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Bücher der Reihe North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures

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  • von Arthur Graves Canfield
    41,00 €

    Balzac made a conscious effort in Comedie Humaine to multiply the reappearance, from book to book, of some of his characters. This careful analysis of nearly six hundred reappearing characters shows that some appear only briefly, in no significant role; others play important parts; some become principals in later action.

  • - France and Beyond
    85,00 €

    How writers respond to a cosmology in evolution in the sixteenth century and how literature and space implicate each other are the guiding issues of this volume in which sixteen authors explore the topic of space in its multiform incarnations and representations.

  • - Priest and Pamphleteer of the Sixteenth Century
    von Frank S. Giese
    42,00 €

    Artus Desire, whose career extended from 1545 to at least 1578, was the author of more than twenty theological treatises and anti-Protestant pamphlets. In this volume Frank S. Giese provides the first comprehensive study of Artus Desire and his work.

  • von Laura Calvert
    42,00 €

    This study shows how Osuna uses mystical symbolism and allegory in his own writing and in the methods of meditation and contemplation he teaches.

  • von Juergen S. Hahn
    42,00 €

    The word peregrinacion permeates Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese literature, and can be described as wandering, alienation, and exile, combined with pious devotion. Complementing the work of Antonio Vilanova, Juergen Hahn's study of peregrinacion focuses on Spanish literature of the Golden Age.

  • - Roman du reiziA (c)me siA (c)cle
    42,00 €

    An edition of an anonymous poem about the famous thirteenth-century outlaw Eustache surnamed Le Moine (ca. 1170-1217), son of the Boulonnais nobleman Baudoin Busket, that survives in a single manuscript. Conlon's introduction explores the historical background, summarizes the content of the poem, analyzes its language and explains the editorial policy. Notes, an Appendix containing historical and literary texts that mention Eustache le Moine, a "Table des noms propres, noms de lieu," etc., a "Glossaire" and a "Bibliographie" conclude the edition.

    48,00 €

    This volume was presented to Professor Engstrom in celebration of his sixty-fifth birthday. Its sixteen studies, contributed by colleagues, friends, and former students, move from the late Urban T. Holmes's article on the Middle Ages down to the nineteenth century, with articles encompassing various aspects of French, Spanish, and Italian literatures.

  • von Andrea di Tommaso
    42,00 €

    The Innamorato, predecessor to Ariosto's Orlando furioso, has been known in the English-speaking world since the sixteenth century, in both Italian and English translations. This study was the first in English to be devoted exclusively to an examination of this Renaissance epic, which is one of the major poetic creations of the Italian Quattrocento.

  • von Virginia Terrell Lathrop
    42,00 €

    The legend of the Siete infantes de Lara has rarely been a part of the Spanish curriculum in American universities, mainly because of the lack of reliable and informative texts on the subject. This volume comprises a study of the legend's aspects, a comparison of the epic's various versions, and an edition of the lost epic from the Refundici toledana de la cronica de 1344.

  • - Design and Meaning in the Odes of Malherbe
    von David Lee Rubin
    42,00 €

    Opening a new perspective on Malherbe's major poems, this volume focuses on their design and meaning. In his introduction Rubin defines and illustrates implied comparison. There follows a series of explications which recover each poem's values from analogies concealed in images or motif patterns. The work concludes with a description of formal constants and variables in the six completed odes.

  • - A Critical Text
    von David O'Connell
    41,00 €

    David O'Connell's study seeks to serve as the final word on which version of the Enseignements de saint Louis can claim ultimate authenticity. Through an analytical comparison of the three families of the Teachings and a historical overview of the critical controversy surrounding the texts, O'Connell argues for the authority and historicity of the Noster manuscript.

  • von Raymond Gay-Crosier
    42,00 €

    This philological study examines the possible influence exerted by religious traditions on the origin and development of the secular lyrics of the troubadours. It includes an historical outline, a survey of theories concerning the origins, and an analysis of the troubadours' conception of love.

