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Bücher der Reihe Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

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  • 14% sparen
    von C. S. Mistry, D. K. Maiti, D. Maity, usw.
    277,00 €

    This book (Vol. - I) presents select proceedings of the first Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICRACEM 2020) and focuses on theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of solid and fluid mechanics. Various topics covered are computational modelling of extreme events; mechanical modelling of robots; mechanics and design of cellular materials; mechanics of soft materials; mechanics of thin-film and multi-layer structures; meshfree and particle based formulations in continuum mechanics; multi-scale computations in solid mechanics, and materials; multiscale mechanics of brittle and ductile materials; topology and shape optimization techniques; acoustics including aero-acoustics and wave propagation; aerodynamics; dynamics and control in micro/nano engineering; dynamic instability and buckling; flow-induced noise and vibration; inverse problems in mechanics and system identification; measurement and analysis techniques in nonlinear dynamic systems; multibody dynamical systems and applications; nonlinear dynamics and control; stochastic mechanics; structural dynamics and earthquake engineering; structural health monitoring and damage assessment; turbomachinery noise; vibrations of continuous systems, characterization of advanced materials; damage identification and non-destructive evaluation; experimental fire mechanics and damage; experimental fluid mechanics; experimental solid mechanics; measurement in extreme environments; modal testing and dynamics; experimental hydraulics; mechanism of scour under steady and unsteady flows; vibration measurement and control; bio-inspired materials; constitutive modelling of materials; fracture mechanics; mechanics of adhesion, tribology and wear; mechanics of composite materials; mechanics of multifunctional materials; multiscale modelling of materials; phase transformations in materials; plasticity and creep in materials; fluid mechanics, computationalfluid dynamics; fluid-structure interaction; free surface, moving boundary and pipe flow; hydrodynamics; multiphase flows; propulsion; internal flow physics; turbulence modelling; wave mechanics; flow through porous media; shock-boundary layer interactions; sediment transport; wave-structure interaction; reduced-order models; turbo-machinery; experimental hydraulics; mechanism of scour under steady and unsteady flows; applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence in mechanics; transport phenomena and soft computing tools in fluid mechanics. The contents of these two volumes (Volumes I and II) discusses various attributes of modern-age mechanics in various disciplines, such as aerospace, civil, mechanical, ocean engineering and naval architecture. The book will be a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, and professionals interested in solid and fluid mechanics and allied fields.

  • von Xianguo Li
    114,00 €

    The book presents the select proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE 2022). It covers the latest trends in the area of mechanical engineering. The broad topics covered in the book are engineering design, industrial and production engineering, Industry 4.0, energy and process engineering, mechatronics, control and robotics, material science, and automotive engineering. The book is useful for students, researchers, and professionals working in the various areas of mechanical engineering.

  • von Bhingole Pramod P.
    140,00 €

    This book presents the select peer-reviewed proceedings of the International Conference on Futuristic Advancements in Materials, Manufacturing and Thermal Sciences (ICFAMMT 2022). It provides an overview of the latest research in the areas of fundamentals of material science and metallurgy, material processing, mechanical properties and material characterizations, composite materials, nanomaterials, applications of materials, advanced engineering materials, technologies for space, nuclear and aerospace applications, optimization of materials for required properties, resent trends in materials science and metallurgy. The book will be useful for researchers and professionals working in the field of material science and metallurgy.

  • 14% sparen
    von Ram P. Bharti & Krunal M. Gangawane
    157,00 €

  • von Ramesh K. Agarwal
    203,00 - 204,00 €

    This book comprises state-of-the-art papers in manufacturing engineering & processes including computer-aided design and manufacturing, environmentally sustainable manufacturing processes, modelling, analysis, and simulation of manufacturing processes, composite materials manufacturing, nanomaterials and nano-manufacturing, semiconductor materials manufacturing, rapid manufacturing technologies, 3D printing and non-traditional manufacturing engineering and processes. In particular, the papers in the book cover latest advances especially in 3D printing and additive manufacturing techniques and processes for sustainable materials including ceramic and polymer-matrix composite where there is paucity of good papers in the literature. The contents of this volume will be useful to researchers and practicing engineers alike.

