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Bücher der Reihe Misfits

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  • von Lilly C. Zwetsch
    16,99 €

    Wenn Magie im Spiel ist, was nützt da noch ein Schwert?Die Königreiche befinden sich im Krieg gegen die Zauberer. Eine Armee aus grauenerregenden Bestien belagert Whitehaven. Als die Soldatin Alana in der Schlacht schwer verwundet wird, begegnet sie einem jungen Heiler, der es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, ein Heilmittel für die von Magie verfluchten Bestien zu finden. Gemeinsam versuchen sie das Schlachtenglück zu wenden, doch dabei gerät Zayn immer mehr in Gefahr und Alana muss erneut zum Schwert greifen, um ihn zu schützen. Ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit beginnt, an dessen Ende Sieg oder Tod wartenEine Geschichte über Treue, Aufopferung und den richtigen Augenblick.

  • von Lilly C. Zwetsch
    14,99 €

  • von Lilly C. Zwetsch
    20,00 €

    Um ihrer Mutter ein Heilmittel verschaffen zu können, reist Maia in die Hauptstadt, um am Wettstreit des Königs teilzunehmen. Der Sieger erhält zehn Goldmünzen und eine Mission: Den Bann zu brechen, der auf dem Kronprinzen liegt und das ganze Reich in Gefahr bringt. Doch Maia ist nicht die Einzige, für die alles vom Sieg abhängt. Der eiskalte Adelssohn Jarek macht ihr den Platz an der Seite des Prinzen streitig und versucht alles, um sie loszuwerden

  • von Lilly C. Zwetsch
    20,00 €

    Schwarz wie Ebenholz, Weiß wie Schnee, Rot wieRianna ist die verhasste Kronprinzessin von Whitehaven, die nach ihrem achtzehnten Geburtstag eigentlich den Thron hätte besteigen sollen. Doch den hat noch immer ihre Stiefmutter Augusta inne, die ohnehin lieber Rias Schwester Lucia darauf sehen würde. Ria hat sich mit ihrem Schicksal abgefunden, bis sie durch Zufall entdeckt, dass Augusta nicht ist, wer sie zu sein vorgibt. Ria muss fliehen und ihre Schwester zurücklassen. Im fernen Zytros erhofft sie sich, Verbündete zu finden. Am liebsten im jüngsten Sohn des Königs: Prinz Pedro.

  • von Eve Langlais
    33,00 €

    They might have been born misfits, but that doesn't stop them from finding love.Hybrid Misfit ~ A stripper with special DNA finds out the fate of the world depends on her. Good thing she's got two men to help her out in and out of bed.Siren Misfit ~ A mermaid terrified of the ocean with a killer voice. Literally. She thinks she's doomed until a brash Viking comes into her life.Bunny Misfit ~ Being a bunny in a family of wolves leads to Claire running away from home. But when her BFF needs someone to investigate a possible lead on her missing parents, Claire hops to the rescue.

  • von Eve Langlais
    15,00 €

    Being a bunny in a family of wolves leads to Claire running away from home. But when her BFF needs someone to investigate a possible lead on her missing parents, Claire hops to the rescue.My name is Claire, and I am a bunny shifter who happened to be born in a pack of wolf shifters. Which, needless to say, didn't go over well.Before the people I thought of as family made me their next dinner, I ran away, and I might have stayed away forever if my best friend hadn't needed my help.A secret organization has been kidnapping shapeshifters, experimenting on them, too, and someone has to stop them.Not me, I should add, because I'm a rabbit, not a soldier, but I am good at poking my cute little nose into places I shouldn't and getting information. My mission is to locate the bad guys' HQ so the cavalry can ride in and put a stop to it.What I didn't expect was to run into an old crush of mine. A werewolf by the name of Derek who isn't bothered at all by my large floppy ears. Lucky me, the only kind of nibbling he wants to do is the delicious kind.Before we can find out if a bunny can have a happily ever after with the big bad wolf, we've got to stay out of the clutches of some mad human scientists.

  • von Eve (RWA. SFWA) Langlais
    13,98 €

    Meet a special stripper who holds the fate of the world in her g-string.Nothing sucks more than losing your humanity in a government experiment. Now I'm something different. Special. And everyone wants a piece of me. Go ahead, give it a try, but don't be shocked when I turn the tables and try to steal your soul because I am so very, very hungry…But I don't want to eat everyone I meet. At least not in a bad way. I know Simon, that big, beastly shifter, and his buddy Gene, an actual djinn with a bottle, are after more than just my lusty side. They want to offer me love. How crazy is that?Maybe I'll give it a try if I survive the prophecy, you know the one that says I might just change the world.

  • von Eve Langlais
    15,00 €

    A siren who's terrified of the ocean...with a destiny that involves a hunky shirtless dude.Ever meet a mermaid terrified of the ocean? The closest I get to saltwater is in my bath.As for singing? My siren heritage left me with a killer voice. Literally. Some people can charm animals out of trees. Me? They jump to their deaths rather than listen to another note.I know I'm different. And I'm cool with it. What I'm not cool with is the meathead who decides that he's my fated mate. Just because he's tall, handsome, and muscle-bound doesn't mean I'm going to fall into bed with him. We might do it standing upright first.Don't judge. I deserve a little fun, especially since I think my time on Earth is limited.The nightmares are getting stronger. The mood swings nastier. The ocean is calling, but I don't think it wants to give me a gentle embrace.Can a misfit who doesn't belong anywhere find a way to survive the future-and maybe even fall in love?

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