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Bücher der Reihe Les classiques de la littérature

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  • von Alphonse Daudet
    14,00 - 19,90 €

  • von Alphonse Daudet
    14,00 - 19,90 €

  • von Alphonse Daudet
    14,00 - 19,90 €

  • von Alfred de Musset
    9,00 - 9,99 €

  • von Alfred de Musset
    14,00 - 19,00 €

  • von Alfred de Musset
    9,00 - 14,90 €

  • von Alexis de Tocqueville
    14,00 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,00 - 26,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,00 - 34,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 - 15,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 - 19,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 - 15,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,00 - 26,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    18,00 - 26,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,00 - 26,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 - 19,90 €

  • von Alain Fournier
    14,00 - 19,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,90 €

  • von Adolphe Badin
    15,90 €

    Il était près de huit heures lorsque Michel Berthier Lautrec rentra. Sa femme commençait à s¿inquiéter.« Pourquoi ne vous êtes-vous pas mis à table sans moi ? dit Michel avec humeur. ¿ Nous avons préféré t¿attendre, dit Mme Berthier Lautrec de sa voix douce. D¿ailleurs, les enfants n¿avaient pas faim, ni moi non plus. ¿ N¿importe ! Une fois pour toutes, je t¿ai dit que je ne voulais pas qüon m¿attendît.¿ Bien, mon ami. On ne t¿attendra plus. Mon petit Henri, veux-tu sonner pour qüon serve ? » Ce n¿était pas la première fois que pareille scène de ménage se passait chez les Berthier-Lautrec. Depuis quelque temps, le caractère de Michel, plutôt gai, s¿était aigri. Presque chaque soir il rapportait à la maison un front assombri, dînait sans prononcer une parole, puis, le café pris, il se levait de table et allait s¿enfermer dans son cabinet, où il restait à veiller jusqüà une heure avancée de la nuit.

  • von George W. T. Omond
    9,99 €

    "Bruges and West Flanders" by George W. T. Omond is an illuminating exploration of the historical and cultural treasures nestled within the enchanting region of West Flanders, with a focus on the iconic city of Bruges. Omond's meticulous narrative serves as a comprehensive guide, seamlessly blending travelogue and historical commentary. Delve into the medieval charm of Bruges, where cobblestone streets wind through timeless architecture and picturesque canals. Omond's vivid descriptions transport readers to the heart of Flanders, unraveling the stories woven into its ancient tapestry. Discover architectural marvels, from Gothic cathedrals to quaint market squares, and witness the resilience of a region marked by both prosperity and conflict. This guide is a key to unlocking the secrets of Bruges and West Flanders, providing an immersive experience for history enthusiasts, cultural connoisseurs, and intrepid travelers alike. With Omond as your literary guide, embark on a journey through time, where the allure of this Belgian gem and its surrounding landscapes come to life on every page. Immerse yourself in the rich heritage and timeless beauty of Bruges and West Flanders, as seen through the discerning eyes of George W. T. Omond.

  • von Henry Morton Stanley
    9,99 €

    "Embark on a riveting expedition through the diverse landscapes of South Africa with Henry M. Stanley in 'Through South Africa.' Penned in the late 19th century, this travel narrative is a compelling account of Stanley's journey across the southern reaches of the African continent.As Stanley traverses the wild terrains, he unfolds tales of adventure, encounters with indigenous peoples, and the challenges faced in exploring the uncharted regions of South Africa. The narrative not only captures the natural beauty of the landscapes but also delves into the cultural richness and complexities of the local communities.More than a travelogue, 'Through South Africa' is a literary exploration that provides readers with a firsthand glimpse into a continent on the brink of change. Join Stanley on this literary expedition where each page unveils a new chapter of discovery, making it an essential read for those captivated by tales of exploration, African landscapes, and cultural encounters."