  • von Kyoung-Yun Kim, Jeremy Rickli & Leslie Monplaisir
    40,00 - 304,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Rajesh Kumar, Rallapalli Srinivas & Mainak Dutta
    166,00 €

    The book presents select proceedings of Global meet on 'Computational Modelling and Simulation, Recent Innovations, Challenges and Perspectives, 2020. This book covers leading-edge technologies from different domains such as computation in optimization and control, multiscale and multiphysics modeling and computation analysis, environmental modeling, modeling approaches to enterprise systems and services, finite element analysis, dependability and security, high-performance computation/cloud computing applications, computational biology and chemistry and computational mechanics. The primary goal of this book is to strengthen pre-eminence in computational modeling and simulation by catalyzing the transformative use of innovative developments in a wide range of disciplines to achieve lasting societal impact. The book discusses on how to perform simulation of large complex dynamic systems in an efficient manner using advanced computational analysis. The inter-disciplinary nature of the book would be a valuable reference for academicians and research scientists, industrialists interested in modelling and simulation driven by computational technology.

  • von Francisco Cavas-Martínez
    186,00 €

    This book contains the papers presented at the XXXI International Congress INGEGRAF ¿Graphic Expression: reunion, reflection, representation,¿ held on June 29¿30 and July 1, 2021, in Málaga, Spain. It reports on cutting-edge topics in product design and manufacturing, such as industrial methods for integrated product and process design, innovative design and computer-aided design. Further topics covered include virtual simulation and reverse engineering, additive manufacturing, product manufacturing,engineering methods in medicine and education, representation techniques and nautical, engineering and construction, aeronautics and aerospace design and modeling. The book is divided into six main sections, reflecting the focus and primary themes of the conference. The contributions presented here provide researchers, engineers and experts in a range of industrial engineering subfields with extensive information to support their daily work; but also they are intended to stimulate new research directions, advanced applications of the methods discussed and future interdisciplinary collaborations.

  • 14% sparen
    von D. K. Maiti, D. Maity, P. K. Patra, usw.
    277,00 €

    This book (Vol. II) presents select proceedings of the first Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics (ICRACEM 2020) and focuses on theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of solid and fluid mechanics. Various topics covered are computational modelling of extreme events; mechanical modelling of robots; mechanics and design of cellular materials; mechanics of soft materials; mechanics of thin-film and multi-layer structures; meshfree and particle based formulations in continuum mechanics; multi-scale computations in solid mechanics, and materials; multiscale mechanics of brittle and ductile materials; topology and shape optimization techniques; acoustics including aero-acoustics and wave propagation; aerodynamics; dynamics and control in micro/nano engineering; dynamic instability and buckling; flow-induced noise and vibration; inverse problems in mechanics and system identification; measurement and analysis techniques in nonlinear dynamic systems; multibody dynamical systems and applications; nonlinear dynamics and control; stochastic mechanics; structural dynamics and earthquake engineering; structural health monitoring and damage assessment; turbomachinery noise; vibrations of continuous systems, characterization of advanced materials; damage identification and non-destructive evaluation; experimental fire mechanics and damage; experimental fluid mechanics; experimental solid mechanics; measurement in extreme environments; modal testing and dynamics; experimental hydraulics; mechanism of scour under steady and unsteady flows; vibration measurement and control; bio-inspired materials; constitutive modelling of materials; fracture mechanics; mechanics of adhesion, tribology and wear; mechanics of composite materials; mechanics of multifunctional materials; multiscale modelling of materials; phase transformations in materials; plasticity and creep in materials; fluid mechanics, computational fluid dynamics; fluid-structure interaction; free surface, moving boundary and pipe flow; hydrodynamics; multiphase flows; propulsion; internal flow physics; turbulence modelling; wave mechanics; flow through porous media; shock-boundary layer interactions; sediment transport; wave-structure interaction; reduced-order models; turbo-machinery; experimental hydraulics; mechanism of scour under steady and unsteady flows; applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence in mechanics; transport phenomena and soft computing tools in fluid mechanics. The contents of these two volumes (Volumes I and II) discusses various attributes of modern-age mechanics in various disciplines, such as aerospace, civil, mechanical, ocean engineering and naval architecture. The book will be a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, and professionals interested in solid and fluid mechanics and allied fields.

  • von Ravi Pratap Singh
    186,00 €

    This book presents select proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Systems (CIMS 2021) and discusses the applications of soft computing, modelling and optimization practices in industrial and manufacturing systems. Various topics covered in this book include advanced machining methods and performances, industrial operations, processing with hybrid manufacturing techniques, fabrication and developments in micro-machining and its applications, practical issues in supply chain, micro-structure analysis, additive manufacturing processes, reliability and system analysis, material science and metallurgical behaviour analysis, product design and development, etc. The book will be a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, and professionals interested in the modelling, optimization and soft computing related aspects of industrial and production engineering and its allied domains.

