- ER 2015 Workshops AHA, CMS, EMoV, MoBID, MORE-BI, MReBA, QMMQ, and SCME, Stockholm, Sweden, October 19-22, 2015, Proceedings
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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of sevenworkshops and a symposium, held at the 34th International Conference onConceptual Modeling, ER 2015, in Stockholm, Sweden.The 26 revised full and 8 invited papers werecarefully reviewed and selected out of 52 submissions to the following events:Conceptual Modelling for Ambient Assistance and Healthy Ageing, AHA-2015;Conceptual Modelling of Services, CMS-2015; Event Modelling and Processing inBusiness Process Management, EMoV-2015; Modelling and Management of Big Data,MoBID-2015; Modelling and Reasoning for Business Intelligence, MORE-BI-2015;Conceptual Modelling in Requirements Engineering and Business Analysis,MREBA-2015; Quality of Modelling and Modelling of Quality, QMMQ-2015; and theSymposium on Conceptual Modelling Education, SCME-2015.