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Bücher der Reihe Internetrecht und Digitale Gesellschaft

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  • von Theresa Bächer
    99,90 €

    »On the Criminal Liability of the Operator of a Platform on the Darknet«: The dissertation is dedicated to the criminal liability of the operator of a platform in the Darknet. In addition to the importance of the telemedia liability provisions, particular attention is paid to the question to what extent criminal law, even before the introduction of § 127 StGB n. F., was suitable for adequately covering the operator's involvement in the criminal transactions conducted by the users, whether as perpetrator or participant.

  • von Leon Böhm
    109,90 €

    »The Criminal Law Protection of Cryptocurrency Ownership«: The author examines the question of criminal law protection of cryptocurrency ownership. He demonstrates that existing criminal provisions already apply, which in many cases provide protection for the ownership of cryptocurrencies. At the same time, he reveals significant gaps in criminal protection. Based on this, the author develops a legislative proposal that could address the new technological developments in the field of cryptocurrencies.

  • von Laura Katharina Pauli
    79,90 €

    »Artificial Intelligence and Strict Liability in Public Law. On the Necessity of Introducing a Special Endangering Liability Statute«: Due to its learning ability and intransparency, the use of AI entails particular risks. In this respect, the question of whether the state may use AI vis-à-vis citizens depends crucially on the scope of liability at the secondary level. The current state liability law does not provide sufficient secondary legal protection. Instead, there is a need for the introduction of a public-law strict liability statute that provides adequate compensation for the AI-specific risks.

  • von Verena Vogt
    79,90 €

    »The Network Enforcement Act. An Analysis under Union Law«: The Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG) was already met with considerable constitutional and European law concerns during the legislative process. The thesis addresses these concerns under European law, focusing on the conformity of the NetzDG with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. In addition, the thesis focuses on a possible violation of the country of origin principle and the provisions of the E-Commerce Directive on the liability of hosting providers.

  • von Erik Brüggemann
    69,90 €

    »Personality Profiles in the GDPR. Permissibility and Tortious Liability«: The survey of our world in zeros and ones does not stop before the people. Digital images of ourselves are generated and commercially exploited. The most sensitive form is the creation of a personality profile. They may not be compatible with data protection law. The question arises as to whether those affected may share in the benefits and be entitled to monetary compensation. The extent to which it is owed following the cornerstone norm Art. 82 (1) GDPR is examined here.

  • von Alexander Bauer
    79,90 €

    »Blockchain-Based Digital Assets in Enforcement and Bankruptcy«: The thesis elaborates efficient and feasible solutions for individual and collective enforcement of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies. Considering the economic analysis of the law, a possessory-based approach is formed and proven to be the only one that leads to workable solutions within the German enforcement and insolvency law. Within German insolvency law, systematic gaps are found and taken as an opportunity to develop a solution de lege feranda.

  • von Stefan Neuhöfer
    89,90 €

    »Fundamental Rights of Artificial Intelligences«: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is partially entitled to fundamental rights. This counterintuitive result is the central hypothesis of the exploration, which is supported by an interdisciplinary, theoretical and dogmatic framework. However, the position of AI is not comparable to those of humans. The author develops a model to show in which circumstances AI is entitled to fundamental rights under the Grundgesetz. This model may also serve as a basis for the regulation of AI.

  • von Michaela Hermes
    99,90 €

    »Data Privacy in the Catholic Church at the Crossroads of the Freedom of Religious Societies and European Data Privacy Regulations«: With the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) the European Data Privacy framework has been revamped. This book describes the implementation of the European Data Privacy rules within the Catholic church. Against the backdrop of the German constitutional framework the author puts this in the context of the European Data Privacy legal framework and describes the specifics of the implementation within the Data Privacy regime of the Catholic church.

  • von Dirk Heckmann
    64,90 €

    »E-Examination and Electronic Distance Examination. Legal Issues of the Conversion of University Examinations to Modern, Digital Examination Formats«: This book deals with the design of a digitalised examination system from a legal perspective in two parts and compares the existing opportunities and risks. The first part examines the introduction of e-exams in the state law examination by way of a legal feasibility study. In the second part, the authors discuss the legal basis of online proctored examinations with video surveillance and their complex constitutional balancing issues.