  • von Vijaya Kumar N. Kottur, Amool A. Raina & Hari Vasudevan
    231,00 €

    The book comprises of selected papers presented at the Third International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation (ICIMA 2022), which was organized by the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Production Engineering of Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering (DJSCE), Mumbai, jointly with Indian Society of Manufacturing Engineers (ISME). The book focuses on specific topics of Intelligent Manufacturing, Automation, Advanced Materials and Design. It includes original research articles, focusing on the latest advances in the fields of Automation, Mechatronics & Robotics, CAD/CAM/CAE/CIM/FMS in Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing, IOT in Manufacturing, Product Design & Development, DFM/DFA/FMEA, MEMS & Nano Technology, Rapid Prototyping, Computational Techniques, Nano & Micro-machining, Sustainable Manufacturing, Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing Process Management, Modelling & Optimization Techniques, CRM, MRP & ERP, Green, Lean & Agile Manufacturing, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Quality Assurance & Environment protection, Advanced Material Processing & Characterization and Composite & Smart Materials. It is hoped that the contents in the book will serve as reference for future researchers. The book is also expected to act as a valuable resource for the students of Post Graduate and Doctoral Programmes.

  • von M. Güne¿ Gençy¿lmaz
    304,00 €

    This book contains selected papers from International Symposium for Production Research 2022, held on October 6¿9, 2022, Turkey. The book reports recent advances in production engineering and operations. It explores topics including:production research;production management; operations management;industry 4.0;industrial engineering;mechanical engineering;engineering management; andoperational research.Presenting real-life applications, case studies, and mathematical models, this book is of interest to researchers, academics, and practitioners in the field of production and operation engineering. It provides both the results of recent research and practical solutions to real-world problems.

  • 13% sparen
    von Magd Abdel Wahab
    204,00 €

    This proceedings gather a selection of peer-reviewed papers presented at the 9th International Conference on Fracture Fatigue and Wear (FFW 2021), held  in the city of Ghent, Belgium on 2-3 August 2021. The contributions, prepared by international scientists and engineers, cover the latest advances in and innovative applications of fracture mechanics, fatigue of materials, tribology, and wear of materials. In addition, they discuss industrial applications and cover theoretical and analytical methods, numerical simulations and experimental techniques. The book is intended for academics, including graduate students and researchers, as well as industrial practitioners working in the areas of fracture fatigue and wear.

  • von Anil Kumar
    204,00 €

    This book presents the select proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Thermal Engineering (RAMMTE 2022). It broadly covers the topics of manufacturing and thermal engineering. Various topics covered in this book include alternative fuels, automation, mechatronics and robotics, CAD, CAM, FMS, CIM, CN, CFD, failure and fracture mechanics, friction, wear, tribology, and surface engineering, heat treatment, microstructure and refrigeration and cryogenics, heating ventilation and air conditioning system, heat transfer, internal combustion engines, machinability and formability of materials, mechanisms and machines, rapid manufacturing technologies and prototyping, turbo machinery, thermal engineering, and traditional and non-traditional machining processes. This book is useful for researchers and professionals working in the areas of manufacturing and thermal engineering.

  • von Himadri Chattopadhyay
    277,00 €

    This book presents the select proceedings of the 48th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP 2021) held at BITS Pilani in December 2021. It covers the topics such as fluid mechanics, measurement techniques in fluid flows, computational fluid dynamics, instability, transition and turbulence, fluid¿structure interaction, multiphase flows, micro- and nanoscale transport, bio-fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, turbomachinery, propulsion and power. The book will be useful for researchers and professionals interested in the broad field of mechanics.

  • von Ali Cemal Benim
    259,00 €

    This book presents the select proceedings of the 48th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP 2021) held at BITS Pilani in December 2021. It covers the topics such as fluid mechanics, measurement techniques in fluid flows, computational fluid dynamics, instability, transition and turbulence, fluid¿structure interaction, multiphase flows, micro- and nanoscale transport, bio-fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, turbomachinery, propulsion and power. The book will be useful for researchers and professionals interested in the broad field of mechanics.

  • 13% sparen
    von Tezeswi Tadepalli & Vijayabaskar Narayanamurthy
    213,00 €

    This book comprises the proceedings of the Virtual Seminar on Applied Mechanics 2021 organized by the Indian Society for Applied Mechanics. The contents of this volume focus on solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, biomechanics/biomedical engineering, materials science and design engineering. The authors are experienced practitioners and the chapters encompass up-to-date research in the field of applied mechanics. This book will appeal to researchers and scholars across the broad spectrum of engineering involving the application of mechanics in civil, mechanical, aerospace, automobile, bio-medical, material science, and more.