  • von James Richardson
    15,90 €

    "Embark on an exotic and captivating journey through the vibrant landscapes of Morocco with James Richardson in 'Travels in Morocco.' Penned in the 19th century, this travel narrative offers readers a vivid and detailed account of Richardson's experiences as he explores the diverse cultures, traditions, and landscapes of this North African gem.As Richardson navigates through bustling souks, ancient cities, and the vast expanses of the Sahara, he unfolds tales of cultural encounters, historical marvels, and the allure of Morocco's unique charm. 'Travels in Morocco' is more than a travelogue; it's a timeless exploration of a country where the past and present coexist in a tapestry of rich traditions.Join Richardson on this literary expedition where each page reveals a new chapter of discovery, making 'Travels in Morocco' an essential read for those captivated by tales of North African exploration and the enchanting allure of Morocco."

  • von Père Huc
    22,90 €

    "Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China During the Years 1844-5-6" is a travel narrative written by Evariste Régis Huc, a French missionary and explorer. The book, first published in 1850, recounts Huc's journey through Central Asia and his experiences in Tibet and China during the mid-19th century.Huc, along with his fellow missionary Joseph Gabet, embarked on this expedition with the goal of reaching Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and spreading Christianity in the region. The narrative provides a detailed account of their travels, encounters with various cultures, and the challenges they faced during their journey. Huc's writing reflects his observations of the landscapes, people, and customs of the places he visited.One of the notable aspects of the book is its descriptions of Tibetan Buddhism and the religious practices prevalent in Tibet. Huc's narrative also sheds light on the political and social conditions of the regions through which he traveled. The work is considered a valuable historical document, offering insights into the culture and geography of Central Asia and China during the 19th century.Keep in mind that while Huc's work provides a fascinating historical perspective, it's essential to approach it with an awareness of the cultural and religious biases of the time. Additionally, it's advisable to consult more recent and diverse sources for a comprehensive understanding of the regions discussed in the book.

  • von Maurice Sand
    15,90 €

    Je venais de passer avec mon grade de chef de demi-brigade, nous disons aujourd'hui colonel, dans le 3e régiment de dragons, lorsque, vers la fin d'avril 1798 (floréal an VI), je reçus du général Desaix, qui commandait notre division, l'ordre de quitter la garnison de Florence pour aller m'embarquer à Civita-Vecchia avec mes hommes. Je bouclai ma malle et je partis, suivi de mon brosseur, le fidèle Guidamour, qui, comme moi, du 1er chasseurs à cheval, avait permuté dans le 3edragons. Nous dûmes, tout en laissant nos chevaux, emporter nos selles et nos harnais. Là où nous allions, nous trouverions apparemment des montures supérieures aux nôtres. Où allions-nous? En Angleterre, probablement, opérer la descente projetée depuis quelques mois par le général Bonaparte, puisque notre division faisait partie de l'aile gauche de l'armée dite d'Angleterre.

  • von Henri Béland
    15,90 €

    Ce jour-là, une atmosphère de religiosité enveloppait l'imposante chaîne de montagnes qui séparent l'Espagne de la France. Le Congrès Eucharistique, qui prenait fin, avait réuni, à Lourdes, un nombreux clergé et un peuple immense venus de tous les coins du monde. Tous¿fidèles par centaines de mille: laïques, prêtres, prélats, évêques, princes de l'Eglise ¿avaient, la veille au soir, mêlé leurs voix dans les chants pieux de l'inoubliable et grandiose procession aux flambeaux en face de la Basilique, pendant que là-haut, au sommet du Pic du Gers, la croix flamboyante se détachait dans la nuit profonde. Cette croix de feu, au fond de la nue, semblait rappeler la parole angélique d'il y a deux mille ans: Pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.C'était le 26 juillet 1914, un dimanche. Nous nous promenions, ma femme et moi, dans le parc d'un village pyrénéen. Le soleil dardait ses rayons chauds et vivifiants, incendiant toute la vallée du Gave. Soudain, un camelot s'approche de nous portant sous son bras un paquet de journaux. Le gamin criait à tue-tête:¿"C'est la guerre! C'est la guerre!"

