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Bücher der Reihe Little Book Series

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  • von Rolf Meissner
    18,00 €

  • von Karl Weiss
    21,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Craig J. Hogan
    23,00 - 24,00 €

  • von James B. Kaler
    20,00 €

    The Little Book of Stars tells the story of stellar science and what the stars mean to us from a variety of perspectives. Beginning with the "big picture;' the book moves through progressively more and more intimate views until we feel we can hold the stars in our hands, from which we can then throw them back to the sky to see our place among them. The book opens with a summary of the event that created our Universe, the Big Bang, and then goes on to describe the natures of the Big Bang's progeny, the stars-what they are, how they shine, and how they can live such immensely long lives. Approaching horne, it next examines the measures of the stars: where they are, how they are collected together from pairs to galaxies of billions, and how we learn of their individual properties. Yet closer, we look in depth at the Sun and at the physical differences among the stars, at the immense range of properties they possess. Finally, arriving at Earth, we see the signif­ icance of the stars to human life, how we have used them to tell our stories and to find where we are in both space and time. v From this base, the book looks more closely at stellar details, concentrating on temporal phenomena-on stellar change-and on the observational base that helps set the stage for the theory that links them all together.

  • von Rolf Schick
    16,98 - 21,00 €

    In this lay reader's introduction to the most spectacular and devastating of all geological events, Rolf Schick describes how earthquakes and volcanoes are related, and how they are an integral part of Earth's structure.

  • - A Cabinet of Curiosities
    von Matthew McFall
    27,00 €

    Be prepared to experience wonder, wondering and wonderful learning. !

  • von Klaus Mainzer
    21,00 - 24,00 €

    From the attempts of early astronomers to reconcile solar and lunar and terrestrial reckonings, to the huge expansions and contractions of time consciousness brought on by scientists as diverse as Newton, Darwin, and Einstein, this book shows how time is as much a matter of human choice as it is a matter of scientific precision.

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