  • von Suvanjan Bhattacharyya
    259,00 €

    This book presents the select proceedings of the 48th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP 2021) held at BITS Pilani in December 2021. It covers the topics such as fluid mechanics, measurement techniques in fluid flows, computational fluid dynamics, instability, transition and turbulence, fluid¿structure interaction, multiphase flows, micro- and nanoscale transport, bio-fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, turbomachinery, propulsion and power. The book will be useful for researchers and professionals interested in the broad field of mechanics.

  • von Magd Abdel Wahab
    203,00 - 212,00 €

    This book gathers outstanding papers on numerical modeling in Mechanical Engineering (Volume 2) as part of the 2-volume proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Numerical Modeling in Engineering (NME 2021), which was held in Ghent, Belgium, on August 23-24, 2022. The overall objective of the conference was to bring together international scientists and engineers in academia and industry from fields related to advanced numerical techniques, such as the finite element method (FEM), boundary element method (BEM), isogeometric analysis (IGA), and their applications to a wide range of engineering disciplines. This book addresses numerical simulations of various mechanical and materials engineering industrial applications such as aerospace applications, acoustic analysis, bio-mechanical applications, contact problems and wear, heat transfer analysis, vibration and dynamics, transient analysis, nonlinear analysis, composite materials, polymers, metal alloys, fracture mechanics, fatigue of materials, creep, mechanical behavior, micro-structure, phase transformation, and crystal plasticity. The book is intended for academics, including graduate students and researchers, as well as industrial practitioners working in the numerical modeling in mechanical engineering topics.

  • 10% sparen
    von P. S. Rama Sreekanth, Ketul C. Popat, S. Kanagaraj & usw.
    212,00 €

    This book presents select proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Material Science (ICAMEMS 2022). It discusses about the diverse technological advancements, innovations, and achievements in the areas of mechanical engineering and material science. It also covers the developments and challenges in the field of machine design, manufacturing, thermal and fluid engineering. Important topics covered in the conference include advanced manufacturing processes, machining, product design and development, mechatronics and robotics, non-conventional energy resources, green energy and energy harvesting, tribology, materials and characterization. The book also discusses advanced research areas in material science such as smart materials, bio-materials and advanced energy materials. Given the contents, the book will be a valuable reference for students, researchers and industrialists interested in advanced research areas of mechanical engineering and material science.

  • 10% sparen
    von Valentina Lopresto
    213,00 €

    This book gathers the latest advances and innovations in the field of dynamic loads and testing of composite materials and sandwich structures, as presented by international researchers and engineers at the International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials (DRAF), held in Ischia, Italy, on June 21¿24, 2022. Contributions include a wide range of topics such as low and high velocity impacts, smart composites, hull slamming, shock and blast, hail and bird impact, damage resistance and tolerance, failure mechanisms, composite structures, delamination and fractures, progressive damage modeling, micromechanics, ballistic impacts, ceramic and CMC, auxetic materials and structures, additive manufacturing, crashworthiness, green composites, and structural health monitoring.

  • von Holger Kohl
    41,00 €

    This is an open access book. It gathers the proceedings of the 18th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, held on October 5-7, 2022, as a hybrid event, in/from Berlin, Germany. With a focus on manufacturing advances and practices driving the circular economy, the chapters selected for this book report on sustainable manufacturing technologies for the mobility, energy and construction sector, and for machines and equipments, covering applications of artificial intelligence and industry 4.0. Moreover, they discuss energy-efficient process, waste reuse, and CO2 neutral production, giving a special emphasis to developing sustainable manufacturing in emerging countries. This book offers extensive and timely information for both researchers and professionals in the field of manufacturing and business development.

  • 10% sparen
    von Akhmetova Irina & Pietro Zunino
    213,00 €

    This book comprises the proceedings of the International Symposium on Sustainable Energy and Power Engineering (SUSE) 2021. The contents of this volume focus on recent technological advances in the field of energy efficiency and green buildings, new construction materials and related technology, hydrogen and renewable energy, environmental aspects of the modern power industry, etc. The contents cover latest advances especially in digital transformation of society and economy of the energy sector, turbomachines and combined plants, intelligent energy systems. This volume will prove a valuable resource for those in academia and industry.

  • von Lahcen Azrar
    186,00 €

    This book reports on innovative concepts and practical solutions at the intersection between engineering design, production and industrial management. It covers cutting-edge design, modeling and control of dynamic and multiphysics systems, knowledge management systems in industry 4.0, cyber-physical production systems, additive and sustainable manufacturing and many other related topics. It also highlights important collaborative works between different countries and between industry and universities. Gathering the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Integrated Design and Production, CPI 2022, held on May 10-12, 2022, at École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (ENSAM), in Rabat, Morocco, this book gathers carefully peer-reviewed chapters, with extensive information for researchers and professionals in the broad area of engineering design, production and management.