  • von William Lewis Sachtleben
    15,90 €

    Embark on an epic adventure across Asia on a bicycle with Thomas Gaskell Allen and William Lewis Sachtleben in 'Across Asia on a Bicycle.' This gripping travelogue chronicles the daring journey of two intrepid cyclists as they pedal their way through diverse landscapes, cultures, and challenges. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the remote reaches of the Middle East, Allen and Sachtleben share their exhilarating experiences, offering readers a firsthand account of their extraordinary expedition. 'Across Asia on a Bicycle' is more than a travel narrative; it's a testament to human determination, the spirit of exploration, and the transformative power of a cross-continental journey. Join Allen and Sachtleben on this literary ride where each page unfolds a new chapter of adventure, making it an exhilarating read for those captivated by the thrill of long-distance cycling and cultural exploration.

  • von Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson
    15,90 €

    Embark on an insightful journey around the world with Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson in 'Appearances: Being Notes of Travel.' In this travelogue, Dickinson, a distinguished intellectual and writer, shares keen observations and reflections from his global explorations. Through eloquent prose, he captures the nuances of diverse cultures, landscapes, and societal impressions, offering readers a nuanced perspective on the world during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 'Appearances' is more than a travel narrative; it's a contemplative exploration of the interplay between outward perceptions and underlying realities. Join Dickinson on this literary expedition where each page unfolds a rich tapestry of global experiences, making it an engaging read for those seeking intellectual insights and a deeper understanding of the human experience.

  • von Eliza Lynn Linton
    9,99 €

    Eliza Lynn Linton invites readers on an enchanting exploration of the Emerald Isle in "About Ireland." Through her eloquent prose, Linton unveils the multifaceted beauty and cultural richness of Ireland, blending history, folklore, and personal observations. From the lush landscapes to the resilient spirit of its people, Linton's narrative paints a vivid portrait of this captivating land. Delving into the heart of Irish traditions and the unique charm of its villages, she creates a literary tapestry that resonates with both wanderlust and cultural appreciation. "About Ireland" is more than a travelogue; it's a captivating journey through time and space, offering readers a glimpse into the soul of a nation. With each turn of the page, Linton beckons explorers, historians, and dreamers alike to discover the allure of Ireland, making this work an indispensable addition to any literary collection.

  • von Eliza Orzeszkowa
    19,90 €

    "Embark on a thought-provoking literary journey with Eliza Orzeszkowa in 'An Obscure Apostle.' In this compelling work, Orzeszkowa, a Polish author and social activist, intricately weaves a narrative that explores the complexities of society, morality, and human nature. Through vivid character portrayals and rich storytelling, 'An Obscure Apostle' delves into the inner struggles of individuals grappling with societal expectations and personal convictions. Orzeszkowa's keen observations and social commentary provide readers with a window into the challenges faced by the characters as they navigate the intricacies of morality and societal norms. This novel is more than a mere story; it's a reflection on the human condition, making it a timeless and thought-provoking piece of literature."

  • von Isabella Bird
    9,99 €

    "Embark on a visual and literary exploration of China through the lens and words of Isabella Bird in 'Chinese Pictures: Notes on Photographs Made in China.' Bird, the intrepid traveler and writer, offers a unique perspective on the Middle Kingdom during the late 19th century. This captivating collection combines Bird's keen observations with evocative photographs, providing a nuanced glimpse into the landscapes, people, and culture of China. From the imperial grandeur of Beijing to the serene landscapes of the countryside, 'Chinese Pictures' is a vivid portrayal of a nation in transition. Join Bird as she delves into the heart of Chinese life, capturing moments frozen in time through the art of photography and storytelling. An immersive journey that transcends temporal boundaries, this work is a testament to Bird's unwavering curiosity and her ability to bridge cultures through the lens of her camera and the power of her pen."

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