  • von Daniel Muller
    119,90 €

    Die Informationstechnologie erfährt einen immer rascheren Wandel und beeinflusst inzwischen alle Lebensbereiche. Was noch vor Jahren eine Zukunftsvision war, gehört bereits heute zum Alltag einer digital vernetzten Welt, deren Kommunikation die Erreichbarkeit von hochverfügbaren IT-Dienstleistungen erfordert. Grundlage hierfür bildet das innovative Geschäftsmodell des Cloud Computing, dessen Einsatzbereich äußerst vielfältig ist und sich von Speicherdiensten, Kommunikations- und Officeanwendungen hin zu neuen Geschäftsmodellen wie Big Data, Internet der Dinge, Industrie 4.0 oder dem autonomen Fahren, permanent weiterentwickelt. Inzwischen sind diese nahezu grenzenlos erscheinenden IT-Dienstleistungen aus dem Alltag von Privatpersonen und Unternehmen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Den Vorteilen stehen allerdings zahlreiche neuartige Risiken gegenüber. Man mag dabei vor allem an Sicherheitsgefahren von außen, d.h. an klassische Hacker-Angriffe denken. Untersuchungen der Bedrohungsaktivitäten zeigen jedoch, dass Angriffe auf die Nutzerdaten durch sog. Innentäter zu den größten Sicherheitsrisiken des Cloud Computing zählen. Ob die Besorgnis der Privatnutzer und cloudnutzenden Unternehmen vor den Angriffshandlungen der Innentäter beim Cloud Computing aus strafrechtlicher Sicht gerechtfertigt ist, soll in der Arbeit interdisziplinär untersucht werden.

  • von Felix Exner
    99,90 €

    »Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts Between Automation and Consumer Protection«: The study highlights the main challenges posed by the potential use of smart contracts in mass transactions with consumers. The author considers the specific risks associated with the automated execution of contract terms for consumers, as well as the legal limits of smart contracts. On this basis, he develops recommendations to the legislator for the future handling of smart contracts in the consumer context.

  • von Alexandra Wachtel
    99,90 €

    »Derivative Works in the Digital Age. An Examination of Internet-Memes«: The creation of a new work on the basis of a previously created work is a popular stylistic device of the digital remix culture. On the basis of Internet-memes, Alexandra Wachtel researches where the boundaries of an independent expressive creation lie in the light of artistic freedom. The focus is on the special features of digital referential works and the concept of creation under copyright law.

  • von Louisa Linke
    89,90 €

    »Freedom of Information >Despite< Network Enforcement Law? A Constitutional Consideration of the Compliance Regulations«: The NetzDG received considerable criticism during the legislative process. The compliance regulations of the NetzDG are therefore subjected to a constitutional review with regard to the freedom of information. Since the compliance regulations were found to be unconstitutional in this context, various amendment proposals are then discussed. Due to the constitutional requirements and the existing regulatory structure, an implementation of some amendment proposals are requested.

  • von Johannes Simon Stuve
    69,90 €

    Die Arbeit stellt dar, inwieweit Werbetreibende, die durch ihre Werbung rechtswidrige Inhalte auf Internetseiten finanzieren, für die von Dritten begangenen Urheberrechtsverletzungen verantwortlich sind. Der EuGH hat in seiner Rechtsprechung zur öffentlichen Wiedergabe eine eigenständige Verletzerhaftung von Intermediären angenommen. Der Autor untersucht die daraus abgeleiteten Voraussetzungen für mittelbare Urheberrechtsverletzungen im europäischen Urheberrecht und die Konsequenzen für die Haftung von Werbetreibenden.

  • von Matthias Walker
    79,90 €

    »The Cost of Free Services. Personal Data as New Means of Payment«Consumers are increasingly »paying« for digital services with their personal data. However, consumers and entrepreneurs do not participate equally in the value creation with personal data. Matthias Walker examines how this discrepancy in value creation, which is to the disadvantage of consumers, can be countered. Particular focus is placed on the creation of an absolute right to data and the significance of the EU Digital Content Directive.

  • von David Nink
    119,90 €

    »Judiciary and Algorithms. On the Weaknesses of Human Decision-Making and the Possibilities of New Technologies in Jurisprudence«Judicial decision-making is not free of errors. What sounds unspectacular is impressively demonstrated by new empirical data. The central question of the study is: Can algorithms and »artificial intelligence« - in accordance with the German constitution - contribute to making court decisions more »rational«? Although considerations of automation in law are not new, they need to be rethought due to new technical possibilities and a better understanding of human decision-making.

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