  • - Volume II: Abrile issia
    42,00 €

    The importance of the troubadour Raimon Vidal as poet and grammarian has been recognised since the thirteenth century. This volume presents Vidal's long poem on the decline of the jongleur's art, along with a prose translation, notes, and an index of names mentioned in the poem.

  • - Edited from AlcobaAa Manuscript CCXCI/200
    42,00 €

    The life of the great Cistercian, St. Bernard, was translated into Portuguese from the first three books of Sancti Bernardi Vita Prima at Alcobaca. The surviving fifteenth-century manuscript constitutes an important example of the scholarship of that famous monastic centre.

    48,00 €

    This volume is composed of articles by former students of Professor Holmes and presented to him in his sixty-fifth year. Most of the essays deal with medieval subjects or subjects very closely associated with the Middle Ages.

  • von Robert Kirsner
    42,00 €

    Published in 1963, this book gave historical context to the works of Camilo Jose Cela (1916-2002) who would go on to be awarded the Nobel prize in Literature in 1989.

  • von John Dimitri Perivolaris
    71,00 €

    An introduction to the Caribbean and Latin American writer, Luis Rafael Sanchez. It examines his work in the context of cultural politics in Puerto Rico and addresses the international and regional dimensions of his writing in relation to the status of Puerto Rico as a commonwealth and colony.

  • - Subversion and Transcendence in Latin
    von Nancy Lagreca
    83,00 €

    Modernismo, Latin America's first homegrown literary movement, has garnered critical attention for its political and social import during a time of intense nation building and efforts to propel the region into modernity. LaGreca's Erotic Mysticism explores two dominant discourses of the period, Catholicism and positivism, which sought to categorize and delimit the desires and behaviors of the ideal citizen. These discourses, LaGreca argues, were powerful because each promised to allay the individual's existential fears. Yet the coexistence of these two competing ideologies, one atheist and one religious, sowed doubt and unease in the modern intellectual who sought an alternative mode of understanding the human condition. From these uncertainties sprang a seductively liberating mode of writing: non-theistic erotic mysticism. Through analysis of key essays and fiction of Carlos Diaz Dufoo (Mexico), Manuel Diaz Rodriguez (Venezuela), Jose Maria Rivas Groot (Colombia), Aurora Caceres (Peru), and Enrique Gomez Carrillo (Guatemala), LaGreca establishes erotic mysticism as a central philosophical substratum of the movement that anticipated the work of twentieth-century theorists such as William James and Georges Bataille. In modernista texts, the mystic's ecstatic state is achieved through a sublime erotic or sensual experience. The noetic mystical state expands one's consciousness, opening his or her mind to embrace diverse ways of loving and engaging. While science and religion sought to mold heteronormal and pragmatically useful citizens, modernista writers employed mystical discourse to transcend boundaries, opening readers' minds to alternative notions of sexuality, gender, desire, acceptance, and, ultimately, art.

  • - Spanish Poetry from Antonio Machado's Campos de Castilla to the First Avant-Garde (1909-1925)
    von RenA©e M. Silverman
    82,00 €

  • von John Campbell
    67,00 €

    John Campbell explores the identity and meaning of the modern ""Racine.

  • - Reconciling Philosophy, Literature, Film and Urban Space
    von Benjamin Fraser
    67,00 €

