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Bücher der Reihe Linguistic Insights

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  • von Jean M. Jimenez
    76,15 €

    Corrective feedback in traditional and technology-enhanced environments continues to be a controversial topic in the field of SLA. Through a discussion of theoretical, empirical, and pedagogical issues, this book contributes to the debate on the role of corrective feedback in second language development, with a focus on CALL environments.

  • - Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Academia
    104,65 €

    This volume explores knowledge dissemination practices according to two main orientations; first, with respect to the target audience, especially scholars vs. novices. Second in relation to the channels, especially multimodal and web-based platforms, and changing strategies such as popularization resources.

  • - A Stylistic Analysis of Newsspeak
    von Massimiliano Morini
    67,95 €

    A Day in the News is the linguistic description of a single day in the life of the British press - Wednesday, 19 August 2015. Employing a variety of tools and methods - from multimodality to pragmatics, from close reading to computational stylistics - Morini looks at nine different journalistic worlds and their respective Newsspeaks. The results are often revealing: by providing its readers with an accurate idea of the universe projected by each paper, this study revises many received ideas on the clear-cut boundaries separating popular from highbrow journalism.In the process, A Day in the News also sums up more than three decades of work on the language of newspapers, and provides a general analytical method for journalism in the digital age. The three chapters of the book focus, respectively, on the multimodal features of newspapers and their e-editions; on the quantitative prominence accorded to certain wordings and topics in each newspaper; and on the ideological/evaluative slant with which news items are presented and commented. Throughout, the focus is not on some outmoded notion of journalistic style, but on the degrees of proximity or distance presupposed by different formats, layouts and linguistic registers.

  • - Terminologie et discours
    von Mercedes Eurrutia Cavero
    105,70 €

    Les sciences et les techniques connaissent de nos jours une croissance exponentielle dans tous les domaines et les langues doivent etre capables d'exprimer cette modernite exogene. La ncessite de faire accder un nombre toujours plus lev d'usagers des domaines de plus en plus techniques, des thories scientifiques renouveles ainsi qu' la naissance de nouvelles disciplines, exige une diffusion plus large de l'enseignement du franais techno-scientifique partant des approches diffrentes. Le livre Approche didactique du langage techno-scientifique . terminologie et discours rpond ce besoin. une poque o la mobilit est incontournable, la langue devient l'instrument d'accs au monde professionnel et avec lui tout un univers sociolinguistique, notionnel et rfrentiel dont l'objet est extrieur la propre langue. Cette rflexion sur le franais techno-scientifique qui s'adresse des tudiants universitaires, des professionnels ainsi qu' des spcialistes en linguistique applique, en traduction et interprtariat et/ou en langues modernes, parmi tant dautres, a un objectif essentiellement pragmatique : favoriser l'acquisition des comptences, des savoirs et des savoir-faire dans ce domaine de spcialit. En dfinitive, contribuer l'efficacit des changes communicatifs en franais techno-scientifique rpondant de cette manire de nouveaux besoins d'une socit de plus en plus exigeante, concurrentielle et technologise

  • - Estudio de los factores de familiaridad, interes, genero y metodos de evaluacion
    von Ana Cristina Lahuerta Martinez & Alberto Isusi Alabarte
    107,35 €

    Una de las destrezas que constituyen el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera (L2) es la comprension lectora. Este libro analiza y estudia factores individuales que podrian afectar a la misma, como la familiaridad con el contenido, el interes en el tema, el genero del lector y su nivel de competencia en L2, asi como dos tareas de evaluacion: immediate written recall, o reproduccion de informacion del texto, y multiple choice.La lectura en general, la lectura de L2 en particular, y los modelos de lectura, hasta llegar al de Bernhardt (2005, 2010), constituyen los cimientos de la investigacin. A partir de los mismos, se analizan los factores del lector y los tipos de prueba mencionados, y se resean una serie de estudios empricos sobre los mismos. Finalmente, los autores dan cuenta de la investigacin que llevan a cabo con el fin de medir la influencia que dichas variables pueden ejercer sobre la comprensin lectora de L2.

  • von Wei Wang
    85,65 €

    This book contributes insights into second language (L2) students' learning of academic genres in English for academic purposes (EAP) writing classes by its focus on the current EAP practice in the context of higher education of China. It presents knowledge construction of genre learning research in L2 writing and English for specific purposes (ESP) genre studies, and reports an in-depth qualitative inquiry into three issues of instruction-based genre learning in an academic writing class: students' learning process of an academic genre in the community of an EAP writing class, students' individual factors in the learning process, and genre knowledge development through engagement in genre-focused writing instruction. The book has theoretical implications for learning English for academic purposes as well as for learning English as a foreign language in general. It also has pedagogical implications for genre teaching in EAP at Chinese universities and similar educational contexts.