  • von Jan Taler
    186,00 €

    This book comprises peer-reviewed papers presented at the International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques (AEOTIT) 2022. The book combines contributions from academics and industry professionals and covers advanced optimization techniques across all major engineering disciplines like mechanical, manufacturing, civil, automobile, electrical, chemical, computer, and electronics engineering. The book discusses different optimization techniques and algorithms such as genetic algorithm, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II, and III, differential search, particle swarm optimization, fruit fly algorithm, cuckoo search, teaching¿learning-based optimization algorithm, grey wolf optimization, Jaya algorithm, Rao algorithms, and many other latest meta-heuristic techniques and their applications. Various multi-attribute decision-making methods such as AHP, TOPSIS, ELECTRE, PROMETHEE, DEMATEL, R-method, fuzzy logic, and their applications are also discussed. This book serves as a valuable reference for students, researchers, and practitioners and helps them in solving a wide range of optimization problems.

  • von Hemant B. Mehta
    141,00 €

    This book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Fluid Flow and Thermal Sciences (ICAFFTS 2021) and summarizes the modern research practices in thermal sciences and engineering. The content of book involves advanced topics in heat transfer science, automobile, refrigeration and air conditioning, cryogenics, non-conventional systems and energy storage. Topics on cutting edge research in the area of hybrid nano-PCM-based systems, solar-based applications, bio-diesel and nano additives-based combustion, fuel cell and thermoacoustic engine are also included. In addition, this book contains recent research in the area of two-phase thermal management of Li-Ion/Li-titanium battery and LED systems using heat sink, heat pipe, pulsating heat pipe and thermosyphon with next-generation refrigerants, PCM and nanofluid. Some thermal aspects of virus/aerosol research, advances in volumetric velocimetry and application of artificial intelligence in thermal systems are also covered. This book is a valuable reference for academicians, researchers and professionals working in the various fields of thermal sciences.

  • von Md. Abdul Maleque
    204,00 €

    This book presents the proceeding of 5th International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (ICAMME2022), August 9¿10, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It presents articles in topics that outline the state-of-the-art information in manufacturing and materials engineering for academia and industries. The topics represent the strong synergy between manufacturing, materials, design, and management supporting the transition from product service systems to life cycle engineering services as a contributor to high value manufacturing. The scope of this book also presents a set of new additive manufacturing, 3D printing, and advanced materials with new technology; green technology for United Nations SDGs; modeling & simulation of materials and manufacturing with some classical case examples. It caters to academics and industrial practitioners who have research interest in the latest advances in manufacturing and materials engineering.

  • von T. Sundararajan
    167,00 €

    This book contains select papers presented during the 2nd National Conference on Small Satellites, discussing the latest research and developments relating to small satellite technology. The papers cover various issues relating to design and engineering, ranging from the control, mechanical, and thermal systems to the sensors, antennas, and RF systems used. The book is of interest to scientists and engineers working on or utilizing satellite and space technologies.

  • von N. Ramesh Babu
    158,00 €

    This book presents select proceedings of the 8th International and 29th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2021). It discusses the latest advances in miniature manufacturing, machining of miniature components, surface engineering, nanomaterials, nanotechnology, Industry 4.0, optimization techniques, micro-electric discharge machining, electrochemical micro-machining, thin films, optimization of micro-machining process parameters, machining of nano-composites, characterization using atomic force microscopy, micro-tool fabrications, characterization of nano-composites, surface roughness analysis, tribological performance of surface coated materials and sustainability in manufacturing. The contents of this book are useful for students, researchers and as well as industry professionals in the various fields of mechanical engineering.

  • von Carsten Proppe
    185,00 €

    This book reports on cutting-edge experimental and numerical findings related to the application of active bearings, including smart ones, in rotating machinery. It discusses their role in improving stability and control of rotor systems and reports in depth on the corresponding modeling and control approaches. Chapters are based on peer-reviewed contributions to the 1st Workshop on Active Bearings in Rotating Machinery (ABROM 2022), held on June 29- 30, 2022, in Athens, Greece, and organized in collaboration between the School of Mechanical Engineering of The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). In connection with the increasing digital transformation of machine elements, this book offers a timely perspective and extensive information on testing methods and experimental procedures involved in the development of intelligent rotors for industrial applications.

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