    Driven by a dual analysis, Encounters with Bergson(ism) in Spain looks at French philosopher Henri Bergson (1859-1941) in Spain--his more or less direct influence on Spanish letters--and also at Bergsonism in Spain--the more indirect resonance with his methodological posture--articulated through Spanish texts as well as theoretical approaches to film and urban space. Through this twin investigation, one part historical and the other part methodological, Benjamin Fraser seeks to broaden the scope of interest in Bergson's philosophy, to emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of Bergson's thought, and to insist upon the relevance of Bergson's methodological premise to two of the most important cultural studies disciplines today--film studies and urban geography.Following an eclectic and interdisciplinary methodology that the French philosopher himself advocated, Fraser reconciles works by some of the most notable twentieth-century authors and critics with compelling aspects of Bergsonism. From novelists Pio Baroja, Miguel de Unamuno, Juan Benet and Belen Gopegui to filmmakers Victor Erice (El sol del membrillo), Alejandro Amenabar (Abre los ojos) and Carlos Saura (Taxi), as well as urban theorists Henri Lefebvre and Manuel Delgado Ruiz, this work takes up philosopher Gilles Deleuze's call for a "return to Bergson," pushing past the established boundaries of interdisciplinary to what lies beyond.Fans of Bergson from all disciplines will also be eager to read English translations of Bergson's lectures at the Ateneo in Madrid the 2nd and 6th of May 1916, included here as an appendix.

  • - una edicion de los manuscritos 534 de la biblioteca nacional de Paris y del Ateneu de Barcelona
    70,00 €

    This is the first complete edition of an anonymous late medieval Catalan translation of Italian writer Bernardo Illicino's commentary on Petrarch's Triumphs. Although the translation of Illicino's commentary is considered a classic of Catalan prose by scholars, until now, no one has undertaken the task of preparing a complete edition because of the complexity of the prose.

  • - Caloric Identities and Writing Subjects in Fifteenth-Century Spain
    von Robert Folger
    42,00 €

    Presents an exploration of medieval modes of subject constitution and their transformation in fifteenth-century Spanish sentimental romance, with a focus on Diego de San Pedro's ""Carcel de amor"".

  • - El discurso de la monstruosidad en Cervantes
    von Rogelio Minana
    48,00 €

    The monster is a key figure in Spanish early-modern art and literature. Employing both close readings and monster theory, this book focuses on three of Miguel de Cervantes' works: the short novel ""El coloquio de los perros,"" the play ""El rufian dichoso"", and the novel ""Don Quijote de la Mancha"".

  • von Jean-Jacques F. Poucel
    49,00 €

    Offers a comprehensive introduction to the poetry and novels of Jacques Roubaud, a prominent member of the French experimental group. This study focuses on the specific sites of interest in some of Roubaud's favorite source texts, including troubadour poetry, the tradition of the sonnet and the Canzoniere, Japanese short forms (waka), and others.

  • von Enrique Fernandez
    77,00 €

    Contains the transcription of the Neo-Latin text, as well as the English translation of Barth's prologue and notes. This edition of Barth's translation is a useful tool not only for Celestina scholars, but also for Neo-Latin scholars and for those interested in the history of translation and in early modern Europe.

  • - Essayistic Science in Eighteenth-Century France
    von Lars O. Erickson
    66,00 €

    Why is science often considered the opposite of literature? Lars O. Erikson examines the relationship between these two fields in eighteenth-century France and finds that the major intellectual and scientific transitions of the period can be better understood by paying attention to literary developments, particularly in genres not traditionally associated with learned societies.

  • - Lazarillo de Tormes, Guzman de Alfarache and Baltasar Gracian
    von Francisco J. Sanchez
    72,00 €

    This text traces the beginnings of a bourgeois literature in Golden Age Spain. The author analyses works by Baltasar Gracian, major picaresque works such as ""Lazarillo de Tormes"", and contemporary writings in which political economists and jurists look at new economic and political circumstances.

  • von Henry F. Majewski
    65,00 €

    This text examines literary representations of various art forms in a series of major texts from the romantic period of French literature. Majewski explores efforts to represent and interpret artworks in poems and novels by a diverse collection of writers including Balzac and Hugo.

  • - Paradigma de hibridacion en la ficcion y el arte de la vanguardia espanola
    von Maria Soledad Fernandez Utrera
    73,00 €

    This work focuses on the literary and artistic works of such avant-garde figures as Ramon Gomez de la Serna and Benjamin Jarnes. It identifies the attempt to integrate conflicting epistemological, ethical and sociopolitical categories as the principle driving the avant-garde art and novel.

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