  • - Analisi morfosintattica dei nomi commerciali in italiano
    von Maria Chiara Janner
    67,95 €

    Coop Voiello Superga nomi propri? nomi comuni? Come funzionano i nomi commerciali (o marchionimi) nella lingua, quali tratti presentano quando entrano nel discorso?Il volume rappresenta il primo ampio studio sistematico sul funzionamento dei nomi commerciali nell'italiano scritto. Il suo carattere innovativo risiede nell'impostazione sperimentale con cui indaga i marchionimi, scandagliando sintatticamente un vasto corpus di dati testuali appositamente elaborato. Prendendo ispirazione ideale dalla lezione di Saussure, i nomi commerciali sono processualmente descritti nei loro valori correlativi: non come entit ontologicamente predefinite, bens come il risultato di rapporti sintagmatici e paradigmatici da cogliere metodologicamente nell'analisi delle proposizioni in cui tali nomi ricorrono. Ne emerge una visione radicalmente nuova del nome commerciale, scevra da luoghi comuni onomastici o categoriali, e in grado di gettare un fascio di luce, da una prospettiva inconsueta, anche sul problema millenario dei nomi propri.

  • - Nurses' requests and reports of problems in calls with physicians
    von Anca-Cristina Sterie
    106,05 €

    The focus of this book is to investigate interprofessional telephone interaction, a routine yet disruptive activity at the hospital, and to expose how nurses and physicians coordinate in view of delivering efficient patient care. The analysis of recorded calls at a Swiss hospital displays the variable formats through which nurses produce requests.

  • von Francisco Salgado-Robles
    97,80 €

    Aunque generalmente se piense que la manera mas eficiente y exitosa para perfeccionar una segunda lengua es estudiar en el extranjero, la investigacion empirica se han enfocado en la adquisicion de rasgos de la lengua estandar en oposicion a aquellos variables. Por consiguiente, esta monografia investiga hasta que punto aprendices de espanol como segunda lengua adquieren estructuras variables de la lengua -leismo y laismo- mientras realizan un programa de inmersion en el extranjero de cuatro meses de duracion. Este trabajo esta formado por dos grupos de aprendices de espanol matriculados en dos diferentes tipos de programas en Madrid (un programa academico ordinario vs. un programa academico con practicas de voluntariado) y un grupo de hablantes nativos. Es una investigacion longitudinal cuantitativa y cualitativa de datos orales y escritos. Este volumen contribuye a comprender mejor la adquisicion de la variacion dialectal, a documentar, de manera original, la relacion entre las competencias intercultural y sociolinguistica, y a dar a conocer, por primera vez, el impacto del tipo de programa en el desarrollo sociolinguistico de aprendices de espanol como segunda lengua.El impresionante trabajo de Salgado-Robles conecta las disciplinas de adquisicin de segundas lenguas, estudios en el extranjero y sociolingstica para documentar cmo se adquiere la capacidad de usar la lengua en su contexto social y geogrfico. Lo ms destacado en su metodologa incluye una detalla explicacin sobre las correlaciones lingsticas del uso pronominal en espaol y los patrones de uso diario de la lengua por parte de aprendices en dos tipos de programas. Este volumen har una contribucin fundamental al estudio de la adquisicin de la competencia sociolingstica. Kimberly L. Geeslin, Catedrtica de Lingstica Hispnica, Indiana University

  • - A Socio-Psycholinguistic Approach
    von Dino Selvaggi
    70,65 €

    This book presents a comparative interdisciplinary socio-psycholinguistic study on plurilingual code-switching (CS) in Italy, Croatia and Scotland-UK, based on Italian in contact with four standard varieties (Spanish, English, Philipino and Croatian) and five non-standard varieties (Arbereshe, Occitan, Calabrese, Istrovenetian and Chakavski).

  • - A Corpus-Based Cognitive-Typological Study
    von Xu Zhang
    113,45 €

    As a corpus-based typological cognitive study of English binominal quantitative expressions based on English-Chinese comparison, the book discovers functional equivalents of Chinese numeral classifiers in English, i.e. `Quasi-Numeral Classifiers' (QNCs) and unveils the categorisation process reflected by five cases of Dimensionality-based QNCs.

