching forms of government intervention and the extensive use of new technologies. Questions thus remain as to whether the societal changes brought about by COVID-19 will endure in the post-pandemic period. The return of geopolitics, along with the war in Ukraine and tensions in Asia, have further complexified an already complex global situation. Since March 2020, there has been an explosion of analyses about the short-term impacts and future global consequences of COVID-19. Parallels to the 1930s collapse of Europe have been made, as recounted by Stefan Zweig in his famous memoir, The World of Yesterday. While most commentators are pessimistic, some are looking for positive change. Faced with this unprecedented crisis, we have been propelled to think about how, in the "next world," we can strengthen economic prosperity, social justice, the environment, gender relations, public health, and political institutions--or at least ensure that these features of our world do not continue to deteriorate. In The Afterworld, 50 professors from four Montreal universities, among the foremost experts in their fields, propose progressive, pragmatic, and social science-based ideas with the potential to improve international cooperation, security, human rights, and sustainable prosperity beyond the pandemic.

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