  • - Phonological and Processing Deficit in Developmental Dyslexia
    von Maria Vender
    109,30 €

    The aim of this book is to propose an original hypothesis to account for the difficulties associated with dyslexia, suggesting that this disorder is characterized by deficits affecting the subject's phonological and processing abilities. The results of four experimental protocols are discussed, providing further support for this hypothesis.

  • - The Case of L1 Cypriot Greek Speakers
    von Elena Kkese
    103,75 €

    This volume investigates the difficulties adult L2 users of English encounter with plosive consonants. It presents the results of two tasks examining the acquisition of plosive voicing contrasts by college students with CG backgrounds. These results are discussed in relation to the approaches of second language phonology and speech perception.

  • - Linguistic Features, Experiential and Functional Dimensions of Online and Scripted Interactions
    von Pietro Luigi Iaia
    63,60 €

    This book examines the English lingua-franca (ELF) uses in a corpus of online and scripted video-game interactions. While research generally explores the playful and technological aspects of computer-mediated communication, this study focuses on the strategies of cooperation, language simplification and authentication, lexical creativity and meaning negotiation that are generally activated within the community of practice of gamers to facilitate cross-cultural conversations. The scripted exchanges, instead, are examined by means of the ALFA Model (Analysis of Lingua Franca in Audiovisual texts), which is devised to enquire into the extent to which the non-native participants' language variations are part of the multimodal actualisation of the cognitive construct of non-native speakers, to which authors resort in order to prompt specific reactions on the part of the receivers. Finally, since the participants' turns in both online and scripted interactions are visually represented as written messages on screen, this research also contributes to the development of the description of written ELF variations, so far not thoroughly explored in the literature.

  • - A new challenge for the teaching approaches in bilingual education
    von Susana Nicolas Roman & Juan Jose Torres Nunez
    73,30 €

    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has transformed the educational scene and brought about a revolution of teaching methods and principles in the bilingual education environment. The major challenge in the implementation of a teacher education curriculum in CLIL is the integration of different teaching approaches to promote content and language mastery. What is certain is that there is no fixed model for CLIL and that for resources to be effective they have to be contextualized and motivating for both teachers and students. The four Cs (Content, Cognition, Communication and Culture) proposed by Coyle (1999) as framework for CLIL implementations find in drama a powerful meeting point to develop communicative skills and beyond. CLIL opens new possibilities for the implementation of drama in its multiple varieties: role-play, simulations, drama activities, educational drama and so on. This book proposes articles on the possibilities of drama as a challenging learning experience from primary to higher education.

  • - A Corpus-based Approach
    von Begona Soneira
    95,45 €

    This book offers a thorough lexical description of an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) variety, English for Architecture, by means of a selfmade corpus. As other knowledge communities, Architecture practitioners have a distinctive discourse and a linguistic identity of their own. Both are conveyed through specific linguistic realizations, and are of considerable interest in the field of ESP. The corpus used was designed for the purpose of describing and analyzing the main lexical features of Architecture Discourse from three different perspectives: word-formation, loanword neology and semantic neology, which are the three main foundations of lexis. In order to analyze all materials a database of almost three thousand entries was produced, including a description and classification of every word from the corpus considered relevant for the analysis. Thanks to this methodology the lexical character of Architecture language is ultimately revealed in connection with the linguistic identity of its practitioners.

  • von Wei Ren
    94,05 €

    Pragmatic competence plays a key role in intercultural communication, particularly for students studying in a target community. This book investigates the effect of study abroad on second language learners' productive and receptive pragmatic competences, as well as their cognitive processes during speech act production. It employs a variety of research instruments, both quantitative and qualitative, to explore learners' pragmatic development over one year. The inclusion of a control group is a methodological strength of the longitudinal study, many such studies often not including a control group. In addition, the study longitudinally examines learners' cognitive processes during study abroad with innovative and insightful analyses. The book makes an important contribution to second language pragmatics with regard to developmental changes in both speech act production and perception during such processes.

  • - A Corpus-based Discourse Analysis
    von Ida Ruffolo
    66,40 €

    Given the consolidated effects of the greening process on the tourism industry, this volume investigates the relationship between three areas of research - the natural environment, tourism and discourse -, and how this relationship is affected by and affects society as a whole. In particular, the book highlights the central role of language in constructing eco-friendly tourist sites. Since the images associated to nature are various, this study examines the uses of nature and explores how the terms nature and natural are constructed within the texts. The research identifies how nature is linguistically defined and constructed by advertisers in travel promotion texts in order to attract potential 'green' tourists. The study also analyses the promotion of protected areas to verify the extent to which these areas meet the criteria on sustainable tourism set by the World Tourism Organization. By adopting a corpus-based discourse analysis perspective which combines both qualitative and quantitative approaches, the book unravels the complex interrelationship between the environment, tourism and advertising.

  • von Paola Evangelisti Allori
    103,80 €

    This volume is a collection of empirical studies investigating the ways and means through which culturally-shaped identities are manifested in and through discourse in documents and texts from multiple spheres of social action. It also looks at possible ways in which understanding and acceptance of diverse cultural identities can be moulded and developed through appropriate education. Language being one of the most evident and powerful 'markers' of cultural identity, discourse and text are sites where cultures are both constructed and displayed and where identities are negotiated. The approaches to the analysis of culture and identity adopted here to account for the multifaceted realisations of cultural identities in the texts and documents taken into consideration span from multimodality, to discourse and genre analysis, to corpus linguistics and text analysis. The volume then offers a varied picture of approaches to the scientific enquiry into the multifaceted manifestations of identity in and across national, professional, and disciplinary cultures.

  • - From Standardness to Creativity
    von Pilar Alonso
    89,95 €

    This book presents a comprehensive study of the subject of text and discourse coherence, integrating some of the traditional trends of discourse analysis and creating new channels of research which help to understand the notion further. Based on the work of leading theoreticians and on the actual consideration of authentic linguistic material, the book identifies the structural and cognitive aspects of standard discourse coherence and, as a variation from other mainstream approaches, it also explores the more subjective and culturally-bound conceptual aspects of coherence construction in creative modes of discourse. To achieve these aims, the study incorporates concepts and analytical practices from cognitive linguistic theories of conceptualisation; additionally, it draws from theories of communication to address the idiosyncratic and socio-cultural aspects which affect the formation of coherent discourse patterns. The intention is to broaden the perspective of the subject and to focus on its complexity, as well as to stress the need to conceive of discourse coherence as a multi-dimensional phenomenon consisting of numerous procedural components.

  • - The case of Romanian Learner English
    von Madalina Chitez
    91,25 €

    Aiming at exemplifying the methodology of learner corpus profiling, this book describes salient features of Romanian Learner English. As a starting point, the volume offers a comprehensive presentation of the Romanian-English contrastive studies. Another innovative aspect of the book refers to the use of the first Romanian Corpus of Learner English, whose compilation is the object of a methodological discussion. In one of the main chapters, the book introduces the methodology of learner corpus profiling and compares it with existing approaches. The profiling approach is emphasised by corpus-based quantitative and qualitative investigations of Romanian Learner English. Part of the investigation is dedicated to the lexico-grammatical profiles of articles, prepositions and genitives. The frequency-based collocation analyses are integrated with error analyses and extended into error pattern samples. Furthermore, contrasting typical Romanian Learner English constructions with examples from the German and the Italian learner corpora opens the path to new contrastive interlanguage analyses.

  • - Investigating the Difficulty of Two Spoken Narrative Tasks
    von Chihiro Inoue
    91,55 €

    This book addresses the issue of task equivalence, which is of fundamental importance in the areas of language testing and task-based research, where task equivalence is a prerequisite. The main study examines the two 'seemingly-equivalent' picture-based spoken narrative tasks, using a multi-method approach combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies with MFRM analysis of the ratings, the analysis of linguistic performances by Japanese candidates and native speakers of English (NS), expert judgements of the task characteristics, and perceptions of the candidates and NS. The results reveal a complex picture with a number of variables involved in ensuring task equivalence, raising relevant issues regarding the theories of task complexity and the commonly-used linguistic variables for examining learner spoken language. This book has important implications for the possible measures that can be taken to avoid selecting non-equivalent tasks for research and teaching.

  • - A Parametric Approach to Legal Translation
    von Aleksandra Matulewska
    101,40 €

    With the purpose of making the process of legal translation accessible to investigation, the author resorts to the parametrization of translational reality as an inalienable component of her translational theory being proposed here for consideration. The aim is to propose a more precise theory of legilinguistic translation which compels the author to clearly distinguish primitive terms and postulates. These latter specify the image (model) of the reality in question in terms of relevant dimensions used to characterize a set of translational objects and relations. The dimensions secure a systematic examination of the translation reality and process. In order to illustrate the practical application of the parametrization in legal translation, the discussion concerning this translation approach is limited to certain selected types of legal communicative communities which is amply exemplified. The research is based on data and information gathered during an in-depth case study of translations and parallel text corpora mainly in the field of civil law including insolvency and bankruptcy law.

  • - How written communication is changing under the influence of electronic media and new contexts of use
    von Franca Poppi
    86,70 €

    This volume investigates the changes undergone by written communication in our globalized world as English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). The latter usually functions as a language for communication purposes, but also becomes a language for identification purposes. The study takes into account different web-genres: from the replication of existing genres in other media to cybergenres, whose key evolutionary force is the progressive exploitation of the new functionalities afforded by the new medium. The variety of the contexts of use has made it possible to consider different ELF-using communities of practice, whose members adopt ELF and adapt it to express individual, national and professional identities in international interactions. The analysis focuses on lexicogrammatical innovations, which inevitably change in accordance with the different contexts of use, as well as on the communicative strategies underpinning these changes.

  • von David Hirsh
    64,95 €

    Many of the world's 7000 documented language groups are endangered due to falling rates of language and culture transmission from one generation to the next. Some endangered language groups have been the focus of efforts to reverse patterns of linguistic and cultural loss, with variable success. This book presents case studies of endangered language groups from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Pacific (including Bisu, Iban, Iquito, Quechua, Wawa, Yi and sign languages) and of their associated knowledge and belief systems, to highlight the importance of preserving linguistic and cultural diversity. Issues of identity and pride emerge within the book, alongside discussion of language and culture policy.

  • - A Discourse Analytical Approach
    von Patrizia Anesa
    91,55 €

    This book explores the techniques and discursive strategies that are typical of the communicative interactions between professionals and laymen in a jury trial. It also investigates the complex relationship that emerges between written and oral communication in different phases of the trial. The analysis takes into account the many nuances that define these dynamics and the various possibilities that the jurors have to intervene in the process, particularly in the light of recent procedural developments. Special attention is devoted to the observation of the specific strategies adopted to illustrate legal ideas and concepts to the jurors according to the speakers' various communicative purposes. By adopting a discourse analytical perspective which combines both qualitative and quantitative approaches, the book highlights the hybridity of the language used in court and the combination of different styles and registers.

  • - Language Contact in the Age of Globalization
    von Zsuzsa Hoffmann
    81,70 €

    This book investigates lexical borrowing processes of our era in a sociolinguistic context. Innovatively, it seeks to examine language contact in a comprehensive way, taking into account socio- and psycholinguistic aspects as well as implications for language politics. As the sociolinguistic focus is primary, the volume also discusses how technology influences languages and to what extent it creates new conditions for language contact. As a result, it is proposed that the term language contact needs to be reevaluated, since the context of globalization has changed its very essence. As the increase in the importance of English has been the most significant global geolinguistic event in the past fifty years, the role of English as an international lingua franca in modern borrowing is analyzed in detail. Two case studies are also given, one on the role of English in the EU and another on the linguistic situation of multilingual Switzerland. The characteristic features of lexical borrowing are illustrated in a complex way on linguistic material of a total of over 5000 recent loans in English, Spanish, German and Hungarian.

  • - The Role of Simplification and Transfer
    von Yvonne Droschel Shaham
    77,40 €

    Questions of how to access and analyze the use of English as a global language are central to the study of the continuing spread of English as a vehicle of cross-cultural communication. The present book explores the relationship between the functions and forms of English as a Lingua Franca, and introduces the concept of Lingua Franca English to deal with the systematic differences between national native varieties of English and the non-native varieties which have developed relatively recently. The investigation of the sociolinguistic and linguistic processes involved in the development of Lingua Franca English focuses on Switzerland, and is carried out by means of a detailed comparative linguistic analysis of a large amount of data obtained from written and spoken English produced by Swiss speakers. The result is a detailed and critical description of current issues affecting the study of English as an international language, and a thorough investigation of the ongoing processes resulting from the interaction of Swiss people with different language backgrounds in shaping the nature of the English spoken in Switzerland. By examining the characteristics of English as it is used in Switzerland, light is shed on the diachronic problem of the focusing mechanisms involved in the growth of non-native varieties of English and processes of second language acquisition generally.

  • - A Practical Guide
    von Helia Vaezian, Mahmoud Akbari & Tengku Sepoa Tengku Mahadi
    63,35 €

    Corpora are among the hottest issues in translation studies affecting both pure and applied realms of the discipline. As for pure translation studies, corpora have done their part through contributions to the studies on translational language and translation universals. Yet, their recent contribution is within the borders of applied translation studies, i.e. translator training and translation aids. The former is the major focus of the present book. The present book in fact aims at providing readers with comprehensive information about corpora in translation studies in general, and corpora in translator education in particular. It further offers researchers and practitioners a comprehensive and up-to-date survey of studies done on corpora in translator education and provides a rich source of information on pros and cons of using different types of corpora as translation aids in the context of translation classrooms.

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